Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 294: Diving in the waves at the end of the boat

"I think it must be this person. Mom, with this kind of cultivation, no one in the family except dad and a few elders can really do anything to them? And those elders are also very stubborn and will not help in private at all. Ours." The gloomy young man said bitterly.

"Before, if you could cultivate the Ghost Poison Scroll to the late third level as soon as possible, then even if those elders were stubborn, they would still be able to evade your father before the old ghost came out of seclusion. However, these elders only recognize the cultivation level and not the person. Not to mention your grandfather’s constant pressure from outside, haven’t these elders also behaved with their tail between their legs over the years?”

When the gloomy young man heard this, a smile appeared on his face, "Mom, although it is a little late to break through to the late third level, it is not a bad thing. This way, you can defeat everyone in this competition openly. The ancestor has nothing to say, so why not let us get the power of the family more clearly and righteously?"

"Oh? You are so confident. You have just broken through to the third level of the Ghostly Poison Scroll. But you still haven't figured out what level you have reached. Your incompetent father also practiced the Ghostly Poison Scroll at the beginning. I'll burn it privately and let you take it away." The beautiful woman in palace clothes said, and her silver teeth couldn't help but bite.

"Mom, you really think highly of that kid. He didn't even succeed in cultivating the first level when he was a child. He has been like a lost dog these years. Where do he get the resources? This is also because he is lucky. He has been hiding in the deserted mountains and deep valleys where there are no human traces all year round. , Otherwise, he would have died early. Even if he had some chance, would he be better than those of us who are blessed by nature in the family? Please rest assured, I will not take it lightly tomorrow, and will use all my strength to deal with this young man." Guo Leng said slowly.

The beautiful woman in palace clothes nodded after hearing this. She admired her son's approach of using all his strength to fight a lion and a rabbit. Before she could speak, the gloomy young man paused and continued, "Mom, these days In ten years, why didn't grandpa directly kill several elders? Come to think of it, dad didn't dare to say anything. Now even if the family ancestor comes out of seclusion, what can he do if one person can resist grandpa and several golden elixirs? Can the masters besiege you?"

After listening to the gloomy young man's words, the beautiful woman in palace clothes shook her head, "You can only say this in this attic. Your grandpa personally arranged the formation here. Even if the ancestor of Huchen's spiritual consciousness breaks in, it will There are some abnormalities, but it is better not to say such nonsense. Your cultivation level is still too low. Your grandpa and I have already considered these things you are thinking about, and now I will tell you a few words so that you can remember them for a long time. And don't underestimate any family or sect. They can pass it down and have their own way of survival.

Those elders have a blood contract with the old ghost. As long as one person dies, the old ghost will know it instantly. Moreover, it is said that the old ghost is in the middle stage of attacking the Nascent Soul. Originally, your grandfather had only succeeded in condensing the Nascent Soul for five years at that time. Ten years have passed, but this old ghost has stayed in the early stage of Yuanying for hundreds of years. Although they seem to be both in the early stage of Yuanying, their combat power is absolutely completely different. It is easy to say that they can crush your grandfather. If we can seize the Huchen family while the old ghost is in seclusion, then


It's a little bit fanciful. Although I have obtained the activation token for the Huchen family's clan protection formation, when the Huchen family came to a critical moment, the old ghost dog jumped over the wall in a hurry and really tried his best to cause great damage to his cultivation, so he forcibly interrupted it. In seclusion, even if I support you inside and your grandpa takes action outside, in the best case scenario, both parties will suffer losses. At that time, the family of that bitch in the second room will be able to reap the benefits, and they can easily capture them at the same time. Our two families. "

The gloomy young man's lips twitched when he heard this, "Mom, isn't there still the fourth mother's family? Their family is also a top second-rate family, and their strength cannot be ignored."

"Fourth bedroom? Huh, do you think she is really on my mother's side? That's just because the ancestor of their family is only in the realm of fake infants. He can't break through from the Nascent Soul. The second bedroom doesn't like her, so he fawns over our family every day. Yes, if your grandpa is seriously injured, they will definitely turn against him. "

When the beautiful woman in palace clothes said this, she stretched out her white jade hand and waved it gently, indicating not to continue talking on this topic. After a pause, she then asked, "Didn't Hu Chenliang say that he was with that concubine?" Is there another young man coming? Can you find out who this person is?"

"Oh, Mother Qi Bing, according to Hu Chenli who stayed at the mouth of the valley, the strange young man should be the disciple or nephew of the hunchbacked old man. The specific situation has not been found out. The three of them left as soon as they arrived. Sanfang Yard is hiding. This person is nothing to worry about. He is only at the tenth level of Qi Condensation, which is slightly higher than that of the bastard. However, they really regard this place as their home. A foundation-building monk dares to take two Qi Condensation Stages with him. Came all the way.”

After hearing this, the beautiful woman in palace clothes simply ignored Li Yan, "But this foundation-building monk's real ability cannot be underestimated. He has been hiding with that bitch for more than ten years. No matter how we checked, he couldn't find anything." To find their whereabouts, even the reward of "Shadow" could not prevent them from reaching the family, so they still have to be on full alert. However, their good luck has come to an end, so they don't want to come this time. Let's go. We asked your grandpa to send the family's golden elixir masters to guard the roads that must be passed. This time they have been under our surveillance. After the competition is over, he will definitely pick up the bitch before returning. As soon as the family leaves here, even if he is in the fake elixir realm, they will not be able to escape, and they will be killed together with the bitch." At this point, her eyes flashed, and she didn't know what she was talking about. "Bitch" has been dead for many years.

The gloomy young man standing on one side suddenly felt that the air around him was a bit colder, and his heart trembled. He didn't expect that his mother still had such hatred for Sanniang after all these years, and for a while, he did not dare to continue to interrupt.

After a while, the coldness on the beautiful woman in palace clothes slowly subsided, and she narrowed her narrow eyes, "Oh, my mother has already found out the content of the battle that will begin tomorrow. Your father is really a good player.

Duan, now that the old ghost has come out of seclusion, he is different from before. In the past, he pretended to be the real one. In the past, you could find out these things just by saying a word, but this time, you have to use several people planted around him. He finally found out, but those people were also exposed, and he would probably find a reason to clean them up later. "

After hearing this, the gloomy young man had a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes, "Mom, why does he ignore my status as the eldest son? In addition to secretly supporting the bastard in these years, he has also vigorously developed the other two lines. To put it bluntly, he just doesn't want me to succeed. After getting the position of inheritance, huh, this time I will show him how terrible his vision is."

A son had such resentment towards me. After hearing this, the beautiful woman in palace clothes had a trace of pride in her eyes. The brainwashing over the years was still effective. She thought to herself, "Sooner or later, let this Huchen family change their surname." ”

But she said lightly, "Okay, let's talk about tomorrow's battle. The game will be divided..." Then, her words became lower and lower.

At the same time, similar things happened in the other two large-scale courtyards of the Huchen family.

In a large and elegantly decorated, antique-style wing.

"Mom, I heard from Huchen Tuhu that brother Wu Ding came back this morning? This will make the aunt's side completely useless."

There were two people in the room, a plump middle-aged woman with a white complexion, a gentle face, and a dignified and plump body. The person speaking at the moment was a girl standing behind her, gently tapping her shoulder. ??

The girl is in her early twenties, with a slender figure, smooth skin like a mirror, long black hair tied randomly behind her back, and a well-rising figure. As she speaks, a pair of towering peaks on her chest sway gently as her jade hands strike. It makes people see the blood flowing backwards.

"It's Wu Ding's child who's back, but you and your four mothers haven't come back together. Please go find Wu Ding later. It seems that you and Wu Ding had a good relationship when you were young. Neither her mother has been with her in these years. News, alas..." As the Fengrun woman spoke, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Mom, what does it mean that we had a good relationship when we were young? I have always taken care of him, okay? Otherwise, he would have been bullied by Hu Chen Wanli and Hu Chen Jiang Hai. This kid is really good. Now that he comes back, he can't If you don't come to see the second sister, you just hide away, hum!" Hu Chen responded with a pair of beautiful eyes flashing, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he snorted with a pair of snow-white little tiger teeth.

"Your child is neither old nor young. You called him Huchen Wanli casually. After all, he is also your eldest brother. Wu Ding is right not to walk around this child. He has not been in the family for these years, but he walks around in a high-profile manner as soon as he comes back. , but it’s inappropriate.” The gentle and beautiful woman stretched out her hand and patted a delicate jade hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, I treat others as their eldest brother, but they may not treat me as their younger sister.


Auntie and Siniang bullied Sanniang away, and then secretly jointly suppressed our lineage. If grandpa hadn't had the same strength, we would have ended up running away like Sanniang. I really don't know why dad is like this. I don't know. Feeling sad for him. "After Hu Chen responded and listened to his mother's words, his beautiful eyes turned sharply. It was obvious that she had an extremely fiery personality.

"Return love, don't talk nonsense. That's your father. You don't understand the difficulties of taking charge of a family. He is helpless and sad. It's finally better now. All the crises have been resolved when the ancestor left seclusion. It's a pity, it's a pity. Ah, it would be great if your third wife could be here. Her sect's power was too weak to protect her. Even being a mother was difficult. I don't know what happened to her. I always felt in my heart. Uneasy." The gentle and beautiful woman couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, mother, we couldn't protect them at that time. Well, I'll go find that boy Wu Ding in a while and ask why Sanniang didn't come." Hu Chen replied and gently placed his slender hand on the woman's shoulder. He hammered a few times faster, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

In another courtyard, this is a world of flowers. Among the flowers in the back garden stands a slim and slim woman, holding a pair of scissors in her hand, bending down to prune a cluster of lilies in front of her.

"Did Hu Chenle really say that?" She faced the flowers without raising her head, and only saw the branches being pruned.

"Yes, mother, the aura fluctuations of the foundation-building monks who came back with that boy Wu Ding are very weak, but their sense of danger is somewhat similar to that of some elders in the clan. I also arranged for Hu Chendong and the others to go to the third room. They were watching the house before. According to what they said when they came back, Wu Ding entered the courtyard after returning and never showed up again. Manager Yu from the big house also went to observe, but he suffered a loss. He was detected by the other party under the detection of his spiritual consciousness. He was injured, so the three of us here didn't dare to make any more moves." Behind the thin woman, stood a fat young man, holding a basket in his hands respectfully, which contained various kinds of large and small things. Scissors.

"Okay, my mother knows, but what does all this have to do with us? You can withdraw those three people as well. Huchen Wuding and the others are hiding in Tibet. It is estimated that it will be difficult to increase their cultivation speed. The achievements of the family ancestors Guan, what you are most worried about is the big room. After decades of carefulness, my mother has finally had no problems. Jiang Hai, I have asked someone to find out some content of tomorrow's game. You have to be well prepared. How many are there this time? Take as much as you can, no need to hide it carefully anymore, the ancestor is out of seclusion, all Xie Xiaoxiao's calculations are just empty joy, do you understand?" She was still bending over, pruning the flower branches.

The fat young man behind her said "yes" honestly, with a harmless smile on his face, and whispered as if to himself, "Brother Wanli, sister Huiqing, starting from tomorrow I will surprise you. Over the years, I'm pretending to be really tired; Wuding, when you come back, are you going to be like a dragon?" As for the other young people in the clan, he didn't even mention it in his mind, they seemed to be just foils.

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