Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 597: Poison Fight

Gong Yuantai believed that he could bring greater benefits to the Qingliu Team. Even if he could not get the captain position, if he defeated Li Yan, how could Li Yan have the courage to take the captain position or send others to come again? , the above also needs to be re-evaluated.

Although this will definitely offend the higher-ups above, for these monks who are about to go to the battlefield again, facing the bloodthirsty and ferocity of the demon cultivators, all this is a trivial matter, and everything can be done until they can survive.

Therefore, Gong Yuantai decided to take action.

Regarding Gong Yuantai's performance, many people present were not surprised, and it goes without saying the people behind Gong Yuantai.

Among the newly recruited monks, many of them are very thoughtful people. As early as the appearance of Li Yan, Gong Yuantai felt something behind his words, "He himself actually wants to compete for the position of captain." ”

As for those who were watching the excitement from the outside, many of them also took a break from the battlefield. They basically had the same idea as Gong Yuantai. ??

Even their own team does not allow a new person to come in and tell them what to do, even if they are sent from above, they will be reluctant.

Facing Gong Yuantai's approach, Li Yan just nodded. As a veteran foundation-building master, Gong Yuantai also had his own dignity.

His words clearly highlighted that although Li Yan was somewhat famous at first, his Gong Yuantai had no intention of watching the disciples in the Qi Condensation Stage fight. Now, although Li Yan is able to match his fellow disciples, he still has to show his true strength. Reality will do.

"Junior brother showed off his embarrassment earlier. The little things he learned in the sect are of course very superficial. Please give me some advice from senior brother Gong!"

As soon as Li Yan's words came out, many people's eyes lit up, but Gong Yuantai slowly narrowed his eyes. Despite his rough appearance, he actually had a delicate mind.

Li Yan actually meant that he wanted to learn his poisoning methods.

In the Demon Sect, this is often the most common method of competition between monks: poisonous fighting. Although this method may not necessarily lead to bloodshed, it is less imposing and coercive.

At the same time, the poison will not actually kill the opponent, but the poisoner's behavior after poisoning is determined by the poisoner. Each type will make the opponent jealous in the future, and even produce boundless psychological fear.

The poisoned person may get lost in the illusion, sing or dance in public, or even get naked without knowing it, making him look ugly in the eyes of onlookers;

The poisoner can also cause the other party extreme psychological and physical pain, and may even wait until the other party is about to die before taking action to detoxify the poison, making the other party truly feel the coming of death, so that they will never dare to become enemies with themselves in the future. ;

You can also watch the opponent's horrifying eyes and shrill screams as the Gu worms burst out of your belly, and the spotted bodies are revealed...

There are all kinds of strange killing methods that only you can imagine, no poison cultivator can't do it.

However, there is a prerequisite for sects to compete in poison fights, which is not to let the other party die, but you


You can humiliate and torture the other person to your heart's content.

Despite the sect rules, there have been many cases of people accidentally killing fellow sect members since ancient times. In the end, the sect has to decide what kind of punishment to give based on the situation.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan secretly proposed this kind of competition in front of outsiders today.

"Hehehe, Junior Brother Li is so courageous. I didn't see any of the poisonous methods that Junior Brother used just now. This shows that Brother Li is already much higher than Senior Brother and me.

But since my junior brother said this, I will take it up. But today we have to re-establish the rules in the poison fight. As long as the opponent is poisoned and cannot remove the poison within three breaths, then he loses. What do you think? "

When Gong Yuantai saw that Li Yan actually proposed the method of fighting with poison, he couldn't help but glance at Li Yan. Because this was what Li Yan proposed, it was possible for him to take the opportunity to make Li Yan unable to get off the ground for several months.

"Senior brother has the final say in everything!"

After hearing Gong Yuantai's words, Li Yan finally felt relieved. It seemed that the other party was not a pedantic person who just practiced hard.

Gong Yuantai still considered Wei Zhongran's anger, so he proposed the three-breath detoxification method. This has a buffer to some extent. As long as it is not a strange poison in the world that kills you instantly, it can be rescued in time without damaging the muscles and bones. .

"Then we have a radius of ten feet for the poison fight. If the poison gas spills out of ten feet, whoever controls the poison will admit defeat."

Gong Yuantai glanced around and added more rules again.

"It's better to follow your senior brother's words!"

Li Yan still responded with a smile.

Hearing the questions and answers between the two people in the field, the monks of the Demon Sect all smiled. This was a competition between their disciples of the Demon Sect, and many people were less hostile to Li Yan.

In fact, the entire sect knew Li Yan relatively well, except for some senior officials, those who had a close relationship with Li Yan.

Li Yan has a special physique, and the Demon Sect has been hiding some things about Li Yan, except of course three types of people.

One is the middle and senior leaders of the Demon Sect, especially some of the elders who were the first to come into contact with Li Yan;

The second is some core disciples. They have more or less heard from their masters and elders that Li Yan's constitution is somewhat special, but they still don't know much about the "fragmentation and poisoning body". This is also due to the three major laws of the Sprite Sect. There are not many records about the poisonous body, and it is classified as a core secret.

The third one is the Xiaozhu Peak disciples. Wei Zhongran has special trust in his disciples. In addition to Li Yan's miscellaneous spiritual talent, he still thinks that Li Wuyi and the others have helped Li Yan a lot, so Li Yan's secret does not exist. .

Of course, there are a few special people here

, for example, Wu Shixi and Yu Yong, who were the first to bring back Li Yan, had already been given a gag order. Unfortunately, Yu Yong, who was full of scholarly spirit, had already died in the secret realm picking, and one less person in the world knew about it. That's all.

Therefore, the monks from the Demon Sect present today really looked at Li Yan after hearing Li Yan's proposal of poison fighting. That was because they really thought that Li Yan was going to rely on hard training to fight poison.

Li Yan saw some changes in the expressions of those people, but he had no psychological burden. The poison he spread was his method.

Gong Yuantai has been in the foundation building stage for decades. As a disciple of Laojun Peak, his knowledge of poison is far beyond that of Li Yan who has only been a member of the Demon Sect for a few years. ??

Although the progress of Li Yan's cultivation is very surprising, Gong Yuantai is definitely an expert in understanding various herbs and poisonous insects and poisons.

Therefore, those who know Gong Yuantai do not think that Li Yan can win, but that he is brave.

As the two people spoke, the robes on the two people in the field began to move automatically. Except for the cultivators of the Demon Sect and some immortal cultivators who were also poisonous cultivators, the others had already withdrawn a hundred feet away. They did not want to be inadvertently The poison spread out was affected.

On the other hand, those Poison Cultivators who were not from the Demon Sect, after retreating only ten feet away, hesitated for a moment, and still stopped. This was a good opportunity for them to gain a lot of knowledge, and they did not want to miss it.

They had only heard of the poisonous fight between fellow disciples of the Sprite Sect before, but this was their first time seeing it.

Gong Yuantai clasped his hands behind his back, but didn't make any movement. A stream of miserable blue mist was emitted from his body, and it only took a few breaths to spread to the surrounding area of ​​seven to eight feet.

The miserable green mist in front of him was already rolling towards Li Yan.

Generally speaking, this kind of attack is called "testing poison". There is no need to cover up at all, it is just an open attack.

The main thing is to first sense the opponent's detoxification ability. If the opponent can't even detoxify this kind of poison, then there is no need to use the remaining methods.

This kind of poison test is not really a simple test of the opponent. The poison produced is generally half of the poison that the poison monk can cast.

In this way, he can determine the true strength of his opponent and decide how to fight in the next step.

This is equivalent to "testing poison" by using the method of 50% poison cultivation. If the opponent is less powerful, he will be attacked and fall into it in one face to face.

While the mist of mist rolled toward Li Yan, Gong Yuantai raised his other hand, holding a light green pill in his hand, which he swallowed in one gulp.

Now that Gong Yuantai swallowed the elixir, it was not to prevent the miserable green mist from hurting him. The poison had no harm to him.

What was more important to him was to guard against Li Yan taking action at the same time. Therefore, he swallowed the food he had refined.


Antidote elixirs have a defensive effect on most common poisons.

The cultivation of poison cultivators is very cumbersome and painful. On the one hand, they have to study various plants, poisonous insects, and even test poisons themselves. During this period, there are many poison cultivators who died of accidental poisoning.

On the other hand, after making the poison, you also need to prepare an antidote. Some poisons may not even be able to be removed by the poison maker himself.

Furthermore, in daily practice, poison cultivators have to continuously soak in or swallow different poisons. They try their best to make themselves "invulnerable to all poisons" so that their body's adaptability to poisons can continue to increase.

This will at least make you immune to most common poisons. Whether you practice daily exercises or fight against others, you will be less likely to be poisoned.

But they just try their best to meet this expectation. Generally speaking, even they have to be extremely careful when using the most vicious things in themselves.

Of course, if Gong Yuantai found out that Li Yan had taken action and he couldn't tell what kind of poison the other party was using, he would try his best to avoid it instead of taking it hard.

Although Li Yan used the "quicksand technique" to poison Wang Ning and Wu Ye before, he did not see the method of the technique, but in the yellow sand he took, he could only detect the poisons that can make people psychedelic, and the toxicity can only be considered ordinary.

For him, he didn't even need to swallow the antidote at all. It was okay to stand in it and inhale a dozen more mouthfuls, so what he was worried about was only Li Yan's technique.

How did he know how cunning Li Yan was? Even when he used the Divine Consciousness Thorn to plot against Wu Ye, he still used phantom poison in the "Quicksand Technique", just to make some "careful people" realize that he used the same phantom poison to win twice. .

People around saw that Gong Yuantai had taken action, and many people had spiritual shields raised outside their bodies. Only some people recognized the poison that Gong Yuantai had used, and did not do much defense, but watched with interest. Towards the center of the field.

Some of them are well-informed and know that this is the beginning of the "poison test" in the poison cultivator's battle, and the good ones are still being read.

Although Gong Yuantai has confidence in Li Yan's proposal for a poisonous fight, he will never underestimate his opponent because of this.

But a scene that he couldn't understand immediately appeared in front of him. Facing the miserable green mist coming towards his face, Li Yan still stood there, with only a faint layer of black air outside him.

This black energy does not form a spiritual shield, it is just a simple spiritual defense.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, the miserable blue mist had already rushed towards Li Yan, and the light black mist outside him seemed to have no defense ability, and was swept away by the miserable blue mist. Entering, it instantly enveloped Li Yan's body.

A thought flashed through many people's minds: "This kid is so powerful. That's a very powerful poison attack from Senior Brother Gong's poison training!"

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