Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 595: Quicksand Flying All Over the Sky

When Wang Ning and the others gathered on the way to the teleportation array, this person had taken action once. Of course, Wang Ning only heard about it later.

That time, Wu Ye and his party encountered a scout team with demonic cultivators outside on their way forward. At that time, their leader, the Golden Core cultivator, did not bother to take action.

The Golden Core cultivator saw that there were only six scouts, so he asked six of them to go out and kill them quickly. This was also to see the strength of this group of foundation-building cultivators.

Of course, fake alchemy monks were also involved here, including Wuye, Qiao Baiye and four other fake alchemy monks who were consciously practicing well.

At that time, Wang Ning herself and Broo He had not yet joined the team. It is said that during that fight, the six scouts on the other side felt that there was no hope of escape, but there were golden elixir monks sitting on the opposite side.

The six people begged for mercy to no avail, and immediately showed a sinister appearance, as if the fish was dead and the net was broken.

Despite their desperate efforts, among the six people on Qiao Baiye's side, only Qiao Baiye and the young man in black looked particularly capable when fighting the other two alone.

The remaining four people, under the desperate struggle of the other party's trapped beasts, were killed with left and right branches, sweating profusely, and retreating step by step.

However, the Jindan people here just watched with cold eyes, and no one came to support them. In the end, the four monks on Qiao Baiye's side had to join forces to form a defensive circle and resist with all their strength.

This made the other party even more crazy. In just twenty breaths, all four monks were already injured.

Qiao Baiye and the young man in black killed their opponents one after another at forty breaths. In the end, the young man in black was one point faster. Then the two men immediately returned to help, and the situation on the battlefield was reversed.

Wang Ning heard that when they were cleaning the battlefield at the end, some people discovered that although Qiao Baiye also killed his opponent, the distribution of his magic attacks was a bit scattered, resulting in varying degrees of fatal injuries on the opponent's body.

But the young man in black was holding a sharp bamboo stick. There was only one fatal wound on the man he killed, which was the stick piercing the throat. This is enough to show that the other person's control of spiritual power was much higher than Qiao Baiye's.

These are enough to attract Wang Ning's attention, but deep down she still thinks that there is some gap between the other party and herself. The other party should be a veteran foundation-building monk, but he looks young.

The young man in black seldom spoke, so no one interacted with him. Now that he heard him tell his name personally, many people knew who this person was. Only then did Wang Ning know that the other person was also an extremely powerful person among the younger generation.

Wu Ye was probably a monk who was born in the area under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan. Few people knew how he embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. I heard that he had joined a sect before, but he was probably just a low-level sect.

Later, when he became famous, he was already an elusive casual cultivator. His only magic weapon was the thin bamboo staff in his hand.

He is famous for the fact that the five tigers of the "Nine Barrier Mountains" had a conflict with him in Yifang City twenty years ago. At that time, Wuye Xiuwei was still in the middle stage of foundation building.


\u003e  The Five Tigers of the "Nine Barrier Mountains" are also some of the most ruthless people on the evil path. Their cultivation levels are all in the middle and late stages of foundation building. Anyone who comes out is comparable to Wu Ye's cultivation level at that time.

These five people have always acted ruthlessly. After the conflict with Wuye, they knew that there was a Jindan monk in Fangshi, so they did not take immediate action in Fangshi.

However, as soon as the five people turned around, four of them left Fangshi early and prepared an ambush outside Fangshi. One person was watching Wuye in Fangshi and notifying the four people outside at any time.

In that battle, the two sides fought extremely fiercely. Wuye, under the siege of five opponents, unexpectedly killed two of them in a row, and he also suffered heavy injuries and escaped.

Afterwards, the remaining three tigers of "Nine Barrier Mountains" issued a large reward on the road, and only then did many people know that there was such a person.

Eight years later, when Wu Ye appeared again, news had spread that the three remaining tigers of the "Nine Barrier Mountains" had died the night before, and then some of the so-called friends of the five tigers of the "Nine Barrier Mountains" began to hunt Wu Ye around. leaf.

Of course, their real purpose is still to obtain a heavy bounty. The bounty offered by the "Nine Barrier Mountain" Five Tigers has not been canceled for eight years, and the amount will be increased every year. In the end, although all five people died, the bounty is still valid.

In the following years, those who pursued Wu Ye not only failed to kill him, but during the pursuit that lasted for more than ten years, some of them continued to die, making Wu Ye's reputation grow bigger and bigger.

Until later, the number of people chasing him became less and less, and now he appears among the recruiting monks.

Li Yan didn't know Wu Ye's name, but when he saw many people exclaiming in surprise, he knew that this person was quite capable.

"I have heard of Wuye when I was traveling abroad. Speaking of it, he should be even more difficult to deal with than Miss Wang just now.

It's just that as a casual cultivator, he has to fight for all the cultivation resources by himself, so his level seems to be lower than that of Miss Wang. "

A monk from the Demon Sect next to Gong Yuantai said that the realm he was talking about was of course the Xiaocheng and Dacheng realms that were both fake elixirs.

"Well, this kind of person who is on the verge of life and death all day long is certainly not comparable to the disciples of the sect who are dedicated to practicing hard." Gong Yuantai nodded. He also learned the origin of Wuye from others, and his heart rose again. hope.

After Li Yan's defeat, he wanted to try this young man in black with his own hands.

At this time, Wu Ye in the field had already fought with Li Yan. Since it was a battle of skills, the two did not say much at all.

The leafless bamboo stick was green and black, and at this moment, a mountain of bamboo shadows appeared, tightly surrounding Li Yan. As soon as he and Li Yan fought, he immediately bullied him and did not distance himself from Li Yan at all. It even gave Bu Li Yan a chance to poison him.

A succession of moves, in the eyes of outsiders, Wu Ye forced Li Yan to dodge one after another without a chance to counterattack.

"Wuye is indeed very good at fighting. His attacks are also extremely effective, especially when faced with the siege of several people. One person directly walks into the crowd and allows others to attack. At the same time, he has to worry about powerful spells injuring his companions. ”

Many people with extraordinary eyesight can see the doorway with just one glance.

"He is also taking an eccentric approach. If he fails, he will be surrounded by several people, and he will die faster. However, Wuye's movement is light and changeable. This is the reason why he dares to approach and fight with his opponent. ." Someone else echoed softly.

Li Yan was squirming between the bamboo sticks, looking quite embarrassed. He even had no chance to use the magic technique.

Li Yan was already aware of Wuye's erratic movement skills and was sure that the other party must have practiced an amazing skill, but this was still too far behind "Feng Chongtian".

What's more, Li Yan's consciousness far exceeds that of Wu Ye. Every time Wu Ye moves, Li Yan can predict where he will reach next. As long as he is willing, he can intercept Wu Ye's attack at any time. ??

If it was a long-range attack involving spell cultivation, Li Yan actually had to consider how to win. Although the Guishui Sutra he practiced was powerful, the spells available at each level were too limited.

So far, there are only two auxiliary types, "Stealth Night Hidden" and "Five Elements Returning to Hongmeng", and they don't even have spells to directly attack the enemy at close range.

Now Wuye chose to rely on his body skills to fight Li Yan at close quarters, which was literally coming to his door. Of course, Li Yan would not let the other party know that he could see through his body skills.

Therefore, just before the leafless bamboo stick attacked his body, Li Yancai could barely avoid it in a "hurry".

But Wuye is also a person who has been fighting for a long time. Only after five breaths passed, he realized that something was wrong. Although Li Yan avoided it awkwardly, he did not even touch a corner of his clothes.

Wuye suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart. He, who had been wandering on the edge of life and death for a long time, felt a hint of danger.

"This person is weird!"

This was an idea that arose in Wuye's mind. He was also decisive. As soon as he felt something was wrong, he immediately left and planned to use the long-distance fighting method. It can be said that Wuye's reaction was also extremely fast.

But just as he was about to retreat, a strange smile flashed in Li Yan's eyes. Li Yan waved his robe sleeves, and a series of "Quicksand Techniques" appeared again, but this time they not only appeared in the air, but also appeared in the air. On the ground in the courtyard, vortices of quicksand, large and small, suddenly appeared one after another, like dimples in a wine vat.

This caused Wuye's retreat to stagnate, and the air and ground behind him were blocked by seven or eight quicksand spells.


\u003e  “It’s quicksand again!”

Not only did this idea arise in Wuye's mind, but many monks around him also shouted softly, but the helplessness was revealed in their voices.

This Li Yan seems to be unfamiliar with other spells, and he is particularly fond of the basic spell "Quicksand". Every time he makes a move, it is "Quicksand", and Li Yan's "Quicksand" is indeed Fast and urgent, numerous in number, and extremely powerful.

Wuye's body was suspended in the air, about a foot above the ground. There was a red light protecting his body. He held a staff in one hand and shot a bamboo mountain of staff shadow in front of him, blocking Li Yan's approach.

At the same time, Wuye's body was slightly sideways, and he kicked his leg backwards, bringing out a strong howling sound of wind. Wherever he passed, quicksand vortices were swept and kicked out one by one, causing the explosion behind him. The attack disintegrated instantly.

At the same time, he had already held his breath. He did not want to make the same mistake again and follow Wang Ning's footsteps.

Naturally, he didn't know that Wang Ning was also protected by a spiritual shield and was poisoned by Li Yan in a sneak attack. However, due to his long-term caution, the power of his consciousness had already been spread out to prevent Li Yan from hiding any traps.

The bamboo stick in his hand was protecting a mountain in front of him, preventing Li Yan from getting even closer. It could be said that Wuye had achieved comprehensive defense.

As the "Quicksand Technique" behind him exploded one by one, in an instant, another cloud of yellow mist filled the courtyard, and the monks in the courtyard had to take off again.

Everyone felt helpless that Li Yan liked to use the "quicksand technique" to poison.

This kind of on-site fighting can be seen by everyone, and they are indispensable. No one can still be vigilant to the maximum extent after Wang Ning suffered a loss without knowing it. Li Yan seems to only know this skill. of.

First of all, what surprised Wuye was that he didn't feel anything wrong with the exploding yellow mist. Some of the yellow mist came into contact with the red light outside his legs, but it did not have any attack effect, and there was no attack effect in his consciousness. I didn't feel any hallucinations.

Confused, these thoughts just flashed through Wuye's mind. He still followed the previous plan and quickly moved away from Li Yan, and then waited for an opportunity to find Li Yan's weakness.

Wuye retracted his left leg and stepped on the air. Ripples of red light appeared in circles under his feet. A double shadow like a mountain of sticks was thrown out in front of him, but his body was shot backwards.

But just as he stood up, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head. For a moment, his consciousness was a little blurry. His retreating body suddenly staggered, and the shadow of the staff produced by his hand also stagnated for a moment.

"No, I'm poisoned!"

After countless life and death experiences, Wuye reacted very quickly. He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, trying to wake himself up. But there was another sharp pain in his head. Suddenly, Wuye could no longer hold on. His body could no longer stand in the air and he immediately fell to the ground.

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