Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 577 Wei Chongran's Thoughts

Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan lying on the bed. Due to the pain, his face had been distorted to the point where his original appearance could not be seen. There were layers of sweat under his body, and his body was shaking unconsciously.

But what is incomprehensible is that Li Yan clearly had an inexplicable expression of pain, but he could not wake up from the pain. His body seemed to be firmly pressed on the bed by a pair of invisible hands. There was nothing but constant tremors. action.

Wei Zhongran could feel that this kind of pain came from the depths of his soul, and was enough to make a tough man made of fine iron writhe on the ground in pain.

"If it is really the cause of fragmentation and poisonous bodies, then it is incredible that the three peerless poisonous bodies are really such a fantasy!"

Wei Zhongran had no intention of continuing to collect Li Yan's soul, nor did he intend to help, because he could see that Li Yan's internal injuries were being repaired at an incredible speed, and Li Yan's vitality was getting stronger and stronger. ??

At this time, of course he couldn't just take action.

Immortal cultivators are people who believe in gods and ghosts. For things that cannot be explained, they are usually more willing to believe that they are caused by the power of heaven.

However, this is also because Li Yan used too many "fragmented poisonous bodies" to deal with various unexplainable things to people he knew well. As a result, many people in the Demon Sect knew the strangeness of "fragmented poisonous bodies".

In addition, the "three peerless poisonous bodies" of the Demon Sect are inherently intangible and are growing all the time. No one can tell to what extent the poisonous bodies will bring about physical changes.

Even people with the same poisonous body will take different paths of cultivation in the future.

At this moment, Wei Zhongran even thought that Li Yan might have practiced the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, but he practiced it by detaching the poisonous body, so he might have embarked on a different path of body refining from Zhao Min and others, so this happened Such a change.

However, he was just guessing about this. Wei Zhongran planned to find a time in the future to ask Li Yan whether he had practiced the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique.

Wei Zhongran's guess was partly correct, but he would never have thought of the reason for the real change in Qiongqi's purgatory technique.

The silver light on Li Yan's body became more and more dazzling, and in the strange space, Li Yan saw a scene that was different from Wei Zhongran's.

What Li Yan saw was that his body, which had been covered by the blue fire, fell off with the appearance of silver light. Following the blue fire, Li Yan also had patches of black and purple on his body. flesh and blood.

After the flesh and blood fell off, it then slid down the edge of the bridge into the endless abyss below, leaving only long and shocking streaks of blood on the bridge.

And those broken bones where flesh and blood have fallen out, there will be dots of silver light. When these silver light dots fall on the broken bones, it is like drops of poison adhering to the bones.

The huge pain made Li Yan's eyes split, but he could do nothing, let alone hide.

The consequence of the boundless pain was that those bones instantly seemed to have been softened, and many places were broken.


Begin to rejoin and grow.

White granulations and green tendons slowly appeared on the surface of the bone, and it was as if there were thousands of ants crawling on it. This made Li Yan suffer from great pain and itching.

In fact, at this time, Li Yan no longer knew which part of his body was in pain, because at the same time, it seemed as if someone was holding a giant hammer with spikes and swaying the thorns around in his internal organs.

The severe pain in his organs penetrated deep into his soul. Li Yan's originally clear consciousness seemed to have been crushed in the pain, becoming somewhat blurred and illusory.

It seemed that in the next moment, his consciousness would collapse and disappear, and then he would fall into coma forever.

In the strange space, looking from a distance, Li Yan was the only one standing alone on the bridge, covered in blood, between heaven and earth.

Most of the body was covered with white bones, purple and black flesh and blood kept falling off, and new white flesh and blood kept squirming all over the body, like a skinned bloody man.

It looked like a skeleton covered in broken blood-foamed human skin.

His body was convulsing like a swing, and in his mind was the cold voice of vicissitudes of life, which would sound again every few breaths and keep repeating.

"Nine levels of the Netherworld, one level and one Nirvana, crossing the Yellow Spring River, thinking of immortality." Like a mantra, even though Li Yantong's consciousness became blurry, these words were like thunder in his heart.

This sound turned into golden runes in Li Yan's heart, falling on the internal organs, followed by a low "buzz..." sound.

At this time, Li Yan's vitality would become stronger.


An hour had passed in the cave. Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan, who was lying motionless on the bed, quietly for a while.

He repeatedly used his spiritual consciousness to detect it several times. The strange silver light on Li Yan's body had long since disappeared, and now Li Yan's originally fragile body, except for the bright red or black blood stains on his body, had completely returned to normal.

"What kind of opportunity does my disciple have, and what kind of technique does he practice? Does it really have nothing to do with Qiongqi Purgatory Technique?"

At this time, Wei Zhongran would definitely no longer believe that what Li Yan practiced was the "Ten Thousand Yuan Gong", and once again doubted whether Li Yan really practiced the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique.

But his reason told him that even the elders and clan leaders of the Tianli clan could not reach this level of flesh and bones and the living dead with their Qiongqi purgatory skills.

Qiongqi Purgatory mainly focuses on strengthening the physical body and enhancing defense. Although it also has the effect of repairing the body, it must be done when the cultivation reaches the last level, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have the magical power to reshape the physical body.

"Reshaping the body" is a legendary power that only a true immortal can possess. Wei Zhongran saw Qiongqi Lian when he was in his family.

According to the introduction of the prison technique, even if one can regenerate a broken limb after reaching the last level of cultivation, it will still require at least one to three years of seclusion, and it has never been said that it can be done within an hour.

Wei Zhongran fell into deep thought.

As for the effect of detaching the poison body, there have been strong men in the Demon Sect who have detached the poison body, but there has never been any mention in the classics that the detachment of the poison body can reshape the physical body.

After a long while, Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan who had regained his breathing. He did not move Li Yan again, but turned around and walked towards the outside of the cave.

He had his pride, and he guessed that Li Yan must have another opportunity, but he did not want to use his spiritual consciousness to carefully detect Li Yan's secrets.

It was because of Li Yan's injury that he used his spiritual consciousness irregularly and discovered many secrets of Li Yan. But that's all. Wei Zhongran is still the upright fat man he used to be. ??

Outside the cave, Elder Chi Gong, who was dressed in an immortal style, was standing there. Bai Rou originally wanted to follow him here to determine Li Yan's injury, but because her own injuries were not serious, Elder Chi Gong had already given him the elixir. Rushed back to heal.

"How is Li Yan?"

"The injury is considered stable, but it will take some time to rest."

After hearing Wei Zhongran's words, Elder Chi Gong raised his long eyebrows, "Is the injury stable? No need to seize the body?"

He had seen Li Yan's extremely miserable appearance before, but he was held in Wei Zhongran's arms and none of the elders glanced at him with their spiritual consciousness.

But they were so sophisticated that they could tell at a glance that Li Yan's injuries were life-threatening, and his physical body was almost completely broken from the beating.

Wei Zhongran actually said that his injury was stable now. This answer was obviously beyond Elder Chi Gong's expectations.

This is why he rushed over immediately after taking care of other things. But when he heard Bai Rou briefly explain what happened, he was very shocked by Li Yan.

It is also a blessing for Wei Zhongran to have such a disciple. A large sect naturally needs outstanding disciples from generation to generation in order to maintain its strength.

Wei Zhongran gave Elder Chi Gong a faint look, "My disciple's injury is stable, isn't Senior Brother happy?"

"You... what you said, I mean, junior brother, my concern is wrong. We elders could see clearly just now that Li Yan's injury is not ordinary."

Elder Chi Gong glared at Wei Zhongran fiercely and said dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, thank you for your concern, senior brother. Li Yan is fine. I used the two pills given by Master on him. His injuries are now stable."

Wei Zhongran suddenly laughed and clasped his fists at Elder Chi Gong.

"What? You gave that boy the elixir refined by Patriarch Da Cen? No wonder!" Elder Chi Gong's eyes widened again, and he secretly cursed in his heart.

"It is said that Xiaozhufeng's ancestors from Da Cen, Wei Zhongran, and Li Wuyi are all people who protect their shortcomings.


, It’s true, Junior Brother Wei can get two of the elixirs refined by the Yuan Ying Ancestor. This... this is too..."

In his heart, he wanted to say "generous" or "luxury", but it was wrong to think about it. Li Yan was Wei Zhongran's direct disciple. If he didn't save him, who else would he save? Elder Chi Gong couldn't help but shake his head in admiration.

Wei Zhongran didn't want to talk more about this topic, so he immediately changed the subject.

"The news brought back by Li Yan and the others is extremely important. Have you conveyed the message to several senior Nascent Souls?"

Of course Wei Zhongran didn't want to expose Li Yan's secret, so he found an excuse to cover it up.

He had healed Li Yan's injuries when he came back just now, and left the matter to Elder Chi Gong and others. Now of course he wanted to inquire about the results.

"The situation mentioned by Bai Rou and the others coincides with some of the intelligence we obtained yesterday. Several of our elders have analyzed it and determined that this is a precursor to a large-scale attack by the demon army.

I have already sent this message to several Yuan Ying seniors who are sitting here before, and I have just received a reply.

It shows that the matter is known and we are asked to be more vigilant. Now several elders have gone to summon the monks from various peaks to arrange tasks. "

Elder Chi Gong briefly explained the matter.

"Judging from your tone, several Yuanying seniors should have noticed it in advance." Wei Zhongran said with a frown.

But he was thinking in his heart, since he had discovered something wrong in advance, why didn't he arrange for them to make arrangements in time.

Seemingly sensing Wei Zhongran's doubts, Elder Chi Gong chuckled.

"Hahaha, from the feedback from Bai Rou and the others, we can know that the other party only took action a few hours ago.

Both of us are deliberately guarding against the other party's spiritual consciousness exploration, especially the middle and high-level monks. I think several seniors were blocked by the other party during their spiritual consciousness exploration. They just felt that something was wrong, but they failed to get the real intelligence information, so they did not attack us. Let’s make arrangements for three defenses. "

After Wei Zhongran heard this, he thought for a moment and nodded.

"Senior brother's analysis is that we didn't find any abnormalities last night. Instead, we received reports from the scouts one after another in the middle of the night that the other party had expanded the warning range in several directions. That's when we became vigilant."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, "Now that the two sides are obtaining information, the middle and high-level monks are not able to play much role, and they have to rely on the low-level monks."

"There is nothing we can do about it. The senior monks on both sides currently investing in these three defense directions are about the same strength and number, and they are all restricting each other.

On the contrary, Wu Li has no scruples about those low-level monks. In addition, the number of low-level monks is too large. Thousands of low-level monks are scattered on the battlefield to spy on the situation. Who can ignore one thing and lose the other. "

"Oh, by the way, senior brother, how is that 'Luoshu Lake' disciple?" Wei Zhongran certainly knew what Elder Chi Gong meant, he just felt it, and then asked instead.

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