Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 512 Demon Invasion (4)

"These people belong to the hidden ancient sect. Only in this way can the sect leave some inheritance of ancient magic. The power of ancient immortal magic is beyond what we can compare with now.

From the descriptions in some classical books, we know that its power is unbelievable, and we have many top-notch techniques and magic that were passed down thousands of years ago during the war between the demons. "The old man in Jinyi said slowly, with a look of worry in his eyes.

Even the ancient immortal arts that their four major sects now have are pitiful, and many of them are still incomplete. In the war between the demons, many of them came from the same sect or branch, from masters to disciples and disciples.

"Now we at least have a rough idea of ​​their origins. Currently, the four of us, fellow Daoist Yuandu, are seriously injured and will definitely not be able to participate in the battle this time.

The highest cultivation among the three of us is the middle stage of spiritual transformation of Lord Daling, which is only one step away from the late stage of spiritual transformation. Su Changyang and I have only just entered the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

The tall and thin old man on the other side has basically reached the late stage of divine transformation. If the opponent figures out our trump card, he alone may be able to defeat the three of us. In the late stage of divine transformation..."

The sword intent in Shibuyuan Zhantian's eyes kept flowing, as if he could split the world at any time. Although he said this, endless fighting intent slowly seeped out of his body.

If they had not been unsure of ascending to the fairy world and had been using hidden cultivation methods to escape the laws of this world, they would have been rejected by the mortal world.

Therefore, over the past thousands of years, on the one hand, they have been looking for space nodes for safe ascension, and on the other hand, they have been constantly using various methods to try to break through to the late stage of divine transformation as soon as possible. In this way, even if they forcefully break through the space turbulence, the probability is high. Scored two points.

"Zhantian, you are worrying too much. They only dare to release their cultivation to a level slightly stronger than the late Nascent Soul. Otherwise, unless they can kill us all before the law comes, they will leave first. The Huangyue Brigade has entered the turbulent space.

A powerful cultivator in the late stage of divine transformation can defeat a few of us, but killing anyone is even harder than reaching the sky. Fellow Daoist Yuandu was besieged by several people on the other side, and that’s why he did this, but he couldn’t escape. Once it comes out, the opponent just doesn't dare to let go of his cultivation with all his strength. "Su Changyang said as if he didn't care.

If someone regards Su Changyang as a reckless person, they may not even know how to die. Su Changyang of the Demon Sect, a poisonous hero of the Desolate Moon Continent, his inner ruthlessness will never match his appearance, otherwise he will How to get to this point.

The four great sects and the four great transformation gods have strong and weak cultivations, but each of them has a way to save his life. The Supreme Lord of the Pure Land Sect, who has the highest cultivation level, many years ago faced the Shibuyuan Zhantian and the Demon King in the early stage of transformation. Zongsu Changyang was not sure of victory at all.

If one of them is to be completely killed, he himself will probably be seriously injured, or even have his cultivation level plummeted, which will be an advantage to the other two families. Therefore, the four major sects have always maintained this balanced relationship, and no one will go there easily.


break in.

"Having said that, the methods in the later stages of becoming a god are beyond our imagination. Once he has the great magical power to temporarily overshadow the laws of heaven and earth, he only needs one person to hold the three of me down for a moment.

So even if the other two and one demon suppress their cultivation, it is not something that the Nascent Soul Stage monks can stop, and they will be like a tiger among wolves in an instant.

It would be great if the old wolf in the secret realm could come. He is the Great Demon Emperor in the late fifth level, but he has been sleeping for thousands of years. No one can enter the retreat where any news comes from the outside. Otherwise, we will be evenly matched this time, and even be able to suppress each other. Zhan Tian said worriedly.

Su Changyang, an old man in brocade clothes, chuckled, "Even with the long lifespan of the monster beast, the old wolf may be nearing its end of life, so he has been using this method of hiding his aura to avoid the catastrophe.

With his magic power, as long as he is unwilling to wake up, no one in the mortal world can wake him up, not even us.

But it's useless to think about this. We are currently preventing them from attacking the cracks in Yinmo Cliff. This way, we can prevent them from cooperating inside and outside to open up the cracks in Yinmo Cliff, which will really make it impossible to save the day.

I think the main combat power this time is Yuanying and Jindan. If the other party dares to let go of the cultivation of gods, then I will at least take one of them to go to the turbulent space, where who will live and who will die, each will settle down with his destiny. "

After Zongzong Su Changyang said this, his originally bright and restrained eyes turned pitch black in an instant, like two endless abyss, which made people's hair stand on end.

After listening to Su Changyang's words, the dim light floating in the distance was as calm as water at first, and then the light fluctuated faintly. It could be seen that there was an old man in the light, who bowed deeply to the three of them, and then sighed, and the light disappeared without a trace. .

The young monk's face was dull, and he looked at Shibuyuan Zhantian with a smile. Suddenly, a Buddha statue appeared on his forehead, and golden light overflowed from his body. There were countless chants and chants all around the hall, as if people had entered the holy world in an instant. Buddha Hall.

Lord Daling recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, "Amitabha, that's all, bliss, bliss!"

Zhan Tianchu suddenly stood up and looked at the old man in brocade clothes, his green shirt making a sound in the wind.

"Su Changyang, you old ghost, this is the only day in my life that I will make you more pleasing to the eye. You will no longer act like a ghost and pretend to be a fake person all day long. For the sake of the inheritance of the four sects, let's just fight.

At worst, one sword could crush the Desolate Moon Continent, and everyone would enter the turbulent space without thinking anymore. "

At this moment, Yuandu's weak voice came from the void in the hall, "Give me a month, and by then, as long as I can use this to break

All it takes is for the Nascent Soul body to use the technique of ‘Five Lords Immortal Arrival’. Isn’t it just a matter of dragging a god to support him? "After that, there was no sound in the entire hall.

Although the four sects have been fighting overtly and secretly for endless years, they still choose to believe each other in the face of great issues of right and wrong.

In the cave, Wei Zhongran continued to say to Li Yan, "After the Taixuan Sect fell, the demons attacked all the way to the north. Since most of the Taixuan Sect monks had withdrawn to the Shibuyuan territory, the entire south of the Desolate Moon Continent was facing such a strong opponent. Down there, there is almost no resistance. He can escape and kill.

The purpose of the demons is also very obvious, which is the crack in the Yinmo Cliff on the Shibuyuan side, so the four sects are currently gathered here. "

"They want to open the cracks in Yinmo Cliff again." Li Yan said in a low voice.

"Of course, if we want to occupy and rule the entire Desolate Moon Continent, the more than 10,000 of them are still far from enough.

Now that the South China Sea Passage has been destroyed, the easiest way to open up the two worlds is through the cracks in the Yinmo Cliff. As long as the seal of the formation is destroyed from this end, it is possible.

At that time, their two ends will be in a coordinated situation, and we will be attacked from both sides, and the Desolate Moon Continent will be in danger. "Wei Zhongran said in a low voice.

"Master, does Fengliang Mountain resist the demons coming from the south, or does it protect the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff nearby?" Li Yan quickly thought of a question.

"This place is to resist the demon clan from the south. It is only about ten thousand miles away from the invading demon clan from the south. We formed a horizontal front and firmly protected the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff at the rear.

If they have a large number of troops and circle far away from the east and west, but they have more than 10,000 people, they cannot do it. If they do that, we can change the direction and defend nearby.

At the same time, the east, west, and north sides of the Yin Mo Cliff crack were also protected from a distance. After the demons knew that there were two layers of protection on the east, west, and north sides, they lost the surprise attack effect due to insufficient troops and could only concentrate all their combat power. Cut from the south front. "

Li Yan nodded. It turned out that the demons were only about 10,000 miles away from Fengliang Mountain.

"On this front, we have three key defensive areas. For these three areas, the demons have launched several tentative attacks to test which area is the weakest link.

Fengliangshan had just fought a fierce battle with the demons seventeen days ago. Our casualties were much greater than theirs, but we were able to hold the demons back in the end. "

Wei Zhongran sighed. Although the Demon Clan only came over with about 2,000 people last time, and they were just conducting a tentative attack, the opponent's combat power, whether it was the group of mysterious human monks or the Demon Clan monks, was almost equal to that of Feng. The monks here in Liangshan were having a hard time guarding.

The losses on the Fengliang Mountain side were considerable. Fortunately, the opponent was only a tentative attack, not a decisive battle, so Yuanying and the Transformation cultivator did not appear.



As the main defender here, Wei Zhongran is under the greatest pressure. He and a dozen other Jindans also go into battle in person to fight with each other. These Jindans are mainly from the Sprite Sect, which governs the Immortal Cultivation Sect and the Immortal Cultivation Family Jindan. Dan as a supplement.

In the end, Wei Zhongran's side also won a miserable victory in this battle. Their magical power and stamina were far inferior to their opponents.

In the end, the opponent's casualties were less than a hundred people, while Wei Zhongran's side suffered nearly three hundred casualties from Jindan to Foundation Establishment. Among them, only two Jindan from the opponent were killed, while five Jindan from his side were killed, and the rest were seriously injured. Excluding.

After listening to Wei Zhongran's brief introduction, Li Yan took a breath. He did not expect that the seemingly peaceful Fengliang Mountain would turn out to be so tragic. In just one confrontation, both sides suffered such heavy casualties.

After seeing Li Yan's expression, Wei Zhongran's expression softened, "Currently, these three defense points have received a wave of attacks from the opponent, and there is no fighting anymore.

This is easy to understand when you think about it. After the test, the opponent should be planning a big attack or even a decisive battle. This quiet time should be spent making pre-battle plans.

Otherwise, even if they are powerful, there are still only ten thousand people. If they do this dozens of times, it is estimated that only Nascent Soul will come up in person. "

After Wei Zhongran said this, he paused and said, "That's the situation now. Don't tell anyone what you heard. You should know the consequences."

Li Yan quickly nodded in agreement. He naturally knew the power of this.

"What about Senior Brother and the others?" Li Yan had been thinking about it for a long time, and then he finally had the chance to ask.

"Oh, they are all fine. Your senior brother went to take a rotation in the crack of Yin Mo Cliff more than a year ago. This was his own request. Now, except for your fourth senior sister who stayed at Xiaozhu Peak, the rest of your senior brothers and sisters were originally here. It's stationed here.

Fengliang Mountain is mostly defended by the Four Elephant Peaks and the levy monks. In the past, this place was the location of an outer sword courtyard of Shibuyuan, but now it has become one of the three defense points.

However, after I was ordered to station here, the five of them also followed. It was just that your second senior brother led the team ten days ago, and the five of them had already gone to the crack in the Yinmo Cliff. "

This was far beyond Li Yan's expectation. He originally wanted to meet his senior brothers, but he didn't want to be late. Moreover, calculating the time, Gong Chenying and the others also participated in the battle more than ten days ago, and they were still there. Fortunately, everything is safe and sound. I think Master is taking care of me.

After thinking about it, Li Yan still felt that it was best not to continue asking. In Li Yan's heart, he knew that since this was the front line, Wei Zhongran probably felt that the casualties here were too high, so he transferred a few of them away for an excuse. Who had no selfish motives? What's more, Xiaozhufeng is already sparsely populated, and if one person is killed or injured, it will be a serious injury.

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