Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 636 Appearance

Feeling the silence around her and the coolness coming from beneath her body, the beautiful woman was anxious, fearing that a figure would suddenly appear at the entrance of the cave.

But at this moment, the lake in her dantian and purple bowels, which had always been like stagnant water, actually started to ripple slightly for a moment.

This sudden change made the beautiful woman stunned.

At first she thought she was hallucinating due to her mood swings, so she quickly suppressed the wave of emotions and quietly sensed them.

After a moment, the beautiful woman showed an ecstatic expression on her face.

There is indeed a trace of fluctuation in the dantian like the spiritual power that has been sealed for a long time, just like a mirrorless lake with an extremely undetectable water pattern.

Although there was only such a slight one, it showed that the spiritual power in his body was running on its own, and he finally gained an advantage in the stalemate.

As for why this happened, the beautiful woman certainly wouldn't think of anything else. At that time, she had already absorbed a lot of Yuanyang from the other party and was refining it.

Even though she has been poisoned, the "Seven Mysterious Yin Shaogong" can still continue to refine that Yuanyang, but the speed becomes extremely slow, so this trace of spiritual power may have just been refined.

The beautiful woman's judgment may be unpredictable even to Li Yan. He is just trying his best to implement the plan, and it is unknown to what extent it will reach in the end.

The beautiful woman couldn't care less about having other thoughts at this time, she just lay on the ground and vomited quietly.

As she breathed out, the beautiful woman felt that the spiritual energy in her body became more and more active. At this time, her state of mind became more and more calm.

After about a cup of tea, the beautiful woman slowly sat up, not caring that her white robe slipped off, revealing her naked body like white jade.

Her consciousness first moved, and several small porcelain bottles flew out of the storage bag that fell on the ground. After a moment of identification, the beautiful woman poured out an elixir from each of the several small bottles. She breathed it into her abdomen.

Then immediately cross one's legs and raise the five hearts to the sky, increasing the amount of breathing and breathing.

She also wanted to leave this hellish place now, but the little spiritual power she had just recovered couldn't support her flying very far. Even if she met a foundation-building monk, she could easily be killed.

Behind Fengliang Mountain, Xiao Yaoyuan frowned and said, "What is he doing? How can he be so messy? Who asked him to meddle in such nosy matters."

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, since the matter has been handed over to Li Yan, he must have his own plan. Why are you so impatient?"

Mo Qing frowned and said, they were about to leave, but unexpectedly Li Yan suddenly made a new move, and even he didn't understand it for a moment.

Although the Nascent Soul female cultivator on the other side didn't say much, her eyes were burning, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After nearly half a stick of incense had passed, the beautiful woman who was sitting cross-legged and breathing suddenly opened her mouth, and a gray substance was sprayed out in one gulp, and then splashed in front of her.



br\u003e At this time, the beautiful woman slowly opened her beautiful eyes and looked at the liquid on the ground, which was the blood in her body.

It's just that it can't be called "blood" at this moment, but a gray liquid. As soon as the gray liquid appears in the air, the surrounding spiritual energy rushes towards the gray liquid.

In the blink of an eye, the gray liquid was completely absorbed. The beautiful woman's forehead was pulsing with veins at this scene.

"This poison is too vicious. If you spit out just a little bit of venom, if you are a foundation-building monk, it will only take five or six breaths for all the spiritual energy in your body to be swallowed up, and you will become a useless person."

Just when the spiritual power in her body slowly recovered to about 40%, she began to try to force the poison out of her body. Unexpectedly, the unknown poison was like the roots of an old tree, firmly entrenched in her Dantian and purple intestines. middle.

She tried more than a dozen methods in a row, but she couldn't force any of it out of the body. Just now, in desperation, she resorted to forcing the poison out.

But the poison seemed to have a spiritual power. After feeling the threat, it had begun to calm down, but it suddenly exploded, and in an instant it twisted a main vein near her Dantian, colliding with the spiritual power. .

The beautiful woman was defeated and could not hold back a mouthful of "blood" that spurted out.

"It's still a little too hasty. Calm down, calm down!"

The beautiful woman stretched out her bare hand to wipe the gray liquid at the corner of her mouth, and then closed her eyes again. This time she would wait until her spiritual power returned to more than 80% before she could force her again.

But this time, less than half of the tea time had passed, and the beautiful woman opened her eyes again, with some panic and confusion in her eyes.

Her magic power could no longer be continuously restored, and the poison seemed to have awakened again after colliding with the spiritual power, and it was devouring the spiritual power crazily.

Just in this moment of martial arts, the 40% of the spiritual power that had just been restored in the beautiful woman's body was quickly disappearing. No matter how much the beautiful woman used her martial arts, she was still losing ground.

"This poison has penetrated deep into the internal organs. This... what kind of strange poison is this? What kind of poison is this!"

The beautiful woman suddenly stood up, completely ignoring the exposure of her private parts. She had never heard of this kind of poison. She felt that her body was getting cold, and the strength she had recovered before was disappearing again.

If the strange poison is not removed from the body as soon as possible, even if one survives, the end will be extremely bad, and it is possible to become a monk with no spiritual power.

She, who had always been calm and charming, had already lost her calm at the thought of losing her powerful power.

She began to look around in a panic. When she saw the spiritual stones scattered on the ground, her mind moved and she stretched out her hand, and a spiritual stone fell into her hands.

Then, the beautiful woman's face showed some joy, "The spirit contained in the spirit stone

As expected, spiritual energy can greatly delay the onset of poison. "

When she saw the spiritual stones scattered on the ground just now, she immediately felt that she had lost her calmness and judgment. The spiritual energy in the spiritual stones was several times richer than the spiritual energy around her.

Therefore, after getting the spirit stone, the extremely pure spiritual energy entered her body and immediately filled her muscles that were beginning to wither. Although she still could not use this to restore her cultivation and remove the poison, it was able to temporarily maintain her body's The spiritual power is immortal.

But within a few breaths, the spirit stone in her hand had turned into a gray stone, with no spiritual energy left in it.

The beautiful woman immediately took another shot out of thin air. Two spiritual stones flew up from the ground and were caught in her hands. The green gauze and other clothes that had fallen on the ground also flew up at the same time and were worn on her body the next moment.

Then she stretched out her hand and swept away her storage bag and Zheng Xingfan's things that were piled on the ground before the man in gray could take them away.

Even the magic formation flags arranged by Zheng Xingfan in the cave were taken away.

Then she looked at the human skin lantern on the ground that still had a little bit of red light burning in its body. She also fired a fireball without mercy, completely disappearing Zheng Xingfan from this world. ??

She didn't want people to know that she and Zheng Xingfan were living alone.

At that time, all she had to say was that she and Zheng Xingfan saw a suspicious monk coming over, and during the fight, the other party killed one of them and injured the other, not to mention the poison on her body was proof of that.

Immediately, the beautiful woman with green silk gauze released her spiritual consciousness and sensed the outside, then hurried away...

Just after the beautiful woman with green gauze left, and a long period of time passed, the dark cave wall outside the cave entrance squirmed a few times, and then a black and gray figure appeared.

It can be seen through the moonlight that it is Li Yan.

At this moment, he looked sideways in the direction where the beautiful blue-colored Luosha woman was leaving, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And on his shoulder squatted a crystal clear monster, it was the Snow Mosquito King who had not appeared for a long time.

"Master, what did you do pretty well just now?"

The voice of the Snow Mosquito King rang in Li Yan's mind. Although there might be vigilant monks in this area, the Snow Mosquito King still couldn't control his pride and praised himself first.

"It's okay, but your level is still a bit low now, so you can't help much. You'd better go back to Tuban and practice hard."

Li Yan replied in his mind.

"I... I have to go back now, Master. Although the spiritual energy there is rich and there are many beloved concubines, it is really boring to stay there for a long time.

I have now moved towards the third-level monster realm, but if there is no big chance, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through just by practicing hard.



You see, that little elephant will accompany his master from time to time, and his cultivation level will increase very quickly. The little elephant also wants to be like this.

In this way, you can listen to the master's teachings at any time, and the master's words will make you enlightened, enlightened, enlightened, and enlightened..."

"Okay, if you want to follow, just follow. Anyway, not only are we dealing with golden elixirs this time, the most important thing is that we have to get close to the area near a Nascent Soul demon cultivator..."

Li Yan's salty voice echoed in Snow Mosquito King's heart, and Snow Mosquito King's voice immediately stopped abruptly.

It was indeed suffocated in the "earth spot", but except for the damn evil star in front of it who could lead it in and out of that mysterious space, it couldn't break out of that mysterious space no matter what.

Hearing the words "Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator", the Snow Mosquito King's body trembled violently. It knew that the person in front of him had some means to compete with the golden elixir, and then he felt that his life should be safe.

At least the last time he dealt with a middle-stage Jindan demon cultivator, Li Yan only asked him to send out his subordinates. Although there were heavy casualties, he didn't let him charge into the battle to die.

From this, it can be seen that the other party still cares about his own life. As long as he does not encounter the forced cultivation of Jindan, Li Yan still has time to protect himself.

But when he heard that a Nascent Soul cultivator would appear, the Snow Mosquito King was shocked.

"Could this evil star be kicked in the head by a donkey? Although his skills are good, even if he encounters a mid-stage Jindan monk, he won't be much better."

No, the two golden elixirs he plotted just now were both in the middle stage, but they shouldn't be desperate enough to provoke a Nascent Soul cultivator. "

It was thinking this in its mind, and before Li Yan could finish speaking, the voice was already being conveyed in its mouth.

"Haha, I still think that the master is far-sighted, wise and mighty. My cultivation level is indeed too low, and I still need to continue to practice hard. So now, master, I'd better send me back immediately. I will cultivate hard right away, Er Er. Don’t smell…”

Li Yan was too lazy to talk to it at this time, so he waved his hand, and the Snow Mosquito King disappeared from his shoulder, but the Snow Mosquito King's pleading finally came from his mind.

"Master, you have to be careful. The little one is already a big family. I don't want to see them all become orphans and widows..."

Li Yan couldn't help but twitch his face. This bitch was afraid that he would die, and it would die with it.

Immediately, Li Yan ignored the Snow Mosquito King and scanned the situation in the cave with his spiritual consciousness. Although he already knew the situation in the cave, he still carefully confirmed it again.

After carefully observing the situation in the cave, he looked at the male cultivator who had turned into a pile of ashes on the ground.

When he turned back to look at the direction where the beautiful woman with green gauze flew away, Li Yan's lips twitched, causing an imperceptible smile.

"Hope everything goes well!"

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