Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 546 Zhou Yangzhen (1)

It was a gray bean the size of a soybean, and there was a trace of demonic energy swirling around the surface of the gray bead at the moment.

"This is the demon core in the body of a demon cultivator. It has the same function as a demon beast. But the biggest difference between it and the demon core is that it can artificially activate and consume the demon energy in the demon core, unlike the demon core which can only use Used as medicine.

This magic core was given to me by the uncle who saved me after killing two demon cultivators. Regarding the use of this thing, the uncle gave me a brief explanation of its use.

We only need to activate the inner demonic energy, and the demonic energy will dissipate outward and even act on the demonic magic weapon. ????

However, the magic energy in the magic core is limited, so if you use some, you will lose some, but it should be enough for lurking this time. "

Li Yan looked at the surprised four people, knowing that they didn't understand the demon core at all, but he couldn't help but tell some of the methods he had studied to let them know more about the demon clan.

Having said this, Li Yan smiled slightly, and spiritual power surged out of his hand. Suddenly, a pure demonic energy emitted from between his two fingers. At the next moment, as Li Yan's spiritual power was withdrawn, the demonic energy that had just been emitted It also retreated like a tide.

Seeing the scene, Bai Rou and the other four people all breathed a sigh of relief. Hu Xiaowang and the other three people immediately withdrew their spiritual power and said a little embarrassedly.

"This is the first time I have heard that the magic core has this function. I felt sorry for Junior Brother Li just now. You had explained this matter in advance, but I was shocked."

Li Yan smiled noncommittally, but he still had the appearance of "Wu Yuan", and the patterns on his smile were distorted, making him look very ferocious.

Some things are better for them to experience. They can't tell the authenticity of their transformation, but it can enhance their confidence.

"Fellow Daoist Li, this is the first time I have seen the magic core. I have gained more knowledge, I have gained more knowledge!" Sun Guoshu said with emotion. Mo Xiao looked at Li Yan and said a few words, which brought great help to a few people. benefit.

Sun Guoshu didn't even participate in the demons' tentative attacks some time ago, and saw even less real demons.

In particular, demon monks will almost always choose to self-destruct their demonic cores without hesitation once they are at a critical moment of life and death. They are extremely ferocious and rarely leave any traces of their past.

In fact, there are still a very small number of foundation-building monks in Fengliang Mountain who know the usefulness of magic cores. They occasionally obtained magic cores in battles, and after research, they also know some of the uses of magic cores.

But most monks are selfish people. When they discovered that the magic core can temporarily drive the magic weapon, they wanted to keep it as a trump card for themselves, and use the magic weapon to survive the disaster at critical moments.

Furthermore, when they acquired the magical magic weapon from some humans who did not know the purpose of the magic core, it was not much different from picking it up for free. It was too late for them to rejoice, so how could they tell others about this good thing.

After listening to Sun Guoshu's words, the other four people


They nodded, and at the same time they were a little dissatisfied with the senior officials of the four major sects. It would be great to say this kind of thing.

In fact, the senior leaders of the four major sects once wanted to briefly introduce and explain these things in the jade slips they sent out, as a common sense for low-level monks to know. However, after discussion, they still felt that it would be more beneficial not to mention it. Demonic cultivators are inherently fierce. One demon cultivator often has a chance of winning against two or three human cultivators of the same level.

If the people below know the purpose of the magic core, in order to obtain the magic core, the human monks will have room to make invisible moves in the battle. The strength is not as good as the opponent. If they hold back, the chance of death of the human monks will be greater. .

Moreover, everyone wants to get the magic core, and may have a certain degree of hostility towards the partners around them. Such a cooperative battle will definitely do more harm than good.

The last point is that the demonic cultivator will immediately self-destruct when he sees that he will die. The human cultivator still wants to get the opponent's demonic core at this time, so he naturally does not want to stay away, for fear of being overtaken by others, and the result will be unpredictable losses.

As for someone who will know about this matter sooner or later, let them discover it slowly. The monk's selfishness means that within a certain period of time, this matter will not be publicized.

By the time most of the monks knew it, they had been fighting the devil cultivators for a long time, and they already knew the way to choose.

It has to be said that these senior officials of the four major sects have an extremely accurate understanding of the monks' thoughts and are sure to make no mistakes.

Sure enough, surprise appeared on the faces of King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun immediately. Li Yan had told them a relatively secret matter for free today.

Although they will gradually know about this as they continue to fight with the demons in the future, but now they know that if they encounter a demon cultivator again, they will find ways to prevent them from self-destructing the demon core.

Then he collects some demonic magic weapons at a low price. Although these things cannot be used for a long time, the situation is different if he holds a large number of demonic cores.

Taking a step back, even if you have limited magic cores, you can leave a few extremely powerful magic weapons. When you are against someone in the future, if you use them unexpectedly, they should have a miraculous effect in defeating the enemy. It will save your life at a critical moment.

Bai Rou looked ashamed, "Junior Brother Bai, just now... I was offended just now!" She thought of how she had wanted to attack Li Yan before, and she immediately felt embarrassed.

"Wu Yuan" waved his hand, "Then now, we can act according to the plan. I think you can just hide your true colors. You don't need to transform into those foreign monks. That will make it easier for others to see through. Just be a Nanhai monk."

After saying that, "Wu Yuan"'s face was blurred for a while, and his appearance actually changed. If

If someone knew the original owner of "Beiling Villa", they would feel that the current appearance of Li Yan is similar to him.

This is why Li Yan has not seen many demon cultivators. In his memory, the owner of "Beiling Villa" is the demon cultivator who impressed him the most.

He did this also because he was afraid of running into an acquaintance of "Karasu Yuan". He just transformed into Karasu Yuan, just to let the four Bai Rou people who had met him see if there were any flaws.

After getting affirmation, of course it is better to find another unfamiliar face.

There are tens of thousands of demonic cultivators who have invaded the South China Sea, and among them there are countless demonic cultivators in the foundation-building period. Everyone knows everyone. Do you think I am a stranger to you, but I don’t know you yet? Li Yan already had an idea in mind.

Seeing that what Li Yan said was reasonable, and it was already dark now, so there was no further delay, the four of them used their magical skills to make only partial adjustments on their faces. This approach made it more difficult for others to detect the flaws. .

Among the four, only Bai Rou's appearance changed significantly after the transformation. At this time, she had transformed into the appearance of a middle-aged woman, wearing a wide dress. She had an ordinary appearance and a thin figure. In this way, she naturally It was because my figure was too eye-catching, so I had no choice but to do so.

During this period, Yan Feijun seemed to have something to say several times, but was stopped by King Hu Xiao's eyes.

He and Yan Feijun share the same destiny and come from the same mountain, so they have a very good relationship in private. King Hu Xiao immediately guessed what Yan Feijun wanted to do.

The reason was to let Li Yan hand over the magic core, let him transform into a demon cultivator, and then lead the team to infiltrate.

Generally speaking, Yan Feijun's intentions were good. He was afraid that Li Yan's lack of cultivation would be easily seen by others.

But at the same time, he had more personal goals, that is, he wanted to get the magic core first and make it his own, so that he could take the opportunity to study it.

For this reason, he also secretly sent a message to King Hu Xiao, thinking that Li Yan might have two magic cores in his hand. Since the uncle who rescued Li Yan gave him one, why did he give him one?

Seeing Yan Feijun's unwillingness to give up, King Hu Xiao thought more and immediately stopped him sternly with his eyes. Although Yan Feijun's general intention was good intentions, once he brought it up, he would most likely offend Li Yan.

Everyone knew that Li Yan's cultivation level was lower than theirs, but these geniuses were always very proud of themselves, so they didn't want to get into trouble.

Now there is finally hope. Everything is in the hands of Uncle Wei. If he accidentally offends his direct disciple, all he needs to do is say a gentle word from Li Yan, and maybe the promise will change by then.

King Hu Xiao never wanted to take over the magic core, and he was also secretly complaining that "junior brother Li" was so lucky that he would meet a senior uncle from Fengliangshan during his escape.


However, when Li Yan once again activated the demonic energy in the demonic core, King Hu Xiao and the others carefully sensed it this time, and then looked it over with their spiritual senses. They were surprised to find that they and others failed to detect the demonic energy from Li Yan. There are some flaws in his body.

While they were sighing, they couldn't help but attribute all this to the richness of the demonic aura in that demonic core. They didn't know that in order to achieve the best condition, Li Yan also used some "stealth and night hiding" to hide his own aura. Only then did his own spiritual energy "never leak out at all."

Of course, if all this is seen by a strong person, Li Yan still has a spiritual aura about him.

The anxious hearts of several people were relieved at this moment. In this way, the probability of success in executing the mission was a little higher, and their confidence was greatly enhanced.

After the five people quietly sensed the situation outside in the formation, they quickly withdrew the phantom formation until the patrol team outside walked away, and then a few people quietly sneaked out of the mountain peak.

After leaving the mountain peak, they sneaked some distance northwest and chose a place where there was no one around them. Then they carefully emerged and, under the leadership of Li Yan, began to fly toward "Zhouyang Town" at low altitude. .

At this time, "Zhouyang Town" was bustling with people. From time to time, teams of monks would fly in from the darkness in the distance, and Li Yan and the others were mixed in among them.

Li Yan's five-person team was not eye-catching. Some of the teams that came over here only had two or three people. They all looked listless, showing deep fatigue on their bodies. There were demon cultivators behind them. Stare.

Li Yan and the others soon landed at the entrance of "Zhouyang Town". As soon as they landed, several spiritual consciousnesses swept over them. There were already more than twenty demon cultivators standing there, all with foundation-building cultivation.

One of the leading demon cultivators glanced at the four people behind Li Yan. When he saw Bai Rou, a skinny middle-aged woman, he couldn't help but have a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Then he walked alone to Li Yan and the other five, and said to Li Yan, "Why are there only five of you back?" As far as he knew, the average team consisted of more than eight people.

The big man Li Yan had transformed into raised his hand, and his face began to look a little embarrassed. He looked unhappy, but when the other party looked at him, he spoke reluctantly.

"We met the opponent's golden elixir monk. If a demon master hadn't appeared at the last moment, I'm afraid no one would be able to come back."

When the demon cultivator heard this, he couldn't help but have a ferocious look on his face, "These damn four major monks, relying on their large numbers, are often visited by Jindan monks, ambushing us everywhere, but they don't have the guts to compete with us one on one. By the way, then Was a human Jindan cultivator killed by Lord Demon?"

At the end of the sentence, he had a very confident expression on his face, and his voice was deliberately loud, so that the demon cultivators who were investigating other teams and the nearby monks heard what he said, and they all looked sideways.

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