Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2080: Impulsive Brother

After the hunchbacked old man transmitted a message to the young man in purple shirt behind him, he still focused on the bloody sickle, but his finger touched the dead branch with an undetectable light, and a heart-stopping gray smoke came from the dead branch. It emanated from his body, but he grabbed it inadvertently with his other hand. At the same time, his old face was filled with a hint of gray, and then he flicked his fingers backwards without looking, and the gray The smoke turned into a very thin object and instantly merged into the large black smoke behind. As the rest of the black smoke was sucked into the mouth of Tiancang Qinglang in the sky, the old man made these movements very quickly, in the large black smoke. But none of the other three noticed it.

At the same time, the young man in purple shirt was also stimulated by his spiritual energy. The one-foot-tall white jade bottle that he had been holding in his hand was held horizontally in front of him. He held the neck of the bottle with one hand and pressed hard on the bottom with the other. With one shot, streaks of colorful silky aura suddenly floated out into the air, mixed with the black smoke of the hunchbacked old man, and headed directly towards the rain of snakes.

The rain of snakes that came from the sky slowed down the moment they came into contact with the black smoke. As soon as the black smoke came into contact, it directly penetrated into the body of the green snake. After the black smoke entered the snake's body, the little snakes immediately stood in place. There was a crazy "hissing" sound in the air, and then each body expanded rapidly. Then with the "expanding" sound, many small snakes exploded directly, turning into a rain of blood and dots of green aura, but these blood The rain and the green aura seemed to have devouring power. The black smoke that was still spreading outwards was reduced as fast as the naked eye could see. The scene in front of me was quickly returning to clarity. The black smoke may have merged with the blood rain, and "chi "Chi", it fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of black water, or dissipated in the air with dots of green aura, both sides consuming it rapidly.

Then, as the black smoke diminished, the overwhelming snake rain from behind suddenly accelerated and shot towards the backs of the purple-shirted young man and the hunchbacked old man. Looking at the sheets of snake rain disappearing in the black smoke, He Manzi couldn't help but twitch his face. If his brother's Tiancang Qinglang hadn't inhaled most of the black smoke and the concentration was reduced, he would have died at least 60% of the snake rain. It is possible for Fang to achieve the current effect, but at this time, seeing the opponent's thick smoke cannot stop him for a long time.

But at this moment, He Manhua on the other side exclaimed, "No!" He Manzi quickly looked around and saw that the blue wolf suddenly stopped absorbing the black smoke, and even his brother's magic formula It's also out of control. The light on Tiancang Qinglang's body was uncertain, and a layer of gray appeared on the already painful huge face, giving people a feeling of rapid decline.

The magic formula in He Manhua's hand was shattered by Tiancang Qinglang's violent trembling. His energy and blood suddenly reversed, and he felt dizzy for a while. Then he saw Tiancang Qinglang's huge body falling to the ground uncontrollably, and quickly transformed into a huge mace.

Just now, He Manhua felt the Heavenly Blue Wolf screaming at him as his life magic weapon was being sacrificed. It seemed that he had reached the end of his life, which made him quickly look in with his spiritual consciousness.

Inside the mace, Tiancang Qinglang's body had turned completely black due to absorbing a large amount of black smoke, but behind it


There was a gray mark the size of a fist on his forehead, and his entire head felt helpless.

He Manhua originally planned to let it last for ten breaths before stopping. In that case, although Tiancang Qinglang was injured due to devouring it and would need a year and a half to recover, if Tiancang Qinglang could refine these black... Yan, will definitely be promoted to the mid-level level two demon beast, which is a blessing in disguise. If he can kill that kid this time, the overall reward is still worth fighting for, so he resolutely fights against Tiancang Qinglang to get hurt. They also brazenly launched a self-destructive attack, but now it seems that the method of 'Demon Dog Moon Shadow' is indeed powerful. In the end, he launched the attack without them noticing, and almost killed Tiancang Qinglang in an instant.

Without the devouring of Tiancang Green Wolf, the thick black smoke that had begun to dissipate suddenly began to thicken again and spread in all directions. It would take only a few breaths to see that it would spread to the edge of the forest. The white-faced man in black robe looked at Brother to the other side.

There, a large rain of snakes was already in contact with the black smoke. Although pieces of the rain of snakes fell down and merged into a puddle of black water, there were still many small snakes that passed through the thin black smoke and headed towards the purple. The young man in purple shirt rushed forward, but as the blue wolf disappeared, a large black smoke surged forward from behind the young man in purple shirt again, but the speed was not as fast as the little snakes that had jumped in front of him. He Manhua breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his actions bought his brother some time.

Just when he was about to unlock another treasure to assist his brother in attacking, the young man in purple shirt looked at countless scalp-numbing little snakes rushing towards his own green little snake. The dozens of little snakes in the front were barely close to his face. Sanchi, with a pale face, slapped the bottom of the Jade Pure Bottle again, and several colorful qi flowed out from the mouth of the bottle. They were intertwined with each other, like enchanting dancing girls, intertwined in front of him in an instant. A protective net was formed, and the little snakes hit the colorful net in an instant. Then, these little snakes seemed to be shot into a fiery furnace, and upon contact, they turned into a streak of green smoke, colorful On the Internet, a strange smiling face of a girl appeared. She swallowed the dissipated green smoke in one gulp, and then there was an aftertaste on her face. Just as each little snake hit the net, the purple-shirted boy's face became paler, more blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his spirit was rapidly weakening. But even so, this colorful net protected him tightly. , although there was nothing that could be done for a moment, the young man in purple shirt obviously found it difficult to activate this treasure, but he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for too long, but he only persisted for this moment, and the black smoke in front of him became thick again, and those The rain of snakes that had already broken through in front of him fell one after another while screaming. Only a few of them occasionally flew in front of the young man in purple shirt, and were blocked by the colorful net.

When the He brothers saw this, they couldn't help but feel anxious. This jade purifying bottle was actually a piece of offensive and defensive equipment.

This magic weapon is rarely seen among immortal cultivators. Generally, even if you have money, you can't buy it. If you get this magic weapon when you kill the young man in purple, then you will gain a lot. .

It's a long story, but it actually happened in a very short period of time. At the same time, the old man with a hunchback turned his head and changed the magic formula of Flying Sickle on the bloody hand. He stretched out a finger and pointed it at the center of the eyebrow. , a half-moon-shaped wind blade-like object instantly flew out from his forehead, and quickly swiped forward while spinning. Obviously, he wanted to finish off the bloody sickle within two breaths.

At this time, He Manzi whispered, "I guess this kid can withstand at least seven or eight breaths. It's not good for the two of us to get over the black smoke and kill him." As he spoke, his eyes There was a hint of chill, as if he was considering whether to use the secret book at the bottom of the box.

At the same time, the roar of the bloody flying sickle came from the front. The half-moon-shaped wind blade looked like a ghost in the moonlight. It disappeared in front of the hunchbacked old man, and the next moment it appeared in the only two heads ahead. On the side of a flying sickle blood mantis, there was only a flash of white light. The flying sickle blood mantis didn't even have the slightest ability to resist, and actually turned into two halves. Then there was another flash of white light, this time the half-bent wind The blade came to the side of another flying sickle blood mantis. In the same flash, the last flying sickle blood mantis's mournful cry also changed a bit.

After doing all this, the hunchbacked old man's face turned pale. Obviously, this was also a great drain on him.

The blood-hand flying sickle shrank his eyes at the same time, and shouted "Moon Shadow Slash!", and his whole body tensed up, while the hunchbacked old man just smiled coldly, and the half-curved wind blade that was still staying next to the flying sickle blood mantis' body It flashed again and disappeared again.

"You two quickly deal with that kid. I can't delay it too long here." The voice of the bloody sickle was directly transmitted to the He brothers. There was anxiety in the voice. After that, he sacrificed several more flying sickles. Blood mantises, it’s just that the auras of these flying sickle blood mantises are obviously much stronger than those just now, and their appearance is also more ferocious.

The two men in black robes did not get angry at the bloody-hand flying sickle's unkind words. They knew that the hunchbacked old man had already used his killer weapon. The last two characters in "Moon Shadow of the Devil Dog" are said to be "caused by the shadow of the moon, as bright as blood."

Before He Manzi could make any move, He Manhua stretched out his hand and made a move, and the huge mace that had fallen on the ground suddenly flew into the air. Then there was a ruthless look in his eyes, and he pinched the magic formula with one hand, and the huge mace flew up into the air. The mace barely transformed into a blue wolf again, but at this time, the blue wolf's eyes were dull, and the gray aura had spread to its neck.

The next moment, Tiancang Qinglang swayed under the guidance of his magic formula, passed through the heavy black smoke, and came directly to the top of the purple-shirted young man and the hunchbacked old man. In the short process of walking through the black smoke, Tiancang Qinglang, The fur on his body has begun to fall off, bones are exposed in many places, and his flesh and blood has turned into black water and dripped.


The moment the blue wolf reached the purple-shirted young man's head, a heart-stopping aura suddenly emitted from his body. The hunchbacked old man who was controlling the "Moon Shadow Slash" saw that the half-moon wind blade had bypassed several of them. The Flying Scythe Xue Mantis arrived behind the Blood Hand Flying Scythe like a ghost. Just as he was about to activate it, he suddenly felt palpitations. Although he had his spiritual consciousness behind him before, he did not expect that He Manhua would ignore the spirit of the weapon in his magic weapon. The damage was directly suspended in the black smoke, and a bad feeling instantly spread throughout the body, making his heart sink.

At the same time, He Manhua shouted loudly, "Blast it for me!" What he did, let alone a hunchbacked old man, even his brother He Manzi didn't have time to react. You must know how difficult it is to refine a magic weapon, especially this one. It was the soul of the weapon that self-destructed. The result of this was that He Manhua was the first to suffer backlash and was seriously injured because of his relationship with the magic weapon.

No one could have imagined that this person was so ruthless. This was a magic weapon of destiny. After it was damaged, if they tried to sacrifice it in the future, they would not be able to succeed for decades. The eyes of the blue wolf suddenly revealed a trace of sadness, but it was Although the refined soul could easily resist the master's will, under the fierce suppression of the master's magic formula, it had to obey the order. It raised its head to the sky and roared, and its tattered body expanded rapidly in an instant, followed by an earth-shattering roar. Drama.

This sudden change was completely unexpected even by a veteran foundation-building monk like "Devil Dog Yueying". It was not the moment of life and death, but the opponent was so vicious.

In a hurry, the hunchbacked old man had no choice but to use his spiritual power to form a temporary shield. At the same time, the dead branch in his hand suddenly erupted with a dazzling black light.

At the same time, a ball of dazzling blue light burst out above their heads, followed by a shocking loud noise, which was even more powerful in the night.

In an instant, this empty flat land was like a hurricane that stirred up the world. The spiritual shield on the hunchbacked old man's body was uncertain for a while, as if it would break into pieces in the next moment, like a small boat in the roaring waves. When the Blood-Handed Flying Scythe sensed something bad, he immediately exploded with all his spiritual power without risking his life, and escaped for more than ten miles in an instant. Fortunately, the hunchbacked old man had no time to control the "Moon Shadow Slash" to pursue him. While running, he kept yelling, "He Laoer, you are a fucking lunatic. That is a magic weapon. If you say self-destruct, you will self-destruct!"

On the other side, He Manzi also flew away quickly. His face kept twitching. If he wasn't his brother, he would have wanted to kick him to death. To outsiders, his brother looked fair and clean. It is extremely eerie and seems to be very deep, but once the impulse arises, it is simply uncontrollable.

"Second brother, second brother, this is the magic weapon of your destiny. You... you, he..., even if you get a generous reward this time, it may not be worth this magic weapon. And if you want to cultivate it again, at least It will take decades. Has your brain been eaten by a dog?" He cursed in his heart.

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