Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 639: Fighting in the air

Xiao Yaoyuan's voice, which was also somewhat overbearing, sounded again.

"Let's fight, I have been enduring you for a long time."

Before he finished speaking, a strong spiritual consciousness swept towards the female cultivator surnamed Mu again. At the same time, the female cultivator of Fengliang Mountain and Mo Qing's shadow also burst out, and two violent forces swept over.

The face of the female cultivator surnamed Mu in the valley became solemn. Xiao Yaoyuan's spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul was much stronger than hers.

If the two sides were fighting with their real bodies at this time, she would not be too afraid of the other party with the help of her strong physical body, but her real body was still guarding the valley.

On the other hand, she was extremely strong and always believed that human cultivators were far weaker than them at the same level.

A few months ago, the Nascent Soul participated in the war, but she did not participate because she had to deal with the affairs of several sects in the South China Sea, and she has always been brooding about it.

This kind of contest between spiritual consciousness is more dangerous. As long as you are not careful, your soul will be directly injured. If you don't die, you will become an idiot in an instant.

Tiedong's cold-blooded voice resounded through the sky at the same time.

"My fellow Taoist, you and I are at the same level, so I'll let you take a test."

As he spoke, the phantom created by his spiritual consciousness took a step forward and met Xiao Yaoyuan's phantom.

While the two sides were talking, the six spiritual consciousnesses had already started fighting intensively in the air.

The six Yuanying spiritual consciousnesses attacked at the same time, causing all the creatures within a radius of nearly ten thousand miles to tremble.

Among the cultivators of Fengliang Mountain, except Xiao Yaoyuan who was in the middle stage of Yuanying, the female cultivator and Mo Qing were both in the early stage of Yuanying.

It is not known whether it was a coincidence or the pride of the demon cultivators, but the demon clan also had a middle stage demon general and two early stage demon generals to meet.

In the first tentative collision, both sides did not try their best, so under the staggered levels, although they suffered losses, they were not injured. This time was different.

When Xiao Yaoyuan attacked the female cultivator surnamed Mu, Tiedong was naturally unwilling. Similarly, if he attacked the female cultivator of Fengliang Mountain or another person, both sides would suffer injuries.

But how could he be willing to see the female cultivator surnamed Mu get hurt? His spiritual consciousness arrived first, and he didn't care whether the female cultivator surnamed Fengliang and Mo Qing attacked him or not, and he had already blasted towards Xiao Yaoyuan's spiritual consciousness.

The female cultivator surnamed Mu, another demon general, and Tiedong seemed to have cooperated thousands of times, and they all chose their opponents in an instant.

Especially when the demon cultivator surnamed Mu was attacked by Xiao Yaoyuan first, although her face was solemn, she had no intention of protecting Xiao Yaoyuan's attack.

Her whole body of demonic energy was like a surging tide, and she attacked the female cultivator surnamed Fengliang on the other side without hesitation.

Another demon general also transformed his spiritual consciousness into a giant holding a spear in the nick of time, and stabbed at the illusory figure transformed by Mo Qing's spiritual consciousness.

The three demon generals all chose their respective targets, and their attacks were accurate and sharp.

When the phantom figure of Mo Qing stretched out his hand, a pair of silver hooks appeared on his hands, and the left and right hooks crossed and locked onto the spear that was stabbed.


"Spiritual consciousness takes shape!"

Li Yan stared blankly at the vague giants in the air, and a huge wave of energy was stirred up in his heart. Even if his spiritual consciousness was condensed into a thin thorn, he had to concentrate on it, and it would really be a thin thorn in the end.

Li Yan felt that his spiritual consciousness could be compared with some Jindan stage cultivators, which was something he was quite proud of.

If the spiritual consciousness thorn condensed by the foundation-building cultivator was just a breath that could penetrate the body, then the spiritual consciousness thorn condensed by Li Yan could already appear.

But today, seeing the huge phantom transformed by the Yuanying cultivator, his little use of spiritual consciousness was simply too naive and ridiculous.

"This is the Yuanying cultivator, a real immortal cultivator!" Li Yan thought in his heart.

Just as Li Yan was thinking, the battle situation that had just begun in the sky suddenly changed dramatically, and this change caught the demon clan off guard.

For a while, the three demon generals did not react immediately, and they did not know why the other party was like this.

Just as the three men on both sides were facing their respective targets, Mo Qing's double hooks were in contact with the opponent's spear.

The red figure transformed by Xiao Yaoyuan's consciousness in another battle group roared and collided with the black figure transformed by Tie Dong.

Xiao Yaoyuan seemed to meet him fiercely, and both sides threw a punch. When the fists of both sides were about to collide, the red figure of Xiao Yaoyuan suddenly slid to the side.

Then the body tilted, and he threw a punch and sank down at the same time. The seemingly fierce collision instantly turned into a force release in the blocking.

At the same time, the other long arm he had conjured suddenly broke off by itself, like a dart, and swung across the air to the phantom holding a spear and stabbing at Mo Qing.

His move was something the three demon generals had never expected. When the strength of everyone was not too different, the human cultivator dared to distract himself to attack another Nascent Soul.

Especially, he was facing Tie Dong, a famous warrior among the mid-term demon generals. As long as there was a little gap, he would definitely injure his opponent.

But the opponent's move was too decisive, no one expected it. The demon cultivator holding the spear was also shocked, but his reaction was also very fast.

As he handed out the spear in his hand, his figure quickly flashed to the side, and his spear collided with Mo Qing's double hooks at the same time.

Because he quickly dodged in the air to avoid the broken arm that swept across, the power of his spiritual consciousness attacking Mo Qing had been reduced by more than half.

Mo Qing took it easily, but at the same time, Xiao Yaoyuan, who had a broken arm on the other side, was not so lucky.

He has only entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul for more than a hundred years in total, unlike Tiedong who has already reached the point where he has begun to approach the late stage of Demon General.

However, Xiao Yaoyuan's true body has a guardian spirit, so

When I decided on this plan before, I had already planned to take the opponent's next blow hard.

At the same time, it is also because he is a bit arrogant. In these years of fighting with others, he basically ended up winning.

Although Tiedong was surprised when he saw the sudden change in his opponent, he was extremely experienced in fighting and reacted so quickly that even though Xiao Yaoyuan was prepared, he still suffered a big loss.

A sharp light flashed in Tiedong's eyes, and his fist turned into a claw. Without a moment's notice, his five fingers were like hooks, and he clasped Xiao Yaoyuan's forearm and pulled it downwards. ????

Xiao Yaoyuan's hand was originally intended to take advantage of the force of the sinking, and he had already performed the "unload" technique. His entire arm suddenly became weak and boneless, like a fish swimming in defense.

Unexpectedly, Tiedong reacted faster. Before he could even express the word "unload", he grabbed his forearm. It was as fast as lightning.

Tiedong's next pull was to break off his only arm.

You must know that every inch of the phantom is transformed by divine consciousness. It breaks by itself. It can still be summoned back, but if it is scattered by the enemy, then it is real damage.

If the damage is minor, you can still recover through meditation, but if a torn forearm reaches the opponent's hand, he will definitely crush it without hesitation.

In that case, Xiao Yaoyuan's consciousness would be severely damaged.

Just as Tiedong was pulling with his five fingers, a golden hoop suddenly appeared on Xiao Yaoyuan's forehead, who was sitting cross-legged in the windy back mountains thousands of miles away.

The moment the golden hoop appeared, Xiao Yaoyuan's entire head seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, embedded deeply into his flesh, making it look very strange.

At the same time, high in the sky above the Nameless Valley, the forearm held by Tiedong suddenly glowed with golden light.

Tiedong only felt his hand tighten, and his five hooked fingers could no longer pull the opponent any further. He slid down and hit the target, only taking away some red mist on his body.

Immediately, the red mist was grasped hard by Tiedong, and with a "bang", it dispersed and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Xiao Yaoyuan, who was in the mountain behind the cool breeze, groaned, and a trace of blood flowed out of the corners of his eyes and ears.

And his phantom high in the nameless valley also faded a little while stumbling back.

At this time, the female cultivator surnamed Mu on the other side had just fought with Phantom, the female cultivator from Fengliang Mountain.

From the attack by both sides to now, everything has been as fast as lightning.

But something they didn't expect appeared again. Mo Qing just locked the opponent's spear at this time, and the demon general's phantom could barely avoid the severed arm that was swinging towards him.

Mo Qing withdrew his hand fiercely, and the silver hook in that hand disappeared in an instant. At this moment, because the opponent's demon general's offensive was weakened, he could hold the opponent's spear with one hand without any hindrance.

The moment the silver hook on his hand disappeared, Mo Qing's outstretched hand pointed out the void.


r\u003e  A bit of cold light shot out from the fingertips. What surprised all the demon monks was that Mo Qing shot out a bit of cold light.

This cold light did not take the opportunity to attack the demon general, but hit the beautiful woman with green gauze beside the altar below.

The beautiful woman with green silk gauze had already fallen into a coma. At this time, she was being held in the arms of the "Red Candle Fairy", who was constantly pumping spiritual power into her body with one hand, hoping to maintain it until the battle between the female cultivator surnamed Mu and the others above was over.

No one expected that someone would sneak attack them at this time.

Although Mo Qing's move was fast, the other demon generals' reactions were not slow and they sensed it immediately.

The real body of the female cultivator surnamed Mu, who had just made contact with the female cultivator from Fengliang Mountain, was sitting cross-legged on the altar. Her delicate facial features were wide-opened, and she was speaking angrily.

"You must be shameless to attack this junior secretly!"

Turning around, Qing Shu's ape arms stretched out one of her palms, and a crescent moon gauntlet quickly spun towards the cold star.

But the female cultivator from Fengliang Mountain who was fighting against her seemed to have known for a long time that Xiao Yaoyuan and Mo Qing would join forces. She also sneered, and the power of her consciousness exploded again, attacking the female cultivator named Mu like a high and furious wave rising to the sky.

The female cultivator surnamed Mu only felt a pressure coming from her consciousness that made her heart palpitate. The power of her consciousness was no longer able to withstand it.

She knew that if she did not return to defense at this time, her consciousness would be severely damaged by the opponent.

In desperation, the arm that her real body had just extended quickly drew a semicircle, and the crescent moon guard knife changed its direction and slashed at the incoming wave attack.

Until now, the three demon generals were still filled with doubts. They didn't know that the other party was so desperate that they would join forces to sneak attack on a junior, even at the cost of injuring the consciousness of a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk.

The female cultivator surnamed Mu was right next to the beautiful woman with green silk hair. She didn't even have time to come back for help. Not to mention Tiedong and the other demon general who were being plotted to death, there was a brief blank spot in their attack time.

He could only watch helplessly as the cold star hit the waist of the beautiful woman with green silk hair.

But the result was that the three demon generals were stunned. A Nascent Soul monk's spiritual attack, not to mention the beautiful blue Luo Sha woman, as long as they met, even the "Red Candle Fairy" holding her should be attacked. At this moment it will turn into a ball of blood mist.

But the cold star disappeared in a flash, and the "Red Candle Fairy" was so frightened that her pretty face turned pale, and she still had no sense of resistance.

She watched helplessly as the cold star entered the waist of the beautiful woman in green gauze, and her whole body was cold.

But the scene that frightened her did not happen. The beautiful woman in green gauze did not explode into a ball of blood mist, and she remained the same.

Just when the "Red Candle Fairy" was a little confused and just had the idea of ​​surviving the disaster.

Tiedong's uncontrollable voice of shock and anger resounded throughout the world.


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