Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 589: Choosing and Watching the Show

In the mind of the clear-faced Wuliang Sect cultivator, if Wang Ning wanted to defeat him, he would have to pay a lot of price, but this was not the time to fight desperately, so he would not really accept the challenge.

Moreover, he came out just now, just to defeat his opponent with a small realm lower than the opponent, so that these newly recruited cultivators from other regions would know how powerful he was. The reputation of the Wuliang Sect was not something they dared to despise.

Now that the goal has been achieved, this cultivator will naturally not stay on the sidelines. It is the best result to stop while he is ahead.

However, when he turned back, his steps were a little shaky. He took the attack of a fake Dan cultivator head-on. Although the opponent did not intend to kill him and the attack was definitely not at full strength, it also caused him to suffer a shock in his abdomen, and his blood and qi were running wild, making him feel very uncomfortable.

The monk with a clear face did return, but Tang Minglong heard what he said before leaving, especially the sentence "just a low-ranking existence in the sect", which made him stumble and almost fall, and his face turned blue with anger.

Tang Minglong knew that he had many tricks that he had not been able to use, and the other party actually said that he was a weaker existence, which was simply another slap in his face. If he had not been more cautious, he might have gone back to settle the account immediately.

Wang Ning saw that the other party turned around and left, and there was not much surprise on her face. She came on the stage to test those fake Dan monks on the opposite side, and just now she was just being polite.

But if the other party insisted on not returning, then he would have to make him more injured.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there are so many cultivators in the arena, and this kind of fighting is too time-consuming. How about this? Let's discuss it separately, and then each side will select three people to fight until one side is defeated. What do you think?"

Gong Yuantai looked at the dozens of people who wanted to challenge each other. If they continued to fight like this, it would take too long, and there would be too many cultivators fighting. In the end, it might cause a melee, which would be difficult to end.

After hearing what Gong Yuantai said, Wang Ning, who was standing in the front, frowned first, and then she turned her head to look at the people behind her.

"I must participate, otherwise whoever comes up and defeats me first, I will withdraw. Another point, I think what Senior Brother Gong said makes sense. If dozens of people go on stage one by one, it may not be over even after a day of fighting."

After Wang Ning said this, she stood in the arena and did not retreat. After the people behind her looked at each other, the nine fake Dan cultivators in the lead whispered.

Just a moment later, a square-faced cultivator among them looked up at Gong Yuantai on the opposite side.

"Fellow Daoist Gong's suggestion is indeed a way to quickly decide the result. We have no objection. Miss Wang's cultivation is indeed the best among us. The rest of the candidates can be decided later."

The square-faced cultivator had a deep voice and looked very stable. After he finished speaking, they looked at the cultivators behind him.

After hearing this, the cultivators on Gong Yuantai also nodded and did not speak again.

Wang Ning bowed slightly to the people behind him as a thank you, but his jade face showed no joy or sadness.

Li Yan in the distance was still standing at the gate of the courtyard. At this time, many cultivators were standing beside him. The fight here just now attracted the attention of nearby cultivators, and many people gathered around him.

"It's interesting. The newly recruited monks of Team 16 are going to challenge the old team members. These new monks are making trouble as soon as they arrive. They are not afraid of attracting their uncles and uncles." "I came here first for a while. The reason is very simple. After Ting Wei died in the battle yesterday, the newly recruited monks felt that the position of captain should not be assigned by the higher-ups, but should be determined by their own strength. Just now, Senior Brother Yang defeated a fake Dan monk on the other side, hehe!" "Oh, you are talking about Senior Brother Yang from Buli Peak. His cultivation is not too strong, but his Gu technique is very good..." As he said, someone pointed to the monk with a clear face behind Gong Yuantai. There were only about ten monks from the Wuliang Sect there. I think there are not many monks with the same surname, so he was pointed out at once. "If you ask me, the monks who were recently recruited are just arrogant. We need to teach them a lesson."

"You say we are arrogant. This is how it is among the four major sects. Aren't there many people who were killed when they went to each other's territory for training?"

"That's right. The victory just now was just a surprise and a trick."


Li Yan heard the discussion around him. He glanced at the people around him and saw that they were also divided into two arrays. It was the same as Gong Yuantai and his group in the center of the venue.

The four major sects have grown from weak to strong over the past tens of millions of years. They fought to the death and hunted each other's disciples. The grievances between them are not because they have a common enemy, and they will be seamless.

Although Fengliang Mountain is the place of Shibuyuan, the main person here is the Wuliang Sect. The monks under the jurisdiction of the Pure Land Sect and Shibuyuan have come together invisibly.

Li Yan has no opinion on this. He himself is like this. Of course, he has feelings for the Wuliang Sect in his heart, let alone others.

He just crossed his arms and looked at the center of the venue leisurely.

On the top of a mountain ten miles away from here, in a larger cave, seven Jindan cultivators were drinking tea and talking in low voices, three at the top and four on the side.

"It's rare that we can retreat and rest for a few days this time. Master Wei, you called us here again, not just to watch these little guys fight, right? I'm still injured, and I need to take the time to meditate and recover."

A monk in his fifties wearing a monk's robe took a sip of tea and looked towards

Wei Zhongran in the middle said slowly.

"Of course it is not because of this trivial matter that I called Daoyou Liu and the others to come over. Except for Daoyou Feng from the 'Treading River Sect', Daoist Fang from the 'Chongdaowu' and other four seriously injured fellow Taoists, they need to be in seclusion and cannot go out.

All of us who have been replaced this time have gathered here. I have just received a secret message from Senior Hua Heshan of the Fengjiao Sect who is stationed here, so I hurriedly summoned everyone here, of course, to discuss important matters.

Oh, looking at those little guys fighting now is because Taoist friends from Jingtan Temple have not arrived yet. It is always a good thing to see more of the growth of the younger generation. They are also the ones with the most casualties when dealing with demon cultivators. It is better to know yourself and the enemy. deploy. "

Wei Zhongran explained briefly, and the four monks sitting on the side nodded. They were not Jindan monks from the sect under the jurisdiction of the Sprite Sect, and they had all been recently dispatched to assist.

However, their realm is higher, and of course their horizons are wider. Naturally, they will not be as concerned about the battle with the demons as Bro and others, so they still respect the names of the four major sects.

They know that the four major sects are not as simple as just saying they are powerful. Whether they are practicing techniques or having resources, they are beyond their reach.

Taking Fatty Wei in front of them as an example, they had seen each other's ferocity on the battlefield. It was simply a humanoid ferocious beast, and no matter what, it was not as gentle as jade as it is now.

Since there was a secret order, of course he had to wait for everyone to gather. The fifty-year-old Taoist priest smiled and nodded this time.

"Master Wei Feng, your disciples of the Demon Sect are not only good at cultivation, but also very scheming. The disciple just now was able to take into account every step of Tang Minglong. He is also a rare talent."

As soon as the fifty-year-old Taoist priest finished speaking, the three golden elixirs beside him also nodded and said, "The four major sects are indeed the giants of our Desolate Moon Continent, and the disciples they have trained are certainly good."

"This is indeed true. Compared with other sect disciples like me, alas, they are really inferior..."

As soon as these words came out, except for Wei Zhongran, even the other two Jindan from the Demon Sect beside him smiled.

These two people were both from Laojun Peak, and they were the ones who had just taken a break from the front battlefield with Wei Zhongran today.

Elder Chi Gong led the rest of the Demon Sect and the recruited Jindan monks, and went to the battlefield again early in the morning.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, you are too modest. Among the monks dispatched from your side, which one is weak? They just suffered the consequences of carelessness. I see that the aura of the female disciple present now is the same as that of my old Lord Feng Gong Yuantai." Not even close."

A golden elixir monk from Laojun Peak laughed. He knew that this was the time for all parties to work together. These people in front of him were not monks under the jurisdiction of their Demon Sect, so he didn't really care about them in his heart. \u003cb



If the relationship can be improved in peacetime, at least in a war, it will only be beneficial to both parties.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the expressions of those people softened a lot.

When they came here just now, they thought that Wei Zhongran wanted them to watch the fight between these juniors, especially when the disciples of the Demon Sect won in the end. This made them think that Wei Zhongran deliberately set up the situation, just to take the opportunity to beat them.

Although there are no disciples of theirs here, they are from the jurisdiction of their Pure Land Sect and Shibuyuan, so they still feel a little uncomfortable losing.

However, due to Wei Zhongran's fierce power and the orders of the Pure Land Sect and Shibuyuan, they could only deal with it carefully. Now it seems that at least the fight just now was a temporary move, not a plan, so several people were not satisfied. Chang is also a little less.

But they also knew in their hearts that the Sprite Sect definitely wanted to take control of Fengliang Mountain in their own hands. This was just like the other two defense points. They had to understand this clearly.

"Wang Ning's Lushui Sect is a first-class sect under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan. She is also a very popular person among the younger generation in the sect. She was originally going to attack the golden elixir, but her release was postponed because of this war. close."

A Jindan monk from Shibuyuan said softly that he had a good relationship with Lushuimen, so he knew Wang Ning better.

The meaning of his words is very clear. This woman already has the strength to attack the golden elixir. For some major sect disciples, she actually has the strength to compete with ordinary golden elixirs. Therefore, with the same level, In a battle of wits, the chances of winning are still higher.

Wei Zhongran and others were polite, so what the Jindan monks under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan said was just a few points and would not be explained clearly.

"Well, if Wang Ning is really capable, Team Sixteen will be handed over to her."

Wei Zhongran said with a smile, of course that was not what he thought in his mind. Just kidding, he could predict the outcome now. Even among the foundation-building disciples of the Sprite Sect, not one of them might be able to win over Li Yan.

Even disciples like Gong Chenying who have the strength to attack the golden elixir can't do it. Compared with a person who has held back the demon in the middle stage of the golden elixir for more than ten breaths, those disciples are far from enough.

"Junior Brother Wei is right. Recently, more and more monks have been transferred from outside, and there are more and more outstanding disciples. People with strength must be in their positions.

By the way, that disciple of yours is in a good mood for watching a show, hehehe..."

The Laojunfeng Jindan suddenly changed the subject. They had seen Wei Zhongran’s spiritual consciousness lingering on the 16th team of the "Blue Bat Camp" before. They were originally going to stop these disciples from taking action, but were stopped by Wei Zhongran. .

Then Wei Zhongran briefly explained the situation, so he also knew Li Yan's identity. Unexpectedly, Li Yan watched the show while the two sides were fighting.

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