Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 575: The Long Bridge on Fire

Teng Wuji's face was gloomy. He stepped forward and took a sharp breath. His withered body muscles rose up like mountains, and his whole body suddenly became stronger.

He covered his throat with one hand, and there was a faint sound of ghostly howling on the other fist. As the black energy surged, several faces of demon cultivators full of resentment emerged. They gritted their teeth and their expressions were distorted. These faces rotated rapidly on Teng Wuji Fist. , bringing up the surrounding airflow like a knife, bending the elbow and collapsing the fist.

Teng Wuji poured all his mana crazily into this arm, the most powerful weapon of the demon cultivator, a physical attack!

In the middle of the night, in the valley that had just been silent, a "bang!" sounded again, but this time the sound was extremely short and dull.

Teng Wuji's eyes flashed, and he felt his fist tighten, and his fist stopped in mid-air like electricity.

He was immediately startled and looked intently. The purple ball in front of him was still spinning rapidly and shining brightly, but his boxer was caught by the wrist of a fat and white hand.

That hand was pitifully small compared to him, and only grasped a small part of his wrist, but it was as steady as a rock, making him feel as if his arm was cast on a cave pillar.

At the same time, a voice with cold murderous intent sounded in Teng Wuji's ears, "Fellow Taoist, how does it feel to bully the juniors?"

Teng Wu was extremely shocked. The sweat on his body instantly soaked his back. He didn't even notice how this person came to his side and how he made his move.

"Who is this person? What kind of cultivation is this?"


Li Yan saw himself embarking on a road of fire. On both sides of the road were bottomless dark abyss, like a long bridge spanning a natural chasm.

Li Yan raised his eyes and looked around. The long bridge of fire seemed to be endless without any end. He was the only one standing on it alone. The sky was gray, and the wind blew past him, causing the blue fire bridge on both sides to sway together. Indescribably eerie and strange.

What made Li Yan feel strange was that although he was standing in the middle of the fire on both sides, his whole body was chilled. The burning fire did not bring any warmth.

Li Yan frowned. He couldn't remember how he got here for a while, and he seemed to have forgotten everything before, as if he had appeared here as soon as he was born.

For a while, Li Yan couldn't even remember his name.

"Where is this place? Who am I?" Li Yan shook his head, but he couldn't remember his past and present lives.

But there are many familiar names deep in my heart, which seem to be ready to be called out, but I just can't remember them.

After a while, Li Yan simply stopped thinking about it. He felt that the temperature in his body was dropping sharply, and it seemed that his blood was about to freeze.

Li Yan turned sideways and looked at the swaying fire sticks on the roadside. He didn't know whether these fire sticks had any temperature.

After he observed carefully for a while, Li Yan slowly approached, and then subconsciously released his consciousness, but there was no movement in his body. \u003cb



"Divine consciousness? This name is very strange. It seems that you can sense distant things just by thinking about it." This explanation emerged from Li Yan's vague memory.

Then Li Yan shook his head, "This idea is really weird. Don't people see things with their eyes? I have to figure out where I am?"

Li Yan turned around and bent down, and carefully stretched out a finger. He tried to gently touch a small amount of the swaying flames, but at the next moment, Li Yan quickly retracted his finger as if he had been bitten by a snake.

The moment his finger touched the flame, he felt uncontrollable severe pain. When he looked at his finger again, he couldn't help but froze. His finger was covered with a thick layer of blue ice.

And there were waves of stinging coldness rushing into his fingers. The stinging pain soon spread to his arms, turning from a ball of blue ice into a sheet of blue ice.

Li Yan hurriedly swung his arm, but after just a few breaths, his arm had become stiffer and he was quickly losing consciousness.

"Extremely cold ice!" Another strange thought appeared in Li Yan's mind, but he had no time to think about it.

Li Yan hurriedly used his other hand to pat the blue ice covering his arm, but what frightened him was that the blue ice quickly spread to his other hand.

Soon, Li Yan discovered to his horror that he could no longer move at all.

What frightened Li Yan even more was that just for a short while, his head became drowsy, indicating that he was slowly losing consciousness.

On the contrary, Li Yan's internal organs were burning like fire at this moment, but the skin and flesh on his body were still cold, and the severe pain burning in his body could not clear his mind.

Severe pain and drowsiness, emptiness and darkness, all of this is strange.

Although he didn't know who he was and why he came to this terrifying space, how could Li Yan be willing to die so easily? He struggled hard.

But everything was in vain. Slowly, Li Yan felt more and more sleepy, his eyelids became weaker and weaker, and his thinking stopped at a certain moment, unable to continue thinking, and became increasingly blurry.

At this moment, Li Yan seemed to hear a familiar voice, "Uncle Wei, why is Junior Brother Li's breath getting more and more disordered!"


Bai Rou and King Hu Xiao were sitting cross-legged on a dark cloud. The dark cloud dragged out an undetectable black light in the dark night and was quickly moving towards the north.

At this moment, Bai Rou's aura has improved a lot. In Wei Zhongran's opinion, her injuries were mainly due to the forced use of magic techniques that exceeded her own level, which caused damage to her muscles and veins and her spiritual power was unable to function.

After Wei Chongran temporarily used his magic power to sort it out, Bai Rou was able to swallow the pill and recover on her own.

Hu Xiaowang and the other four were at a loss and at a loss. When they woke up, they were already above the white clouds. What made them even more happy was that Uncle Wei appeared in their sight, and the terrifying Jindan demon cultivator had disappeared.

Hu Xiaowang and the other four only remembered that when they were escaping from the Chuanyun Willow, the dark golden light balls suddenly broke through the spiritual shield and hit them. The four of them had no idea what happened afterwards.

"Did Uncle Wei arrive by chance?" The three people except Yu Yuanjun thought, but when their eyes swept to Li Yan, who was covered in blood, this idea was immediately broken.

Li Yan was lying on the dark clouds, with his arms exposed in sections. Although there was ointment on them, it was applied to the broken parts, and some places could still be seen with white bones, which made them feel creepy.

Junior Sister Bai Rou's face was also as pale as paper, and she looked like she was seriously injured. Her aura was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, which reminded people of a candle in the wind.

Wei Chongran was looking down at Li Yan with a gloomy face, and the spiritual light on his hands kept flashing and tapping on various parts of Li Yan's body.

Yan Feijun asked in a low voice, "Uncle Wei, what is Junior Brother Li doing..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Chongran glanced at them sideways, with a cold look in his eyes, which was very different from the gentle young man he usually looked like. Then he turned back and continued to treat Li Yan's injuries.

At this glance, the curious expressions of several people suddenly froze on their faces. It was obvious that Wei Chongran was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Several people did not dare to ask any more questions, and all looked at Bai Rou. Bai Rou gently shook her head at them, indicating that they should not ask any more questions. Now several people were even more confused.

Now everyone, including Yu Yuanjun, could only guess what happened. "After the demon cultivator knocked us out, Uncle Wei arrived and repelled the demon cultivator. Li Yan and Bai Rou might have been in the center of the opponent's attack, so they were seriously injured. It seems that we are blessed by God." They would never have thought that they had been unconscious for a long time, let alone that Li Yan and Bai Rou had been fighting against a Jindan demon cultivator. After more than ten breaths, Wei Chongran stopped the spell in his hand, and then looked at Li Yan, whose breath was still unstable, with a worried look on his face. At this time, Bai Rou asked carefully, "Uncle Wei, why is Junior Brother Li's breath getting more and more disordered!" This time, Wei Chongran did not show dissatisfaction. He looked at the few people and answered softly. "His internal organs have been ruptured in many places, and 40% of his tendons have burst and broken, especially his arms, where the tendons have been damaged the most. Although he has been given the 'God-Protecting Pill', the bleeding in his internal organs has stopped and he is recovering. But after I used my spiritual power to dredge his arms, bones, and tendons, I was only able to connect a few of the main tendons. Next, maybe... maybe it depends on him..." At this point, Wei Chongran sighed in his heart. Li Yan was really seriously injured this time, and even he felt very embarrassed. After hearing what Wei Chongran said, the five people were shocked. First of all, Yu Yuanjun, he almost cried out in surprise. "The Guardian Pill, this senior is talking about the Guardian Pill, which is a sixth-grade healing pill. Even if the family's Nascent Soul ancestor took it out, he would be in great pain. And the other party is obviously just a Jindan cultivator, and he just...used it...used it up..."

Yu Yuanjun now knows that Li Yan should also be a foundation-building cultivator. The lives of ten or a hundred foundation-building cultivators may not be as good as a "Guardian Pill".

But what he didn't know was that if Li Yan hadn't fainted too quickly, with Li Yan's caution and prudence, everything would have been in his plan.

In the end, his consciousness was going to take out a legendary eighth-grade pill that didn't exist on the Wild Moon Continent, but something went wrong and everything went in an unknown direction.

Hu Xiaowang and others were surprised that Uncle Wei's method actually said that Li Yan's injury would depend on himself in the end. Li Yan's life was already in danger, and Bai Rou's pale face almost became transparent.

But the truth is not just that. Wei Chongran said this lightly. Li Yan's most serious injury is in his internal organs, which are broken up to 60%.

Although he has the "Soul Protection Pill" to protect his internal organs and soul, this body should not be able to be saved. A person whose internal organs are almost destroyed is rare among the immortal cultivators.

If Wei Chongran is a little later, even Li Yan's soul may dissipate, so he is also quick to fight and make a full effort this time.

Looking at the unconscious Li Yan, Wei Chongran remembered the scene he sensed in his consciousness before.

"Even I can't see through this kid's cultivation. His real realm should be the false elixir realm. But even so, according to Bai Rou, how could he hold off a demon cultivator in the middle stage of the golden elixir for nearly twenty breaths? I'm afraid that no one among the foundation-building disciples in the sect can do this alone. It's really amazing. This method has far surpassed myself at this level back then. He must have had great luck in his training this year, but it's a pity that his cultivation is difficult to preserve. It's not easy to protect his soul now. After his soul is condensed, he can only find a physical body to take over again. It's a pity for his fragmented poisonous body!"

Thinking of being separated from his poisonous body, Wei Zhongran suddenly felt a sudden flash of lightning in his heart, "That's not right!"

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