Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 563: Greedy and giving up good opportunities

There were arc sparks shining on the surface of Li Yan's skin, and he lost consciousness for a moment.

If the remaining dark golden light group were not as thin as silk mist, Li Yan could even imagine the consequences of being hit by the dark golden light group from the front. Thinking that he had tried to bear it just now, Li Yan couldn't help but twitch the skin on his face.

However, the attack just now did not cause much damage to Li Yan, and the paleness on his face was just a deliberate act. He always put himself in a weak state, a weak state that made the enemy easily paralyzed.

Looking at Bai Rou, whose face was flushed, and the three huge puppets surrounding her, with electric arcs pulsing on their bodies, Li Yan finally felt relieved.

Three giant gibbon puppets stood in front of Bai Rou at the critical moment and took the attack, leaving Bai Rou unharmed. ??

Bai Rou also looked at Li Yan, who was pale and still had tiny dark gold arcs pulsing on his body, with a look of panic in his eyes: "Junior brother Li, you...what's wrong with you?"

"It's... not bad!" The remaining dark gold arcs on Li Yan's body at this time only stung him a little, but even in front of Bai Rou, he still pretended to be weak and said.

As he spoke, the dark gold arc outside his body slowly disappeared. Bai Rou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Yan could still speak normally.

"Senior Brother Hu and the others are in a bad situation, but they are all still alive after all!" Li Yan's next words made Bai Rou's heart tighten. She had only seen Li Yan at the first glance, so she had not yet arrived. Pay attention to the rest.

In an emergency, Bai Rou glanced around. As Li Yan said, the four kings of Hu Xiao, including Yu Yuanjun from "Luoshu Lake", still had arcs jumping on their bodies, and each of them had fallen on the ground. In the valley below, everyone was still breathing heavily and had already passed out.

"This is really surprising. I didn't expect that even puppets are very high-level magic weapons, and there are still people who can resist my 'dark gold thunder light' with their physical bodies. Boy, your physical body is not weak. It turns out that the Desolate Moon Continent also has stronger physical bodies." Repair exists.”

At this time, a voice sounded in the ears of Li Yan and Li Yan. Teng Wuji looked at the three giant gibbon puppets up and down, and became more and more excited. At the same time, he glanced at Li Yan a few more times.

The girl used a magic weapon to block her "Dark Gold Lightning", but this kid didn't get knocked unconscious like the others after coming into contact with the "Dark Gold Lightning". Instead, he could still stand in mid-air. Seriously, he Unexpectedly.

Only when Teng Wuji glanced at Bai Rou out of the corner of his eye, a trace of blood red flashed deep in his eyes, and now he noticed Bai Rou carefully, but he hadn't met such a top-notch woman for a long time, and he even Feel your body expanding.

"This time, not only was I unexpectedly able to obtain so many magic weapons that even the Golden Core cultivators were jealous of, but I was also able to capture such a top-notch woman. It was really a huge gain.


At the same time, judging from the magic weapons on their bodies, this team must be the direct disciples of the major sects, and may even be the elites of the next generation of the four major sects! "

Then Teng Wuji moved his gaze to Yu Yuanjun, who was already unconscious. At such a distance, Teng Wuji felt the power of restraint from this person.

He has basically detected Yu Yuanjun's identity. He should be a monk from the South China Sea. To be rescued by someone who was willing to take risks like this, he must have a lot of secrets.

Being stared at by a golden elixir cultivator, Bai Rou's pretty face became even paler, and her heart was naturally panicked. She whispered, "Junior brother Li, I'm afraid we are in danger this time."

Facing a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, the gap is definitely not something she can resist with three puppet magic weapons. A middle-stage Golden Core monk can easily be crushed to death with one hand in the early stage of the Golden Core, not to mention Bai Rou's usual They can only rely on three puppets to compete with some early stage golden elixirs.

Li Yan was also watching Teng Wuji warily. After hearing Bai Rou's trembling voice, Li Yan's heart also tightened. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind and he quickly sent an urgent message to Bai Rou.

"Senior Sister Bai, it's no use trying to leave now, and Senior Brother Hu and the others are also in a coma. Can your puppet be like Qianluo Ancient Ape, able to use mid-grade spiritual stones to enhance its power?"

Li Yan's thoughts were racing in his mind. At this moment, he really wanted to pull Bai Rou away, forcefully perform "Feng Chongtian" continuously, take the opportunity to distance himself from the opponent, and then wait for an opportunity to escape.

But now it was obvious that the demonic cultivator had firmly locked onto the auras of the two of them, so it was not a good opportunity to use "Feng Chongtian".

What's more, he didn't know if "Feng Chongtian" could still have the same effect after carrying one person. Perhaps only by dealing with the other party can you find a good opportunity to escape.

But facing a middle-stage Jindan monk, even people like Li Yan, whose emotions were difficult to fluctuate, felt extremely anxious. This time they really couldn't escape.

If it were just him, Li Yan would only have about 10% chance of being able to deal with the opponent. His biggest trump card is the body tempered by the essence and blood of the "Immortal Dark Phoenix", the "Feng Chongtian", and at most the fragmented poison. The body can be used.

These are all the means he has to save his life now, but if the other party doesn't fight him at close range, Li Yan won't even have this 10% certainty.

The opponent only needs to simply shoot the dark golden ball of light like just now, but he is not sure that he can completely avoid it. If he encounters it once, the outcome will probably not be good.

Li Yan didn't even dare to use his spiritual consciousness to check the situation on a larger scale. He wanted to know whether the master was within a few thousand miles.

Did anyone come to the rescue after they received the "Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Note"?

He could only use his spiritual consciousness to continuously explore a small area, for fear that the power of his spiritual consciousness would not be able to hide it from the other party, and let the other party discover that he had powerful spiritual consciousness, and then treat him as a powerful enemy. The chance is gone.

"My puppet is personally guided by my master and can use middle-grade spiritual stones, Junior Brother Li? You are so wrong..."

After Bai Rou heard Li Yan's message, she immediately responded. She was extremely smart and immediately understood what Li Yan meant. She couldn't help but be surprised, "Does Junior Brother Li still have a lot of middle-grade spiritual stones?"

Bai Rou could tell from Li Yan's tone that he seemed to hold some middle-grade spiritual stones. Bai Rou herself had only two middle-grade spiritual stones in her possession over the years.

You must know that Sixiang Peak and Laojun Peak can sell puppets, formations and elixirs. If the disciples earn spiritual stones by themselves, the disciples of these two peaks are generally much richer than the other disciples of the third peak. ????

Bai Rou has two middle-grade spiritual stones, one of which has been consumed. To be precise, only one is usable.

In fact, Elder Chi Gong once wanted to give her a middle-grade spiritual stone, but Bai was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, so she rejected Elder Chi Gong's kindness.

Until this time when she went out on a dangerous mission and Elder Chi Gong gave her a small piece of jade ruler to save her life, she immediately accepted it. Her idea was very simple. At the critical moment, this treasure would protect the entire team. OK

Now if you really have a few middle-grade spiritual stones in hand, the attack power of the three giant gibbon puppets will be greatly increased. Although the hope of escape is still pitiful, there is always some hope.

At least it can be delayed for a while. After all, the "Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol" has been spread for a long time. Bai Rou comforted herself in her heart and looked at Li Yan expectantly.

They are actually in a desperate situation as a trapped beast. Even rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone monks who are on the verge of death.

And two breaths have passed since they appeared. Teng Wuji was stunned for a while, and then he speculated about the origins of Li Yan and the others. How could he give the two of them time.

He wanted to get the treasure and the woman in his hands as soon as possible, and then it would be practical to have any ideas.

Teng Wuji patted his waist with his skinny hands, and a white light appeared. A roar sounded in the air, and he rushed towards Bai Rou the next moment.

At the same time, the skinny big hand clapped again, and another red light flashed, and something turned into a stream of red fire and ran towards Li Yan.

Teng Wuji planned to capture the two of them in a very short time. He rushed towards Bairou's white light, and his true form appeared in the air. It was a hanging crane.


The forehead is white and clear.

This beast is the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" which is in the middle of the ranking of monsters in the Demon World. It ranks 283 among the monsters in the Demon World and has a great reputation in the Demon World.

This magical beast has been following Teng Wuji for more than two hundred years, and its strength has reached the early stage of the Golden Core. It is the companion magical beast that Teng Wuji relies on. It has helped Teng Wuji to devour many magical beasts and demon cultivators. It is cruel and violent in nature.

But this time it was released by Teng Wuji, but he told it to capture Bai Rou alive and not to hurt this girl.

Regarding Bai Rou's cultivation, "Incandescent Demon Tiger" just glanced at it and became extremely dissatisfied. He was just a human monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment. How could such a small monk let himself out? Teng Wuji could solve it with a casual blow. It's over.

But dissatisfaction turned into dissatisfaction, and the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" roared and pounced on Bai Rou.

Before Li Yan and the others finished speaking, the other party had already taken action. Li Yan waved his hand and three white lights shot towards Bai Rou beside him. "Senior sister, catch it!"

At the same time, he had already jumped into the air to meet Hong Mang. Teng Wuji's attack was obviously intended to separate the two people and prevent them from having a chance to join forces.

What made Li Yan feel a little relieved was that the opponent's demonic cultivator did not continue to shoot out the dark gold light group containing the power of thunder and lightning, so Li Yan did not retreat but advanced.

Originally, according to the normal way of playing, he should have stayed on the same spot and defended Bai Rou back to back against the enemy, but in that case, Li Yan felt that apart from being beaten to pieces by the opponent, there was no way he would be able to find good opportunities.

He had to get close to the other party no matter what, not to mention that the other party was originally a demon cultivator. They followed the path of physical cultivation. If he got close to him, he would probably engage in close combat with him.

But under such circumstances, he could no longer care about Bai Rou, so he directly threw out three middle-grade spiritual stones, which were enough to support three puppets for a battle. Otherwise, no matter how much he gave, it would be in vain. .

Doing this was still out of Li Yan's scheming. Although he had a lot of middle-grade spiritual stones on his body, taking out such a large amount would probably not only make Bai Rou go into a daze, but also the demon cultivator on the other side would be alert in an instant.

Although the three middle-grade spiritual stones are extremely expensive, they can still be obtained in the hands of some large sect disciples, especially when their lives are at stake. How can they care about money rather than life.

As expected, Bai Rou was stunned for a moment. After subconsciously catching the spirit stone, she just stayed for a moment, and her eyes were filled with joy.

Each of her three puppets can be embedded with a mid-grade spiritual stone, and their combat power can at least be raised to the level of a small success in the early stage of the Golden Core. In this way, her side can be delayed for a while longer.

Calculating the time it would take for the "Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol" to be sent out, his master and the others should be arriving soon, or at least on the way, and the fierceness in Bai Rou's heart also grew.

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