Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2084: Chain Set

Li Yan looked at He Manzi's red eyes and said flatly, "How is it? Do you agree with the proposal I just made? If you agree, you can follow us to the Huchen family. I will give him the antidote on the way until we reach the destination. His poison will be completely lifted."

Li Yan's words had come out, and everyone present was of course sure that Li Yan really had a hidden hand on He Manhua, and Hu Chen Wuding's eyes shone brightly, and he murmured to himself, "I really met a fellow-teacher." Even now, I can't tell what kind of poison He Manhua has been poisoned by the appearance. Is it Shi Kongqing's poison? No, Shi Kongqing has this appearance, but the poisoned person will emit a strong poison. Taste? Is it raw horse tooth powder? That's not right. This powder must be a third-level raw horse monster tooth that is hundreds of years old. That is a terrifying cultivation level comparable to that of a golden elixir monk. It is not something that can be seen easily. Being poisoned by this poison will also be accompanied by the phenomenon of demonization, and it can also be..." Hu Chen Wuding actually thought hard next to the hunchbacked old man for a while, having already put aside the fact that he was in danger. He went beyond Jiuxiaoyun, which made Li Yan in the distance hear him mumbling to himself. When he saw this man's foolish look again, he couldn't help but be stunned. The hunchbacked old man seemed to be used to the strangeness. He just shook his head slightly, but his eyes were full of kindness.

Li Yan quickly withdrew his gaze from Hu Chen Wuding. Although he had some illusions before, how could he really let him go? The moment his palm hovered over He Manhua's head, he had used the black spiritual power on his palm to flash, covering up He sprayed a light mist of water and injected a trace of "Same Qi Lianzhi" into his body. This poison was used in the small competitions among various peaks. Lu Qiutong of Laojun Peak suffered from it. As soon as the poison entered his body, Then it quickly melts into the blood. As the blood flows in the body, it spreads to all branches and meridians in the body, constantly devouring the spiritual energy in the blood, and will continue to strengthen itself until it is completely swallowed, causing the person to suffocate and die.

During Li Yan's intra-sect competition, wherever he walked, his opponents did not dare to step in, let alone being so close to He Manhua this time. However, the antidote he is talking about now is true. He had a better poison to control the opponent, but he only had three antidotes from the Zhili Poison Body. After weighing the three antidotes, I still feel that this poison is the milder among the three poisons.

"I agree that your mother is a piece of shit!" Unexpectedly, He Manzi looked at the less and less breath of his brother in his arms, and his ferocity was already strong. Moreover, as Li Yan just said, he had the antidote on his body, so he would grab it.

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a rope emerged from his hand, directly tying He Manhua to his back. This time, he was worried about leaving his brother aside. Then he rushed towards Li Yan in a flash. At the same time, he shouted to the bloody sickle, "Fellow Daoist Lin, take action. You deal with that old man and don't let him take the opportunity to recover. As long as you delay it for a moment, I will kill this kid." Come here." Then he pinched the magic formula with one hand, pointed forward, and hit the green bead that had been hovering above his head directly towards Li Yan's face.

When the bloody sickle heard this, he got what he wanted.


Now he felt that the hunchbacked old man had recovered somewhat, so he immediately folded his fan and attacked the old man directly.

The hunchbacked old man sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to stand in front of Hu Chen Wu Ding again. Hu Chen Wu Ding also woke up, holding the jade purification bottle as before, with a wary look on his face.

Li Yan looked at the green ball whizzing in. During the flight, the ball had become the size of a basin, and a woman's face full of resentment appeared on the ball. She suddenly opened her mouth inside the ball, and in an instant The entire face was occupied by a huge mouth, and then a whining sound came from her mouth. Li Yan felt a distortion around the space. As the green bead approached, there were actually formations in the surrounding space. The strong dark wind blew out, making him feel as if he had fallen into the River Styx in the underworld. As soon as these wind blew out, the gravel and mud rolled up on the ground turned into nothingness in the air like residual snow seeing the scorching sun. At the same time that the spiritual shield on Li Yan's body lit up, these evil winds seemed to gather from all directions and hit it directly. The spiritual shield that hit him flickered and flickered, and then made a "click" sound, as if It will break at any time.

Seeing this situation, He Manzi had a ferocious look on his face, "Boy, if there is help, call it quickly, otherwise you will run out of time soon." When he said this, although he had a ruthless look on his face, in fact, He was already on guard, and his consciousness was fully released around him. What surprised him was that under his attack, Li Yan was still at the Qi Condensation Stage, and there was no change, and there was no change in his consciousness. Others rushed over.

With Li Yan's cultivation level at the Qi Condensation stage, if he had struck with all his strength just now, Li Yan's spiritual shield probably wouldn't be able to hold on for even one breath. However, he always felt that Li Yan was so bold that he would have something to fight for, so it was just tentative at first. Attack, but even so, it is estimated that Li Yan's spiritual shield will break within three breaths at most. At that time, even if someone wants to rescue him, they will be out of reach.

After He Manzi finished speaking, he felt even more uneasy, because when he saw that the spiritual shield was about to break, the boy still stood there calmly, with his hands behind his back, and looked at him so quietly that He Manzi's scalp went numb. His heart was pounding, as if someone behind him would strike at any moment, but no one appeared in his consciousness.

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in He Manzi's heart, and a flash of enlightenment flashed through his mind. But just as this thought arose, he felt his arms being held tightly by someone, and he hurriedly tried to break free. , but found that the opponent's strength was astonishing. He struggled a few times but could not get away. At this moment, the green bead in front of him lost the control of the magic formula. It shrank greatly with a whimpering sound. The one on it Dakou once again transformed into a woman's face, but this time her face was full of fear, and she let out a series of shrill cries, as if she was unwilling to disappear again, and finally "snap"

The sound fell to the ground.

On the other side, He Manzi's voice was full of fear, "Second Brother, Second Brother, what are you doing? Let go quickly, hurry up...ah..." As he said this, he let out a shrill scream.

The blood-handed flying sickle on the other side had just come into contact with the hunchbacked old man when they heard the changes here. The two parties quickly jumped back, and they all looked for fame. However, under this look, the three of them were stunned. People couldn't help but twitched. Over there, He Manzi was kneeling on the ground weakly. He was carrying his younger brother on his back. But at this time, He Manhua's eyes were pure white. How could there be anything else? His breath was dying before, and a pair of hands tightly wrapped around He Manzi's arms, making him unable to move. But at this time, a mouth full of blood was biting on the back of his brother's neck, and streams of blood were flowing from him. The water kept flowing out from the corner of his mouth, and the sound of "ho ho" came from his throat, which looked extremely weird in this endless moonlit forest, making people feel infinite fear in their hearts.

And He Manzi lowered his head. With the loss of a large amount of blood from the back of his neck, he lost the strength to scream. He was breathing heavily and stared at Li Yan with his eyes, as if he wanted to stare Li Yan to death. Same there.

" are you? You are...really well-intentioned. This poison is unheard of. It can make people fake their death, but it can cause confusion and violent...violence to hurt others. It has to be... Your Excellency is so kind and scheming that you can figure out even when I have my brother tied behind my back. Who are you?" He Manzi asked, breathing heavily and with boundless resentment on his face.

Li Yan didn't answer, just let the other person stare at him, and he just stared back at the other person quietly. His behavior at this time made people feel cold and emotionless.

"" Seeing that Li Yan did not answer, He Manzi's drooped head was raised upwards with great effort, as if he wanted to stand up, but He Manhua behind him also noticed that he was in front of him. The man seemed to be trying to break away, his snow-white pupils widened in anger, and he let out low roars from his whimpering throat. He sucked up the blood even harder, causing the wound on He Manzi's back to expand a few points, and more blood had already been drawn. It no longer flows out, but shoots out like a bloody arrow.

He Manzi suddenly felt that the little strength he had just gathered disappeared again. He couldn't help but kneel on the ground again, but this time his head was lowered. At this time, what he said in his mouth was murmured: "Brother, brother, brother first... first ...gone..." Then there was no sound again.

He Manhua, who was behind him, took a few more mouthfuls of blood. He felt as if he had been cramped and lay directly on his brother's back. Then, after his body twitched, he let out a long breath, his face covered with blood. No breath.

But when he exhaled his last breath, a trace of clarity appeared in his eyes. His eyes rolled around. When they glanced over He Manzi's back, his eyes were full of regret, and finally they settled on Li Yan. There is infinite fear and deep hatred, as if


He let out a whisper "You... don't... have to die well."

Li Yan looked at all this, his figure remained motionless, but in his heart he said to He Manzi, "I didn't calculate accurately, but I kept a backup plan."

What he put on He Manhua was not one kind of poison, but three kinds. Two of them were injected into He Manhua's body. These two poisons were the poisons of Li Yan's early Twelve Fragments. He had The antidotes are one for "linking branches with the same energy" and the other for "bringing affection with eyebrows and eyes". Once the latter is poisoned by this poison, they will lose their minds and attack everything that can be attacked. There is no reason at all. According to Li Yan Although the current control of poisonous bodies cannot accurately control the outbreak time, there is still a sequence.

Another kind of poison hit He Manhua's clothes. When He Manhua returned, He Manzi held the shoulders of his staggering younger brother, and he was poisoned at that moment.

Normally, even a monk in the Qi Condensation Stage will be able to react to general poison entering his body, and his spiritual power and spiritual consciousness will fluctuate due to discomfort to some extent, but the reason why Li Yan's fragmented poison body was treated like this by the Demon Sect There is a fundamental reason why we attach great importance to and list the three major poisonous bodies as a sect. For a sect like the Sprite Sect, which has been dealing with poisons for at least hundreds of thousands of years, apart from the fact that the ancient poisons are too rare, they have been passed down. They have almost become extinct in China. Even most of the poisons in ancient times will not be taken seriously by them. The fragmented poison body is almost respected by them to the fundamental status of the sect, which shows that the three poisonous bodies are the most frightening. , as the master's realm improves, it will continue to evolve and change. Therefore, when Li Yan casts these three poisons at the same level, few people can notice that what he is looking for is an opportunity to cast poison, but this opportunity is also The right time and place must be in place, otherwise wouldn't it mean that Li Yan would be invincible at the same level?

The poison hit on He Manhua's clothes was a highly fragmented poison that was newly formed after Li Yan established the foundation. It is mild in nature and easier to hide. Its greatest function is to isolate spiritual power, causing the poisoned person to lose control of the spiritual power in the body within a short period of time.

So He Manzi said that Li Yan was so scheming that he could even figure out how to tie his younger brother behind his back, but Li Yan denied it in his heart. He had guessed that when He Manhua's "Same Qi Lianzhi" attack, He Manzi, as the elder brother, You may take your younger brother with you, or even put it in a "spirit storage bag" if you have one. Therefore, Li Yan did not expect that He Manhua would have the opportunity to attack his brother once the other party turned against him, so he used the third method. When He Manzi was hugged by his brother for the first time, he did not have the strength to break free. Another reason Even the poison in his body took effect and he lost control of his spiritual power.

However, only Li Yan himself knew this. He had set up traps step by step. But in the eyes of others, Li Yan was undoubtedly mysterious and cautious at every step, and his scheming was frightening.

The three people in the distance looked at the cold and silent figure standing alone under the moon shadow, and saw the scene of the He brothers dying slowly, which made them feel extremely frightened and weird towards Li Yan. a feeling of.

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