Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 583: Face to face inquiry

As soon as he left the cave, Li Yan felt the difference in Fengliang Mountain from the scene in front of him.

The first is the large-scale formation shrouded in the air. The pressure generated by it is obviously much richer and thicker than before, which indicates that the power of the mountain-protecting formation is increasing.

Another difference is that Li Yan can sense that the aura of the monks on each sub-peak is much less, less than 30% of the previous level.

On the way, Li Yan still met the second team of patrolling monks. They saw Li Yan flying here alone. Although Li Yan was wearing the uniform of the Demon Sect, he was still stopped and interrogated. After confirming Li Yan's identity, , and then let him leave with a strange look on his face.

Among these two patrol teams, Li Yan only saw two people who were monks from the Demon Sect. The rest of the monks were all unfamiliar, and there were obviously many fewer monks from the Demon Sect.

Soon Li Yan arrived in front of Wei Zhongran's cave. Likewise, as soon as he landed on the platform in front of the cave, the formation clouds and mist surged, and the passage and door leading to the cave were already opened.

Then, Wei Zhongran's voice came over, "Come in!"

Li Yan was stunned by the voice, because Wei Zhongran's voice revealed a hint of exhaustion. Without the gentleness and indifference of the past, Li Yan hurriedly walked inside.

In the cave, Wei Zhongran was sitting alone at the top, holding a cup of tea in his hand and drinking it carefully. After Li Yan came in, he did not raise his eyelids and was still drinking the tea in his hand, seeming to be thinking about something.

When Li Yan saw Wei Zhongran, he couldn't help but be shocked, because Wei Zhongran's robe was stained with blood, and a strong smell of blood came from him.

Seeing this, Li Yan quickly stepped forward to pay homage, "I have met Master, what are you..."

"Oh, we'll talk about this later. You must have entered a state of trance before, right? Now things are urgent and you must be released early.

However, after a month, your breathing is already stable. Have all the previous injuries been healed? . "

Wei Zhongran then raised his head, put down the teacup in his hand, waved his hand, and said with a smile.

"One month? Oh, thank you for your concern, Master. My injury has healed. I wonder what Master has to say when he calls his disciples here?"

Li Yan's expression was stagnant. From his point of view, he thought that at least a year had passed. Who would have thought that the time difference was so different? Li Yan's thoughts couldn't help but think of refining blood essence.

"Sure enough, what I guessed before was correct. There is one Nirvana in that sentence. After Nirvana was reborn, I refined the essence and blood of the 'Immortal Phoenix' again, and it was almost to this point. If I was given enough time, I don't know if I would be able to continue in the end. Refined into essence and blood."

But his thoughts were quickly interrupted by Wei Zhongran.

"Li Yan, of course I'm calling you here for sect matters, but before that, I still need to ask you a few questions. If you feel inconvenient to answer, just shake your head without answering.

You and I are masters and disciples. Over the years, Wuyi and several other senior brothers and sisters have actually taught you.


Senior sister, during those years when I was a teacher, I was eager to practice in seclusion, so I didn’t take too much care of you. "

Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan's frightened expression and didn't know what he was thinking, so he went straight to the topic.

Li Yan immediately woke up from his reverie and answered respectfully again.

"Master, what did you say? It is a great blessing for me to be able to worship at Xiaozhu Peak. This feeling is always in my heart. I don't know when I can repay Master for taking me in."

What's more, due to various coincidences, the disciple's body is somewhat special, and the path he takes is also somewhat different from others. In the past, the master could find all the sect's classics and give them to the disciples, and also let the senior brothers and sisters teach the skills. That was already The biggest one took care of it.

If Master has anything to ask about, this disciple will definitely tell you everything. "

As soon as Li Yan's heart moved, he already thought about what Wei Zhongran might want to ask. Some of his secrets could no longer be hidden. Li Yan's mind was racing and he replied like this.

Wei Zhongran had been watching Li Yan since he asked. Although he didn't want to inquire about Li Yan's privacy, there were some things that were difficult to arrange without knowing, not to mention that it might involve his daughter Zhao Min. .

As a father, there is of course a difference between Zhao Min and his direct disciple. This is the inevitable mentality of parents in the world. No matter how broad-minded Wei Zhongran is, he will not be careless about this matter.

"How far has your cultivation reached now?"

Wei Zhongran stopped procrastinating and asked straight to the point.

"I just broke through to the fake elixir realm a few months ago." Li Yan answered simply, but he said the breakthrough time was recent.

His cultivation of the Guishui Sutra is different from ordinary people. Even in the recent past, the speed of his cultivation has been very scary.

Li Yan knew that as long as he revealed that he had broken through to the realm of fake elixirs two years ago, he would not be able to explain it anyway, and it would arouse Wei Zhongran's suspicions and bring him huge trouble.

After hearing this, Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan carefully and thought, "His aura is still in the middle stage of foundation building. He should also have practiced an exquisite method of concealing his aura, but even I have been kept in the dark."

This can confirm that his cultivation is definitely not the "Ten Thousand Yuan Gong". But as far as I know, the martial arts in the sect that are suitable for the cultivation of miscellaneous spiritual roots are very rare. There are no two methods that can reach this level. , even to an astonishing degree.

He had been away for several years this time, and he didn't know what kind of opportunity he got. The world is so vast that it's amazing, a technique that can make the roots of miscellaneous spirits grow by leaps and bounds. "

Wei Zhongran was originally a brilliant figure of his generation. He was smarter than Li Yan, but he had some temperament.

Laziness, not wanting to think about many things.

From what he saw happening to Li Yan some time ago, and from Li Yan's admission to the fake elixir realm just now, he had already guessed a good deal. Even if he was so smart, he wouldn't have known that Li Yan had it first. After learning the skills of the Guishui Immortal Sect, he had the Split Poison Body.

Instead of what he thought, Li Yan had found a new destiny in the past few years.

But he didn't continue to ask questions about this matter. He only needed to know Li Yan's realm, so that he would have peace of mind when he could arrange things.

"You survived the catastrophe this time. Your physical strength accounted for a lot of the credit. You protected your important organs. Are you practicing some kind of body refining technique?"

After Wei Zhongran said this, his eyes calmly stared at Li Yan's face, but there was an undercurrent surging deep in his eyes. Qiongqi's purgatory technique was brought to the Desolate Moon Continent by his family, and he did not want Zhao Min and the others to do so. If you act recklessly, you will not be able to withstand the anger of the Tianli clan.

Li Yan immediately showed a trace of hesitation on his face, but this time he did not answer immediately. Wei Zhongran did not urge him, but picked up the tea cup again and drank slowly.

For a moment, the cave became extremely quiet. After a long while, his heart sank more and more. He didn't know what kind of decision Li Yan's answer would make him make.

After a long while, Li Yan seemed to grit his teeth and finally answered.

"Master Qi, this disciple has never practiced any body refining techniques."

Wei Zhongran's originally calm face frowned inadvertently, "Is Li Yan trying to deceive him? Or is Li Yan already aware of something and can only resist!"

But Li Yan then continued, "However, in the past few years, the disciple has had some opportunities during his training abroad. He once obtained a trace of the blood essence that may be the 'Immortal Dark Phoenix' in the Demon Tower of Beiming Town, and refined it." After I changed my mind, my body felt very different from before.”

"You said you got a trace of the blood essence of the 'Immortal Phoenix'?"

Wei Zhongran's hand holding the tea couldn't help but tremble, a surprised expression appeared on his face, and his whole body immediately leaned forward. Even with his concentration, his heart was beating wildly at this time, and he asked quickly.

"Disciple is not sure? But it is extremely difficult to refine the blood essence, and it almost killed the disciple. Its color and performance are somewhat similar to those described in the classics.

It is also possible that the disciple guessed wrong, or that it may be the essence and blood of other monsters. I am not sure, but it must be the legacy of some ancient or ancient monsters. "

Li Yan stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head as if he was a little embarrassed, and said with an uncertain expression on his face.

In order to prevent Wei Zhongran from knowing that he had practiced Qiongqi Purgatory Technique and bring trouble to himself, Gong Chenying and the others, he really spent a lot of money this time.

Still revealed the news about the essence and blood of "Immortal Phoenix", Li Yan's heart


At this moment, he was still a little uneasy. Although he tried his best to claim that he only got "a trace of immortal Phoenix essence and blood", this essence and blood was enough to bring about "murder" for him.

As expected, Wei Zhongran looked Li Yan up and down for a long time. Li Yan clearly felt that in addition to a pair of eyes staring at him, there was also a very obscure consciousness falling on him.

If his spiritual consciousness were not equally powerful, he would not be able to sense this trace of spiritual consciousness at all, so he could only pretend not to know.

This is because Wei Zhongran didn't think that Li Yan would sense that he was using his spiritual consciousness to detect, so he didn't hide it too much. Otherwise, Li Yan's spiritual consciousness was not even slightly different from his, and he wouldn't be able to sense it at all.

"That's right. I said that your physical body was on the verge of collapse at that time. How come you were able to repair yourself suddenly? 'Immortal Phoenix', what is immortality? I have really learned a lot this time."

Wei Zhongran suddenly regained his composure and looked at Li Yan with strange eyes. In fact, he still had doubts in his heart. He was familiar with the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique.

Li Yan was seriously injured and completely defenseless. He checked very thoroughly, and he always felt that his observations were correct.

"Now that your body has recovered, can you show it to my teacher?"

Wei Zhongran smiled at Li Yan. Li Yan didn't hesitate anymore. He immediately stretched out his hand, made a fist with five fingers, and waved it casually to the side of the air.

Just as he punched out, his entire fist suddenly changed, as if it was coated with a layer of silver, shining brightly.

Then there was a dull sound of "bang" in the space beside Li Yan, and the entire cave swayed. After punching, Li Yan withdrew his fist and his skin returned to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Wei Zhongran's expression also changed, and he thought, "What a powerful physical attack. This kid obviously didn't use his full strength in this punch, but it is definitely not something that a Foundation Establishment monk can take.

I am afraid that even Chen Ying, who has practiced Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, would find it extremely difficult to receive this punch, and Chen Ying should have reached the peak of the third level of Qiongqi Purgatory Technique.

It's no wonder that Li Yan's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds in just over two years. It turns out to be this reason. "

How did he know that there was still Qiongqi Purgatory Technique in Li Yan's punch? The traces of practicing this technique were firmly engraved in his flesh and blood, so how could he throw it away.

It's just that most of Li Yan's punch just now was caused by refining the essence and blood of the "Immortal Phoenix", and it was covered by silver light, which made it look different.

Another important reason is that even if Li Yan has practiced Qiongqi Purgatory Technique since he was a child, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such power. Gong Chenying has been practicing for many years, but he is still far inferior to Li Yan's current physical body.

Now, combined with Li Yan's body repairing itself a month ago, Wei Chongran already believed it more than 90%.

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