Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 600: Taking over defense

Three days later, on the top of a mountain more than 500 miles south of Fengliang Mountain, the mountain towered into the clouds, and Li Yan led a hundred monks to fly there.

This mountain and river no longer had the clear mountains and green waters of the past. There were large areas of fallen trees and burnt grass and trees everywhere.

The wasteland covered with gravel was like it had experienced the arrival of Shura. There were large and small pits connected one after another, and various magic weapon fragments were scattered in many places.

The broken limbs and rotten intestines were hung on the charred branches, and the purple and black pools were visible. A gust of wind blew, and a strong smell of burnt stench in the wind made people want to vomit.

"Junior Brother Li, are you sure that the order we received was to come here to take over the defense?"

As soon as they flew to the top of the mountain, Gong Yuantai and the old members of the Qing Sixteenth Team all looked very ugly. After Gong Yuantai confirmed that Li Yan was going to stop here, he asked with a complicated expression.

After hearing this, Li Yan's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. Of course, he heard the vigilance and doubt in Gong Yuantai's words, and even the meaning of dissatisfaction.

At the same time, he could also feel the abnormal fluctuations of the breath of many cultivators after him. These abnormalities were revealed as soon as he stopped in the air on the top of the mountain. They were all from the old members of the Qing Sixteenth Team.

Li Yan took out a jade slip, sank his consciousness into it, looked around, and then raised his hand to hand the jade slip to Gong Yuantai.

"This is the jade slip given by the above. It is here. The location is clearly marked on it."

Gong Yuantai immediately took the jade slip, and at the same time, Wang Ning and Wu Ye, the newly recruited fake Dan cultivators beside him, also felt the changes in the faces of the old members of the Qing Sixteenth Team.

Wang Ning was straightforward and immediately asked Gong Yuantai, "Is there any problem here?"

Gong Yuantai withdrew his consciousness from the jade slip, and his face became more and more solemn. Before he could answer, at this moment, two figures flew quickly from below, and someone shouted at the same time.

"But are fellow Daoists from Team Qing 16 coming here to take over?"

With so many people flying over, someone below had already noticed it, but Li Yan and his team were coming from Fengliang Mountain, which was their rear base.

The defenses of Fengliang Mountain were lined up, and there were two defense points, Tunmo Ridge and Jianfuyuan, on the east and west sides. If so many enemies attacked from all sides, they would definitely be discovered, and they would get the message at the first time.

In addition, they received an order last night to take over today, so they had already made preparations.

Seeing someone flying quickly from below, Gong Yuantai swallowed back the words that were on his lips, and the others had to turn their eyes to the person coming from below.

The two figures flew in front of Li Yan and others at a very fast speed, and when the rainbow light disappeared, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared.

The man was about forty years old, with a slender figure and deep eye sockets, but his pupils were clearly black and white, and now they were covered with bloodshot. His aura was like a knife


like a sword, giving people a sense of taxation.

The woman looked only about thirty years old, with a mediocre appearance, but her figure was plump and fair, with a pair of lotus arms half exposed, and one hand holding a one-foot-long scimitar, the blade of which was slender and sharp.

She was wearing a lotus green long skirt, and judging from her figure, she looked quite charming, but from her half-squinted eyes, anyone could see that she was not a good person.

The clothes of the two were somewhat torn, and there were many dark brown stains on them.

Although the lotus green long skirt of the female cultivator was slightly cleaner than that of the male cultivator, she also had the aura of a traveler. Li Yan felt a murderous aura and a strong smell of blood from them!

The person who asked the question just now was the thin and tall male cultivator. When the two figures appeared, it was still the male cultivator who spoke.

"Please show the jade slip for taking over the defense!"

His tone was cold and emotionless. After that, his bloodshot eyes stared at Li Yan's face. He had seen that Li Yan was the leader.

Li Yan looked at the thin and tall male cultivator. The man had a kind of vigilance in his eyes that did not trust anyone. Together with the female cultivator beside him, they seemed harmless, but the blade in their hands was retractable.

The two of them did not have any intention of facing hundreds of cultivators. On the contrary, Li Yan's side was more like the lambs in their mouths.

Li Yan smiled slightly, raised his hand, and a light yellow jade slip appeared in his palm. With a light throw, the light yellow jade slip flew lightly to the thin and tall male cultivator.

At the same time, Li Yan said calmly, "I am the captain of the Qing 16th Team, Li Yan!"

Seeing the pale yellow jade slip flying over, the slender male cultivator did not reach out to catch it, but flicked his robe sleeves, and a stream of energy turned into a giant palm, grabbing the pale yellow jade slip in his palm.

A pair of eyes still stared at Li Yan and the others. After seeing that Li Yan and the others did not have any other abnormal behavior, he released a ray of consciousness, first sensing the periphery of the jade slip, and confirming that there was nothing abnormal, the slender male cultivator then carefully probed into the jade slip.

After a while, the slender male cultivator's consciousness left the jade slip, and his face had become much more relaxed. He first nodded to the plump female cultivator beside him, and then he bowed to Li Yan again.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Li Yan, please follow me, we will go to the cave below to talk about the exchange of defense."

At this point, his face showed a strong sense of fatigue for the first time.

After telling Li Yan a few words, the tall and thin male cultivator said no more. A flash of light appeared in his hand, and a palm-sized bronze compass appeared in his hand. He held the compass and waved it downward.

The empty space below was

There was a "buzzing" sound, and then a faint light flashed across everyone's eyes quickly.

After seeing this, many people exclaimed, "This is... an offensive and defensive formation." At this time, many people understood that no wonder these two people were not afraid of hundreds of them. It turned out that they had been in the opponent's formation for a long time. within the attack range.

It's just that this kind of "one-piece offensive and defensive formation" that can cover the entire mountain is already very difficult to refine. It is said that only Nascent Soul-level formation masters can refine it, and it can generally be compared with the guardians of second-rate sects. It is comparable to the Zongda Formation.

Of course, the amount of spiritual stones consumed by such a large formation is very astonishing. If it is a third-rate immortal cultivating sect, it will probably take less than half a month to disperse the sect and withdraw.

Li Yan was also amazed. When he flew over this mountain just now, he felt a death threat and guessed that there might be a formation restriction here, but he had the jade slip with him, so he felt at ease.

I just didn't expect that it would be such a large formation. If the other party recklessly activated the formation ban as soon as they met, it would be possible for the hundred or ten of them to die immediately without any precautions.

The slender male cultivator closed the compass in his palm and plunged downwards. The plump female cultivator also showed a relaxed look at this time. After waving to Li Yan and the others, she also plunged in headfirst.

Of course, Li Yan and the others had no objection to the other party's proposal, and the group followed the man and woman to the top of the mountain.

In the process of flying down, the two monks in front did not say a word, and the faces of the former members of the Qing Sixteenth Team in Gong Yuantai were even more gloomy and scary, and everyone looked worried.

This made the other monks, including Li Yan, feel something bad.

During the flight, Li Yan felt as if he had hit an invisible transparent wall head-on, but his body lagged slightly and he passed through.

The scene that appeared in front of us at this time was completely different from the scenery in the mountain that we had just seen from the outside. This mountain had a radius of about fifty miles.

At this time, although there are many places with large tracts of fallen forest on the rolling mountains, there are still at least 30% green dots, which is a lot more vitality than outside.

Here, a team of monks were patrolling in the air. When these monks saw Li Yan and the others, led by two slender male cultivators, they only took one more look, and then flew away without even saying a word.

Soon they landed on a small platform on the top of the mountain. This platform was very simple and should have been opened up by someone with the magic power. The color of some rocks on the ground was very different from the weathered weather of the mountain. It should be It doesn't look like it's been too long.

The platform is not big, and there are eight or nine cave entrances, large and small, on one side of the mountain.

There are seven or eight monks or monks on the platform at this time.


Standing or sitting, some of them closed their eyes and meditated, while others stared blankly in one direction. Some even held a branch in their hands and drew or dotted it on the ground, not knowing what they were writing.

Their clothes were all badly torn, and two female cultivators even exposed a piece of skin on their thighs, but their skin was covered with mud. They didn't seem to care at all, and just glanced sideways at Li Yan and others.

Each of these people seemed to have injuries on their bodies, and the parts of someone's cut clothes were still bright red, as if they had been treated just now.

Just the appearance of those two female cultivators made more than a dozen female cultivators on Li Yan's team, including Wang Ning, have expressions of astonishment on their faces.

Although some female cultivators among the monks do not care about their appearance, most of them still pay great attention to their external appearance. Although the two female cultivators on the platform below have torn and dirty clothes, their faces are very clean. They both look good. It's not vulgar, but it looks like it doesn't care about the exposed skin.

After seeing the lanky male cultivator, some of the people on the platform just nodded, and even turned a blind eye to Li Yan and the others.

The slender monk and the plump female cultivator just nodded slightly and remained silent as well, leading Li Yan and the others towards the entrance of a cave in the northeast corner of the platform.

It seemed that in this world, the arrival of Li Yan and the others was just a gust of mountain wind blowing by.

Since Li Yan and the others entered, they felt a deathly silence. Since it was broad daylight, they also felt lifeless.

This is a very large cave, at least it is completely different from what Li Yancong looked like outside just now. It should not be a problem to accommodate one to two hundred people.

There are still twelve monks in the cave. Their clothes are also in rags, with blood and unknown liquid on them, and they all look like they are seriously injured.

Twelve people were spread out in every corner of the cave, either sitting cross-legged and meditating, or lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. There was no trace of them looking like immortals.

When some people saw Li Yan and the others coming, they just raised their eyelids, and no one paid attention or cast inquiring glances. They were as indifferent as the monks they met outside just now.

After entering the cave, the slender monk glanced at these people and sighed softly. Although the voice was small, Li Yan was following behind, but he could hear it clearly.

At the same time, Li Yan also saw the plump female cultivator's tightly biting lower lip and the whitened joints holding the lancet from the side, while the slender male cultivator's face became even more tired.

The slender monk led Li Yan and hundreds of people through the indifferent monks, and soon arrived at the back of the cave.

Seeing Li Yan and the others following him in, the slender monk did not hesitate and showed a smile to Li Yan for the first time.

"Fellow Daoist Li, next, I will explain to you the purpose and scope of defense of Tonggui Ridge."

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