Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2044: Mountain Village, People

This sudden change made the surrounding villagers stunned on the spot, especially the three people who wanted to help Li Wei speak, with their mouths wide open and the sound of "ho ho ho" coming from their throats. The three of them were also green. In his prime, Li Yan secretly followed Li Yan into the mountains for hunting when he was a child. They often took Li Yan with them. At this time, they looked at the kneeling young man who was much taller than the old woman. They couldn't help but take a closer look, and soon learned from Li Yan. On his face, he could vaguely see the thin boy from back then.

"It's really Brother Yan, haha!"

"Yes, he is really the fifth child in his family."

"Did you eat something? How come you have grown so tall and strong after not seeing each other for several years? I'm afraid Uncle Guoxin and Daniu are not as strong as they are." The three of them had smiles on their faces.

Such changes happened so fast. In fact, the people who were most surprised were Gong Chenying and Zhao Min who were slowly approaching behind Li Yan. They looked at this scene, and as the old woman cried out in grief, their hearts filled with tears. Feeling sour, the circles under his eyes turned red invisibly.

Gong Chenying looked at the people huddled in front of her. A stern face appeared in her eyes, but in the eyes of that face there was a trace of love that made her feel warmer. She whispered in her heart, "Abba, what are you doing now?" How is it?…"

Zhao Min clenched her lips under the green gauze of her bamboo hat, and a faint memory and sadness arose in her heart. "At that time, have you ever thought about how I felt? Is family glory really that important?"

After a long time, Li Yan slowly stood up amidst his mother's reluctant expression, while the old woman still held Li Yan's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that Li Yan would disappear accidentally.

"Haha, Lao Wu, you are finally back. Oh, by the way, Xiaoyu, why don't you bring the child over here quickly? This is Lao Wu, my brother." Li Wei looked at Li Yan in front of him, his eyes full of smiles, like Suddenly remembering something, he hurriedly turned back to look at the young woman who was holding Xiao Wu. She was looking here with curiosity. Li Wei couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, but kept repeating the two words "Lao Wu" in his words. It’s just a word, as if I’m afraid others won’t know.

After hearing this, Xiaoyu's pretty face turned red, and she hurriedly hugged the child and walked over. She gently brushed her waist and said, "I've met uncle."

Hearing this, Li Yan hurriedly returned the greeting, "Oh, oh, Li Yan has met my sister-in-law." Then he looked at the child with big eyes, smiled and said to Li Wei, "Third brother, is this my nephew? "After saying that, he stretched out a hand to stroke the child's black hair, but the child was pressed on the head by Li Yan's big hand, and his little mouth couldn't help but pout. However, after the grandfather just scolded him, he did not dare to speak out for a while. .

"Yes, yes, he is your nephew. His name was given by his father, and he is called Li Wenwu." Li Wei looked at his son, and even when his relatives asked, he felt proud in his heart.

"You are good at literature and martial arts, Dad, could it be that you also stole the knowledge of the old scholar back then." Li Yan suddenly spoke and chuckled.

"You..." Uncle Chang couldn't help but stare when he heard this. He was about to curse, but suddenly he saw two people standing behind Li Yan. They were clearly two women, so he couldn't help but give Li Yan a fierce look. .

Li Yan then remembered that he had not introduced the two girls yet, and when he was about to introduce them, the three villagers had already walked over, and they all smiled and said, "Brother Yan, where did you come back from?"

"Brother Yan, I heard that you have become a high-ranking official, but you have never looked back. But your parents are very anxious. I am not telling you that you have done this out of proportion.


. "

"What do you two know? Brother Yan must have something important to do, or it is inconvenient to explain. Otherwise, why have we lost news for several years and not even sent a letter from home?"

Li Yan watched the three people walking over while chatting and laughing, and couldn't help but salute them. These three people had taken good care of him when he was young in the mountains.

"What the three brothers said is that I did not do things well, and I must pay attention to it in the future."

While he was talking, several more people came towards him from the nearby fields, and Chang Bo happily greeted them.

"My little brat is back. Take a look. Even if you meet him while waiting outside, you won't be able to recognize him."

"Hey, look at this, he really is Li Yan. I haven't seen him for a few years, he is really a good man, but he looks like he is ready to go hunting in the mountains."

"What are you talking about? Li Yan still needs to go hunting in this outfit. What's the name of this? It's called 'Returning Home in Brocade', right?"

"By the way, Li Yan, I heard from Guoxin that you were promoted to a senior official, but you didn't bring any followers with you this time. Those two are..."

Several villagers who came over, old and young, spoke one after another, and the field became lively for a while.

Following everyone's conversation, everyone's eyes invariably glanced at the two people standing behind them without making a sound.

Li Yan took his mother's hand and rolled his eyes, "Mother, I am coming back this time. Because I have an important position, there are some things that I cannot make public. The two people who came with me are also members of the court." After that, he said to him The two girls smiled and nodded.

Gong Chenying and Zhao Min had always had feelings for each other. They were lowering their heads and thinking. When they heard Li Yan speaking over there, the two women looked at each other. Gong Chenying hesitated and moved forward lightly, and the graceful lotus room had arrived. In front of everyone, Hao Hao raised his wrist slightly, took off his bamboo hat and green gauze, looked at Li Yan and looked at her with a smile, her cheeks were already flushed, and she said in a low voice like a mosquito, "Chen Ying has met the two elders." After that, Feeling that his cheeks were on fire, he lowered his head.

Although men and women in the Desolate Moon Continent avoid suspicion, the general folk customs are still simple and open, and there are still not many women who stay behind the scenes.

Just as Gong Chenying finished speaking, Zhao Min bit her lower lip and walked forward. However, she was usually colder and more silent than Gong Chenying. She also took off her bamboo hat with a flick of her hand. In an instant, With green hair like a waterfall and a complexion like jade, he bowed gently to the old woman and Uncle Chang, and then stood behind Gong Chenying with his head lowered. She really didn't know what expression to make, and she was afraid that her cold appearance would be misunderstood, so she simply bowed her head and said nothing.

The moment the two girls took off their bamboo hats and green gauze, the May sun seemed to have lost its color for an instant. Everyone except Li Yan stared at the two girls blankly, their eyes widened, and there was silence all around. , had they ever seen such a quiet person, they had never imagined it in their dreams, and they stood speechless for a moment.

In the deathly silence, a clear child's voice suddenly broke the silence, "Wow, the two sisters are so beautiful, even more beautiful than the fairy sisters in the New Year pictures." Xiao Wu stood on the ground with his big eyes flashing, pointing at the two sisters.

The girl giggled and said as if she wanted to break away from Xiaoyu's hand and wanted to hug the two girls. Xiaoyu grabbed Xiaowu who was struggling forward.

"Immortal, this is a fairy," Xiaoyu murmured, and she instantly felt ashamed of herself.

The old woman looked at the fairy-like person in front of her with her mouth open. After a long while, she turned to look at Li Yan with a smile on his face, then looked at the two girls again, and slowly her eyes revealed There was an unprecedented light, and a smile that hadn't been seen for a long time appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Uncle Chang also looked at his son with a strange look on his face. The two women in front of him seemed to be members of a famous family, but he didn't know what kind of relationship they had with Li Yan.

The other villagers around him continued to breathe in the cold air, and their eyes on Li Yan became extremely exciting.

Li Yan looked at everyone looking at him, and the silence here was a bit strange. His mother's eyes were also flickering terrifyingly, and she seemed to be much younger in an instant. He felt a little nervous in the two girls behind him. Even though he had expected it, it still made them very uncomfortable.

After he coughed dryly, he said softly, "This is the daughter of Imperial Physician Gong." He pointed at Gong Chenying, and then pointed at Zhao Min, "This is the daughter of Marshal Zhao of Northern Xinjiang." Anyway, he was just talking nonsense. Just tell the monks waiting here, and they will handle the rest. Thinking about this trivial matter, it is impossible for the Blood Leaf Sect and others to deal with it, not to mention that with the abilities of my parents and Uncle Guo Xin, they can't find much. .

"Ah, she is actually the palace physician and the marshal's daughter?" After hearing this, the people around them suddenly had an idea in their minds that they could not believe at all.

Although they were remote villagers, they still knew the words "palace" and "marshal". They never expected that the two extremely beautiful women in front of them had such great backgrounds.

"Little bastard... Lao Wu, what official position do you hold now?" After a while, Chang Bo couldn't help but asked doubtfully. There were so many ups and downs in this moment of great sadness and joy, and he knew that he had never been in such a mood today in half his life. There were many people, but he was also the first to wake up among them.

"Dad, I am serving under Marshal Zhao. I cannot tell you about the specific matters." Li Yan had already prepared his words and opened his mouth. However, when he mentioned that he was serving under Marshal Zhao, he clearly felt someone beside him. Zhao Min's delicate body trembled, and what he saw in his squinting eyes was that Zhao Min glared at him fiercely, while Gong Chenying seemed to lower his head and suppress a smile.

"Oh, it turns out that I am serving under Miss Zhao's father, that is, a military aircraft, so don't ask, don't ask." After hearing this, Chang Bo still had doubts in his heart, but he also knew the rules and knew that some things in the army were not allowed. Asking further suppressed the confusion in my heart.

Li Yan's mother opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't ask. She didn't know how long it would take for Li Yan to come back this time. This was what made her most uneasy. But when she saw this scene, she felt... I didn't dare to speak.

Seeing that everyone was still waiting to ask questions, Chang Bo waved his hand, "Lao Wu, since we have a distinguished guest here, this is not the place to talk, so we will go home."

After the others listened, they suddenly realized that what Chang Bo said was true, how the fields were a place for long conversations, and they spoke with envy and admiration.


Surprised, they all said goodbye to Chang Bo's family, said hello to Li Yan, and everyone went about their own business, but a few people ran directly towards the village.

Li Yan secretly glanced at the two girls and saw that they had gradually regained their composure. They were also smiling and nodding to say hello to the person who was leaving. However, Zhao Min's smile was still a little cold, but this was extremely rare for her, and she couldn't help feeling in her heart. He smiled and said, "Well, let's talk about it when we get back. Dad, Mom, you go ahead. Third brother and I will finish the rest of the work in the field and then go back."

When the old woman heard this, she quickly tightened Li Yan's hand, as if she was afraid that he would leave, and said repeatedly, "Lao Wu, we won't do this until tomorrow, and we will go back together." Chang Bo also remained silent.

Seeing this, Li Yan felt sour in his heart. He knew that his lack of news in recent years had made his parents too worried. He patted his mother on the shoulder, "Then let's go back together. I will harvest the rest in the fields tomorrow. But this is It’s better to pull back the wheat sheaves at the head of the field.”

"Mom, what Lao Wu said is that the harvested wheat cannot be scattered here like this. I will go and pull the car over." Li Wei also spoke when he saw this, and after saying that, he went to pick up the big car parked on the road not far away. Pulling him over, looking at the limping third brother, Li Yan took a few steps forward and got in front of Li Wei. "Third brother, I'll just go and pull him." After that, he walked over and just looked at When passing by Li Wei, he whispered to Li Wei, "Third brother, Miss Gong has received the true inheritance from her father, and her medical skills are unparalleled in the world, but your legs are fine this time."

When these words reached Li Wei's ears, he froze for a moment and looked at Li Yan's back in disbelief. Then he slowly turned back and glanced at Gong Chenying, feeling a ridiculous feeling in his heart. Today, everything was just a dream, which seemed extremely unbelievable to him.

How did he know that before he came, Li Yan had already thought about healing his leg. With Li Yan's current ability, this matter was extremely simple, and he didn't even need to use pills. Li Wei was treating the tendons in his ankle. He was injured and missed the time for treatment, resulting in atrophy of his muscles and blocked Qi and blood. Now he only needs to use his spiritual power to heal him. However, that would be too shocking, so he had already found an excuse to press the button for Gong Chenying. As a member of a family of royal physicians, Gong Chenying only had to show off and use his spiritual power and some warming elixirs to adjust the treatment.

In a short time, the carts were loaded with bundles of wheat oranges. However, Li Wei's family did not have cattle or horses, so they had to rely on manpower to pull them. After building a new house and Li Wei married another wife, the silver Li Yan had left behind , He has already spent seven or eighty-eight dollars, and Li Wei will not touch the remaining money no matter what. Spending so much money has made Li Wei always feel guilty about Li Yan over the years, so She also wanted to take good care of her parents, which was the promise she made to Li Yan.

When the two of them were bundled with wheat and getting into the car just now, he told Li Yan privately that this time when Li Yan came back, he would move back to his old house and the new houses would be returned to Li Yan, while Li Yan bumped into him with his shoulder. Li Wei winked at him, and then as if hiding from others, he secretly revealed a small opening of a cloth bag on his waist, but there was a golden patch there, which made Li Wei almost scream, while Li Yan said hehe. He smiled, closed the bag, and asked Li Wei in a low voice if he wanted to take his parents to Qingshan Pass to do business, then he shouldered the bundle of wheat and strode away. Li Wei was dizzy. He could still reply, but everything was unreal.

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