Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 642 The strong wind rises (1)

Tiedong shouted angrily, and for a moment, time seemed to have stopped.

He had just seen that Li Yan's consciousness and cultivation were far superior to those of monks of the same level, and he was confused for a moment, so he couldn't help but pause for a moment.

His first thought was whether to keep this monk. He could put aside Li Yan's skills, but this man's consciousness frightened him.

This is no longer a spiritual consciousness that can only be possessed by foundation-building monks. If the opponent is not born with strong spiritual consciousness, then there must be a way to cultivate it.

This kind of magic is something that makes people jealous in any world.

But in just this moment, a surge of spiritual consciousness quietly rushed forward.

Although the power of this divine consciousness was much weaker than Tiedong's, it was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. It was not until the divine consciousness approached that Tiedong suddenly became alert.

"Monk from the Demon Sect!"

Tiedong immediately thought of the most vicious sect on the Desolate Moon Continent, which was best at assassinating.

But it was too late. In a hurry, he had the idea of ​​​​saving Li Yan's life. The power of his spiritual consciousness naturally left room for control. He was like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, and retreated after launching a fatal blow. a bit.

And that boy also reacted very quickly, and he had already escaped through the air just by taking advantage of it.

When Tiedong tried to trap Li Yan again, the spiritual consciousness entangled him again, like a long entangled snake, which annoyed him.

Tiedong also sensed from this spiritual aura that this person was the early Yuanying monk who had enveloped the mountain range where the boy was hiding.

If this was normal, he would teach the other party a lesson, but at this moment, it was impossible for him to get rid of it instantly.


Time returned to ten breaths ago, behind Fengliang Mountain, Mo Qing was sitting cross-legged, with a solemn expression, turning his head to talk to a middle-aged Nascent Soul female cultivator in a low voice.

On the other side, Xiao Yaoyuan was meditating with his eyes closed and his breath was somewhat disordered. As soon as his consciousness returned to his body, he immediately put a red pill into his mouth.

In the previously nameless valley, he relied on the law of protection. In order to help Mo Qing complete the activation, he took the risk to defend against a blow from Tiedong, who was in the same realm as himself.

At the same time, he also used a ray of spiritual consciousness to break off an arm and attack another demon general. This was equivalent to him defeating two Nascent Soul demon generals in an instant.

Although he has the supreme magic weapon to protect him, his consciousness has been injured.

Injury to the spiritual consciousness is more terrifying than injury to the physical body. If they were not afraid that the physical body would come to the Nameless Valley and cause the female cultivator surnamed Mu to take away the powerful magic weapon in an instant, they would not have only the spiritual consciousness to come there.

After all, no matter what monk wants to exert the true strength of this realm, he needs the help of his true body.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the female cultivator surnamed Mu did not become alert after clearly sensing the arrival of three streams of Nascent Soul consciousness in Fengliang Mountain.

With her real body in charge, as long as the spiritual consciousness of the great monk in the later stage of Nascent Soul is not present, she can take away eight pieces of "Thunder" in a short period of time.

After Mo Qing chatted with the middle-aged Nascent Soul female cultivator for a few words, the two of them started talking again.


He released his spiritual consciousness and swept towards the nameless valley.

Mo Qing and Mo Qing did not have any hidden intention for the spiritual consciousness released this time, but just swept it away like a victor patrolling the territory.

There, the female editor surnamed Mu looked down at the deep cave below without saying a word.

Then she felt the consciousness of the two coming again, but she just stood in the air and did not attack, but the fighting spirit in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

No matter how fast she moves, she can't move faster than the opponent's consciousness can retreat, so the attack is meaningless.

Mo Qing and the middle-aged Yuanying female cultivator immediately withdrew their consciousness after just one sweep. They have no intention of fighting with that man again now.

The two finally determined that the demon clan's terrifying and powerful magic weapons had been destroyed, and the mission was completed.

At this time, Mo Qing also subconsciously thought that Li Yan had escaped. After seeing Li Yan's alertness and scheming, he felt reassured about Li Yan's ability to seize the opportunity to escape.

But even he didn't expect Tiedong's reaction to be so fast. After just sorting out his thoughts for a moment, he confirmed that the troublemaker was not far away.

At this time, Mo Qing began to look for Li Yan. After searching, he was immediately shocked. Li Yan had reached a critical moment of life and death.

Mo Qing also practiced assassination techniques, so although he was anxious, his rich experience in facing enemies allowed him to lurk firmly and look for the best opportunity.

Mo Qing knew that he was still far behind this demon general in terms of strength, and fighting was the best decision.

In this way, the two of them fought dozens of times in an instant. Although Tiedong had better consciousness than him, Mo Qing would retreat immediately if he saw something bad happening, but his consciousness was still wandering nearby.

Just as Tiedong was about to pounce in Li Yan's direction, Mo Qing would entangle him again. After several times, Tiedong knew that he could no longer capture Li Yan.

Although he can call for help, the other party is by no means alone.

Next to Tiedong's real body, another demon general also knew what Tiedong meant. He shouted coldly and released his consciousness instantly.

The middle-aged Nascent Soul female cultivator on Mo Qing's side had seen that Mo Qing's consciousness traveled out again and had already made friends with others, so she knew that he was trying to protect her junior.

Although she didn't want to engage in a spiritual battle with the other party again, she couldn't bear to see Mo Qing suffer a loss.

No matter from the overall situation or Mo Qing's identity, she couldn't sit idly by and watch, so she also released her consciousness and faced another demon general.

At the same time, messages have been sent to other Nascent Souls in Fengliang Mountain to prevent subsequent reactions caused by this incident.

There are more than three Yuanying monks here. They don't go out together on weekdays. That's because they are really afraid that the war will come early and ruin the plan.

At this time, while Xiao Yaoyuan was recovering from his injuries, she and Mo Qing had to guard against each other.

Is there another demon general taking action?

As soon as Li Yan flew out, he instantly felt two powerful streams of spiritual consciousness descending from the sky. Li Yan was surprised.

"Four Nascent Soul cultivators."

Immediately, he sensed that the two divine consciousnesses collided without concealment.

Li Yan immediately knew that this was a cover for him to escape quickly. He did not expect that Fengliang Mountain would dispatch two Nascent Soul monks for him in the end.

But at this time, he couldn't care about anything else. Saving his life was the most important thing. He immediately flew north with all his strength, and at this time, the betrayed monks from the Desolate Moon Continent also reacted.

"He is the other party's scout!" ????

"Stop him!"

"Quickly, surround him and kill him!"

Although Li Yan's true identity was unknown, there was no doubt that he was the other party's scout, but at the same time, an idea came to his mind.

"What on earth did this kid do that is so outrageous that he was killed by the Nascent Soul consciousness?"

Even more thoughtful people immediately thought of the explosion in the Nameless Valley just now.

"Maybe it has something to do with this kid. Taking him will be a great achievement!"

When the few people thought of this, their eyes immediately glowed with stars, and their eyes turned hot when they looked at Li Yan.

They are human monks who betrayed the Desolate Moon Continent. If they want to obtain more training resources, they must of course make great contributions to the demon clan.

There were about forty monks who fled in their direction. The rest of the monks patrolling the perimeter either fled in other directions, gathered before they came, or were killed by the stone rain.

Among the more than 40 people, there was a Jindan monk. At this time, he had already thought of the reason why Li Yan appeared here.

A sneer immediately appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he rushed towards Li Yan in a flash.

For a moment, in the dark night that had just fallen silent, all kinds of lights lit up again, but this time they were all facing Li Yan.

There were not many monks in the direction that Li Yan chose, and in his desperate efforts, he had used the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique to its extreme, so the monks in front of him were just blurred in front of his eyes and disappeared.

The monk was left standing there blankly.

At this time, there were three people in front of Li Yan. Li Yan didn't want to get entangled, so he made a small sharp turn and still left the two of them behind, leaving only curses.

The other person was an earth cultivator. He was also smart. When Li Yan was about to approach, he used the spell he had prepared in an instant.

In an instant, a long earth wall appeared in the air in front of Li Yan's escape route, which was a hundred feet wide.

Li Yan flew extremely fast, and it was too late to hide. Li Yan just narrowed his eyes, and with a flash of silver light on his body, his body directly hit the earth wall.


With a loud noise, a large human-shaped hole appeared in the earth wall, through which


There was a big hole, and Li Yan's figure was quickly disappearing into the night.

The soil cultivator just had time to let out a muffled groan before he fell into the clouds.

After being forcibly broken through the magic spell, he suffered severe backlash. The spiritual power controlling the spell suddenly hit his Dantian in the opposite direction, and he fainted immediately.

Not only did he not expect it, but even the monks who were following him were stunned. He didn't expect Li Yan to be so fierce. Earth monks have amazing defenses, especially the person in front of him is a top expert.

How could the "earth wall technique" that they had always regarded as unshakable become as fragile as a thin piece of paper?

At this time, a rainbow was as powerful as lightning, surpassing the others, and was staring at Li Yan, chasing after him.

It was the golden elixir monk. He was a wind attribute monk. He was very good at speed, and his cultivation had reached the golden elixir. At such a close distance, Li Yan could not get rid of him for a moment.

This was an early-stage Jindan cultivator, much weaker than Zheng Xingfan in his realm, but he relied on his weird speed to dodge, and even Zheng Xingfan and the others were unwilling to fight him.

Normally, Li Yan wouldn't necessarily be afraid of him, but at this moment, he didn't dare to have the slightest idea of ​​stopping.

The Fengliang Mountain Nascent Soul monk who saved him had clearly told him that he couldn't resist for too long and was naturally weaker than the demon general who wanted to kill him.

A few breaths later, just as Li Yan flew a hundred miles away, another female voice came to his ears. This voice was extremely magical, not delicate, but very magnetic.

"You know a little bit about it, maybe you were the one who poisoned Zhong Mengyin?"

Although Li Yan trembled while escaping, he still rushed forward without saying a word. He heard that it was the voice of the demon general in the nameless valley before. Only then did he know that the person sitting there was a man. A female demon general.

Since two Nascent Soul consciousnesses have appeared in Fengliang Mountain, Li Yan certainly hopes that a third Nascent Soul consciousness will appear again.

Otherwise, no matter whether he answers or begs for mercy, the result will be the same.

At the moment when the female demon general wrapped her spiritual consciousness towards Li Yan, she suddenly stopped. At the same time, Tiedong and Mo Qing, who were fighting with their spiritual consciousness in the sky, also suddenly stopped fighting.

Thousands of feet high in the nameless valley, the female demon cultivator surnamed Mu stared fiercely towards the south. In her induction, a large number of cultivators suddenly appeared five thousand miles away.

There were as many as a thousand people. It was a large boat, and there were as many as fifty Jindan monks on it.

What shocked the female demon cultivator surnamed Mu was that four powerful Nascent Soul auras rose into the sky from the front of the giant boat. Each of these four auras was not weaker than hers, and one of them even surpassed hers. Cultivation.

Correspondingly, powerful auras suddenly rose into the sky from the direction of Fengliang Mountain, and silhouettes of people cut through the night sky and flew into the sky.

A majestic voice resounded throughout the sky and the earth.

"All monks above the Golden Core, prepare for a decisive battle!"

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