Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 507: The Fat Master Who Can’t See Through

The cave is very large, and the living room in the middle is very simply furnished, with only a tea machine, a tray on top, and a few tea cups.

Except for two chairs on both sides of the tea machine, and ten more chairs were placed on both sides of the hall, there was nothing else. From this, it can be concluded that the owner of this room must be an ascetic.

At this moment, Wei Zhongran's fat figure was sitting upright next to the tea machine above, and he was the only one in the entire cave. Li Yan did not see Zhao Zhi, his master's wife.

Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan who came in with a smile. Seeing this, Li Yan quickly walked a few steps, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

"Disciple Li Yan, pay homage to Master!"

"Get up, you're finally back, what's the harvest of this trip? Hey, huh?"

Wei Zhongran looked at Li Yan and felt that the young disciple in front of him had changed a lot in appearance. He sighed in his heart about the changes of time and asked about the outcome of Li Yan's trip, but suddenly his eyes froze on Li Yan.

There was surprise in Wei Zhongran's tone, "You have actually reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. Judging from the degree of solidification of your spiritual power, you should have reached the stage of small success in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. Hiss... that's not right... that's not right. , it should be much higher, are you suppressing your cultivation?"

Of course he knew better than outsiders when Li Yan laid the foundation, so he was even more shocked now because he saw that Li Yan was more different than Elder Hua.

Li Yan's body that was standing up couldn't help but froze slightly, and he was horrified. He also didn't expect that his Guishui Sutra concealed a method of cultivation. Logically speaking, even the late Jin Dan might not be able to see through it, even if it was stronger than before. Shengzhou Zuoqiu Dan could only vaguely feel that there was something wrong with his cultivation realm.

As my master, my cultivation level was low in the past and I couldn't see what level I was in. However, after building the foundation, I had a vague feeling that my master's cultivation level should be around the middle stage of Golden Core.

But when he met today, although he could not completely see through his specific realm, he had already guessed his suppressive cultivation level. What kind of cultivation level was his master? He remembered that when he suppressed the small realm during the Qi Condensation stage, the master did not see it. "Maybe it was because his realm was too low at the beginning, and the Guishui Sutra was more effective in concealing it."

Could it be that it is so powerful that even Shengzhou Zuoqiu Dan cannot compare? He heard from Zuo Luo that Zuoqiu Dan is already a false infant. It is naturally Nascent Soul that is stronger than the false infant, but this is impossible anyway.

A major event such as the birth of a baby cannot be concealed even if you want. It is said that the visions and thunder disasters in the sky and the earth cannot be concealed by any formation.

It was obvious at a glance that his realm was suppressed. Perhaps, his master had cultivated a great magical power similar to the Buddhist "Tian Tian Dharma Eyes" that could penetrate all things.

Li Yan has heard of people who specialize in cultivating their eyesight. According to common sense, the most powerful magic weapon of a monk is "spiritual consciousness". It can not only observe everything in any environment, but also use storage space, even advanced divine consciousness. It is also the most convenient way to know attacks and so on.


It is convenient and powerful, and it is also the most difficult thing for monks to practice.

Precisely because it is difficult to cultivate spiritual consciousness, many people among immortal cultivators want to cultivate their eyes to the point where they surpass spiritual consciousness. For example, the Buddhist "eyes that reach the sky" and the Taoist "eyes that seal the sky" are such magical powers.

Although it may not be stronger than the divine sense in the end, it is said that after practicing to a certain level, evil ghosts that may not even be detected by the divine sense on ordinary days cannot escape their eyes.

For example, the deeply hidden spiritual power fluctuations in a monk's body will also be discerned and detected by the monks who practice magic eyes and magical powers.

Li Yan is confident that he is now close to the Golden Core realm, and has already surpassed his cultivation level when he first met Shengzhou Zuoqiu Dan. At that time, Shengzhou Zuoqiu Dan only saw that his strength did not match his realm, and also did not see the specific realm.

Now that his cultivation level has greatly increased, Wei Zhongran can tell the difference just at a glance, whether he suppressed it too much and lost its effectiveness.

In this way, Wei Zhongran must have extremely special skills, but it also shows that his cultivation level may have already surpassed the middle stage of Jindan.

Li Yan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Master, this disciple is just lucky."

"A fluke? Hahaha, forget it, these are just your destiny, so did you find what you were looking for this time on your trip north?"

After hearing Li Yan's answer, Wei Zhongran did not continue to struggle with why Li Yan had such a strange increase in cultivation, but there was obvious disbelief in his tone.

Wei Zhongran himself once had a great destiny of his own, and his character is always happy-go-lucky. Just now, he only became curious because of surprise. After calming down, he will not pursue this matter again. non-stop.

Li Yan also heard from Wei Zhongran's words that the master did not mean to ask questions, and there was no hint of blame in his tone. He couldn't help but admire the master's character even more. At the same time, he thought, maybe this is the only way Only a master can cultivate a great man who is as stunning as his senior brother and who values ​​love and justice.

What's more, when they met today, Wei Zhongran was not in a hurry to tell about the sect and other situations. Instead, he first asked Li Yan whether his trip had achieved his goal. He was obviously very concerned about Li Yan.

Although Li Yan hadn't stayed with Wei Zhongran for a long time since joining the company, he could still hear the real concern in Wei Zhongran's tone, without any falsehood, which made Li Yan feel a kind of warmth for a moment. The kind of tenderness intertwined like a teacher and a father.

So, after Li Yan thought about it for a while, he reorganized his thoughts and told Wei Zhongran everything he had experienced in the past two years, which also implicitly explained the process of his breakthrough.

However, among them, Li Yan concealed some things, such as meeting Shuang Qingqing, coercing Su Hong, having an affair with Mei Hongyu, obtaining "Rong Bamboo Shoots" and other too-secret matters.

Of course, there were also insignificant things like meeting Zuo Qiu Dan, which Li Yan ignored.

Instead, he accidentally killed the opponent after he was chased by the Chihuo Ancestor and had no choice but to self-explode various poisons in the "Fragmentation Poison Body", and he also suffered severe physical injuries, almost Fragmented.

After having to completely hide and recover for nearly a year, I unexpectedly found that I had broken through to the middle stage of foundation building. Later, he mistakenly entered the "dark" passage in the Fire Palace at the bottom of the Red Maple Pond.

After a narrow escape, he woke up from his deep sleep, and then found that his state of mind had been transformed. After that, he practiced again in the secret room of Huozhuang Palace, and somehow he made another breakthrough.

Anyway, it makes sense that he had confused some time and concepts, reversed the situation, and had a "fragmented and poisonous body" that was blamed for everything in the past.

So what Li Yan said is generally true, but some things are specious.

After Wei Zhongran heard this, he nodded first and said to himself, "The poisonous body is still as guessed before. Although the spirit root and qualifications cannot be changed, mutations may occur. This cannot be explained by common sense." ??

There is not much comfort for Li Yan who has been on the verge of life and death several times during this trip. Although he recruits disciples as if they are free-range, he firmly believes that if his disciples have not experienced a bloody storm, no matter what No matter what, it won't become a great thing.

If his disciple died because of this, it can only be said that his fate was like this, but if he was killed in a fight, then he, Wei Zhongran, would not mind bullying the younger one by bullying him, and would go find him and kill him with his own hands.

He doesn't care about benevolence, righteousness and morality. Of course, all these must be firmly established on the basis of his disciples, who are not indifferent to right from wrong, adulterous and murderous. Otherwise, he will clean up the family first.

Then he smiled and said to Li Yan, "Well, I have heard of some of the things you did during your trip north."

"Master, what have you heard about me? Let's start again." Li Yan couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this.

"Haha, that's what you did in Xuanqing Temple. You made a great contribution that time. Because of this, Master Mo Qing specially sent him as a master to inquire about it. After confirming your identity, he made great contributions to you. Very satisfied with the performance.”

As Wei Zhongran spoke, an undisguised smile bloomed on his fat and white face.

Li Yan's reaction was extremely fast. In a flash of thought, he had already made some guesses and asked out of curiosity.

"Could it be the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle Eyeball? This bead actually alarmed Master Mo Qing. Master, what exactly is this thing?


What is it? "

Everything he did at Xuanqing Temple was caused by Qin Chengyi's desire to steal the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle Eyeball. Li Yan naturally connected the "Xuanqing Temple" thing that Wei Zhongran said with this object.

At the same time, he also guessed that this thing should be related to the demon clan, but the specific matter was not something he could answer just by guessing.

"I will tell you more about this thing later. It is related to the invasion of the demons. You just said that you have obtained the main materials for refining the natal magic weapon. So has the natal magic weapon been refined?

You just said that you took the opportunity to return after being recruited near the Pure Land Sect's "Huangxuan Valley". If I remember correctly, that sect should be in the far north of the Pure Land Sect. The materials you are looking for are actually To such a distant place? "

At the beginning, Li Yan only told Wei Zhongran that he would go out to find materials for refining the natal magic weapon, but he did not explain what kind of natal magic weapon he would refine and what materials he would need.

Even between master and disciple, if the disciple is unwilling to mention this kind of thing, the master will usually not ask him carefully. After all, the natal law is the greatest weapon for cultivating immortals.

Although once used in the future, it will still be known to others, but some monks regard their natal magic weapon as their last resort and are not willing to show it to others easily.

Of course, if the disciple takes the initiative to ask the master for some materials for refining the natal magic weapon, and takes the initiative to speak out in order to listen to some suggestions from the master, this is another matter.

There are many classics on refining magic weapons in the Demon Sect. Monks can get them by spending spiritual stones or contribution points. However, the better the magic weapon is, the more spiritual stones or contribution points are required.

There are also many monks who, after being unable to choose a magic weapon refining method that they are satisfied with within their sect, will go out to the market to purchase a refining method that suits them. Generally speaking, refining natal magic weapons is not limited to a sect's special inherited skills.

That's why Wei Zhongran asked this question, because there is a huge difference in combat power between a monk who has a natal magic weapon and a monk who has not successfully refined the natal magic weapon.

And he didn't know that Li Yan was going to the far north of the Pure Land. He thought that Li Yan was looking for a special monster or other material that only appeared in the Pure Land Sect. This might be in a certain area of ​​the Pure Land Sect. It was unique, but Wei Zhongran never expected it to be so far away from the extreme north.

"Master Qi, this has not been refined yet. At present, only the main material has been found, and there are two more critical auxiliary materials that have not been found. The main material I need is only available in the Sea of ​​Beiming." Li Yan answered truthfully. He did not expect that his master would actually know about a sect such as "Huangxuan Valley", and he couldn't help but feel that Wei Zhongran was becoming more and more incomprehensible.

Wei Zhongran's eyes narrowed after hearing this, and then he took a meaningful look at Li Yan.

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