Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2072 Qin Chengyi’s Scheme (4)

Li Yan saw that Taoist Gong also asked. It was only half an hour since he captured Qin Chengyi. This place had obviously been arranged by Taoist Gong. No one had come here for such a long time. The news that Qin Chengyi was captured would not be spread in a short time.

Taoist Gong obviously wanted to know the reason, but Qin Chengyi deliberately didn't say it, so Li Yan had to speed up his speech and said, "Now we all know that the person that Fellow Daoist Qin wanted to kill in the hall was Fellow Daoist Luo, not someone else. You know the reason. First of all, after he saw Fellow Daoist Luo also enter the hall to burn incense, he also went in. Fellow Daoist Kong didn't know that his entry made him walk through the gates of hell. If it is said that he was lucky not to choose the poisonous incense, it is better to say that Fellow Daoist Qin had a plan.

As the monks of Xuanqing Temple know, the statue of the Three Pure Ones is in the center of the hall, and the statues of the Great Emperor, the Six Imperials, and the Five Elders are on the two sides. The first incense of the Three Pure Ones in the morning is burned by the foundation-building monks in the temple, and the other immortals on the two sides are burned by the disciples. In this way, the poison has been The target is the nine incense sticks of the Three Pure Ones, but here, as the head of the palace said, how can we guarantee that only Daoist Luo will get the three incense sticks? If Daoist Luo and Daoist Kong choose the incense that is not poisonous first, wouldn’t they harm themselves? At that time, there were only three people of seniority in the hall. Even if Daoist Qin found a reason to change the incense, it would be suspicious to change the incense temporarily, especially the incense that was changed. How would he deal with it in front of so many people? At the same time, he also had to ensure that Daoist Kong would not get the poisonous incense, otherwise his plan would fail.

At first, I was puzzled, but later, after asking the three Daoists who died about their usual contacts and habits, I suddenly realized that it was still a human heart problem.

Daoist Luo, known as the "Third Master", why is this I think you two know better than me that he says everything is related to three. Then, Qin Daoyou has a plan. He can just apply poison on the three incense sticks in front of Daode Tianzun. It must be said that although this is a plan, Qin Daoyou is also gambling on his own insight into human hearts.

The Three Pure Ones are Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun. Among them, Daode Tianzun ranks third among the "Three Pure Ones", and has cultivated the "Three Caves Scriptures" supernatural power. All of this implies a number "three". No matter from which aspect, Luo Daoyou will be the first to grab the three incense sticks. I think that except when the head of the palace is present, he will choose first. In front of the other brothers, Luo Daoyou will never give in no matter what. He stood over at the first time. Qin Daoyou naturally did not Those who will rush forward to fight for it, Kong Daoyou should also know Daoyou Luo's habits, so all this will come naturally. As for Daoyou Luo's storage bag, no one found out when he died, and there were many people coming and going, and you are intentional, as long as you pretend to pass by him casually, you can take it away when no one is paying attention. Then walk to the side window, even if you cast a small spell, it will be easy to knock him into the ground outside the window. "Li Yan said this, Gong Daoren's face showed a look of relief, but his heart was colder. He looked at Qin Chengyi with a little fear in his eyes. A person can calculate people's hearts to this extent. I think Qin Chengyi must have known some of his daily habits clearly. If he came for me this time, can I escape his killing? Without waiting for the two to speak, Li Yan simply spoke directly. He and Gong Daoren both hoped to end the matter here as soon as possible. "It was Daoist Qin's move that made me suspect you again. You were at the scene twice in these three murders, and you have evidence of being absent once. You are the most suspicious in the first and third murders. What I have to do is to solve the second murder. When I was thinking carefully about the events before and after Daoist Song's death, I suddenly thought of one thing. When you raised your glass to me at the window, your arm seemed to be stagnant. This action did not seem abnormal at the time. You were thinking about things at the same time. When I recalled it later, I felt that your action at that moment seemed stiff.

In this way, I thought of a possible puppet, and at the same time, this returned to a doubt I raised at the beginning. How did you put the strange poison of "Xiren Tears" into the spirit stone? You should have used your spiritual consciousness to control the puppet to put the strange poison of "Xiren Tears" into the spirit stone. Although I had thought about whether you used magic weapons such as spirit swords to put the strange poison in, I overturned these speculations later, because spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures such as spirit swords can also It is necessary to use spiritual power to activate it, otherwise the strange poison of "Xiren Tears" will follow the spiritual power, which is not acceptable. However, the puppet is not like that. It can be driven by spiritual stones and does not need to be activated by spiritual power. What it lacks is precise control, which you can do through your spiritual consciousness.

When you put the strange poison of "Xiren Tears" into the puppet, no matter how exquisite the control is, it is inevitable that a little bit of poison will spread along with the spiritual power of the puppet. Although you will eventually find a way to force the poison back into the spiritual stone, The internal formation of the puppet has been destroyed by the poison. This is only for puppets. If it were a human, it would have died long ago.

Especially the hands of the puppet, which should be the most vulnerable place to the poison of "Xiren Tears". In this way, the mechanism and formation in his body will not work sensitively. A second-level puppet cannot be repaired easily. Moreover, from your plan to accompany them to the market to gamble, and then to kill people, it only took a few days, and there was no time to repair the puppet. Therefore, when the puppet raised the glass to me, the movement would lose coordination.

After making this speculation, I went to Liu Daoyou's courtyard with the palace master. First, we found the difference between the spiritual stone powder in one spiritual stone tank in the courtyard and the others. The existence of tears' strange poison.

Then we need to find the purpose of this murder. After some analysis, we found that although the possibility of vendetta existed, the most suspicious thing was the lost storage bag. Finally, we deduced that the reason why the murderer took the storage bag was It is most likely to find one thing, or something that several people have in common, and Daoyou Liu and Daoyou Luo have a very important thing in Xuanqing Temple in their storage bags, and that is the two halves of the wind chime that opens the 'Tao Jing Hall'. These two and a half wind chimes can only be opened here if they are in hand at the same time. This is why you killed them both.

I have to say that the death of fellow Taoist Song and the loss of the storage bag were just a little trick of yours. Because of this, the palace head and I started to waste a lot of time. Even if we finally came to this 'Tao Jing Hall' to set up an ambush, we still couldn't. You are not completely sure, and the reason is because you don't know why Fellow Daoist Song died. Now it seems that you did it just to divert everyone's attention and at the same time prove your absence. "

Li Yan finished the rest of his words in one breath. The Taoist priests were dumbfounded, but Qin Chengyi's eyes were filled with brilliance.

At this point, Li Yan flexed his fingers and grabbed the puppet in the air, and the puppet on the ground rose up in response. Looking at the puppet suspended in the air, Li Yan gently put his left hand on the puppet's arms. After a while, the puppet's arms were blurred, and then slowly... There were fluctuations in the formation, and then there was spiritual power flowing on it. Li Yan's left hand shone brightly, and his spiritual power was a little stronger. The spiritual power on the puppet's arms circulated more quickly, but whenever the spiritual power moved away, When the arms reach below the elbows, there is a stagnation, as if they are blocked.

"This is because when you controlled the puppet to put the 'Assailing Tears' poison, the puppet was damaged and its internal formation was not running smoothly. When you controlled the puppet with your consciousness to drink in front of the window, it began to suffer from the range of its movements. It's too small, so it's hard to detect. When you raised your arms to signal me with a drink, you exposed this flaw. I wonder if I was right? But at that time, I thought Brother Qin had something on his mind. So the movements are just stagnant." Li Yan said, the spiritual power in his left hand slowly retracted, and the puppet's dim color returned again.

"Hahaha, Qin admires Fellow Daoist Li's scheming. Even if you kill Senior Brother Song to disturb everyone's sight, you can easily solve it. You even decided to come here to set up an ambush. Fellow Daoist Li is not a Blood Leaf Sect monk, right? Maybe even Your cultivation is all fake. There are many talented monks from a third-rate sect, but this


Degree and insight are something they cannot achieve. "Qin Chengyi did not answer Li Yan's words, but smiled and asked.

Li Yan looked at Qin Chengyi. This man had a monster mind. He also did not answer Qin Chengyi's question, but looked at the Taoist Gong.

At this time, the Taoist Palace Master also fully understood Qin Chengyi's method of killing several people in succession. Although he was horrified in his heart, his face had long since regained his composure. He looked up at the sky, and then said to Qin Chengyi in a cold voice.

"You should be able to tell me where and who I met, right?"

After hearing this, Qin Chengyi shook his head and closed his eyes. Seeing this, the palace Taoist couldn't help but change his expression. At this moment, his patience for the past two days had already reached its limit. His eyes turned cold and he stopped talking at all. With a wave of his hand, a huge light shield enveloped Qin Chengyi in place. With a squeeze of his other hand, a black light shot out directly from his fingertips. The next moment, it came to Qin Chengyi's body. Qin Chengyi had lost both of his legs, and His magic power was blocked and he had no ability to dodge at all. The black light disappeared into the center of his eyebrows in a flash, and then he saw Qin Chengyi's mouth opened fiercely, and the veins on his forehead popped out, like ferocious little green snakes. ups and downs.

His originally fair neck suddenly swelled up, like blowing air, and more intertwined tendons bulged high on his neck, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

At the same time, his body was constantly twisting, and every movement seemed to bend his body to an impossible angle. The leg that had lost both feet kept kicking on the ground. The break in the calf that had been sealed and no longer bleeding was now even more severe as he kicked. A large amount of blood sprayed out from the break like a spring. Thick rivers of blood were left on the ground.

But Qin Chengyi seemed to be unable to feel the pain in his legs. His face was still extremely distorted. He could no longer tell that it was a human face, let alone imagine that it was a handsome face before. He kept screaming, his calves Being kicked continuously, pieces of flesh and blood have begun to be worn away.

Both hands pinched his thickened neck several times, as if he was holding down the veins to prevent them from popping out, and as if he wanted to strangle himself to death.

But in all of this, only movements can be seen, and no sound can be heard at all. His voice has been isolated within the shield by the palace Taoist, and only Qin Chengyi can hear everything. The blood inside the mask and the tranquility outside the mask form a strange picture that makes people stand up cold.

The Taoist priest just stood there, motionless, with no expression on his face, looking at everything indifferently. Li Yan sighed in his heart, walked aside, and looked up at the surrounding scenery.

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