Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 556: Sealed

But as soon as Li Yang finished speaking, he shook his head at Yu Yuanjun and shouted, "Hurry up and lead the way!"

At the same time, Li Yan's voice message rang in Yu Yuanjun's heart, "You don't need to do anything now, just lead us to the outside of the town!"

Then Li Yan took the lead and walked towards the courtyard gate. Yu Yuanjun seemed to have realized something while he was stunned, and hurriedly walked forward with his head lowered, as if he did not dare to say anything.

And his eyes still inadvertently swept across the room where the five monks of the "Qingling Sect" were. There was also spiritual consciousness coming out there. There was confusion and doubt in the spiritual consciousness, thinking that something happened between Li Yan and Jiao Hua. What a misunderstanding.

But when Li Yan squinted his eyes and glanced sideways at the direction of the five monks' rooms in the "Qingling Gate", his five senses suddenly shrank back in haste as if they were afraid of snakes and scorpions.

The several monks who were in charge of vigilance in the courtyard all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They also didn't know what was going on. However, seeing that Jiao Hua didn't say anything, they thought that the demon cultivator surnamed Li and Jiao Hua seemed to be confirming something. Things, now I don’t dare to stop it.

And just as Li Yan and the others were walking towards the courtyard gate, three rays of divine consciousness fell directly on Li Yan and the others. Li Yan seemed to not feel it and still strode towards the courtyard gate.

These three spiritual consciousnesses then swept towards the room where Jiao Hua was. Seeing that Jiao Hua was still motionless, they finally withdrew their spiritual consciousness after hesitation. ??

In a room, the short and stocky demon cultivator opened his eyes and looked into the courtyard. His eyes were full of doubts, and then he turned to look at another demon cultivator sitting cross-legged on one side.

"What do you think? Why does it seem like Jiao Hua and Daoyou Li have a disagreement over something?"

Another magic cultivator frowned and thought for a moment, "Fellow Daoist Jiao didn't come out, but from the tone of Fellow Daoist Li, it seemed that Fellow Daoist Jiao's words touched upon Fellow Daoist Li's taboos. I really can't guess this."

There was a brief silence in the room, but then the voice of the short and sturdy demon cultivator rang out.

"Forget it, since fellow Daoist Jiao is willing to let the other party verify something, why should we worry about it? Both of them seem to be angry now. It won't be too late to ask again tomorrow."

Then, the initial calm returned to the room.

At this moment, the demon cultivator in the other room, who had not successfully formed a team with Li Yan before, was already sneering in his heart.

"It's the uneven distribution of benefits again, and the problems that arise. I can find a reason to cause a quarrel. I think that Li's character is lacking." After sneering, he closed his eyes again.

But no matter how they thought about it, they didn't think about Jiao Hua's death. First of all, they had confirmed Li Yan's identity.

The most important thing is that no one here thinks that Jiao Hua can be restrained by Li Yan in this short period of time without any warning and in the same courtyard as them.

If you achieve this step, perhaps only cultivators above the devil level will be able to


How could he have accomplished it so unknowingly?

With this cognitive condition, they had already limited the scope of their suspicions, and Li Yan went out as soon as he went out.

At this time, Li Yan and the others were already walking on the street. It was only at this moment that Bai Rou and the others were relieved, but they were even more curious about what kind of means Li Yan used to win the victory in such a short time. Jiao Hua.

"Poison, only poison can be so silent. Even formations cannot do this. If Jiao Hua was imprisoned by the formation set up by Li Yan, then the attack should have been loud at this moment."

But even so, after having this idea, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun were shocked.

They were all poison masters, and they thought that although there were ways to poison Jiao Hua, a monk of the same level, it was absolutely impossible to do so silently in such a short period of time.

"It must be some high-level poisonous elixir given by Uncle Wei!" This was the final conclusion of the two.

But Bai Rou and Sun Guoshu had different thoughts. They felt that Li Yan should be able to do all this. At least Sun Guoshu now didn't think that Li Yan was as mediocre as he usually saw.

Yu Yuanjun, who was walking in the furthest direction, looked at Li Yan from the corner of his eye from time to time. He was also wondering what methods the demon cultivator used on Jiao Hua. Not only did he not stop them at all, but he also expressed his acquiescence.

When he was leaving the courtyard gate just now, he was even ready to act according to the situation at any time. If something happened, he would even directly say that he was forced by Li Yan and others to save his life.

Although he had determined that Li Yan and the other five people were here to save him, he couldn't let himself end up in a dangerous situation for the sake of these five people. But in the end, he walked out of the hospital without any danger, which really shocked him. Covered in cold sweat.

Although it is already midnight, there are still people coming and going in the town, and the noise is endless.

"When we get to the town's entrance later, it's up to me to take the lead, but you all must be prepared to take action at any time. What is going on here now, the outcome is simply impossible to predict."

As they were walking forward, Li Yan's voice rang in the hearts of the five of them. The most important thing now was whether they could get out of the "Zhouyang Town" step.

Of course, Li Yan didn't know if it could be done. Now that the situation here has changed, it would be troublesome if he only allowed entry but not exit.

"This is the most critical step for whether we can leave safely. We can only try our luck." King Hu Xiao said helplessly at this time.

They have almost completed more than half of their mission, but their return journey is still unpredictable.

As soon as he said these words

, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed a little depressing.

The few of them walked very fast, and after only a few dozen breaths, they quickly rushed to the town entrance in the crowd. At this time, there were still lights flashing across the night sky outside the town entrance, and then several people or single people would come towards them. Running from the front of Qianzhenkou.

At this time, there are still demon cultivators gathering here.

When Li Yan and his group of six people arrived at the entrance of the town, they seemed a bit abrupt when they were in the opposite direction to the many monks passing by.

Li Yan said in his heart, "No, the worst situation has occurred!" Now it is obvious that there is no need to go out here.

But at this moment, I have to give it a try anyway.

"Where are you going?" Just when Li Yan and the others were still a short distance away from the entrance of the town, a cold voice suddenly rang, and then they saw four demon cultivators surrounding them.

"I just received a distress call. The missing members of our team are not dead, but are seriously injured. We need to go over and respond immediately." Li Yan took the lead and came to the four of them, and he said in a deep voice.

Except for Yu Yuanjun, the other four people behind him had quietly dispersed, with anxious looks on their faces as they kept looking outside the town.

Seeing such a scene, Yu Yuanjun, who was last, couldn't help sweating his palms, his throat was extremely dry, and his heart was extremely nervous.

"Am I really going to force my way out soon? There are demons in the town, and I will die here."

For a moment, Yu Yuanjun hesitated and looked at the people coming and going around him. It was estimated that if they made a move, they would be drowned in countless fireworks in a moment, but he did not want to die here immediately.

"Missing team members? Where did they disappear? Have you reported it since you arrived?" At this time, the leaders of the four demon cultivators looked at Li Yan and the others up and down and asked.

"Oh, we were ambushed by human monks six hundred miles away from here before. Now we have received the distress message about two hundred miles away. It's still too late to respond and we will be back soon. As for the report "We have already reported it in the third area this afternoon," Li Yan replied with an anxious look on his face.

"Since you have already reported it, didn't the Demon Leader tell you anything?" After the leader of the demon cultivators and the other three demon cultivators quietly looked at each other, a sharp light flashed deep in their eyes.

Li Yan reacted very quickly, and his anxious expression dimmed, and he could only mutter angrily, "As expected, he can't be accommodating, so he can only ask for blessings, and hope to meet other teams."

After saying that, Li Yan retreated back to Lai Shi Street with a look of unwillingness, and King Hu Xiao and the others who had just dispersed followed silently.

It’s not that the four demon cultivators didn’t know the order when they saw each other, but


I just wanted to try to go out, but now I stepped back wisely, and then I stopped stepping forward to question him.

After Li Yan and the others stepped back for a distance, Yu Yuanjun was a little stunned, with a thousand questions rising in his mind, "This...isn't...not leaving?"

But he immediately felt lucky. Could it be that he really couldn't break through? The demon cultivator guarding the town entrance was obviously suspicious, but his life was temporarily saved.

"It seems that I can only look for another opportunity to leave, but if Jiao Hua appears at any time, I will..." Yu Yuanjun had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

But at this moment, Li Yan's words rang in his mind: "Are you all ready?"

Yu Yuanjun raised his head in confusion and saw the strange demon cultivator in front of him looking at him and the others. When Yu Yuanjun thought he heard wrongly, he saw King Hu Xiao who was standing aside and nodded slightly.

Then Yan Feijun on one side showed excitement and nervousness in his eyes, while Bai Rou and Sun Guoshu took a deep breath, and Yu Yuanjun's heart that had just been relieved became suspended again.

"They...they, this is...this is really going to force their way in. No, there is absolutely no way to get out. They will probably be bombarded into a pile of flesh before they leave the town. Could it be that these people are not there?" I have no brains, by the way, that prohibition token..."

What Yu Yuanjun is thinking about at this moment is his own tragic ending in the next moment. He doesn't want to die with these brainless people. He doesn't know how the ancestors selected these people. He wants to wait for an opportunity to get the restraining order. Just the cards.

"But... maybe, when these people rush to the town entrance, it is possible that I can take advantage of the chaos and escape, but, damn, that prohibition token..."

Although he was only breathing, countless possibilities and plans had flashed through Yu Yuanjun's mind, but he could not think of a plan that satisfied him.

Just when he was a little stunned, he suddenly saw the monk who had just nodded. Inadvertently, he raised his arm and pointed at him. At the same time, he thought of King Hu Xiao's voice in his mind.

"Swallow them now, and don't die here later." There were many people on the street, and King Hu Xiao's little move did not attract anyone's attention.

Yu Yuanjun was stunned, and several things were stuffed into his hands. He lowered his head and saw that there were green pills the size of soybeans, as many as five.

"This..." Yu Yuanjun didn't know what Li Yan and the others were doing at this moment, but at this moment he saw that the middle-aged woman and another monk had raised their hands, and then covered their hands. On the mouth.

Yu Yuanjun realized that the two men were swallowing pills.

At this time, Li Yan patted Yu Yuanjun on the shoulder impatiently, and then whispered in his ear, "If you don't want to die, just hurry up and swallow the pill like them."

I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day and add another chapter! !

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