Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 504 Elder Hua’s temper

The "green flame burning gold" poison is not the most poisonous type among the fragmented poison bodies, but Li Yan believes that it is most appropriate to use it "according to local conditions".

Poison cultivators are often not ranked based on their toxicity. Elder Hua nodded when she heard this. She had been immersed in poisonous ways for hundreds of years, so of course she knew this.

"It seems that God has been kind to you. You don't have to work so hard like me and constantly rely on external things to get far.

Well, how many types of poisonous bodies have you divided into now? You don’t need to answer this question, I’m just curious. "

At this time, Elder Hua withdrew his gaze to the sky in the distance, and his expression softened a little. Seeing that Li Yan's body was better than he thought, and his qualifications as a cultivator seemed to have significantly improved, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Li Yan's hatred became less.

The question she asked already touched on the most private part of a monk's practice. If Li Yan was just a little-known figure, she wanted to know how she could get him to refuse.

Even in order to get the real answer, it is very possible to directly search for souls. Anyway, as long as he is not a poisonous cultivator of the Sprite Sect, in the eyes of Elder Hua, he is an insignificant person, and he will die if he dies.

But how could she treat Li Yan like this? She knew that asking this question would arouse the other party's resentment, but Elder Hua had a stubborn personality and always had a paranoid fanaticism about poisons that he didn't understand, so after thinking about it, he still asked.

"It has been divided into twelve types, large and small." Li Yan seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally saying it.

But he would not really tell the truth. The number he said was simply the number of differentiations that the Fragmentary Poison Body had during its original Qi Condensation stage.

Li Yan still has something to ask of the other party. Of course, he cannot go against the other party's wishes and make Elder Hua dissatisfied. Therefore, Li Yan has to answer the other party no matter what.

"Being able to differentiate continuously as your cultivation level increases is considered a kind of innate magical power. Although you are formed the day after tomorrow, you can still continue to differentiate on your own. Don't live up to God's favor for you."

Elder Hua glanced at Li Yan, as if he had seen through that Li Yan had not told the truth, but he unexpectedly said these words of encouragement. If the disciples of Buli Peak saw this, they would be shocked and grinning from ear to ear. .

"Thank you, uncle, for your teaching. Li Yan will keep it in mind." Li Yan was surprised and didn't know if the other party really saw that he was lying, so he quickly bowed.

"Well, I won't ask what kind of mission Junior Brother Wei sent you out to perform. It's just that the world has been turned upside down now. How much do you know?"

"Uncle Qi, my disciple heard some things along the way. They are all related to the invasion of demons from the South China Sea. I wonder if this is the case?"

Li Yan had a lot of questions in his mind. Seeing Elder Hua asking, he couldn't help but ask seriously.



Unexpectedly, Elder Hua did not answer Li Yan as he wished, "The things you heard are probably the same in fact, but some of them are not that simple.

You want to find Master Wei now, right? Regardless of whether you have to go to the commander to hand over the task, there is no need to go back to the sect.

I won’t go into details about these things about the demon clan. When you find Master Ling, just ask him clearly. "

Saying this made Li Yan even more confused. He had heard an unusual meaning from Elder Hua's words, which at least meant that his master Wei Zhongran was definitely no longer in the sect. He also didn't know what happened to the senior brothers and sisters in Xiaozhu Peak. Already?

"Uncle Hua, where should I go to find my master?" Li Yan thought at the same time, "Since you don't want to talk about it, why are you asking about this topic? It's really boring.

And in the end, if you didn't give me a place to go and just let me go find Master and the others, then I would definitely have to ask you for some passing tokens, otherwise it would be almost impossible to move forward. "

But what Elder Hua said next made Li Yan overjoyed.

"Since you came here with the Pure Land Sect's recruitment team, you should have understood by now that my place is just one of the many gathering points set up by the four major sects, and Master Wei Feng is stationed about four kilometers to the south from here. A place thousands of miles away.

The biggest function of the gathering point is to screen and approve the monks, and then transport these monks to the designated garrison points.

Count yourself lucky. There are ten teleportation arrays in the gathering point here. One of the teleportation arrays is used to teleport monks to the place where Master Wei is stationed. Otherwise, if you find Master Wei, you will have to go through a lot of trouble. That’s it. "

It was rare that Elder Hua said more this time, and Li Yan finally understood. In addition to the gathering points, the four major sects also set up garrison points, whose function should be the front line to resist the demons.

At the same time, Li Yan could vaguely get some other information from Elder Hua's words. She said that her master was stationed only 40,000 miles south from here, and hadn't the demons invaded the South China Sea?

"Could it be that the demons have actually reached here in just over a year?" Li Yan thought in surprise.

"But maybe the so-called garrison point is similar to the barracks in the rear." Li Yan then comforted himself in his heart.

Immediately, he became anxious because he didn't know what was happening to Qingshan Pass now? Therefore, Li Yan ignored the fact that interrupting Elder Hua would cause her dissatisfaction, and hurriedly said, "Junior, if my uncle knows something, please don't hesitate to tell me."

Sure enough, Elder Hua couldn't help but frown. She had always been indifferent. She was planning to deal with Li Yan's matter quickly and continue her cultivation. Therefore, she didn't think about many things at all, and she didn't want to waste time telling Li Yan more. Explain.

Li Yan has his own master, so why should she worry about it? If it weren't for Li Yan's special health, there were too few disciples in Xiaozhu Peak, and Wei Zhongran was too protective of his shortcomings, she wouldn't want to take on these things. That's right, how can I say so many words?

But this kid caused another problem out of nowhere. Just when she was considering whether to ignore Li Yan's interruption and directly arrange for him to leave, Li Yan's words had already been spoken.

"I wonder if Uncle Master knows whether the demons have attacked a mortal country called the Dynasty?" As he spoke, Li Yan's eagerness was evident in his words, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

Elder Hua saw Li Yan's expression. Although she was obsessed with poison and had almost lost her emotions, she still knew how to deal with the world.

She also didn't expect that Li Yan was asking about mortal matters, but she was just stunned for a moment, and she already figured out how Li Yan joined the Demon Sect in the first place, and she was also present at the time.

Since it was just a matter of casual conversation, after thinking about it, Elder Hua did not have an attack and said calmly.

"I know what you mean. Your family is fine. If the dynasty has been captured by the demons, then the Demon Clan will be in danger."

After Li Yan heard this, his heart suddenly relaxed, but then he thought about it. Although Qingshan Pass is a million miles away from the Sprite Sect, for a mortal, a million miles away is still a place that is out of reach in his lifetime. , but it’s really not too far away for cultivators. ??

Just like Li Yan now, he came here from the far north of the Pure Land Sect in just one month, which is unimaginable to ordinary people.

If the demons attack Qingshan Pass, it is estimated that the Demon Sect will not defend outside, but will definitely shrink back to defend.

"Disciple, thank you, uncle, for your words. I can't thank you enough!" Li Yan bowed deeply to Elder Hua again. He was more pleased to receive this news than to receive any valuable treasure.

"Your state of mind will definitely have a great impact on your cultivation in the future. You are also a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. You must have already understood that our generation of monks have taken a completely different path from them.

After decades of being in the world of mortals, what will you leave behind? Years later, what can you remember? "

Seeing Li Yan thanking him so seriously, even more than his previous attitude, Elder Hua felt disdainful and immediately couldn't stand Li Yan's behavior and couldn't help but say.

But after she finished speaking, she saw that Li Yan had already regained his composure and was no longer as anxious as before, so she knew that the other party had not let go of her words at all.


In my heart, I suddenly thought that the idea that Li Yan still had some potential was wrong, and I hated it again.

Her attitude suddenly changed drastically, and her tone returned to being cold and ruthless.

"Okay, take this token and go directly to Qianshan to find any fellow disciple of the Demon Sect and ask them to take you to the teleportation array. Then you can choose to go to the teleportation array in Fengliang Mountain."

After saying that, Su waved her hand, and a jade slip appeared in her hand. Then she whispered a few words into the jade slip, then waved her hand, and the jade slip flew towards Li Yan.

Then Elder Hua never looked at Li Yan again and turned to walk towards the house behind the courtyard.

Li Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. He really couldn't figure out the character of Master Hua. He changed from time to time, and there was no pattern at all. He had no choice but to bow and quickly walked out of the courtyard.

The moment he walked out of the courtyard, the backyard door behind him closed with a bang. The sound was quite harsh in the silence nearby.

Li Yan knew that his expression just now aroused the other party's dissatisfaction, so he did not dare to stay here anymore and hurriedly walked forward along the way he came.

What he valued most was family and friendship. He didn't care whether these feelings would affect his path of cultivating immortality. Li Yan also had his own unshakable obsession in his heart.

While walking on the road, Li Yan put the jade slip on his forehead. Soon he heard Elder Hua's cold voice. He just said a few words and asked the person guarding the teleportation array to verify Li Yan's magic. After obtaining the Jie Zong waist card, he arranged for Li Yan to be teleported to "Fengliang Mountain" and said nothing more.

"Actually, Master Hua is quite an enthusiastic person."

A smile appeared on Li Yan's face, but he didn't expect that since he joined the sect, his status was different from other disciples. He was one of the only disciples in Xiaozhu Peak. This is something that many people are trying to do now. Those who want to enter, not to mention Wei Zhongran's reputation for protecting shortcomings.

Soon, Li Yan came to the platform square in front of the top of the mountain. At this time, monks were constantly coming in and out of the houses near the square, including some monks wearing the costumes of the Demon Sect.

Li Yan unceremoniously reached out to stop a monk. At first, the monk looked at Li Yan's green shirt and felt very dissatisfied.

He had a lot of things to do on his hands. Why did this foreign monk stop him so boldly and call him "Junior Brother" without anyone else leading him? Where did this come from? Seeing such a monk with no eyesight, this man couldn't help but feel angry, and his face immediately turned cold.

You must know that the monks of the four major sects are here. Among the same-level monks, the monks of the sects under their jurisdiction must greet them as "senior brother and senior sister" when they meet them.

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