Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 534 Confusion

Ge Feng was dissatisfied with Wu Yuan's threats. The incident happened when they were besieging a sect in the South China Sea, and Wu Yuan was also the captain in charge of the operation.

Ge Feng was responsible for finding out the situation of that sect, but he didn't care about human monks. He just took a circle outside and went back to tell Wu Yuan that the other party was not prepared. After getting the information, Wu Yuan had the same idea and didn't verify it.

When they rushed all the way, they were ambushed by the other party. No matter how brave they were, they still caused the death of all three foreign monks in the team at that time. After that, the two of them found a reason to evade it.

Wang Changkun behind them didn't know what happened before the team he came to, so he didn't know what the two demons said.

At the same time, he was still thinking in his heart, "The monks in front did consume too much power. It seems that my previous feeling was wrong."

Then Wang Changkun winked at the other five monks behind him, meaning to follow the other party's decision.

Although they were also human cultivators, they had no sympathy for the humans on the Desolate Moon Continent except hatred. As for the rape and plunder of the demon cultivators, it had nothing to do with them.

If they were not the hateful cultivators of the Desolate Moon Continent, how could they stay in that dark space from birth, and why did they have to face the threat of death all the time.

Just as Wu Yuan and his friends were imagining beautiful things, the next moment Wu Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed, because the five people who were being hunted did not immediately use immortal arts such as earth escape and wood escape after falling into the jungle.

Instead, they immediately split into two groups, one with four people, and the other with only one person, who fled in two directions after landing.

Wu Yuan's voice even made Wang Changkun re-explore his spiritual sense, and he was also confused when he saw it.

Did the other party have a disagreement during the escape? Otherwise, how could one person leave alone? Wouldn't it be that he thought he didn't die fast enough?

Wu Yuan looked at the lone cultivator who was rushing away. He was only in the middle stage of foundation building. He turned back and said to Wang Changkun, "It may be that there is an internal conflict among the other party. Please arrange two people to kill that person. We will focus on the remaining people." In his opinion, arranging two cultivators to kill Li Yan was already overestimating him. Moreover, how could he be willing to give up the female cultivator here. Wang Changkun nodded. At this time, they were less than 40 miles away from where Li Yan and his group landed. Just as Wang Changkun was about to turn back to make arrangements, his face changed. The four people who were walking together in his consciousness suddenly disappeared without a trace, and only the cultivator who left alone was still desperately fleeing forward. At the same time, Wu Yuan and Genei, two demon cultivators who had been paying attention to the jungle, also shouted in a low voice, "There is a master of formation among them." Only a master of formation can quickly perform a concealment formation in their consciousness in such a short time, without letting themselves and others notice it. A trace of viciousness flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes. It would be fine for other people, but how could he let that stunning female cultivator escape from his palm? He would make the formation master live a life worse than death.

After catching the female cultivator, he would train her into a slut that he could enjoy at will to satisfy the evil fire in his heart.

So Wu Yuan no longer cared about urging Wang Changkun to arrange people to chase the monk who escaped alone. Instead, the black light flashed wildly under his feet. The flying magic cabinet flew over the distance of forty miles in just two breaths, and then it was suspended above the jungle where Li Yan and others fell just now.

Wu Yuan was anxious in his heart. He didn't give Wang Changkun a chance to send people away just now. He rushed here in a hurry. Even Ge Feng, who was standing next to him, had a lustful light flashing in his eyes and had already begun to explore around.

However, the cruel living environment in the demon world made the two demons still vigilant and did not fly into the jungle immediately.

Seeing the two demon cultivators in a hurry, Wang Changkun felt even more disdainful of Wu Yuan. He did not immediately arrange for someone to execute Wu Yuan's order, as he would be too easily "arranged" in that case.

In any case, according to his observation, the cultivator who escaped alone could not escape from his pursuit, so there was no need to rush.

Wu Yuan looked at the jungle below and scanned it closely. When he raised his head, he found that the six cultivators on the magic cabinet did not move, and he could not help but feel dissatisfied.

He raised his arm again and pointed in another direction and said, "Friend Wang, quickly send two people to intercept and kill the cultivator. We will go down and check nearby now, but don't let these people escape by hiding in the earth with the help of the hidden formation, huh?..."

When Wu Yuan finished speaking, his face changed, and even the rest of the words seemed to be stuck in his throat.


At the same time, in the dense jungle below Wu Yuan and the others, Bai Rou and the other four were quietly looking at the people on the magic cabinet in the air through the gaps between the leaves.

They did not rashly probe their spiritual sense to avoid being discovered by the other party.

"The two magic cultivators did not leave. Did Junior Brother Li fail in his plan?"

Seeing that the two magic cultivators on the magic cabinet did not leave, but pointed at the direction where Li Yan fled, it seemed that they were arranging the cultivators behind to chase.

Yan Feijun could not help but feel nervous. This was not a problem of a sudden increase in pressure on his side, but a great danger. The three fake pills on the other side were actually going to stay.

He quietly transmitted a message to the other three people. In fact, he had another idea in his mind, but it was difficult to express it. That is, Li Yan's real intention was to let the four of him attract each other's attention, and Li Yan

He used the magic weapon on his body to escape alone.

It's just that he didn't dare to say such words, lest disaster come out of his mouth. Of course, if he were to really face the moment of death, he would no longer have any scruples about any words of complaint.

King Hu Xiao was also staring at the sky. He was not sure whether Yan Feijun's formation could hide these demon cultivators. If the other party did not pursue Li Yan, but covered them all up, the consequences would be serious.

But now, we can only take one step at a time, and at most we can only fight desperately.

After listening to Yan Feijun's words, Bai Rou gently shook her head. Her soft voice sounded in the minds of the three of them, "Junior brother Li is very thoughtful. I have been dating him for several years, but he has never broken his trust."

Although Bai Rou was also nervous, she had an inexplicable sense of trust in Li Yan from the bottom of her heart. Someone who could make Shuang Qingqing praise him was not such a nonsense and treacherous person.

It's just that she believed in her message, and even Sun Guoshu had the idea of ​​being used as bait by Li Yan.

Li Yan had been separated from them for at least ten breaths, but the two demon cultivators still didn't look like they had gone over. They even looked at the direction in which Li Yan was escaping and didn't even look at them. Instead, they paid more attention to them.

At this moment, they suddenly saw a demon cultivator who was speaking to a human monk from the side. He turned his head sharply and looked again in the direction where Li Yan was escaping.

Moreover, another demon cultivator who had been lingering near them also had a sudden pause, and then quickly moved back, as if he had been stung.


Wang Changkun's arm that he just raised again froze. Wu Yuan and Ge Feng's abnormal behavior surprised him. He didn't know what happened. He looked in the direction Wu Yuan was looking. It was the man who escaped alone. Where the human monks fled.

But he didn't feel anything abnormal. In his consciousness, the monk was still running away desperately, and there were no other monks around him.

Wang Changkun just looked at Wuyuan in confusion, and when he was about to ask whether he should pursue or not, Wuyuan was already urging him.

"Gefeng, I will yield to you what I said earlier. You and fellow Taoist Wang will quickly lead people to kill or capture those four monks.

Fellow Daoist Wang, I will personally go after that monk. Hurry, hurry, hurry up, get out of the magic cabinet soon! "

The first half of Wu Yuan's sentence was to Ge Feng, and the second half was to Wang Changkun, with a hint of impatience in his tone. He wished they could fly down from the magic cabinet immediately so that he could chase the monk quickly.

Although Wang Changkun didn't know why Wu Yuan suddenly changed his attitude, he was extremely dissatisfied with Wu Yuan's attitude. However, he suppressed his dissatisfaction when he thought of the destiny above and that he must cooperate with the demon cultivator before finding the secret realm.


Although there are currently only about 10,000 demon cultivators in Desolate Moon Continent, Wang Changkun and his group have even fewer, only more than 400 people.

Given the vastness of the Desolate Moon Continent, the four hundred of them would lose sight of each other in an instant. What's more, the demons still have remnants of the Desolate Moon Continent. They are extremely familiar with the Desolate Moon Continent, and now both sides are taking advantage of each other. when.

Thinking of this, Wang Changkun could only act as ordered. Although he was dissatisfied with Wuyuan, he was actually curious in his heart as to why Wuyuan suddenly gave up on that stunning female cultivator and changed his mind.

What Karasuhara did was simply unbelievable. The demonic cultivator was tyrannical and had stronger primitive desires. It made Karasuhara change his mind in front of the beauty. Why on earth?

So Wang Changkun's spiritual consciousness once again swept towards the monk who escaped alone. The result was that there was nothing abnormal. He was confident that his cultivation level was higher than that of either Wu Yuan or Ge Feng. How could he find nothing? Wang Changkun also had no clue about time.

But at this time, Wuyuan didn't give him any time to think, and had already begun to shrink the magic cabinet, leaving Wang Changkun and others' feet hanging in the air.

Wang Changkun waved his hand and led the other five people to fly towards the jungle below, but Ge Feng did not follow.

Ge Feng snorted coldly and asked in a bad tone, "Wuyuan, what do you mean by this? That human monk, why don't you do it yourself? You are the leader of the team. I can just take care of such small things."

Only then did Wu Yuan remember that what he could sense, if his cultivation level was second only to his own in terms of style, he could also sense it.

His eyes flashed fiercely, and Gefeng's eyes also gradually became stern, and a trace of fighting spirit began to spread between the two demons.

Wang Changkun and the five foreign monks behind him just stopped in the air, looking at these two people strangely.

Except for Wang Changkun, the other five people also cast their spiritual consciousness in the direction of Li Yan in the distance. Although they were taciturn, they were not blind. Of course, they knew that the abnormalities of the two demon cultivators were all due to that monk.

With the same result, no matter how they probed, they could not find anything unusual about the fleeing monk. If there were any abnormalities, it was that he was in a miserable shape and did not choose the right path.

Wu Yuan felt that everyone was staring at them, and that the monk was running away further and further away. The fierce light in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

With a straight face, he said to Ge Feng, "There are two fake elixirs among the monks here. If you and I both get there, it will be very difficult for fellow Daoist Wang and the others to deal with them."

Ge Feng smiled contemptuously, as if he had seen through Wu Yuan.

"It's just two human monks with fake elixirs. Normally, I could kill them all alone. Moreover, Fellow Daoist Wang only needs to find them and keep an eye on them from a distance. The other party can't do anything to Fellow Daoist Wang and the six of them. To deal with one monk, How much time will it take for us to just go back and forth?”

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