Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 521: Gangster

Li Yan only stayed in the cave for one day before Team 9 received the mission message. So in the Qianfa side hall of the "Chongfeng Camp", after Bai Rou briefly explained the mission content, Li Yan followed them out. Fengliangshan protective formation.


Time flies, and Li Yan and the others live a life of fear in mission after mission.

Li Yan and the others sometimes returned to Fengliang Mountain in one day, and sometimes they spent more than ten days hiding and being chased and hunted by both sides.

I don't know whether it was the blessing of God or the favor of gods. Li Yan and his ninth team had only suffered four casualties in the past month and a half. However, in about ten days, one monk would still be killed or injured.

However, compared with the number of casualties of other teams, Bai Rou's ninth team is considered very good. Those teams even suffered five to ten casualties a month, which actually made many teams very afraid of carrying out their missions.

However, under the pressure of the Demon Sect, not many people dared to escape. Those who escaped were caught and died in miserable conditions, which even affected the entire sect behind them.

Although the monks recruited from the rear have been sent, Bai Rou, after discussing with everyone, did not choose to recruit more monks, but kept the ninth team at twenty people. ??

In other words, after Li Yan joined, only three monks were added later.

This place is dominated by the disciples of Sixiangfeng of the Sprite Sect, and they are the best at forming formations.

Therefore, every time they go out to perform a mission, these twenty people are often divided into four teams of five, keeping a certain distance from each other, facing the four directions and guarding the formation in the middle, looking at each other from head to tail, and monitoring from all directions.

There are six disciples of the Demon Sect in the ninth team. Except for Li Yan, they are all disciples of Sixiang Peak. They are best at joining forces. Each of them can set up a formation in a very short time.

Therefore, Bai Rou arranged for five other people to help set up the formation. In an emergency, if these five people directly joined forces, the senior brothers of many years could set up a meat-mincing formation almost instantly.

By maintaining such a small team size, Bai Rou and the others can maximize their protection and hiding properties.

Among the four casualties previously, none were disciples of the Demon Sect. Three died and one was seriously injured and needed medical treatment.

These four casualties all occurred in one operation. When these four people were exploring a demon-occupied stronghold in advance, they accidentally touched the formation restriction at the foot of the mountain.

Not only did this immediately alarm a large number of demon monks on the mountain, but the demon formation was set up by a master. The leading disciple of the Demon Sect was the first to realize that something was wrong. The moment it was launched, Kankan dodged the attack.

The remaining four people were not so lucky. Smoke billowed from the mouths and noses of the three of them, and their skin and flesh had turned into bones as they screamed.

Only one of them was affected because he was far away. In desperation, he was rescued by Bai Rou and the others, but he also lost an arm and a leg.


In the end, Li Yan desperately destroyed the "Cloud-piercing Willow" and escaped with his life. He was chased by a demon leader of the opponent for a whole night before finally getting rid of the large number of pursuers from behind.

Afterwards, Li Yan was still frightened every time he thought about that mission.


In a forest, the roots of the trees here are as thin as sharp swords, piercing the sky line by line.

In the forest, several battle groups were fighting fiercely. Li Yan was standing on a branch that was only two fingers wide with his hands behind his back.

The white air surged in front of him, causing the surrounding trees to be covered with a thick layer of white frost, making the green shade at the beginning of summer seem as if a small piece of the world had entered the depths of winter.

In the space shrouded in white air, from time to time a crystal clear sword stood up and then cut down...

The sharp sword brings with it bursts of biting chill. Even if it is dozens of feet away, it will slow down the blood flow in the body.

The strange thing is that these frost swords are not held by anyone, nor are they driven by spells. They seem to be flying in the air on their own.

In the air at the edge of this mass of white air, there was a monster the size of a baby, making piercing screams from time to time.

This monster's wings are like ice knives, and its body is translucent. All the internal organs in the body are clearly visible. The blood and organs flowing in the abdomen are slowly squirming, making it extremely uncomfortable to watch.

At this moment, it was shining with a pair of dazzling small eyes, and the fierce color in its eyes was as red as blood. Its long mouthparts let out sharp roars from time to time, and the monks' eardrums around the real thorns were bulging and stinging.

Those monks had no choice but to resist, and then pulled the battle group further away.

This monster is none other than the Snow Mosquito King. Its small eyes are staring at a person in the white mist. This is a human monk with a withered body, and his eyes are shining with ferocious blood.

His complexion is like iron, his eyes are narrow and his mouth is wide. He is holding a large sword that seems to be carved from meteorite, fighting against a crystal cold sword around him.

This man's appearance was somewhat similar to the foreign monks Li Yan had heard about before. This man was like a wild beast charging westward in the white mist. There were seven strange cold swords surrounding him that kept besieging and slicing him.

His mouth kept roaring, the sound shook the jungle, and he let out a series of loud shouts that did not sound like human voices.

Li Yan stood on the tree and did not take action. He just watched the white air battle group quietly. The monk in the white air mist slowly began to move stiffly and slowly.

His body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of frost armor, and the most frightening thing was that the seven strange cold swords hit the foreign monk every time.

A stream of white gas will be emitted from the monk's mouth. As the white gas continues to be ejected, the body of the foreign monk will be ejected.

The fire of life is passing quickly.

The stone-killing sword in his hand, which was originally squandering like flying, has now been compressed close to his body, and in his fierce and unclear eyes, his body has been firmly stuck to the ground under his feet, and he can no longer move at all. Every cent.

There are also long icicles hanging between his hair, mouth and eyes, and he can only rely on his last consciousness to desperately destroy the almost stiff spiritual power in his body.

Seeing this, the Snow Mosquito King on the edge of the white mist showed color in his eyes, and said to himself, "No matter how fierce you are, you will not be able to stand up to the sharp sword composed of thirty thousand Snow Mosquitoes.

It's a pity that the little elephant was taken away by its owner last time and has never appeared, so we can no longer see the heroic appearance of Mr. Mosquito. "

Just when the Snow Mosquito King was proud and was about to slowly kill the opponent again to show the surrounding monks how powerful he was, a cold voice came over.

"You little bastard, what are you still dragging about? Humph!"

When the Snow Mosquito King heard this voice, his body trembled violently, as if he felt a pair of ruthless eyes of death staring at it coldly from the depths of his soul. ??

But then he gritted his teeth with hatred for the remnant little elephant.

"It's all your 'hook', now even this evil star is called like that, and... he's still 'little bastard', why don't you call him 'little bastard'... Mosquito Lord's bloodline" But the pure ruthlessness can be seen just by looking at Master Mosquito's physical appearance... No, I have to give that residual image a name..."

After the Snow Mosquito King was agitated, although he felt various reluctances in his heart, he did not dare to show it on his face. On the contrary, he could not even look at Li Yan who was standing on the tree with his hands behind his back.

The expression on the Snow Mosquito King's face was solemn, and the previous complacency immediately disappeared, and his body was instantly filled with an iron-blooded will, as if it had always been so decisive in killing.

But at this time, the Snow Mosquito King glanced sideways at Li Yan. Seeing that the other party had stopped making any sound, he couldn't help but be quite satisfied with his performance.

It roared loudly again, and from behind, a large piece of crystal light appeared inexplicably in the space beside Li Yan. As soon as this light appeared, the coldness in the area of ​​dozens of feet suddenly increased again.

The foreign monk in the white mist group immediately saw this scene, and a look of despair suddenly appeared in his eyes.

A moment later, an unwilling roar came from the white mist in front of Li Yan, followed by a sound like breaking porcelain.

When the white air dissipated, leaving only crystal-clear ice particles on the ground, the Snow Mosquito King carried a storage bag on its long mouthparts and flew towards Li Yan on the big tree like a flattery.

After Li Yan put away the storage bag without looking at it, he then pointed at another battle group. The Snow Mosquito King roared excitedly, and held dozens of crystal sharp swords behind him, with clouds of white air and cold light. Kill over there.

And far away


There were two puppets, two large and one small. When the Snow Mosquito King killed the enemy, the winner was decided in a very short time. The three puppets, two large and one small, were under Bai Rou's control. The same was true. Pounced on the next battle group...

Soon Li Yan, Bai Rou and other twenty people gathered together again. Three of them were pale, and two of them had large blood stains on their bodies. They were obviously seriously injured and were taking pills to heal their injuries.

At this time, many people looked at Li Yan with somewhat respectful expressions, and Chu Weixiong laughed.

"Junior brother Li, the cold poison of your monster is so overbearing and cruel. You can fight a foreign monk by yourself without any effort at all. This monster is really strange. Why have I never seen a description of this monster? ”

When he said this, many people nodded. Although Li Yan's self-cultivation during this period of time was only average among them, he had two magic weapons in his hands that were beyond the reach of others.

The first is the "Cloud-piercing Willow", and the second is these mosquito-like monsters.

Except for Bai Rou who knew the origin of the "Cloud-piercing Willow", everyone else thought it was given to Li Yan by Wei Zhongran, and they were extremely envious. Having such a master made his own strength rise a lot out of thin air.

During this period of time, Li Yan had used "Cloud Chuanliu" several times to help them escape several dangerous situations.

Most of the enemies were numerous and they fled when they were outnumbered and unable to deal with them;

Another time, I really encountered a golden elixir who was more than 600 miles away. This distance was already beyond the range of the strongest spiritual awareness of the foundation-building monks.

If it weren't for Li Yan's "sensitive sense of monsters and mosquitoes" and he escaped from the opponent's pursuit immediately, then the result would have been unknown. Of course, it was all Li Yan who discovered the golden elixir cultivator himself.

However, this also shocked Li Yan. The magic cultivator's concealment ability was really brilliant. If the other party had not happened to encounter a golden elixir cultivator from his side who glanced over with his spiritual consciousness, a trace of light appeared in order to avoid concealment. The flaw, it's hard to say, can really intercept this person at close range.

Li Yan shook his head with a smile, "The few domain name monks just now are all in the early and middle stages of foundation building. Although they are powerful, they have limits.

I am just better with the magic weapon, how can I compare with you. "

"Fellow Daoist Li, what you said is wrong. Even if these demon cultivators and foreign cultivators have just established a foundation, they can use their own strength to fight against us in the middle and late stages of foundation building. Although they can be killed in the end, they will still have to pay the price if they are not careful. ." The recruiting monk said, and nodded to the three monks who were healing on one side.

The three monks who were healing, although they closed their eyes, immediately showed embarrassment on their faces. They were recruited recently, and the weakest of them was only in the middle stage of foundation building. They didn't know enough about the demon cultivators, and due to carelessness, two of them almost died at the hands of the enemy.

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