Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2082 Li Yan’s plan

Li Yan weighed it up in his mind and asked him to kill the young man in purple shirt to get the reward. He was a little unable to do it. Of course he was not a good person, but the other person was neither an enemy of the sect nor his personal enemy. Although he He really wanted to get a "Xuanming Order", but he really couldn't do such indiscriminate killing.

What's more, even if he killed the young man in purple, seeing how the black-robed brother mentioned the reward several times, he had already directly focused on the "Xuan Ming Order". Obviously, although the "Wuchen Pill" is very important for condensing the Golden Pill, he The two of them were estimated to be in the middle stage of foundation building, and they might also need to go to the "Beiming Town Demon Tower" to find something, so they never asked for the Wuchen Pill. This conflicted with his own needs, and he was also at a loss as to whether the so-called "Shadow" was trustworthy and how to seek remuneration. He would inevitably have to make more detours, and in addition, he was still confused. With the bloody sickle by the side, how to distribute the "Xuan Ming Ling" and "Wu Chen Dan" among the three parties, obviously the three will not give in to each other.

Similarly, hearing the meaning of the hunchbacked old man's words, it seemed that the young man in purple shirt had to obtain the inheritance position before he had the right to take out the "Xuan Ming Ling". However, Li Yan saw a trace of certainty in the expression of the hunchbacked old man, and seemed to have confidence in the purple shirt. The young man looked very convinced. Li Yan thought about it again and thought about how the young man in purple could see the strange poison of "attacking tears" at Xuanqing Temple at a glance. Based on this alone, he was much better than himself in terms of knowledge.

So Li Yan wanted to take a gamble and hid in the dark to see how the two sides fought. If the hunchbacked old man lost to the two sides in the end, he planned to take action and put forward conditions when the time came. As for whether the young man in purple shirt could win the battle. Reaching the so-called inheritance rights is as much a gamble for Li Yan as asking for payment from "Shadow Shadow". After all, he knows nothing about "Shadow Shadow", and it is still a killer organization walking in the dark. It will be more difficult to deal with.

If the hunchbacked old man finally defeats the black-robed man and the bloody-hand flying sickle, both sides will be greatly reduced in strength, but Li Yan will still take action, and the target is the hunchbacked old man. He will directly defeat the opponent, although he will not He would kill the young man in purple shirt, but he would also use coercion and inducement to make the other party agree to his conditions.

Everything that followed was planned by Li Yan who was secretly spying on him, until finally the younger brother of the man in black suddenly blew himself up. Li Yan was so frightened that he almost jumped up. He had never seen such a madman before. At that time, everyone only cared about their own lives and focused on escaping. Li Yan was about three miles away from the center, and he sank directly into the ground, opening the spiritual shield in an instant. Even so, then The aftermath of the explosion also penetrated the ground and spread in all directions. The direct shock made him dizzy, and his internal organs were also affected.

After Li Yan came out, he saw that the two sides seemed to want to fight again. After seeing the situation clearly, he had already decided on a strategy. When the three parties were approaching each other, he used the newly practiced "sneaking and hiding at night" technique. Quietly approached He Manhua who was recovering from his injuries. Originally, with He Manhua's strength in the middle stage of foundation building, Li


Yan "Sneaking at Night" has just reached the first level of cultivation, and it is extremely difficult to get close so easily. It's just that He Manhua just scanned the area with his spiritual consciousness, and his brother has just left, so he feels a little relieved. To heal his wounds, "Stealth and Hiding at Night" is a top-notch hidden skill. Li Yan used it with all his strength. With a careless move, Li Yan sneaked directly to his side and covered the top of his head with his palm. .

The three people in front looked at Li Yan. Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief and doubt. He Manzi quickly reacted. He couldn't help but feel shocked and angry, and shouted directly to Li Yan, "Is it you? Boy, What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

The bloody sickle and the hunchbacked old man did not speak, but they both swept their spiritual consciousness directly towards Li Yan. Li Yan didn't seem to care at all when he saw the spiritual consciousness coming towards him. This made the two of them feel more doubtful after their consciousness fell on Li Yan. This guy was a monk in the Qi Condensation stage. Could it be that his brain was broken? Did he really think that he could escape after killing He Manhua in a sneak attack? But the two of them They are all veterans of the martial arts world. When they saw the strangeness of this matter, they realized that it was not what it seemed.

Their immediate reaction was that this person should have practiced the top hidden realm skills, or there was someone else behind him. Otherwise, why would he be so trusting? No matter how hard it looked, Li Yan was not a mentally ill person.

Thinking of this, the bloody sickle and the hunchbacked old man quickly expanded their consciousness to the surroundings, but to their disappointment, there was no one else in their consciousness. A thought arose in their minds at the same time, "If the three of us might have overlooked this kid lurking nearby because of the fight just now, but now we have carefully scanned it with our consciousness, we still haven't found anyone else ambush. Could it be that?" Is there a master of Jindan or above behind this kid? "

As soon as this thought arose, the bloody sickle and the hunchbacked old man couldn't help but look at each other. Their backs were covered in cold sweat. Li Yan's appearance and what he did were completely inconsistent with his cultivation, which made them couldn't help but look at each other. The more he thought about it, the more seasoned he was, the more suspicious he usually was, and it was no wonder they were both.

These thoughts just passed through their minds quickly, and the external time was only a breath or two.

Li Yan glanced at He Manhua, who was full of rage, and said calmly, "You'd better be quiet?" Then there was a black light flashing in the palm of his hand, and the black light danced on the top of He Manhua's head, making his face pale. He only felt a cold pressure of death hanging over his head. He couldn't see Li Yan behind him, and he didn't dare to move lightly with his consciousness and spiritual power. But the voice of Li Yan he heard was somewhat familiar, and he heard My brother seemed to know this person in his words, but he was physically

Being seriously injured, he had no confidence to deal with the person behind him, so he had to close his mouth tightly and look at his brother for help.

Li Yan looked at the hunchbacked old man again and said again, "Did you hear clearly what I asked you just now?"

He Manzi almost choked on Li Yan's words, but immediately shut up. He didn't know what Li Yan wanted to do at this moment.

The hunchbacked old man was stunned at first when he heard Li Yan's words. Later he remembered that Li Yan seemed to be asking him before. He thought for a while and was about to speak. He didn't want the young man in purple shirt to move in his hand. He lowered his head and saw that it was purple. The young man in a shirt had already woken up under his continuous infusion of spiritual power. The blood on his face had not yet been wiped off. He struggled to stand up with the hunchback of the old man. Then he looked at Li Yan and said in a weak voice, "This My fellow Taoist, I am in a state of uncertainty. This time I am returning to my family to compete for the position of the next generation son. The 'Xuanming Token' you mentioned is a must-have item for entering the Pure Land Sect's Beiming Town Demon Tower. Because I, Huchen, The Chen family has its own unique method of refining elixirs and poisons. In addition, the Huchen family is close to the northern region under the jurisdiction of the Sprite Sect, so the Pure Land Sect also knows about us and will often send people to buy some elixirs. In the case of mutual benefit, the Pure Land Sect will give the Huchen family a 'Xuanming Order' every year, allowing the Huchen family to dispose of it freely. Now I will not hide it from Brother Li. If I return to the family this time and obtain the position of the son of the next generation, I have the right to deal with this 'Xuanming Token', and as far as I know, this 'Xuanming Token' is also a reward in this competition. It can be disposed of by the inheritor, even if it is given to outsiders, in order to obtain more supporters.

As for me, I am 70% sure that I can get the position of this inheritance. This is why some people in the family want to kill me. If Brother Li can help me return to the family, the matter will be taken care of by my younger brother.

But if Brother Li thinks that the head on my neck can be exchanged for this thing, then this is my destiny. " Hu Chen Wuding looked at Li Yan and said sincerely. Although he didn't know why Li Yan, a Qi Condensation Stage monk, dared to get involved so boldly, he must have more friends at this moment, the better.

After hearing what Hu Chen Wuding said, Li Yan narrowed his eyes, and then asked, "Can you come up with the reward they mentioned before?"

Huchen Wuding couldn't help but darken his face after hearing Li Yan's words, and said, "I only know the 'Xuan Ming Ling' and 'Wuchen Pill' in their reward, but I don't know the rest. Even if they are clear, I'm afraid..."

"Hmph, he can't take it out. The remaining things are enough for a foundation-building monk to practice for twenty or thirty years without worrying." Just as Hu Chen Wuding finished his words, the sound of the bloody sickle sounded from the side. stand up.

After hearing this, Li Yan was surprised. The person who hired a killer should be able to use the resources that a foundation-building monk has cultivated for decades.


It was really a generous move, but this also made Li Yan certain that the young man in purple shirt in front of him should be very sure of winning the position of the son of the family inheritance, as he said, otherwise the other party would not be willing to spend such a price. Come to kill him.

Hu Chen Wudingjian Li Yan became silent after hearing the words of Xue Hand Fei Sickle. He couldn't help but feel uneasy. Even the hunchbacked old man beside him was helpless. His current condition was extremely poor and he couldn't do whatever he wanted. Speak.

Li Yan quickly weighed it in his mind. He thought very quickly and quickly raised his head to look at Huchen Wuding. Huchen Wuding gritted his teeth at his look and involuntarily said first, "As long as I can come back." Family, these things are naturally not a problem. Except for the 'Xuan Ming Ling' and 'Wu Chen Dan', I will pay double the current reward for the other things." What he said at the beginning was still decisive, and he revealed it in his words. There was a trace of pride, and there was also a hint of hatred.

After hearing what Hu Chen Wuding said, He Manzi and Xue Hand Feiyan couldn't help but curl their lips. They didn't believe what he said at all. A rootless kid like a duckweed was actually talking nonsense.

Seeing that Hu Chen Wuding had finished speaking, Li Yan turned to He Manzi and Xue Hand Fei Scythe, "You two, why don't you just let this go? The reason why the other party was able to offer such a generous reward for killing him is simple. That is, this fellow Taoist indeed has the ability to seize the inheritance, and has posed a sufficient threat to them. This shows that what fellow Taoist Huchen just said is somewhat guaranteed, and this is the other party's family matter. As the saying goes, 'It is difficult to judge an honest official. Housework, I only want the 'Xuan Ming Order', and I don't want anything else. How about sharing it equally between the two of you?" When Li Yan said this, he was unsure. This was tantamount to a meddling. But he had to do this.

Upon hearing this, Xue Hand Fei Si's eyes became cold, but he did not speak. He just looked at He Manzi. He Manzi looked at his younger brother under Li Yan's palm and suppressed the anger in his heart: "This Fellow Daoist Li, why do you have to come here?" Hun Shui, even if we let them go now, do you think they can go back safely for the remaining nearly ten thousand miles? Maybe others will follow you again? Maybe you have hidden your cultivation, but how much can you block for them? What’s more, have you ever heard of the name ‘Shadow’? Why would you mess with a force that lives by killing people?”

He Manzi looked at Li Yan and spoke slowly. His words were both soft and hard, and contained an implicit threat. He did not think that Li Yan came from that big force, or that there was an ambush nearby to support him, but the ambush was No one has seen how profound the magic power is, otherwise the other party would just come up and kill a few of them.

In addition, either the person in front of him has really practiced the hidden realm technique, but his own strength is not too high. In that case, he can kill himself directly, so why waste so much effort.

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