Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 570: A tragic counterattack

Li Yan and Teng Wuji stalled for time. Five or six breaths had passed before and after. The "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" below was attacked by the three puppets bursting out medium-grade spiritual stones.

Bai Rou no longer looked at Li Yan during these five or six breaths, but used all her strength to cast spells. Instead of worrying, she would like to deal with the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" as soon as possible so that she could help Li Yan.

For a moment, the explosion below was far louder than the noise caused by the fight between Li Yan and Teng Wuji above. The "Incandescent Demon Tiger" roared one after another, leaving traces of visible "bones" on the three puppets. Claw marks.

Under these claw marks, some formation operation centers on the puppet's body were directly cut off. Platinum spiritual power continued to leak out, just like clusters of lightning flashing outside the body. What Li Yan once gave was three metallic A medium-grade spiritual stone, metal is the most offensive among the five elements. The spiritual energy is sharp and indestructible. Except for puppets with special functions, ordinary puppets can use spiritual stones of any attribute.

The formation restrictions on the three giant ape puppets' bodies were slightly destroyed. As a result, the three puppets' bodies occasionally sagged during attacks.

The ferocity of a third-level magic beast is astonishing. It has almost reached the peak cultivation level of a golden elixir monk in the early stage. Even a three-headed puppet supported by a middle-grade spiritual stone was still injured.

In just a few breaths, the two sides exchanged attacks dozens of times.

The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" is even more unwilling. Whenever its long-prepared attack hits the opponent, there will be a slippery feeling on the opponent's body, and 20 to 30% of the attacks will drift away, leaving He didn't know how to cope.

The greater the power of its attack, the more obvious this feeling becomes. Every moment of misalignment at a critical moment causes the "Incandescent Demon Tiger"'s internal strength to become chaotic and indescribably uncomfortable.

However, what the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" didn't know was that if Bai Rou was in the fake elixir realm at this time, it would "definitely be suppressed to death by three puppets embedded with medium-grade spiritual stones."

Bai Rou was still unable to display many of the techniques of "Participating in Hengdou Zhuan". The ones that used the force to unload the force could only scratch the surface, and could only use part of the power of the middle-grade spiritual stone.

Otherwise, the more ferociously the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" attacks, the greater the force of the backlash it receives. In that case, its own attack power alone can injure it.

The body of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" was also covered in blood, and there was a blood groove about half a foot long on its hind legs that was bleeding with blood.

On its right waist and abdomen, the fur also exploded into a ball, leaving a bloody hole with bloody flesh. The flesh and blood there had been twisted into a ball, and several purple flesh balls hung out of the body, looking like damaged internal organs.

As the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" moved rapidly, these organs swung back and forth like windmills, causing the "Incandescent Devil Tiger"'s fur to tremble in pain.

Apart from letting out an extremely angry roar, he did not ask Teng Wuji for help. It was the most powerful monster. If even a small human foundation-building monk could not


Killing it would be an insult to it.

It could only relieve the hatred in its heart by killing the human girl in front of it with its own hands.

At this time, the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" had already forgotten Teng Wuji's instructions, and had long forgotten about not harming the girl in front of him. It could only completely calm down the anger in its chest by tearing the three puppets in front of it into pieces.

As powerful as a dragon, the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" suddenly flashed a sharp light in its eyes. It had recognized that among the three puppets, the smallest one, the giant long-armed ape puppet, belonged to the "assassin" type.

The small giant ape puppet, under the cover of the two large puppets as human shields, would often give the opponent a fatal blow.

The bloody hole the size of an adult's fist in the waist and abdomen of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" was caused by a sneak attack by this small puppet. It broke its body-protecting demonic energy with just one bite, while holding its waist with both arms. , the sharp teeth pulled and pulled fiercely, and a big hole was formed.

A huge pain that penetrated the bone marrow made the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" involuntarily take a few steps forward, and at the same time, another larger giant gibbon puppet attacked.

Taking the opportunity to draw a deep blood groove with the sharp claws of his middle finger from top to bottom on its hind legs, the fur of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" was rolled up, and the flesh and blood were covered with flesh and bones. The bones were just exposed, and the next moment they were quickly covered with blood again. dyed a bright red.

The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" hated Bai Rou deeply, but the girl always stood on the edge of the purple formation and did not move forward. When the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" sneak attacked Bai Rou twice, Bai Rou could always easily Move the lotus step, and the purple light of the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" beside her will protect her within it.

Regarding the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" in front of them, the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" forcibly shook it several times before Bai Rou released the three puppets. Finally, he had no choice but to find that apart from shaking the formation, there was nothing he could do for a while. breached.

Seeing that it could not hurt Bai Rou, the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" focused its attack on the small puppets. Firstly, it was this puppet that attacked it and suffered serious injuries; secondly, this puppet was three puppets. The weakest among them and the easiest to be maimed.

The three puppets formed a "pin" shape and tightly surrounded the "Incandescent Devil Tiger", and were constantly compressing the opponent's room to move. Although the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" rushed left and right, rushing forward, it was still forced to give in. .

These three puppets were so scarred that they looked like they were about to fall apart at any moment, but the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" just couldn't beat them to pieces.

Due to the special important defense parts of the three giant gibbon puppets, the refining materials are made from rare materials given by Shuang Qingqing. The protective power is so strong that it is eye-catching.

Its purpose is to protect the operation of the core formation of "Shen Heng Dou Zhuan". Even if you knock off the heads of the three puppets, it will not help.

As a matter of fact, without the limbs, at most it means that there is no way to attack, but it can still fly and attack by relying on the spiritual stones in the body. This is the terrifying thing about the puppet.

Unlike monks and spiritual beasts, puppets can cause fatal injuries if their bodies are damaged.

The two large puppets had one head and one tail, and their bodies were constantly flashing across each other. No matter how the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" moved around in an attempt to dodge, its head and tail were always within the attack range of the two puppets.

The small giant gibbon puppet appeared in front of the head of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" for a while, and then appeared at the tail of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger".

It relies on the huge figures of two large puppets as a hidden shield. Its figure is erratic, hiding behind it, and suddenly revealing its ferocious appearance.

Within a few breaths, the small puppet only made two attempts. One of them failed, and the other one opened a big hole in the waist of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger".

If this kind of news were transmitted back to Fengliang Mountain, it would be enough to shock all the foundation-building monks in Fengliang Mountain. No matter how they imagined it, they would not be able to fight against a third-level monster and achieve such a result. The biggest possibility would be to think about how to escape. .

Of course, the three middle-grade spiritual stones given by Li Yan played a vital role, but if the three middle-grade spiritual stones were given to other monks, they would not have much effect. They may not have suitable magic weapons to use.

The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" had blood-soaked pupils and was as powerful as a mad tiger. The moment two large puppets pounced on it, its body suddenly shrank into a ball. The white light on its body flashed fiercely, and its figure became larger than before. I don't know how many times faster it was, but it had already crashed into a giant gibbon puppet at the tail.

This sudden change caused a brief overlap in speed and time, making Bai Rou, who controlled the puppet, slow to react for a moment.

This is also due to Bai Rou's lack of experience in facing enemies. The "Incandescent Demon Tiger" has experienced thousands of large and small battles with Teng Wuji in the demon world, and both its attack speed and reaction have reached the point of almost instinct.

The giant gibbon puppet behind the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" stagnated slightly, and instantly collided with it. With a loud "bang" sound, the giant gibbon puppet could not withstand the huge impact force. The figure stepped backwards in an instant.

The white light on the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" surged again, and with the rebound of this collision, it turned into a faster ball of white light and hit another large puppet again. The speed was so fast that it made the air "whoosh" A scream.

Although the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" created a temporary gap in the enemy's encirclement, it was still feeling extremely uncomfortable in its belly at this moment.

The collision just now made the giant ape's weird force-relieving technique even more powerful, causing it to condense its breath and almost kink in its chest. A mouthful of blood was about to spurt out, but it was stuck in its throat.

At this time, Bai Rou had already reacted. How could she let the other party repeat his old tricks? The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" seemed to be invincible and wanted to break out of the encirclement.



Bai Rou's magic tricks were changing continuously, and the other large puppet slammed its feet on the ground, causing the entire valley to tremble.

A pair of long arms suddenly skyrocketed several feet, and a pair of big hands were closed, and they were stuck in a ball of white light that shot towards his arms.

At this moment, the huddled "Incandescent Devil Tiger" suddenly regained its shape again.

Looking at the giant palms coming together from both sides, a fierce light flashed in its eyes, and suddenly the white light on its body suddenly dispersed, and a tiger tail swung sideways behind it.

The tiger's tail broke off from behind it in an instant and turned into a fluffy giant stick of colorful colors. It swept towards the two giant palms of the giant ape puppet with a gust of fishy wind.

As the tiger's tail broke, the aura of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" also dropped violently, and the fierceness of Taotian was reduced by less than half, and its body trembled in pain.

In the violent blow just now, not only was blood sprayed from the broken part of the tail, but the demonic energy that had been protecting the blood hole in the waist and abdomen was also loosened at this moment, and a large amount of blood immediately spurted out from the blood hole.

Immediately, a dull sound was heard, and the giant gibbon's outstretched palms came into contact with the colorful club formed from the opponent's tail.

The hair on the colorful club suddenly exploded, causing the original colorful club to become extremely bare in an instant, and the giant ape's palms were immediately covered with dense fluff.

The moment these fluffs came into contact with the giant ape's palms, they grew crazily on the palms, and were spreading to the giant ape's body at lightning speed, like boundless seaweed sweeping in.

The even more terrifying aspect of these seaweed-like hairs is that as they spread, they tightly wrap around the body of the giant ape puppet, hanging down to the ground like vines.

The moment it touched the earth, it was like a spiritual dragon entering the sea. It burrowed into the depths of the earth and "pinned" the giant gibbon puppet in place with just a breath.

Only the two red eyes of the giant gibbon puppet were exposed, and a pair of giant arms were being "nailed" into the ground by seaweed-like hair, slowly hanging down.

All this was done in one breath. The body of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" in the air did not stop at all. As fast as lightning, it quickly bypassed the giant gibbon puppet that was still trying to get rid of the entanglement.

At this time, the other giant gibbon puppet that was knocked back by the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" stabilized its retreat. It suddenly opened its huge mouth, and a dazzling white gold light shone in its mouth.

A slender platinum arrow was blurted out in an instant, shooting directly at the "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" that was moving rapidly in mid-air.

But obviously this attack has been delayed by half a minute. At this moment, the figure of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" has appeared beside the giant gibbon that was "nailed" to the ground, and at this time, the small giant ape puppet just happened to reveal its figure. .

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