Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 579: The Meaning of Immortality

"Master, you finally woke up. I thought I was going to die with you this time!"

Then, a purple light flashed in Li Yan's cave, and a small purple elephant appeared beside Li Yan's bed.

When Li Yan was scanning the cave just now, he noticed a small purple flag placed in a corner of the cave, but there were many questions in his mind. These questions filled his mind, and he had no time to check the situation of the little purple dragon elephant.

"You're fine, just in time. Tell me what happened after I fell into coma?"

Li Yan cursed himself in his heart, "Stupid!" Since the little purple dragon elephant was fine, he just left a bystander alone and thought desperately.

The little purple dragon elephant tilted its head and looked at Li Yan. It couldn't understand the strange phenomenon that happened to Li Yan.

But after seeing Li Yan's urging eyes sweeping over again, Xiaozi Shenlongxiang said quickly.

"Last night, I thought I was going to die this time, but when the demon cultivator was about to attack, Peak Master Wei suddenly arrived and took over the opponent's attack, so we are safe and sound."

Although the Little Purple Divine Dragon Elephant recognizes Li Yan as the master, it still doesn't have much respect for other people. The pride in its blood cannot be easily erased, so it still only calls it "Master Wei Feng", which is considered polite. Yes.

After hearing this, Li Yan didn't take the title of Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang seriously, but his face showed surprise, "You mean, it was Master who saved us?"

Yesterday, he thought he couldn't wait for the reinforcements from Fengliang Mountain. The main reason was that the demon cultivators had already caught up with his group after they had traveled less than a thousand miles.

It seems that he can't delay for more than twenty breaths. In such a short period of time, Li Yan is actually just a trapped beast still fighting. He can achieve whatever result he can achieve.

In addition, Li Yan thought that even if someone came to rescue Fengliang Mountain, his master would not be among them. After all, the defense here was the top priority. Wei Zhongran was the commander here, how could he leave so easily.

"It was Peak Master Wei who arrived in time, and then he started fighting with the opponent without any hesitation..."

Li Yan's expression kept changing as he listened to Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang's narration, especially when he heard that his fat master had been seriously injured by an enemy that he regarded as a devil in just a few moves. coma.

This is something Li Yan can't imagine at all. He has some understanding of his own strength. At least in the foundation building period, few people can beat him.

Even against ordinary golden elixirs, they are still capable of fighting in the early stage. In the face of this demon cultivator, he racked his brains, but he could only linger for more than ten breaths.

But his master actually severely damaged a demon in the middle stage of Jindan with just a few moves. This level of cultivation was far beyond Li Yan's expectations.

"Is it possible that Master's cultivation has already reached the late stage of Jindan, or even the realm of fake infants? Otherwise, we can't inflict heavy damage on him like chopping melons and vegetables.


hand. "

After the cultivation reaches the foundation building stage, the combat power between the two in each small realm is quite huge. For example, in the middle stage of the golden elixir, there is basically no suspense in killing the early stage of the golden elixir.

The reason why it is said to be basic is because it does not include those monks who blindly pursue immortality. They are in the Nascent Soul stage, and it takes a lot of effort to kill a golden elixir.

In this way, Li Yan believed that Wei Zhongran should be in the late stage of Jindan, and he was a late stage Jindan with extremely powerful combat power, and even a fake baby monk who was about to give birth to a baby.

"Finally, Master Wei imprisoned the demon cultivator and put it away, and then took us all the way back..."

The more Li Yan listened, the more frightened he became. Through the description of the little purple divine dragon elephant, Wei Zhongran did not put the "big dragon elephant formation" into his storage bag, but put the purple flag on his waist and put it away as soon as he returned to the cave. On the side.

Therefore, the little purple dragon elephant saw clearly along the way. It only took about half an hour for Wei Zhongran to lead them back. This also took into account that he had six people with him and needed to pay attention to concealing his whereabouts at all times to prevent the possibility of being discovered.

However, Xiaozi Shenlongxiang said that on his way back for more than 9,000 miles, he still encountered two groups of enemy Jindan monks who intercepted him. I don't know if it was a coincidence, or Wei Zhongran had already noticed that when the opponent's Jindan appeared, there would also be Jindan on his side. Tangle with your opponent.

So the journey has not been as smooth as it sounds. But under such circumstances, Wei Zhongran only took half an hour to return to Fengliang Mountain, which only shows that Wei Zhongran is not only extremely skilled in cultivation, but also extremely resourceful.

"Master, your condition was already very serious when you were in the valley. Although Master Wei Feng was there to heal you on the way, you are still on the verge of physical collapse.

Even after you arrived at Fengliang Mountain and Master Wei gave you a lot of pills, your condition still didn't improve.

Later, Peak Master Wei planned to give up your body and began to collect your soul. When he was looking for a body for you in the future, something strange happened..."

When Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang said this, he thought of the strange silver light that appeared on Li Yan's body, and looked incredulous. He didn't know how Li Yan produced these silver lights.

When Li Yan was refining the essence and blood of the "Immortal Dark Phoenix", it entered the "Earth Spot" space.

Later, although Li Yan used it many times, Xiaozi Shenlongxiang still didn't see it or didn't pay attention.

At that time, the little purple dragon elephant was taken by Li Yan to be sacrificed separately, so the Snow Mosquito King did not see the little purple dragon elephant again for a long time.

The strange thing that appeared on Li Yan's body made it startled and suspicious, but it hid in the purple flag and did not dare to come out to check. Wei Zhongran put too much pressure on it, and it did not dare to show its head at all.

So even when Wei Zhongran left the cave and stood outside to talk to Elder Chi Gong, it didn't dare to show up. It wasn't until Wei Zhongran left the place that it showed up to talk to Li Yan.

The more Li Yan listened, the more frightened he became, and at this moment, he finally remembered that illusion that seemed like a dream but not a dream.

"As expected, I didn't have time to swallow the 'True Essence Pill'. That dream-like illusion should be a state of consciousness when the soul is about to leave the body. Silver light, silver light, reshape the body..."

Li Yan immediately thought that he had also seen silver light all over the place in the dreamlike state, and at the same time, he also thought of that cold and old voice.

"Nine heavens in the netherworld, one level and one nirvana, crossing the Yellow Spring River, thinking of immortality."

Li Yan sat on the bed in shock for a moment, and then he realized, "It was the essence and blood of the 'Immortal Phoenix' that I absorbed that reshaped my body."

Thinking of this, Li Yan's consciousness connected to the storage bag, and the Lihuo Xuanhuang Fan was suspended in front of him.

Seeing that Li Yan was deep in thought, the Little Purple Dragon Elephant had already stopped talking and lay on the ground again. It had become somewhat accustomed to the various strange phenomena that often appeared on Li Yan.

Li Yan felt dizzy just after calling out the Lihuo Xuanhuang Fan. He calmed down. It seemed that he was injured too seriously this time and might have hurt his soul.

After using a trace of spiritual consciousness, he already felt that it was too much.

After Li Yan adjusted his breath for a short while, he slowly regrouped his consciousness and penetrated into the Lihuo Xuanhuang Fan.

The scenery in the Lihuo Xuanhuang Fan was still the same. Li Yan didn't care about anything else, but looked directly at the bloody river under the red sky.

A drop of silver blood essence from the "Immortal Phoenix" that was once refined by the long river of blood is still wrapped in the long river of blood, rising and falling with the waves.

Li Yan sensed it for a while, and found that except for about 10% of the silver blood essence and blood that he had refined at the beginning, the remaining 90% of the blood essence and blood remained the same, without any change.

Li Yan quickly withdrew his consciousness from the Lihuo Xuanhuang Fan space. He kept breathing heavily, and the sea of ​​consciousness was stinging so much that his face turned pale.

"Master, what are you..."

The little purple divine dragon elephant raised its huge head and asked uneasily, Li Yan was finally fine, so it didn't have to die together.

But now it seemed that Li Yan's condition suddenly deteriorated again, and Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang couldn't help but feel uneasy again.

Li Yan waved his hand to it, then held his hand on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes again. It was not until a long time later that he felt the pain in the sea of ​​consciousness no longer hurt as before.

But Li Yan still did not open his eyes immediately. Instead, he concentrated his consciousness again and probed into his body. What appeared in Li Yan's consciousness were familiar tendons and muscles.



But Li Yan sensed that these muscles and flesh that he was so familiar with were very different from before.

First of all, the tendons now appear tender green, and the flesh and blood are like new shoots, showing vitality and fragility everywhere.

Yes, fragile. Li Yan felt that his flesh, flesh and tendons could not withstand any huge impact now, otherwise they would be easily destroyed in the next moment.

This is very different from my tough body back then, especially since the tendons look like a thin layer, and the blood and air flowing inside can be easily seen.

Regarding all this, Li Yan did not show any panic on his face. He had already roughly guessed the reason.

The second difference was that the tendons he saw were more than twice as thick as a day ago, and the flesh and blood textures had become clearer and more refined.

After his spiritual consciousness traveled around the body, Li Yan focused on confirming the five spiritual power cauldrons in the dantian and purple fu organs.

The great cauldron of spiritual power has not changed much, except that the spiritual power within it is almost exhausted, and there is a trace of spiritual energy floating in it, as if it will dissipate at any moment like rootless duckweed.

Once again, there were waves of stinging pain in his consciousness, and Li Yan had to disperse his consciousness. He breathed heavily and rested again.

This time he took a long break for a cup of tea, but this time he opened his eyes again.

Li Yan slowly raised one arm and slowly made a fist. After five breaths, Li Yan was already sweating profusely, and his naked upper body was as if washed with water.

He gritted his teeth and looked at his fists and arms carefully. After another two breaths, he exhaled a long breath. His whole body swayed tiredly, but he quickly stabilized it again, and finally there was nothing. Fall down.

He finally confirmed some of his ideas.

"Nine levels of the Netherworld, one level and one nirvana, crossing the Yellow Spring River, the thought of immortality." This sentence flashed through Li Yan's mind again, and he should have understood the first half of this sentence now.

"Is this sentence also the spiritual consciousness left by the dead "Immortal Phoenix", or is it the inherited idea left in the blood?" Li Yan was not clear for a while.

In fact, when Li Yan heard Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang say that silver light appeared on his body, and then related to his situation in the dreamlike realm, he already knew that what happened to him was related to the trace of "Immortal Phoenix" he absorbed. Essence and blood are related.

Only after his physical body was severely injured and on the verge of collapse did he truly and completely activate the silver essence and blood he had absorbed.

"It turns out that the name of 'Immortal Phoenix' does not just mean that his body is so strong that it is not easy to die, but that it can have the effect of flesh and bones and the living dead when facing death. This should be the true meaning of 'immortal'. "

Li Yan finally understood the secret of the true power of "Immortal Phoenix".

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