Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 514 Team 9

There were many monks coming and going in the palace, but it was empty without any furnishings.

After Li Yan entered the gate, there were winding corridors along the black boulder walls on both sides.

There will be a huge blue door at a very far distance in the corridor. Some are completely closed, some are ajar, and monks are constantly coming in and out.

Li Yan stopped and looked around. There were monks around him who entered the palace. He walked directly to the center of the hall and walked straight towards the corridors in different directions.

When Li Yan saw this, he stretched out his hand to stop a monk.

"Senior brother, where is the ninth team of the 'Chongfeng Battalion'?"

The man was also a young monk, probably in his early twenties, with a golden compass embroidered on the sleeves of his dark green robe, which was the logo of the Four Elephants Peak.

The man was walking out in a hurry, and he was very anxious about something, but he was not stopped, so he couldn't help but feel angry.

This person thought: "Why don't you have any eyesight? I don't see that I am very busy."

He then said angrily, "Ask someone else..., oh, are asking the Ninth Team, does this junior brother want to join the Ninth Team?"

He was about to push away Li Yan's extended hand, but unexpectedly it didn't move, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Looking closely, he saw the golden bamboo embroidered on the cuffs of the outstretched arm. He was surprised. Then he remembered that Li Yan was asking about Team 9, and he was even more surprised.

This ninth team has the lowest casualty rate among the "Heavy Front Battalion" today, and its captain's combat power is much higher than that of his squad leader.

Many of their squads are willing to befriend this squad.

I was afraid that I would encounter a strong enemy while performing a mission that day. If I could have strong support like Team 9, my life would be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Now there are a lot of people in Team 9 who want to join.

The monk felt that Li Yan was unfamiliar just now. He had never seen any of the Demon Sect monks in Team 9.

The people who can come here to inquire about the ninth team at this time are probably the ones newly arranged by the sect to join.

It wasn't until he saw the logo on Li Yan's cuffs that he suddenly realized it.

"No wonder I was able to join the ninth team. It turns out that I am Master Wei's personal disciple.

Everything here is dominated by Uncle Wei, and of course the arrangements are arbitrary.

but? Don’t all the Xiaozhufeng disciples have other missions?

Who is this person? Why haven’t I seen him before? "

These thoughts were just flashes of light, and he didn't take them seriously.

He knew that there were eight disciples in Xiaozhu Peak. In fact, he had only heard of their names and had actually met a few of them.

Although Xiaozhu Peak is well-known, there are tens of thousands of monks in the Demon Sect, so not everyone is familiar with it.


What surprised the monk even more was that even though he just pushed casually, the opponent's arm was like copper poured into iron.

Subconsciously, he used a few percent of his strength.

It stands to reason that the other party's figure is at least swaying, but the other party is completely motionless, as stable as a rock.

Instead, his body swayed to one side, which was what frightened him the most.

While asking questions, he couldn't help but look at Li Yan carefully, but to his disappointment, he didn't recognize Li Yan's face at all.

Li Yan smiled and retracted his arm,

"Thank you, senior brother, I want to join the ninth team, but I don't know how to do it?"

Hearing Li Yan's answer, it was as expected. Although the monk was still surprised at the strength of Li Yan's body, he quickly answered.

"As far as I know, the ninth team went out to perform a mission early this morning. I guess there is no one in their team's side hall at this time, but my junior brother can go there and wait. It's just..."

Having said this, the monk looked at Li Yan a few more times, while Li Yan quietly waited for his next words.

"The missions performed by each team are secret, so no one knows how long it will take them to go out. It may be half a day or a day, but more often it takes ten days or half a month before they come back.

Therefore, this junior brother, since you have the order to join the ninth team, you probably have the relevant tokens.

It's best to take this token to the 'Wanjiantang' in the mountain behind and ask the deacon uncle. He may be able to give you the exact answer.

At that time, the junior brother only needs to wait until they return, and it will not be too late to report again. "

Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. His master didn't explain this, he just asked him to come over.

Now that I think about it, no one has arranged where I live.

My master has always been very careful, how could he make such a mistake?

After a moment's thought, Li Yan rejected the other party's suggestion. Wei Zhongran would definitely not do such a meaningless thing.

Otherwise, he only needs to find the location of the ninth team of the "Chongfeng Battalion" and wait there.

What's more, for monks, time is just a matter of meditation.

"Oh, thank you very much, senior brother. I still want to go to the ninth team to check the situation first, and then go to find the deacon uncle."

Seeing that his suggestion was directly rejected by the other party, the monk didn't care. He saw that this person was a disciple of Uncle Wei, and he would be the third disciple in the future.

Only now did the members of Team Nine say a few more words.

"Oh, from here, junior brother, go to the Gen position, and then when you reach the corridor, look for the side hall marked "Qianjiu", that's where it is.

I am Ren Mingyuan, a disciple of Sixiang Peak, and belongs to the 13th Squadron of the ‘Chongfeng Battalion’.

This junior brother, if there is nothing else to do, I have other things to do. "

After Ren Mingyuan finished speaking, he did not forget to state his name. Naturally, he would not let go of the opportunity to get to know the members of Team 9 like this.

"Oh, it turns out to be Senior Brother Ren. I'm Li Yan from Xiaozhufeng. Senior Brother, please excuse me. I was so intrusive just now!"

Li Yan also quickly returned the gift.

"Easy to say, easy to say, it turns out to be Junior Brother Li, please!" Ren Mingyuan said as he bowed his hands and walked out of the hall, feeling relieved at the same time.

"This person is the eighth disciple of Xiaozhu Peak. This is the first time I have seen a real person. This person should have just been sent from the sect. Some time ago, I heard that only five people came to Xiaozhu Peak..."

When Li Yan saw Ren Mingyuan leaving, he slowly walked to the center of the hall. It turned out that in the center of the hall was a giant Bagua azimuth map.

I don’t know if Sixiang Peak used his expertise in magic to change the purpose of this place after his arrival, or if it was originally built by the sword cultivator here.

Li Yan prefers the former. Wherever people like Sixiang Peak go, they must first set up various formations according to their likes and dislikes, as if that way they can feel safe.

Li Yan still has some research on the formation method, so naturally he still has some understanding of the theory of orientation.

Soon he stepped on Gen position and headed northwest.

The green doors on the corridor wall were at least forty feet apart, and Li Yan quickly found the Qianjiu door.

On the road, I still met many monks from the Demon Sect. They were of different shapes. Some of them did not agree with Li Yan at all, while others nodded to Li Yan with a smile.

Although there are thousands of people with different faces, Li Yan has an inexplicable feeling of home since he came to Fengliang Mountain.

The green door was closed tightly, but the huge door knocker was set very low, only reaching Li Yan's shoulder height.

So Li Yan stepped forward and gently tapped the door knocker several times. As expected, there was no response from inside.

After Li Yan thought about it, he raised his hand and pushed the door. He expected that there was a restriction here, and it was probably just an early warning restriction.

If he couldn't open the door, he would just find a secluded place nearby to meditate and wait. He didn't want to go back and trouble the master again.

But after Li Yan exerted a little force, the green door made a thick roaring sound, and then a gap opened.

This is pretty much what Li Yan thought. This place is like


In a military camp, ordinary people are tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

Li Yan then put a little more force on his hands, and when the gap in the door was wider, he ducked into the side hall.

There are still almost no furnishings in the side hall, which is so simple that it only consists of some stone benches and stone tables made of large stones.

There are tea sets and other things placed on some stone tables, surrounded by green and black walls.

After Li Yan's spiritual consciousness swept around, he found a place with a calm face and sat down cross-legged.

Li Yan did not close the door, so he could hear the occasional sounds clearly from outside, but he sat down cross-legged.

Soon, the time came to evening.

At this time, a few soft rays of light slowly fell from the top of the Qianjiu Side Hall where Li Yan was, shrouding the entire side hall in a misty green light.

At this time, the magic circle in the hall activated its auxiliary restriction function after sensing changes in external light.

Not long after, Li Yan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly heard his ears move. With his sharp ears, he heard a group of people walking towards this direction.

And there seemed to be a lot of people coming, about twenty people.

"I knew Master wouldn't do such unorganized things. Sure enough, the ninth team went out to perform a mission and came back on the same day."

Li Yan immediately released his consciousness, but for a moment, Li Yan had a look of astonishment on his face, and then he smiled in his heart.

"I don't know if it was Master's intention or a coincidence that I met her."

And just when Li Yan was hesitant to go out to meet, the group of people had arrived in front of Qianjiu Piantian Hall, and Li Yan saw an acquaintance.

At this time, a big man's voice suddenly came.

"Hey, who is our ninth team? They entered without permission even though there was no one inside. They are very brave."

This voice was also very familiar to Li Yan.

So, Li Yan simply stopped going out, but slowly stood up and looked towards the door quietly.

As soon as the big man's voice fell, there were many voices echoing behind him.

"Who is this brave? Is it because our captain is too talkative? It's just a shame. Is this because he wants to find out the secret..."

"Then let's see who it is..."

"Well, maybe a new Taoist friend has arrived. I heard that the newly recruited monks are coming recently. They may come directly here."

The last quiet sound rang, and at the same time, the door was pushed open with a "rumbling" sound.

Sorry, I promised to reward my children if they reach a certain level in the exam, but I have been traveling these past two weekends, so I am late!

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