Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 518 Bai Rou’s tranquility and stubbornness

It turns out that Shuang Qingqing passed down the core formation of Hengdou Zhuan and the lost "Wood Meteor" technique of Mu Liumen to Bai Rou. This has made Bai Rou think hard for many years, and there are many problems in Mu Liumen's puppetry that she cannot understand. It was solved easily, and his cultivation level improved unexpectedly.

Originally, Mu Liumen's strongest skill "Wood Meteor" was complementary to various mechanism techniques. After losing the "Wood Meteor" skill, although Mu Liumen still had other skills to practice in Mu Liumen, many of them Immortal magic and puppet refining methods can no longer be used, let alone further improved.

This time, after Bai Rou returned to Muliusmen to solve the problem, she simply gave up the training techniques originally given by Elder Chi Gong of the Pixie Sect. Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, it made her cultivation even more advanced.

This is not to say that the exercises given by Elder Chi Gong are not good. On the contrary, Elder Chi Gong has used all the exercises that he thinks are most beneficial to Bai Rou. It’s just that Bai Rou has practiced Muliusmen since she was a child. .

However, since Mu Liu only had low-level skills left at that time, Bai Rou was unable to build the foundation for a long time after reaching Qi Condensation Perfection.

After careful consideration, Elder Chi Gong still asked Bai Rou to abandon the original Muliusmen technique and modify his carefully selected technique midway.

Although this will make Bairou take a more repetitive path, it will definitely be of great benefit to her future practice.

The final result was as expected by Elder Chi Gong. After Bai Rou modified the technique and practiced hard, she succeeded in building the foundation in one go.

After Shuang Qingqing met Bai Rou, he immediately asked Bai Rou to give up the Phenshi Sect Kung Fu and start practicing the Mulius Sect Kung Fu again. This was certainly not to prevent Bai Rou from forgetting the sect.

For people with a free and easy personality like Shuang Qingqing, as long as the sect exists in your heart, you can use any means to make yourself stronger.

Shuang Qingqing's eyesight was much higher than that of Elder Chi Gong. She could tell at a glance that the Demon Sect technique practiced by Bai Rou was an intermediate technique that would allow Bai Rou to reach a higher level in the future.

This point made Shuang Qingqing's attitude towards Elder Chi Gong change somewhat. Intermediate skills were not easily available even in the Sprite Sect.

Her "Wood Meteor" technique is actually only slightly better than Bai Rou's current technique, but it is already the treasure of the Mulius Sect's inheritance.

Shuang Qingqing knew that Bai Rou's strongest foundation was Muliusmen's technique. These basic traces of the flow of spiritual power cannot be removed fundamentally. Even if he changes to other techniques, there will always be traces in the movement of spiritual power. Some traces.

If you want to completely remove these traces, unless Bai Rou's body is restored, or there is a way to forcibly erase it after the Nascent Soul, but this is too far away for a monk, and being able to condense the golden elixir is a luxury. .

And what is Bairou’s strongest point? It is the talent for mechanisms and puppets. Without Mu Liumen's skills, Bai Rou will have a great impact in the future, and may even stop moving forward.


Shuang Qingqing decisively asked Bai Rou to rebuild Mu Liumen's top skill "Mu Liu Xing" again.

Bai Rou didn't raise any objections to Shuang Qingqing's decision. No matter you say Bai Rou has a weak character or is cowardly, she listened to the words of the two masters and the master.

It is her nature to obey the orders of those she trusts, especially Shuang Qingqing's mouth that deceives people without paying for their lives. The incarnation of the divine consciousness and Bai Rou are like sisters on weekdays, coaxing Bai Rou into a fog.

But it is obvious that Shuang Qingqing's decision was correct, and the benefits it brought to Bai Rou were immeasurable. At the same time, under Shuang Qingqing's guidance, Bai Rou not only made rapid progress in participating in Hengdou Zhuan, but also made rapid progress in her cultivation.

With the aid of Shuangqingqing's elixir, the disadvantages brought about by modifying the technique were not revealed much, and his cultivation only declined in the first period of time.

Then it suddenly started to explode, and it actually broke through to the middle stage of foundation building in one fell swoop, which made Bai Rou obey the words of this charming ancestor even more.

After making a breakthrough in her cultivation, and also acquiring the Sheng Heng Dou Transformation Formation at the core of Muliusmen, Bai Rou came up with the idea of ​​refining her own destiny puppet.

Although she had thought about it before, she always felt that her puppetry skills were too weak, so even though others said that the puppets she made were good, none of them satisfied her, so the matter was shelved.

Bai Rou was the kind of person who would do it silently when she thought of it. After that, during her days behind the Mulius Gate, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to refining her natal puppet.

As for the materials for refining the natal magic weapon, Bai Rou has been preparing it for many years, but she has never had the determination to refine it.

When Bai Rou devoted herself to refining her natal magic weapon, she failed for the first time and all the puppet parts were destroyed.

Bai Rou just sat silently next to the damaged puppet parts for a day and night. After that, she took out a piece of material again and started refining it carefully, but this time every step was slower.

Everyone usually prepares multiple materials when refining magic weapons, and Bai Rou is no exception.

But more than ten days later, there was another explosion sound from the refining room where Bai Rou was staying, but it disappeared silently immediately.

Bai Rou made a mistake at the critical moment of refining the puppet head parts this time, but fortunately she controlled the technique in time. Although she made the mistake, the puppet head was successfully refined.

But such a puppet was not at the level she had in mind, and Bai Rou's remaining materials couldn't support her third refining.

She has to make two choices. One is to immediately sacrifice the blood of the currently refined puppet; the other is to remelt the existing refined puppet.

, then add the remaining materials and refine again.

In the first option, she can get a natal magic weapon of inferior quality; in the second option, the risk is extremely high. If it fails, she will have nothing. When she gathers the materials to refine the materials again, she doesn’t know what year or month it will be. .

At this time, the usually timid Bai Rou disappeared, only her eyes were full of seriousness and stubbornness.

Shuang Qingqing's spiritual consciousness has been watching Bai Rou secretly. She watched Bai Rou refining every part of the puppet bit by bit, from melting, sealing, combination, to failure.

Even when Bai Rou made a mistake, Shuang Qingqing would not show up and speak, but would just watch quietly.

Bai Rou's red and moist eyes, her shoulders twitching slightly while she was lying on the desk, she cried silently, her eyes were still looking at everything in front of her indifferently, without any intention of helping.

It wasn't until the third time when Bai Rou wiped the tears from her eyes, unhesitatingly dismantled the newly assembled puppet parts and put them into the refining furnace that Shuang Qingqing quietly appeared behind Bai Rou.

She stretched out Rou Yi and patted Bai Rou's back gently, "The puppet's heart is still alive even though it has no life, and it's still warm even though it has no blood!" Bai Rou's body also trembled slightly...

In the following time, Shuang Qingqing watched Bai Rou refining every component. At certain key points, she would say one or two sentences, and often just these words made Bai Rou feel blessed and enlightened.

Shuang Qingqing even took out two precious materials from the storage bag and replaced the raw materials in key parts of Bairou's puppet, which greatly increased the power of Bairou's puppet.

In this way, after another month, Bai Rou finally successfully refined her first natal magic weapon.

At this time, the news of the invasion of the demon world had spread throughout the Desolate Moon Continent. Later, Bai Rou returned with Shuang Qingqing and two jade slips, and presented the two jade slips to Elder Chi Gong in accordance with Shuang Qingqing's wishes.

The moment Elder Chi Gong got the jade slip, his expression changed drastically. In the end, he only opened one of the jade slips and left the cave immediately. As for the other jade slip, why did Elder Chi Gong not look at it? Bai Rou I don’t know either.

But after what happened one after another, Bai Rou also began to panic.

As time went by, the four major sects began to recruit monks above the foundation building level in the areas under their jurisdiction. In this way, Muliusmen still had four foundation building monks.

But Bai Rou knows that although her Muliusmen master and those elders have far exceeded their previous level in the past year, they rarely fought with others in the past. They were all working hard to maintain the sect's inheritance. They spent all day fighting with others. Working with puppets.

If they were recruited, it is estimated that the four people from the Mulius Gate would soon die outside. Bairou found Elder Chi Gong in a hurry. After she explained her purpose, she sincerely asked the master of the Sprite Sect to help. Mediate from it.


Seeing Bai Rou's panicked look, unexpectedly Elder Chi Gong just smiled.

"Bairou, don't worry, Muliusmen will not recruit anyone. Of course, apart from you, you are also a monk of the Demon Sect. As a disciple of our sect, no one can shirk responsibility."

Bai Rou didn't expect that she just mentioned it, and the master allowed it so easily. This was the recruitment order issued by Yuanying Ancestor above. Bai Rou couldn't believe it. As for herself, she didn't expect to shirk it. Now every peak Which Tianjiao dares to go against the wishes of the ancestors?

It's just that Bai Rou's face is full of disbelief. With her city, everything is written on her face and her eyes are as clear as black pools.

Seeing Bai Rou's disbelief, Elder Chi Gong suddenly couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Bairou, I really promised you, and you look like this, do you have to let your master tell you, 'This is impossible, Muliusmen Foundation Establishment'" The monks must be recruited to fight."

After hearing this, Bai Rou nodded first, then suddenly realized that something was wrong, and her pretty face turned red.

After Elder Chi Gong saw this, he knew that his apprentice was too naive when it came to things, and she could not easily accept the changes in some things.

After thinking about it for a while, Elder Chi Gong suddenly said, "Bai Rou, you must have succeeded in refining the life puppet by yourself..."

Speaking of this, Elder Chi Gong stopped talking, and then looked at Bai Rou quietly. In an instant, Bai Rou understood that she just had no scheming, but she was very smart.

After hearing what Bai Rou said without reservation, Li Yan touched his nose. He didn't expect Bai Rou to tell him everything, which was unexpected.

"Oh, if I guess correctly, one of the two jade slips you gave to Elder Chi Gong should have been given directly to the sect Yuanying ancestor by the two seniors.

They must have put forward some conditions for Muliusmen, which shows that Senior Shuang has recovered to the level of cultivation that rivals Nascent Soul. "

Li Yan thought for a while and said. Bai Rou nodded slightly after hearing this. She also thought so, but she was worried that with the character of her ancestor Shuang Qingqing, she would not really fall out with the Demon Sect. That would be bad.

At that time, it would be wrong to go to either side, but fortunately, so far, the news coming out of Muliusmen is that everything is fine, and everything is safe for the master and several masters.

"I have heard that the puppets made by senior sister are two large and one small. Even the golden elixir stage monks have to be careful when dealing with them. If there is a chance, they will definitely see what senior sister can do."

Li Yan chuckled and said with a slight exaggeration in his words.

Unexpectedly, after Bai Rou heard Li Yan's words, the red tide that had receded long ago surged onto her fair and jade-like face again, and her eyes that had been quietly looking at Li Yan suddenly became panicked.

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