Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 573 Not Dead Yet

Teng Wuji knew before that the boy in front of him was physically different from ordinary people, but looking at the reaction after attacking him, Teng Wuji knew that although the opponent was physically good, he was still far inferior to him.

So just now Li Yan arrived at the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" in an instant. To resist his blow, Teng Wuji could only make Teng Wuji feel that the opponent was a trapped beast still struggling to fight to the death.

"Impossible, how is this possible? This kid's physical body is at least much stronger than an early stage demon."

This thought flashed through Teng Wuji's mind. He looked down upon it, and Li Yan used all his strength this time, and the attack force had penetrated into Teng Wuji's body.

Teng Wuji was still in shock. He suddenly felt that there was another dangerous aura coming, but he was surprised by Li Yan's attack, so his reaction was still a little slow.

Three more rays of intertwined colors hit his raised right leg.

In fact, he had sensed these three attacks before, but he didn't take it to heart. It was an attack caused by the three puppets commanded by the girl in the formation.

In Teng Wuji's view, the resistance between Li Yan and the girl in the formation was completely meaningless. ????

After the three puppets were embedded with middle-grade spiritual stones, their attack power was indeed many times stronger, but to him, they were still very weak. That was because the man who controlled the puppets had too weak magic power to control. Bring out the true strength of the three puppets.

If these three puppets are controlled by a human Jindan monk, then he needs to be particularly careful.

But now the situation is different. The ball of his right foot was hit by the boy in green shirt, and his defensive state has been broken. Now that he is losing strength, he can't even lift his right leg to dodge in his perception.

Both sides attacked in an instant, and the three rays of light were like three straight beams of light, hitting directly on Teng Wuji's raised right calf.

With a muffled groan, Teng Wuji leaned back crookedly, barely using his left leg to support his body from falling, and in his right calf, three blood holes were bubbling outwards.

The right calf lost the protection of condensed power. Even with Teng Wuji's incomparable physical body, many tendons were broken in the leg, which fully shows the power of the pure spiritual energy in the middle-grade spiritual stone.

At this time, the little purple divine dragon elephant in the "Big Dragon Elephant Array" had three middle-grade spiritual stones curled up in its trunk, and looked at Bai Rou with a dull look on his face, who was also retreating with a muffled sound.

"This girl is too hot-tempered. She took action without any warning, and she hasn't even given her the spiritual stone yet!"

Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang was strictly ordered not to take action by Li Yan. This was their last defense.

But when it received the message from Li Yan and the three spirit stones, it discovered that Bai Rou had already taken action, and it didn't even have a chance to hand over the spirit stones.

The Little Purple Divine Dragon Elephant quickly flicked its trunk and blocked Bairou's back, helping her to avoid retreating. Bairou's injury was caused by the backlash of a spell that was beyond her ability.

Bai Rou opened her mouth and squirted one after another


A few mouthfuls of blood came out, and then he glanced at Li Yan outside the formation with a faint breath, and wanted to move forward again, but the next moment, he fell softly to the ground.

Li Yan, who was outside the formation, still raised his fists high in the horseback posture after knocking away Teng Wuji's attack, and his whole body was enveloped in a blood mist.

Then another bloody arrow shot out from his mouth. Just now, he had completely caught the opponent's attack head-on. Although he repelled the opponent, Li Yan's internal organs were burning like fire, and he felt as if his liver and intestines were broken in his abdomen.

Li Yan's mind became even more "buzzing..." and he felt dizzy, and then he sat down on the ground, and every bone in his body felt like it was about to fall apart.

Especially on the hands, the flesh and blood on the fist surface was blooming, and the white bones at the top of the fist were exposed, with cracks all over them. Because everything happened in an instant, the blood on the white bones had not even had time to gather and gush out.

The arm was already covered in blood, which was caused by the cracking of the muscles and skin, and the blood lines shot outward.

Thousands of knives were cutting through his chest and abdomen. Li Yan knew that he had suffered serious internal injuries. Many of his organs must have burst and been damaged under the pressure of strong external force.

But at this moment, Teng Wuji's angry and laughing voice sounded in the sky, "I can't believe, I can't believe that you not only killed my monster, but also forced me to this point, then I can die!"

Teng Wuji didn't give Li Yan and the others any time at all. As soon as he stabilized his body, he launched another attack.

Following the words, Teng Wuji's huge figure appeared in Li Yan's field of vision again like a demon. He was dragging one leg and striding over.

"It's a pity that with all my strength and Bai Rou's help, I only injured one of his legs."

Li Yan knew that Teng Wuji's next attack was definitely not comparable to what he had just done. Just now, Teng Wuji still underestimated his ability and was still a little lax.

But now that he has used all his cards, the opponent's attack will only be more fierce than before.

"Master, retreat from the formation quickly!" The voice of the Purple Divine Dragon Elephant rang out in Li Yan's mind, and at the same time, the long trunk of the Purple Divine Dragon Elephant had rolled over.

"The formation actually gave birth to a weapon spirit, but you still die!"

Teng Wuji had long noticed the weirdness of the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation", but he never expected that there were actually formation spirits in what he thought was just an ordinary defensive formation.

When he saw a "long purple belt" flashing beside Li Yan, he immediately remembered that when the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" had an accident, there seemed to be a purple light flashing beside him.

At that time, most of his attention was on Li Yan, so he just thought he was shaken by the purple light on the formation below. Now that he thought about it,

, and immediately understood everything.

"Damn array spirit, I will refine your soul and make you fall into Shura hell forever!" Teng Wuji thought in his heart.

His reaction was much faster than the Purple Dragon Elephant. As soon as the Purple Dragon Elephant's long nose appeared outside the edge of the array, Teng Wuji had already discovered it.

The huge body that came with big strides suddenly turned to one side, and the whole person seemed to be unable to support the injured right leg, and the huge body fell straight to the side.

The distance he retreated just now was not too far. At the moment when his body fell to the side, there was no distance between him and Li Yan.

At the same time, Teng Wuji made a fist with his right hand against his cheek, bent his right elbow, and carried the momentum with his body, like an Arhat water lily, carrying a mountain of ten thousand kilograms, and smashed it hard on Li Yan's head.

The tip of his right elbow was facing Li Yan's top door, and a sound like thunder blew in the air.


Teng Wuji was above Li Yan's head in an instant with the momentum of shattering the earth and splitting the sky.

"Master..." The purple dragon elephant's trunk was less than two feet away from Li Yan, but it was as far away as thousands of mountains and rivers. It was also bitter in its heart, "This will destroy its soul!" Once Li Yan died, no matter how pure and powerful its soul was, it would die at the same time. "Li... Li Junior Brother... cough... cough..." Bai Rou looked at Li Yan who was already unable to stand up. Her face was pale and she raised her hands suddenly, but she could not help but spit out blood again after raising them a little. Her arms fell down heavily and powerlessly. At this moment, Bai Rou also completely lost her fighting power. Everything outside seemed ethereal and slow in the eyes of Bai Rou and the little purple dragon elephant, but in fact, it was just that their minds were stagnant at this moment, and they had no ability to think. Death came. Teng Wuji's furious attack was so fast that Li Yan collapsed on the ground, blood still oozing out of his body. He looked up at Teng Wuji's grim smile as he fell sideways and hit him, and the muffled whistling sound of the air breaking from his elbow.

For a body cultivator, any piece of flesh and bone on the body is extremely indestructible, especially the elbows and knees of the limbs, which are the sharpest attack weapons for body cultivators, like magic weapons for magic cultivators.

If Li Yan was hit hard, starting from his head, he would be like a watermelon, bursting into a ball of blood mist in an instant, without even a bit of bone residue left, and his whole body would turn into a foamy powder.

Except for the unconscious Hu Xiaowang and the others, everyone here could see that Li Yan had been severely injured after taking Teng Wuji's kick, and now it was extremely difficult for him to even move his body, not to mention defense.

And Teng Wuji saw this point.

His elbow had just reached the top of Li Yan's head, blowing Li Yan's black hair wildly.


But at this moment, in Teng Wuji's ferocious smile, Li Yan suddenly raised his head, his mouth cracked, and he smiled at him with a mouthful of white teeth.

Teng Wuji felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He felt that the other party was indescribably weird, but at this moment, he had no time to react.

The next moment, he felt a sudden emptiness under his right elbow, and Li Yan disappeared. Then two loud noises broke out in the valley at the same time.

Countless pieces of stone and wood chips were stirred up in the valley again and shot into the sky, like sharp arrows that could pierce the sky. For a while, there were continuous sharp sounds of breaking through the air, and the dust and smoke filled the area for dozens of miles.

After a while, a series of coughing sounds came from the thick smoke, "cough... cough... cough..." The smoke that filled the sky and the earth was suddenly torn apart by a pair of dark hands. The hands were torn apart, and the gray smoke that filled the sky and the earth was pulled to the two sides like a curtain on a door, and drifted away into the color.

The whole valley regained its clarity, but the original relatively flat valley had long disappeared, and the ground of dozens of miles had turned into a huge deep pit.

The deep pit was forty or fifty feet deep, and it was pitch black inside. Against the backdrop of the night, it was like a huge mouth of a beast, looking up at the moon, as if it wanted to swallow the entire sky in one gulp.

In a corner of the sinkhole, in the darkness, a small piece of purple light was constantly flashing. The purple light was about five feet in size, and it seemed so small in the large pit of dozens of miles.

But it seemed like a bright lamp in the dark night, but the light at this time was also flickering, as if it would go out at any time. It was the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

Inside the formation, Li Yan was lying on the ground, just like Hu Xiaowang and the others, lying there quietly. He had fallen into a coma, and his two arms were strangely bent, showing an arc that normal people's arms could not reach.

Pieces of white bone with blood splattered here and there pierced through the flesh and blood, and were horribly exposed.

Li Yan's body was mixed with blood and soil, as if covered with a layer of crimson gravel, and his eyes were closed.

Bai Rou was lying not far away, and at this moment, a strange look appeared on her face, looking at the night sky outside the formation.

The little purple dragon elephant was standing beside Li Yan, prying open Li Yan's tightly closed lips and pouring pills into it one by one.

These pills were given to it by Li Yan and Bai Rou. Bai Rou's tendons and veins were also severely damaged, which was the result of forcibly casting a spell to urge the three puppets.

Bai Rou could only use her remaining consciousness to forcefully open her storage bag and take out some pills. She didn't even have the energy to swallow them herself, so she gave them all to Li Yan.

"It's a pity that he can't be killed even with this. It's up to you next!" Bai Rou suddenly whispered to the little purple dragon elephant.

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