Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 289 Harvest (4)

This piece of brocade is the real treasure. Its function is to break the formation restriction. Li Yan's unconscious action in the room before caused a small defensive formation to reveal a big hole instantly. Not only the consciousness, but also people can enter and exit freely without being discovered. This discovery made Li Yan's heart flutter.

He suppressed his excitement and escaped from the room directly. He wanted to go to the wilderness to set up a larger formation to try. What made him excited next was that before he went out, he had passed the protective formation of this second-rate sect stronghold. Although this formation could not catch up with the real sect's protective formation, it was not comparable to the defensive formation in Li Yan's room. After thinking about it, Li Yan used his full strength to perform "Stealth at Night". After finding a remote place, he carefully placed the brocade handkerchief on the formation. If the formation was triggered to warn, he believed that with the cultivation of the cultivators in this stronghold, no one would be able to find it when he used "Stealth at Night" with all his strength, so he could just escape back to the room.

In Li Yan's anxious eyes, the brocade handkerchief actually opened a big hole in the protective formation in front of Li Yan like a ghost, and did not cause any fluctuations in the formation, as if nothing had happened. Li Yan was so excited that he almost showed up from the "stealth and night hiding" state.

After that, he left the base directly through the big hole, flew for a hundred miles, and landed in a wilderness. Those were all protective formations just now. What he wanted to test was whether the brocade handkerchief also played the same role on the attack formation.

The final result made Li Yan laugh out loud. When the attack formation was triggered and came overwhelming, after Li Yan offered the brocade handkerchief, those attacks collapsed and disappeared directly when they were one foot away from the brocade handkerchief, just like ice and snow melting...

In the room, Li Yan sat cross-legged again, looking at the brocade handkerchief in his hand, suppressing the joy in his heart, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

"This item has the function of breaking the formation restriction. The highest level tested just now is only the second-level formation, which is equivalent to the great perfection attack of Qi Condensation. With my current attainments in formation, I cannot arrange a higher-level formation. I don't know how many levels of formation restrictions it can break. If it can break the fourth-level formation, then even the formation arranged by the foundation-building cultivator will be powerless to deal with it.

At the same time, this brocade handkerchief is only useful for the change attack and soul attack in the formation. If it faces a pure direct fairy art and magic weapon attack, it will be unable to resist, and it may even be destroyed in one encounter. Otherwise, wouldn't the He brothers be invincible?

I don't know where the He brothers got this treasure. If it can really break the fourth-level formation or above, it is really a top-grade treasure. It must be used with caution. That's right. Even a Yuanying cultivator might be tempted by such a top-grade treasure, and they would kill and rob it. "Li Yan's eyes gradually calmed down. Looking at the brocade handkerchief in his hand, he tilted his head and thought for a while, "I don't know what the original name of this treasure is? Now I need to give it a name. Hmm..." Li Yan thought for a while, then looked at the brocade handkerchief and chuckled, "You are similar to the 'Stealing Night Hiding' of Guishui Xianmen, and I don't want you to be known by others. Why not call it 'Stealing the Sky Handkerchief'." Then Li Yan began to drip blood to refine this thing without hesitation. The stealing sky handkerchief is different from the folding fan magic weapon. There are still many flying sickle blood mantises in the folding fan magic weapon, especially the second-level flying sickle blood mantis inside, which cannot be refined in a short time. On this brocade handkerchief, there is only the spiritual imprint of He Manzi, who is dead, and these imprints were easily wiped off by Li Yan. Then Li Yan dripped a drop of his own blood and began to sacrifice. Nearly two hours later, Li Yan opened his eyes, feeling the connection between the floating Heaven-stealing Handkerchief and his mind, and a smile appeared on his face. With a thought, the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief disappeared instantly, and the next moment it appeared on the corner of the room, where a silent hole was expanding.

Looking at the sky outside the window, it was already dawn, and with a thought, the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief disappeared into the "spot of earth" on his left wrist. With another wave of his hand, two more objects appeared on the ground, which were Qin Chengyi's puppet and a black inkstone. He sorted out his recent gains at once.

Li Yan first stretched out his hand to take the puppet into his hand. This time, he used his spiritual power to carefully wander around after pouring it into the puppet's body. After a long while, Li Yan slowly withdrew his spiritual power and confirmed that only the formation on the arms of this puppet was corroded by the strange poison of "Xiren Tears", and the rest of the place was intact.

"It seems that I have to go to see Senior Sister Bai Rou when I return to the sect, or I can repair it when I meet a suitable master of refining." Li Yan thought to himself, and put it away. Finally, he set his eyes on the black inkstone.

Li Yan stretched out his finger and pointed a spiritual power directly at the inkstone. After the spiritual power fell on the inkstone, the inkstone trembled and then quickly enlarged, shaking the room a little. This scared Li Yan and he quickly collected the spiritual power and looked at the formations and restrictions around him, but he saw that the formations and restrictions were still there. This made him breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't want to attract other people's attention like this.

When Li Yan's eyes were retracted from the formation and fell on the black inkstone again, although he had collected the spiritual power long ago and the inkstone stopped growing, it still grew to the roof almost instantly, like a black hill.

This startled Li Yan. After taking another look, he shot his consciousness directly into the inkstone. The moment his consciousness touched the surface of the inkstone, it was bounced back by a strong force.

Come on, this is completely different from the folding fan and brocade handkerchief that his consciousness entered before. Although the folding fan has the mark of Blood Hand Flying Scythe, its owner has long since died, so Li Yan didn't spend much effort at all. got inside. The same is true for the same brocade handkerchief, and the mark on it is also very light.

But this dark inkstone was different. Even if Qin Chengyi was still alive, the imprint of his spiritual consciousness should be extremely weak to Li Yan, but he didn't expect that his spiritual consciousness would be directly bounced away.

Li Yan observed with great interest. After a long cup of tea, Li Yan finally confirmed that Qin Chengyi had not refined this object. The power that rebounded his consciousness was actually possessed by the object itself. A kind of protection.

"I think it's either that Qin Chengyi was too hasty to obtain this object and had no time to refine it in the future, or that he simply couldn't refine this treasure with his cultivation level.

Then there is only one situation left, that is, someone gives him a way to control it and lets him control this treasure forcibly. But in this way, the power of this treasure can only be used to 30% to 40%, which is considered good. "

Just because Qin Chengyi couldn't refine it, it didn't mean that Li Yan couldn't. After he calmed down and concentrated, he instantly released his consciousness, which was comparable to a fake elixir, condensed it into a sharp needle of consciousness, and pierced it hard towards the surface of the inkstone. The moment Li Yan's powerful thorn of spiritual consciousness touched the surface of the inkstone, countless dim lights glowed on the surface of the inkstone. He still wanted to resist the thorn of Li Yan's spiritual consciousness, but in just a moment, Li Yan was already considered a pervert. With a full blow from his divine consciousness, the ice disintegrated, and his divine consciousness penetrated it.

The moment Li Yan's spiritual consciousness entered the inner space of the inkstone, countless pitch-black words rushed towards his face like flies all over the sky. This made Li Yan startled. After he saw clearly what the words were, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After a while, Li Yan's consciousness exited the inkstone. He stretched out his hand and made a move towards the inkstone. The inkstone instantly shrunk exponentially, and soon it was only the size of a palm, falling into the palm of Li Yan's hand.

"I didn't expect it to be a low-level magic weapon. The forces behind Qin Chengyi are really willing to spend money." Li Yan looked at the thing in his hand, thinking about the words just now, and couldn't help but sigh.

Those words before were the magic formula for driving this treasure, called "Song Mo Inkstone". It was a magic weapon that had been refined to the peak of the first level, two levels higher than that folding fan. Its power could not even be guessed by Li Yan before he used it. This made him think of the power behind Qin Chengyi. He was doing this just for the sake of the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle Eye. This made Li Yan have a new understanding of that mysterious eye. .

After a moment, Li Yan shook his head, thinking that soon the Yuanying ancestor of the sect would go to Xuanqing Temple. Looking at the inkstone in his hand, it was obvious that there was no time to refine it at this moment.

After thinking about it, Li Yan re-organized the three


The things in the storage bag and some of the things that Qin Chengyi fell into the pit of quicksand were taken out. After finally sorting them again, only the sky-stealing handkerchief, the folding fan, the pine ink inkstone, and the puppet were put into the soil spot, and the bloody hand flying sickle. Several bottles of elixirs were placed by Li Yan into a storage bag on his waist, and then he picked the Blood Hand Flying Scythe and several of Qin Chengyi's fancy spiritual treasures and put them into the storage bag. As for the rest of the income, All the belongings of the He brothers, except for the brocade handkerchief, were concentrated in another storage bag, and were left to be found in the market and then sold together.

When all this was done, the fish belly was turning white outside the window. Looking out the window, thinking about the surprise this night brought, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yan's mouth, but he also understood that such a good thing, that is, this time he If you hit the big luck, even if you gain something in the future, if you want to get a treasure like today, it may be extremely difficult to come across. Opportunity is too elusive.

Half an hour later, Li Yan and the other two were already standing on a black-armored demon dog, running rapidly in the air against the wind. Looking at Li Yan beside him who occasionally talked to Hu Chen Wuding, Zhuo Lingfeng flashed a trace of doubt in his eyes. .

They left early this morning. After a night of recuperation with elixirs and meditation, although Zhuo Lingfeng and Hu Chen Wuding had not fully recovered, they were already much better, especially Huchen Wuding who was already there. Under the protection of Zhuo Lingfeng, he only suffered the shock of the magic weapon's self-destruction, and he was completely healed overnight.

Although Zhuo Lingfeng's old face is still a little gray, his energy has recovered a lot. In order to speed up, Zhuo Lingfeng released a black-armored demon dog to carry Juchen Wuding. Cultivation will waste time, and the chance of accidents on the road will be much higher.

But what made Zhuo Lingfeng a little depressed was that Li Yan stepped on the back of the black-armored demon dog without ceremony. Although the armored black demon dog roared low and seemed to attack, Zhuo Lingfeng did not. How to make it really attack Li Yan.

His original intention was to use Li Yan's flying speed to determine his true cultivation level, but obviously Li Yan did not want to reveal it, which made Zhuo Lingfeng unable to determine the true cultivation level of the mysterious young man in front of him for a while.

Li Yan really saw Zhuo Lingfeng's intention, but he didn't have any good flying magic weapons. In his storage bag, he only had Miao Zhengyi's long sword for flying, and it was only a magic weapon. The weapon is not even a magic weapon. If you want to catch up with a foundation-building monk, you cannot rely on the magic weapon itself. You must use your cultivation to activate your spiritual power to keep up. Otherwise, you can rely on your own cultivation to fly. In that way, his cultivation level would be obvious in the eyes of the other party. He didn't want to expose his cultivation level yet, so he stood directly on the back of the black-armored demon dog without any courtesy.

Zhuo Lingfeng had no choice but to tap lightly with his foot, and the black-armored demon dog roared, turning into a black light and shooting toward the sky.

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