Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 620: The extremely vicious Li Yan (1)

In such a short period of time, such a huge change occurred. The first people to be confused were a group of demon soldiers and Gong Yuantai's foundation-building monks.

When the group of demonic soldiers heard the roaring demonic sound, although they were frightened because they failed to capture "Tonggui Ridge", they also knew that on the Desolate Moon Continent, as long as they did not betray and surrender to the enemy, at least they would not die.

Therefore, all the demon soldiers were also happy. Now "Tonggui Ridge" was finally going to be captured, especially since the hateful human monk in front of them was about to be killed.

This person's ambush actually caused them such heavy casualties and loss of face. Some of them were even about to ask to keep this poisonous cultivator because they couldn't let him die so easily.

But in the excitement, he didn't even have time to blink, and the same powerful aura of the Golden Core monk came from the north.

"Why did he only block the other party for a few breaths of time!"

Among the demons that came from the south, a short-haired demon said in astonishment that after he separated from the demon named Wu, he was specifically responsible for attacking "Tonggui Ridge". Such a change also made some people unbelievable.

Our own side was well prepared and sent out many monks to block the opponent's backup.

The figures of Gong Yuantai and the others who had just rushed out immediately stopped in mid-air, and only then did Bro's message reach Li Yan's sea of ​​consciousness.

All this did not end with such ups and downs. Just when the golden elixir had the idea of ​​​​and the foundation was shocked, Li Yan's figure moved.

As Li Yan swayed, he was not running away to the north. Before anyone could react, he had already appeared in front of the fake Alchemy Realm Demon Xiu Shen who first said that he was behind the defense.

The fake elixir demon's name was Wu Lu. Wei Zhongran's solemn words were still in his ears and in his mind. The next moment, he felt murderous intent approaching above his head, and he subconsciously raised his arms.

Just hearing a "click", the demon cultivator felt a sharp pain in his arms. He was about to break his arms. His arms had lost strength in an instant. Wu Lu was so shocked that he was stunned.

His body was already as small as a Buddhist vajra, but the opponent only hit him with one blow, which made his blood boil. He didn't even know who the attacker was.

However, he was a skilled soldier who had experienced hundreds of battles. In a critical situation, he used the force of the opponent's sinking blows to fall forward, and the force from his waist exploded. With a twist, the opponent was shot diagonally backwards.

Then, a figure straightened one leg, raised the knee with one leg, and held the wrist of the other bent elbow with one hand. The whole body's strength was concentrated on the tip of the other upright elbow, and a "woo" sound passed quickly in front of his eyes.

The aftermath of that elbow hit an empty place, making a muffled sound, and the surrounding world trembled slightly.

At this time, a strong wind was coming from the sky. Li Yan's falling body like a meteor was locked in the air by this force. He could no longer continue to attack. Wu Lu took the opportunity to retreat desperately back.

After locking Li Yan's body, another surging force hit Li Yan's body sideways. Although this force was fierce, it did not move the surrounding areas.


The space moved suddenly, like a straight line coming in an instant.

Li Yan's hair stood on end instantly, and at the same time, a loud roar entered Li Yan's ears.

"Junior, if you dare to show off here, you will die!"

"The devil in the late stage of the golden elixir!" Li Yan's powerful spiritual consciousness immediately gave a judgment. Even if Li Yan's physical body is now exposed to this power, it is estimated that his bones will be broken and his muscles will be broken.

But it won't turn into a blood mist all over the sky like other foundation-building monks.

But there was no panic on Li Yan's face. Just as the surging force hit Li Yan, the same force rolled up from behind Li Yan, and instantly collided with the surging force.

The two forces formed a golden vortex of air flow visible to the naked eye in front of Li Yan. The vortex of air flow twisted and deformed the surrounding world with just one rotation, as if everything he saw in Li Yan's eyes was so illusory and unreal.

Then he let out a soft "poof", and Li Yan felt his body relax and regain his freedom, and the golden vortex of air flow disappeared without a trace.

Wei Zhongran's voice came again, "I said, this is not a place for you to show your authority!"

Li Yan seemed to have expected it. His posture of bending his knees and sinking his elbows did not change, and even the expression on his face remained the same, as if he didn't know someone was attacking him.

Falling rapidly, Li Yan suddenly reached the mountainside below, where there were three demon cultivators within a hundred feet with demonic aura billowing from their bodies, and layers of gray impurities on the surface of their bodies were being squeezed out bit by bit.

Li Yan was on top of a demon cultivator in an instant, and struck him with his elbow again.

"You don't have to go to so much trouble to heal your injuries, I'll send you back to the demon world right now!"

At the critical moment of detoxification, this demonic cultivator felt a sudden difficulty breathing in his mouth and nose, and he had already sensed the approach of death.

At this time, he cooperated with the elixir to force out about half of the toxins in the body, but the spiritual power was still not flowing smoothly in the body, and in order to quickly force out the poison, more than half of the demonic energy was consumed in the body.

Feeling the murderous intent above his head, a look of madness flashed in the eyes of this demon cultivator. He shouted loudly and desperately used all the demonic energy in his body. He also slammed his hands on the ground in an attempt to dodge.

However, he was faster, and Li Yan was faster. "Bang!" The loud shouting suddenly turned into a scream. The tip of Li Yan's elbow had hit the opponent's Tianling Gai firmly, as if it was smashed into pieces. The rotten wood and the demon cultivator's body began to shatter inch by inch along with the tip of Li Yan's elbow, followed by bone fragments and blood arrows flying everywhere.

Li Yan's series of actions were as fast as lightning and thunder. Before all the monks on both sides could react, he not only wanted to kill the demon cultivators who were not poisoned, but also targeted those who had been poisoned.

Demonic repair.

"You, damn it!"

"Human monks are really vicious!"

"Hahaha, you are indeed a disciple of Fellow Daoist Wei. He is merciless and I like it!"

"Boy, you are very suitable to my taste. You are decisive in killing and punishing. Good, good, good..."

In an instant, various sounds came to the top of Li Yan's head, "Bang, bang, bang..." In a series of explosions, various attacks continued to sound above Li Yan's head or a few feet away from his side.

Li Yan's move was like igniting a pot of boiling oil. The golden elixir monk and the devil collided violently in the sky because of him. Until this moment, Gong Yuantai and the others who were a few miles away were still a little confused. Many people opened their mouths.

Li Yan acted as if he had never heard of everything outside him. After he succeeded in the attack, he did not pause at all. He turned around and shot to the other side. The Wu Su who had no strength in his arms had just gotten up from the ground. .

The two poisoned demon cultivators on the other side who were cross-legged on the ground knew that something was wrong. They suppressed the uncomfortable feeling of suffocation in their bodies. One of them shouted loudly, and the other took a deep breath. They both jumped into the air and flew towards each other. Two directions.

Not to mention that they are so close to Li Yan now, even if they are further away, how can their speed be compared with Li Yan, and the two demon cultivators are still poisonous.

Although it was from two directions, Li Yan's figure was so close that there was no residual image. In just three breaths, two more screams rang out, and the two corpses of the demon cultivator hit the ground with two "booms" from the air. .

There was a big hole in the chest of a demon cultivator corpse, and the internal organs inside had turned into a ball of flesh.

The other demon cultivator was left with only the lower half of his body covered in blood and flesh. His upper body caught up with Li Yan from behind. He swung his arm and hit him hard on the back like a mortal warrior's splitting fist. By then, it had turned into a rain of blood all over the sky.

This scene made those demons' eyes wide open. A junior actually killed their disciples wantonly in front of them, without any scruples.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Don't kill him immediately. Capture him alive and take him back. Let him know what it means to be unable to survive and to die!"

"Use his soul to twist it into a lamp, and refine it every moment..."

For a moment, the demon's angry scoldings resounded throughout the world, and Wei Zhongran's voice also contained disdain, "Let's see who can get close to him!"

At this moment, Wei Zhongran's figure had appeared in the sky above Li Yan's head. As he spoke, he had already made contact with a golden elixir demon cultivator. With just a face-to-face encounter, he actually knocked the middle-stage golden elixir demon cultivator flying backwards with a terrifying force. Extremely human.

The two masters and apprentices suddenly seemed to be in a strong and vigorous person.

Li Yan below didn't even raise his eyes to look at him. He didn't care about the people around him who wanted to eat him alive, and stepped heavily on the void with his feet.

Like stepping on


On the solid ground, the soles of the boots and the void actually made a "Boom!" explosion sound. Li Yan's figure like a demon appeared in front of Wu Lu, who had been knocked away by him just now, and his arms could no longer hang down. .

Wu Lu, who was retreating hastily, did not expect that the other party was so vicious. After killing several people in a row, he still chased after him. In his frightened eyes, Li Yan did not make any fancy moves at all. He raised his leg and kicked him horizontally.

But at this time, the five demon cultivators who were originally guarding the other poisoned demon cultivators below had already reacted. They were all filled with murderous intent, and spells and magic weapons were also fired at Li Yan.

If Li Yan insists on killing this demon cultivator, then he will be attacked several times and suffer a series of heavy blows.

Under the simultaneous bombardment of so many spells and magic weapons, no one who knew Li Yan's true cultivation thought that Li Yan could still compete. By then, it would be good to be able to preserve a complete corpse.

So he had no choice but to hide and use his strange body skills to quickly dodge before the attack could reach him.

The five demon cultivators also saw at this moment that Li Yan was really strong, and he was not struggling like he was in danger like during their previous siege.

But after the arrival of the Jindan demon cultivators from their own side, the other party still acted so wantonly and in vain. This was a sign of boundless contempt for them on top of their nakedness and humiliation.

They only left three monsters to intercept Li Yan from the outside, and all five of them pounced on him. Regardless of the so-called bullying of the few with more, they attacked Li Yan with all their strength.

From the time when the opponent's demons appeared, to when Fengliangshan Golden Pill arrived, to when Li Yan killed three demon cultivators in succession under the gaze of more than a dozen demons from the opponent, it took less than seven breaths, and Li Yan only used Less than four breaths of time.

Everything was so unexpected to everyone, and the normal one-breath reaction was too slow for a monk.

A few miles away, everyone in Gong Yuantai was stunned, unable to believe what they saw.

"He... what kind of movement he is doing, I have never heard of it, I have never heard of it..." Gong Yuantai said to himself subconsciously.

Tantai Dongyue on one side also shook his head with a strange look on his face, as if he was subconsciously answering Gong Yuantai's question.

"What kind of poison did Fellow Daoist Li use? How can he be so domineering? Even the conjoined cultivators are so weak. The poisoned demon cultivators are as if they were made of paper and clay. They can be killed with one strike!"

A recruiting monk held a long sword in his hand and asked a monk from the Demon Sect beside him in confusion.

The Demon Sect monk shook his head numbly. He also mentally compared all the elixirs and poisonous insects and poisons he knew. There were only a few similar ones, but it was absolutely impossible. It has such power.

That is a demon who is destined to become a powerful physical practitioner.

At the same time, I was thinking in my mind, "If Junior Brother Li used this poison for a poison fight a few days ago, how many people would be able to resist?"

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