Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 607 Tonggui Ridge (5)

Li Yan was now like a man holding one end of a rope with a sliding ring. The force of the other end pulling down the rope was not directly hitting him.

Most of the power was consumed by the formation restriction conversion, and he only suffered a very small part of it.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and cast the spell according to the law. If it is destroyed now, everyone will die!"

After Li Yan tried his best to suppress the force of the counterattack, he shouted to the five people who were in a daze. The five people just woke up from a dream. They didn't care about the life or death of the other four people. Their spiritual power revived and they madly hit the spiritual stones beside them. Among the white light pillars.

At this time, the white beam of light was like porcelain full of cracks, as if it would turn into a pile of fragments at any time and break apart inch by inch.

If Li Yan hadn't desperately controlled the red copper compass to stabilize the "Yin Yin Realm River Formation" just now, and the second attack just now, several people would not have dared to imagine the consequences.

They may have turned into lumps of powder together with the mountain now, and even their souls will not survive. ??

Similarly, the five people were in a daze just now. First, they woke up from the attack and were still in dizziness. They had no reaction to Li Yan's sudden appearance.

Second, they saw with their own eyes the rapid conversion of the two spiritual powers in Li Yan's body. The pure gold spiritual power that burst out in an instant shocked a few of them.

How can a person cultivate the auxiliary spiritual power as pure as the main spiritual power? This is really rare. After all, Li Yan has always shown water spiritual power.

Several people's minds were already a little unclear, and there was a moment of blankness. However, just this moment of dullness almost turned the entire "Tonggui Ridge" into nothingness.

Outside the cave, "Tonggui Ridge" was in a mess at this time.

A large area of ​​the mountain collapsed, and 60% of the entire mountain peak was cut off, as if a large circle had been "thinned" out of thin air, leaving only a solitary "straight stick".

Only the main cave and three caves where Li Yan was located still exist, the rest have either disappeared or have changed beyond recognition.

The strong wind and dark sky that were originally transformed by Li Yan in the sky have long since disappeared because Li Yan stopped controlling the formation, and have returned to the original clear sky. However, under the clear sky, the smoke and dust of "Tonggui Ridge" are rising into the sky, and the aftermath is rumbling.

There are already many monks' bodies buried under some rocks. As usual, these are nothing even to a Qi Condensation Stage monk. A small "Earth Escape Technique" can be seen.

But now those monks may have fainted during the attack and have already lost their mana. Those with weak cultivation may be killed on the spot in the second wave of attacks, even if they withstand the first wave of attacks.

The monks who were exposed under the landslide had their spiritual shields and defensive talismans shattered. They no longer looked like immortals, and were no different from mortals in a catastrophe.

Many people were hit with blood by boulders


The flesh was fuzzy, or broken into several pieces, or turned into a pile of meat. The death state was extremely miserable. There were large areas of blood around the severed limbs, and the internal organs scattered outwards after being pressed by the huge force.

They cannot escape with the golden elixir and Yuanying like the monks above the golden elixir. As long as their souls are not taken away in time, they will quickly dissipate and enter the avenue of reincarnation.

As for the often mentioned situation where monks in the Qi Condensation Stage can find someone to seize the body, that is because the monks are prepared and have various means, such as setting up magic circles to assist, and even using treasures to protect themselves first. If the soul is still alive, then cast a spell to seize the body.

After these monks were shattered by a powerful attack just now, their defenses were shattered, and the next moment their bodies were beaten to pieces and their souls were wandering. How could they be prepared? At most, their souls would stay in the world for a while longer than mortals, and then in the world. Terrified, he entered the cycle of heaven.

Bro was hiding on a gentler slope at the moment. Compared with other places, the terrain he was on was very stable, but at this time, the ground under his feet also cracked with large criss-crossing cracks, like cracks. The huge mouth opened up to the sky, looking ferociously at Bro and the seven monks beside him.

The eight of them all looked in shock, with all kinds of defensive talismans around them shining brightly. Although the aftermath had stabilized at this time, they were even more nervous, and their consciousness kept scanning around them.

They belonged to Wang Ning's team and were dispersed and deployed at the defense point on the east side of "Tonggui Ridge". Bro was in charge. As soon as the ten people arrived on the east side, they received a message from Li Yan, thinking that the demon cultivators outside were very dangerous. Will be put in soon.

Bro was even more mischievous, and kept tying the straps on his shoulders with his hands. The other nine people were also ready to take action at any time, but there was no way they could react at all to unexpected changes.

The attack came suddenly and was so powerful that they could not imagine it. The first wave of attacks knocked ten of them down from the air, and some of them fainted immediately.

Fortunately, their side was on a gentle slope, so they were less likely to be attacked by falling rocks. But before they could treat the fainting person, the second wave was coming in an instant.

The force came, and the surrounding air was like invisible waves of anger, squeezing the two monks into a ball of paste on the spot.

For the remaining eight people, including Bro, the various defensive lights outside their bodies were exploding layer by layer at a terrifying speed, turning into little auras and disappearing quickly.

There were expressions of despair in the eyes of the eight people. They had no idea what was happening, but they were so confused that they would die immediately.

As Bro roared wildly, seven or eight magic weapons flew out from the basket behind him, and they kept hitting each other.

The huge squeezing force outside his body can make Bro feel desperate. Under this force, his strength is like a mayfly shaking a tree.

The other seven people, except for the other two fake elixir monks who were in slightly better condition, the three who were in a coma had exploded into three clouds of blood mist when Bro and the others had no time to take care of themselves and had already withdrawn their spiritual power to protect themselves, without even a trace of pain and pain. I have never been afraid.

The last two monks who were slightly stronger had their talismans collapsing one by one, and their spiritual shields were covered with dense lines. Their facial features were distorted, like two fish that had the water squeezed out of their bodies. About to fall into coma.

The roars of the Bro people continued to sound, and were immediately drowned in the collapse of the larger mountain and various sounds. At this moment, at the center of the formation, at the top of the mountain where Li Yan was, the mountain violently erupted into clusters of thorns. Mejiro didn't last long.

With the explosion of white light, a gentle force spread out. Wherever the white light passed, the terrifying and destructive power immersed in the formation was melted away layer by layer like ice and snow.

At this time, the large array restriction that had been invisible over the entire "Tonggui Ridge" finally appeared. It was a pale golden giant ring-shaped sphere that firmly bound the dozens of miles of "Tonggui Ridge". Ridge" package included.

At this moment, there are cracks all over the golden sphere, and a trace of power is seeping in from the outside. It is these tiny amounts of power that have penetrated into it, and it has caused the scene inside "Tonggui Ridge" to be like the scene after a catastrophe in the world.

It is conceivable that if all this power breaks in, Li Yan and the others will not even have a chance to react. The entire "Tonggui Ridge" will be wiped out from the Desolate Moon Continent in an instant, including all the living creatures in it.

Although the dazzling white light on the mountain peak where Li Yan is located is quickly eliminating the terrifying destructive power in the formation, and is also repairing the cracks on the surrounding golden spheres, the repair speed is obviously extremely slow, and even if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see it at all. There are no traces of repairs.

Sensing that the terrifying squeezing power around them was fading quickly, Bro and the others had no time to sense any other situation other than their own. ??

"Hurry up and swallow the elixir, and take out whatever life-saving items you have, otherwise we will be finished together immediately!"

Bro shouted with fear on his face. He had never seen a magic weapon with such power. He was already sure in his heart that this kind of attack might come immediately in the next moment. He didn't want to attack him while he still had the magic weapon in hand. Before it could be used, it was beaten to death.

Judging from his experience of frequent contact with Zuoqiu Dan, the attack just now was able to overwhelm such a large defensive formation, which was close to the point where a Nascent Soul cultivator could take action.

At this time, a straw hat protruded from the basket behind him and was firmly buckled on his head. There was also a pair of smoke-like arms wrapped around his ears from the back of his head, which was very impressive.



A bamboo branch suddenly stretched out of the bamboo basket, and an umbrella-like bamboo leaf spread out at the top of the bamboo branch, covering the remaining four people like a big umbrella.

The remaining people didn't care about the image of others at this time. After hearing what Bro said, they immediately took out all the defensive magic weapons and talismans in the storage bag, no matter how powerful they were, and threw at Bro at the same time. To look gratefully.

The large bamboo leaves stretched out by Bu Luo seemed to be something extraordinary at first glance. At this time, they could still consider them, so that they were no longer dissatisfied with Bu Luo's arrogance and nagging before.

Even the two monks whose minds were still in chaos endured the pain in their chests, took out all the defensive items in their storage bags, and struck them into the surrounding space.

For a time, this small area was filled with rays of light and auspiciousness.

Situations like this happen in every corner of "Tonggui Ridge"...

At the same time, in a valley thousands of miles southwest of "Tonggui Ridge", there was a high altar in the middle of the valley bottom. At this time, a tall and slender figure was sitting cross-legged on the altar.

She slowly retracted her slender arms, then slowly lowered them onto her knees, murmuring in her mouth.

"Three thunderbolts are enough to destroy the mountain formation. It's a pity that this is not in the demon world. Otherwise, the magic crystals and thunderbolts in hand can support a large-scale battle, so there is no need to attack so hard."

After a while, she shook her head slightly and exhaled softly, "No one knew that the South China Sea Passage was so fragile and the resources it brought were limited. It was not the last moment yet to use a large number of 'Hangtian Lei' It's definitely impossible.

But today, it is necessary to remove the fangs in Tonggui Ling's body, so we can only use Hongtian Lei in advance.

This formation should have been refined by Nascent Soul cultivators, otherwise with just one blow, hundreds of miles in radius could only turn into a bottomless abyss.

It's a pity that such an excellent formation cannot be refined by oneself. It's just that the person controlling it today is too weak and unfamiliar. Not to mention fully utilizing the power of the formation, even starting it is very awkward. "

This person is none other than the female demon cultivator surnamed Mu who appeared a few days ago, a real Nascent Soul Demon General. She had obtained part of the magic crystals and the "Hunting Thunder" three days ago, and set up a spell-casting altar here. .

Then she just sat cross-legged on it, quietly waiting for news from Tiedong. Until today, she finally got Tiedong's transmission note, but it only allowed her to destroy the "Tonggui Ridge" at the forefront. Not directly entering the final decisive battle,

This order made the female demon cultivator surnamed Mu somewhat regretful. She would continue to stand by, waiting for the next order to arrive.

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