Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 516: Unexpected Visitors

About half an hour later, Li Yan, who had been sipping tea and thinking deeply, suddenly changed his expression and looked up at the gate of the cave.

After a while, a deep voice sounded outside the cave, "I came to visit you rashly. I wonder if the young master has rested in peace."

After Li Yan heard this, he did not get up, and there was no surprise on his face. While taking another sip of tea, he waved his other sleeve forward.

A flash of light flashed past the entrance of the cave, and then the stone door of the cave quietly opened. A figure flashed and appeared in Li Yan's cave.

"I've met the young master!" When the visitor saw Li Yan looking at him with a smile, he immediately bowed respectfully. ????

The person who came was a stalwart man, dressed in rich clothes, with a pair of small eyes and sharp eyes. He was the first man to push open the nine gates of the side hall of "Chongfeng Camp" during the day.

"I'm surprised to see you today. Why are you here? Is it really such a coincidence?" Li Yan looked at the visitor, put down the teacup in his hand, and then asked harmoniously.

The person who came was none other than Sun Guoshu. He seemed to have expected Li Yan's question and gave a wry smile.

"Under the recruitment of the four major sects, a few of our casual cultivators were able to escape. However, after I received the recruitment order, because I had the transmission notes given by Miss Bai before, it was convenient for me to find what I needed for the young master. After getting the things, it’s best to inform Miss Bai as soon as possible.

So I wanted to try to see if I could escape the conscription order through Miss Bai's help, but the result was far more serious than mine.

Miss Bai wrote back and said that even she had to go out on a mission, and if she wanted to escape, she would only end up being chased by the Demon Sect.

But later, Miss Bai still found a way and had me transferred to Fengliang Mountain from somewhere else, and joined her ninth team. This is considered to be much better than obeying orders under others. "

Sun Guoshu briefly talked about his past, and Li Yan nodded after listening, "This is the best way. Disciples of the Demon Sect themselves cannot avoid it, let alone outsiders. Well, you won't come here this time." That’s all, right?”

Li Yan was displeased that Sun Guoshu did not come out to meet him immediately during the day to show that he had a wide network of contacts. In this regard, he still felt that Sun Guoshu was quite experienced in doing things. He was born as a casual cultivator and had been around the world for a long time.

If such a person is used well, at least it will be more reassuring to entrust him with some matters.

"Of course, what the young master confessed at the beginning, after two years of not listening to visits and inquiries, I finally got another thing last year, but this thing was already given to Miss Bai at that time, and the amount of spiritual stones was also given by Miss Bai. Paid in advance.”

"Oh, you got something else, what is it?"

Li Yanleng was overjoyed. It seemed that he was indeed right about Sun Guoshu. He was a man who feared power, was able to judge the situation, and was very attentive to getting things done despite inducements.

Of course Li Yan had thought about it before


But it wasn't just inducement, but with his cultivation at that time, it couldn't even be called coercion.

"Master Qi, it's just a second-level ice cloud feather. This material is very rare and valuable. At that time, I couldn't even hope to buy it even if I spent all my money. In the end, Miss Bai spent 20,000 yuan on the low-level spirit. I just got the stone at a sky-high price..."

Before Sun Guoshu could finish speaking, Li Yan interrupted him, "Are you talking about Bing Yun Ling?"

Seeing Li Yan's question, Sun Guoshu, who was still a little excited, couldn't help but shudder. With his sophisticated skills, he had already heard some clues from Li Yan's words. Could it be that Li Yan didn't need this thing that he had worked so hard to find? .

He raised his head and looked at Li Yan, only to find that Li Yan's face was still calm, not dissatisfied, but not excited either. For a moment, he didn't know what Li Yan meant?

He thought to himself, "You can say no later. Even if the spiritual stone comes from Miss Bai, if Miss Bai blames me for such a large amount of spiritual stone, then I won't be wronged."

But he quickly replied, "Yes, sir, someone secretly took out Bing Yunling and wanted to participate in the auction, but I learned about it in advance and came to my door overnight.

If it really comes to the market, it's hard to say how much it will cost in the end. It is estimated that 20,000 spiritual stones are beyond the reach of the people.

After understanding that the other party was in urgent need of a sum of spiritual stones, I tried my best to convince him. Then I agreed to only give him half a day to raise 20,000 low-level spiritual stones, otherwise he would hand them over to the market for auction. …”

After hearing this, Li Yan couldn't help but feel disappointed. There was no such thing as luck in the world. He had just received two Ice Cloud Feathers from his master, and they were both from third-level monsters.

But now he doesn't like this spiritual stone at all. Since the other party is serious about doing what he has promised, how can he lose the other party's heart, and Sun Guoshu mentioned in detail how he tried his best, how can Li Yan still do it? not understand.

After Li Yan waved his hand, he stopped Sun Guoshu's words. He slapped his right hand on his waist, and a storage bag flew out. Now he had several storage bags hanging on his waist. This was what he had done deliberately. , most monks above Foundation Establishment will do this.

Then he said to Sun Guoshu, "There are three thousand spiritual stones here, which are considered as your hard work. For Senior Sister Bai, I will pay her another twenty thousand spiritual stones."

You did a good job. If you have the chance, please pay attention to the Jade Horned Snake. It requires at least the second level. "

Sun Guoshu saw a storage bag flying towards him, and when he heard Li Yan's words, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, "Three thousand spiritual stones, and there is also a storage bag that looks to be of high quality."

. "This time I made a small fortune, and at the same time I felt that I was really lucky and followed the right person.

So, Sun Guoshu quickly reached out to take it, and then thanked him profusely.

How did he know that Li Yan would reach out and give him 30,000 low-level spiritual stones without even frowning, but Li Yan would not do that.

Hundreds of spiritual stones can surprise a casual cultivator. This is due to Sun Guoshu's sincerity in doing things, so he gave a lot more. Overall, these spiritual stones are reasonable.

"I have heard of the second-order jade-horned snake appearing in Peiyangfang City before, but when I finally found it, it had been purchased by someone, and I couldn't find any trace of that person in the end.

Although I am no longer in the market, the jade-horned snake is actually easier to find than the other materials given by the young master, and the chance is much higher.

It's just that the world of immortality was turbulent in the past two years, so many monks went out less for experience, and they also deliberately hoarded some raw materials in their hands, so materials like the second-order jade-horned snake rarely appeared.

However, I have been in Fengliang Mountain for a while, and I have begun to get to know some monks. I will definitely carefully explore this raw material for the young master. " ??

After Sun Guoshu got a lot of spirit stones, he felt more confident in his heart. Jade-horned snakes can be found in the Shiwan Mountains of the Sprite Sect, but at first he focused on rare raw materials. There was one time The opportunity was carelessly missed in the end.

However, Sun Guoshu felt that with his communication skills, perhaps among the monks in Fengliang Mountain, he might be able to get news about the Jade-horned Snake.

Li Yan nodded, and then pointed to the stone chair next to him, "Sit down, I have one more thing to ask."

After that, he pushed another cup of tea to the side of the stone table.

When Sun Guoshu saw that Li Yan still wanted to inquire about something, he was certainly in high spirits. If he dealt with it well, he might get some rewards.

At the same time, he thought in his mind, "This is Senior Wei's direct disciple. The weight of speaking in Fengliang Mountain is definitely not comparable to that of Miss Bai. This is the only way to save life nowadays."

He then took a few steps forward and sat down on one side, looking at Li Yan.

Just looking at Li Yanhou at such a close distance made Sun Guoshu feel an inexplicable tremor in his heart. He didn't even know why he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He had carefully inquired about Li Yan's cultivation. It was the first time he met this boy, but he was deceived by him. He should be a real Qi Condensation Stage monk at that time, but he might have some treasures on him, so that he could Suffered a loss.

He had always firmly believed in this guess of his. The direct disciple of the master of the first peak of the Demon Sect had so many treasures on his body.

until later


When I couldn't find Li Yan, I learned from Bai Rou that the other party had successfully built the foundation. Calculating the time, it had only been two short years. When I saw him today, he was already in the middle stage of foundation building. With him, same.

He had spent all his wealth to barely break through to the middle stage of foundation building, and he had been at the peak of the early stage of foundation building for thirty years.

Thinking about the remaining decades of his life in the future, Sun Guoshu has no hope of forming a pill. Maybe even the late stage of foundation building is a chasm that he will never be able to cross.

"Could it be that this is the foundation of the four major sects, with super first-class skills, which are incomparable to the inferior skills that I practice casually.

If I were to acquire an intermediate skill, then my cultivation might be able to improve by leaps and bounds. "

Just for a moment, Sun Guoshu suddenly had many thoughts. He always thought that his qualifications were acceptable, but his immortality was too weak.

When he saw Li Yan today, he was startled by Li Yan's cultivation. How could he, who was originally a small Qi Condensing monk, suddenly become the same as himself? This made Sun Guoshu feel quite jealous. meaning.

But now that he was so close to Li Yan, Li Yan suddenly exuded a very weak coercion. It was this wisp of coercion that made Sun Guoshu feel on pins and needles when facing Li Yan who was so close, as if he was lying on his side next to a fierce beast. The side of the beast.

In fact, this was done deliberately by Li Yan. In the past, his ability was limited and he could not intimidate Sun Guoshu. Now that he had confirmed Sun Guoshu's ability, how could he still want to let him go?

If he could get this person to be dedicated to his own use, then he would have more time to practice, so he let Sun Guoshu get closer and deliberately released some pressure to intimidate the other party.

Of course, with Li Yan's current true strength, there is no need to deliberately call Sun Guoshu in front of him, and he can still make the other party tremble, but Li Yan is definitely not someone who will let others know his true strength easily.

As long as he can scare the other party, it is enough, and he has no intention of subduing the other party at once. Although people like Sun Guoshu look rough, they are actually as cunning as a fox.

Before Li Yan completely exploded in strength and showed the ability to absolutely crush him, he could only make Sun Guoshu suspicious.

However, it is enough to achieve this goal for now. A suspicious person who wants to save his own life will think more and more afterwards.

The more you think about it, the bigger the mystery will become. At a certain point, if you crush his last psychological defense line with one blow at the critical moment, you may be able to subdue this person completely.

Just after Sun Guoshu twisted his sitting posture unnaturally, the feeling that made his heart tremble suddenly disappeared immediately. It was as if everything just now was his own illusion.

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