Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2087 Harvest (2)

Looking at the things on the ground, Li Yan glanced over them one by one. His expressionless face showed a look of surprise, and his heart was also hot, because the first thing he saw was not a spiritual treasure or a magic weapon, but three. There was a mountain-like pile of spiritual stones, and three piles of spiritual stones fell into the room, making the somewhat spacious room suddenly crowded. Even with Li Yan's current wealth, he was stunned.

The three piles of dazzling spirit stones made Li Yan's eyes feel uncomfortable. He closed his eyes involuntarily, and then opened his eyes again. Among the three piles of spirit stones, two were large and one was small. When Li Yan glanced at the stone with his spiritual consciousness, it turned out to be thirty thousand in size. Li Yan squinted his eyes. If he remembered correctly, this pile of spiritual stones should have been made with bloody hands. Unexpectedly, this person's wealth was so high. It was so rich, he remembered that this person should be a monk from a second-rate sect called Blood Hand Sect.

"It seems that this person's status in the Blood Hand Sect is not low, and he should be at the elder level." Li Yan thought in his mind that his guess was actually too low. After all, he only had a rough understanding of the first- and second-rate sects. , Blood Hand Flying Scythe is the superior deputy sect leader in the Blood Hand Sect. How can a second-rate sect earn six or seven hundred thousand spiritual stones a year, otherwise it would not be enough to support the development of a sect, and as a member of the Blood Hand Sect, he The deputy sect leader is also a strong man in the late stage of foundation building. After decades, these 30,000 spirit stones are actually not too much. In fact, he still has a lot of inventory, but he does not take it with him. The reason for going out this time was to visit old friends, and tens of thousands of spirit stones would be enough.

Li Yan looked at this pile of spirit stones, and then moved his eyes to the other two piles of spirit stones, one large and one small. Each pile of spirit stones there was not as many as the Blood Hand Flying Scythe, but the two piles added up to five. As many as 10,000 yuan were left by the He brothers.

"The He brothers are assassins of the 'Shadow' organization, and the reward for killing comes quickly. For them, it is estimated that they only need to assassinate a foundation-building monk of the same level with more than 50,000 spirit stones. It seems that , Killing people and buying goods is indeed the fastest way to make money. No wonder the world of immortality emphasizes the law of the jungle, so plundering the resources of immortality is really the fastest way." Li Yan couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this, and then he waved his sleeves and brought out three piles of spiritual stones. He was instantly absorbed into the "soil spots", and then his eyes fell to the ground ahead again.

As the three piles of spirit stones disappeared, the ground suddenly became refreshed. There were about fifty items left. Li Yan still looked at the remaining items of the Blood Hand Flying Scythe first. There were five exquisite small jade bottles. There are also one or two spiritual weapons, seven spiritual treasures and one magic weapon. The rest are some clothes and odds and ends.

Li Yan made a casual move, and five delicate jade bottles flew into his hands. After he carefully opened one, a pungent smell of blood rushed straight out. Li Yan had already closed his breath, and the smell of blood filled the air. Inside the room, he had not inhaled even a little bit of it. Although he was aware of the


Li Du Shen is very confident, but not willing to take risks.

Li Yan frowned, and his spiritual sense sensed that although the smell of blood was strong, it did not feel dangerous. Instead, it made people feel like their blood was boiling.

He tilted the bottle directly, and a red elixir the size of a thumbnail rolled out, and he held it directly in the air with his spiritual power.

Li Yan looked intently and saw that the elixir was emitting a strange red light and was translucent as a whole, as if it were a bloody amber.

"Blood refining amber?" Li Yan couldn't help but be surprised. In order to study the poisonous body in the past few years, he had read a lot of various poison refining classics of the Sprite Sect.

Li Yan stretched out a finger and carefully scraped the pill, but nothing was scraped off. Instead, he felt a burning sensation on his nails. His heart moved. This time, he stretched out two fingers directly. He pinched the elixir with one finger. When he pinched the elixir, a burning heat penetrated his body directly from his fingertips. Li Yan did not stop this burning heat from entering his body, but allowed it to flow smoothly. Entering through the meridians of his arm, Li Yan suddenly felt as if the spiritual energy in his entire arm was ignited, becoming restless and moving more actively through the meridians.

"Sure enough, it's the 'Blood Refined Amber Pill'. I never expected that the Blood Hand Flying Scythe would have such an elixir!" After confirming the elixir, Li Yan was overjoyed and directly looked into the bottle with his consciousness. A smile appeared on his face after a moment. .

"There is another one inside. If the second attack 'Blood-Refined Amber Pill' is used properly, it can be a life-saving thing in critical situations." Li Yan clearly remembered that the "Blood-Refined Amber Pill" is a third-grade high-level elixir, usually Golden elixir monks may not be able to possess this elixir. This elixir is originally owned by evil cultivators. Each elixir must be made from the innate fetal bodies of nine living babies, and then use the maternal fetal energy as a guide to cut open the abdomen of the pregnant woman. At that time, thirteen precious herbs were filled in, and they were refined using the blood refining method. However, the nine pairs of mothers and children who were refined were in pain every moment for thirteen days. After the elixir was completed, evil cultivators could rely on this elixir to practice. The blood energy and essence are stimulated, the sword moves to the peak, and the cultivation speed is extremely fast.

However, this method is too vicious. Once anyone who refines this elixir is known by an upright monk, even if he does not have the intention to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, such a deviant person will not be allowed to appear, so he is refining it here. Dharma gradually disappeared hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But 70,000 years ago, a master of alchemy obtained this elixir again. He was shocked when he saw the elixir and wanted to destroy it to avoid falling into the hands of evil cultivators and causing harm to the world again. But when he wants to burn

At that time, he couldn't give it up. No matter which kind of elixir recipe is actually successful, it has to go through thousands of efforts before it is successful. No matter what the purpose of the person who created this elixir recipe was, it is actually extremely precious to the alchemist.

In the end, the alchemy master gritted his teeth and secretly kept this recipe. He had the idea to use the "Blood Refined Amber Pill" recipe to see if it could be improved into other elixirs. In the end, no matter whether it was successful or not, , he will destroy the official recipe of "Blood Refined Amber Pill" when a new recipe appears or before his death. If he died unexpectedly and was too late to destroy this elixir, it could only be said to be God's will.

In this way, the master of alchemy was relying on luck, and after decades of research and development, he actually found a new way to borrow the body of a rare monster beast in disguise, and then combined it with his original blood refining The technique can also refine the modified "Blood Refined Amber Pill", but this pill is no longer helpful for cultivation and promotion, but it is helpful to temporarily stimulate the human body's mana. This pill will greatly increase the energy when it enters the body. The burning spiritual power and blood essence of the elixir can double the strength of the user by 30 to 40% within half an hour. This is undoubtedly very useful for a person to escape at a critical moment, but the side effects of this elixir are not small, although it will not Reducing the user's lifespan, the user's meridians will become very fragile after half an hour, and any rash use of spiritual power will cause the body to become numb. It can only be warmed and nourished by nourishing elixirs, and slowly As for the recovery time, it depends on the strength of the original muscles and veins in the user's body. It usually takes as little as a month and as long as a year. Therefore, during this period of time, the person is basically a useless person.

But if someone wants to use this method to instantly increase his spiritual power to pass the level at the critical moment of promotion, it is undoubtedly an act of seeking death. Even if he can successfully advance with the help of this pill, when the potion dissipates, the huge spiritual power generated in the body after promotion will be It was just a pill that accelerated death, and instantly burst the already fragile tendons behind the pill, turning him into a ball of blood mist.

In view of the above reasons, and the improved "Blood Refined Amber Pill" recipe also requires at least one second-level demon beast larvae as the main material, the number of people who refine it is still very rare. Just think about a Shang Shang The infant monster in the mother's body is a second-level monster. When it reaches adulthood, it must be a third-level monster or above. The terrifying fighting power of its parents makes people's scalp numb. This kind of behavior of pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth is not very common. People are willing to do it.

The purpose of Li Yan's fingernail scraping just now was to determine whether the elixir was the genuine "Blood-refined Amber Pill" of the evil cultivator or an improved elixir. If it was the genuine "Blood-Refined Amber Pill" of the evil cultivator, a layer of it would be scraped off. Blood-colored powder, and the burning intention will contain a trace of Yin Qi. If this is the case, Li Yanli


It would destroy this elixir, but after trying it, although the burning effect was strong, there was no hint of coolness, and the skin of this elixir was crystallized. This made Li Yan not excited. Although this elixir had The side effects are huge, but compared to the life in danger, all the efforts are worth it.

After Li Yan repeatedly observed the two elixirs, he put the porcelain bottle into the "earth spot". At the same time, expectations rose in Li Yan's heart, and he looked at the remaining things with burning eyes.

But the remaining items of the Bloody Hand Flying Scythe made Li Yan a little disappointed. Among the remaining porcelain bottles, two bottles were auxiliary elixirs commonly used by foundation-building monks during their cultivation, and the other two bottles were healing elixirs. The effect could only be considered acceptable, and Li Yan then put away the four bottles of cultivation elixirs.

The bloody hand flying sickle magic weapon is the folding fan, which is a primary magic weapon. The others are a bunch of spiritual weapons and a dozen ordinary talismans. He ignored it for the time being, but there was only one among the scattered items. The red waistband caught his attention. One side of the waistband was engraved with the three characters "Blood Hand Sect", and the other side was a bright red palm. The carving was so lifelike that even the palm prints were clearly visible. , revealing a fierce murderous aura, and on the other side was a row of small characters "Deputy Sect Master".

"This Blood Hand Flying Scythe has such a high status in the sect." Li Yan thought about the fact that the Blood Hand Sect was also a sect under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect, and the deputy sect leader was killed in front of him like this. , and the person who killed him must be Hu Chen Wuding. His family is also under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect. Li Yan couldn't help but shook his head. He just sighed about this kind of thing. Jianghu is everywhere.

Li Yan stretched out his hand and sucked it in, and the folding fan came directly into his hand. Li Yan had seen the power of this folding fan before. It could turn into a river of blood. The blood river has the function of trapping enemies and defending. The value of defensive magic weapons is... It is much higher than the attack magic weapon, and at the same time, it also contains the souls of many flying sickle blood mantises.

Li Yan took the folding fan into his hand, and his consciousness entered the folding fan directly. Suddenly, a blood so strong that it was suffocating came overwhelmingly. Inside the folding fan was a small world with a dark red sky and a surging river of blood below it. The river was rushing and flowing with blood waves, but the strange thing was that such a turbulent river did not make a sound. The moment Li Yan's consciousness entered the folding fan, a series of piercing screams came from the blood river, because of his consciousness Appeared in this space, the intrusion of strangers caused seven or eight figures to emerge from Hanoi, roaring angrily at Li Yan's consciousness. They were eight flying sickle blood mantises, five of which were intact, and three of which were dead. They were broken bodies. In Li Yan's consciousness, they were slowly recovering after being soaked in the river of blood.

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