Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2037 Departure (Part 3)

The next day, the early morning air was moist and fresh. Li Yan was walking on the path leading to the entrance of Xiaozhu Peak. He only occasionally looked sideways at Li Wuyi with a strange smile on his face. Li Yan felt a little puzzled.

After he and Gong Chenying decided to go home yesterday, they chatted for a while, and occasionally there were whispers of affection in the conversation. But every time, Gong Chenying would shyly change the topic, and so would Li Yan. My heart smiles.

In the evening, Li Yan was going to the main hall to tell Wei Zhongran about going home with Sixth Senior Sister. However, after Gong Chenying thought about it, he said that he would just go and talk to Li later when he went back. There is no need to go there.

Li Yan felt that this was nothing, it was the same no matter who said it, and he had just come out of the secret realm, so he still had some things to prepare.

Early this morning, Li Yan sent a message to Gong Chenying to agree on a departure time. A moment later, he received a reply from Gong Chenying, asking him to gather at the sect on the mountainside of Xiaozhu Peak. Li Yan smiled and checked the contents of "Tuban" again. He would go out for an uncertain length of time this time, so he put everything he could bring into "Tuban" and put some commonly used items around his waist for storage. in the bag.

But when Li Yan opened the courtyard door, he saw a person standing outside the courtyard door, looking at him with a smile. ??

"Elder brother?" Li Yan looked at Li Wuyi with some surprise.

"Junior brother, I heard that you are going back, so the master asked me to give you something." After that, he threw a storage bag to Li Yan with a smile. After Li Yan took it, he scanned his consciousness and found that it was inside In addition to a lot of spiritual stones and seven or eight bottles of third- and fourth-level elixirs, there was also a pile of golden gold.

Li Yan roughly estimated that the pile of spiritual stones alone should be no less than 20,000 yuan. This is a huge amount of spiritual stones. Even if it is a golden elixir monk, it is not a small sum. Li Yan did not expect that this person Master still has such thoughts, and his actions are so generous.

The level of those elixirs is not low. Level 4 elixirs are extremely valuable to the monks in this continent. I am full of gratitude to Wei Zhongran in my heart. Although he is still considered to have a small fortune, those are all unexpected gains. It is difficult to obtain it. Excluding the expenses during this period, half of his net worth has been lost. This made Li Yan lament that cultivating immortality requires extremely high resources.

What surprised Li Yan the most was the large pile of gold, which seemed to be nearly ten thousand taels when his spiritual consciousness scanned it. Such earthly yellow and white things have no value in the world of immortality. There is no doubt that this is for Ten thousand taels of gold from Li Yan's family is enough for a small mountain village family to live happily for a lifetime, and Li Yan believes that as a master, it is not a problem to give out another million taels or tens of millions of taels of gold. It would cause endless troubles for a mortal. Unexpectedly, the master had thought so carefully. He had not thought of this, and he did not know where to find gold and silver.

After Li Yan collected the storage bag, he bowed in the direction of the main hall. Li Wuyi saw this and smiled slightly, "Okay, little junior brother, your other senior brothers have gone out, only me and your fourth senior sister are at home. This It's also given to you as a gift from us when you go on a long trip." After that, Li Wu waved his hand and another storage bag flew over. Li Yan was a little stunned and thought.


Li Wuyi also gave him something, but he was confused in his heart. From the senior brother's tone, it should be given to him by several senior brothers and sisters at the same time. He built the foundation and decided to go home suddenly, and the senior brothers should not know about it. That's it.

Seeing Li Yan taking the storage bag in a daze, seemingly thinking of something, Li Wuyi smiled and said casually, "Hey, I paid for everything here in advance. They don't know yet. When the time comes, Naturally, I will get it back from them, I guess your senior brothers are not stingy people." After saying that, there was a hint of ill-intention in his eyes.

Li Yangang took back his spiritual consciousness from the storage bag. There were only spiritual stones in this storage bag, and the number was 20,000. Thinking about it this way, each senior brother would have to take out thousands of spiritual stones. Listen again Hearing Li Wuyi's laughter, Li Yan couldn't help but tremble. When he raised his head, he happened to see Li Wuyi's eyes. He immediately thought of the word "buy by force and sell by force." After a brief thought, he handed the storage bag to Li Wuyi.

"Elder brother, I accept it as I wish. I still have some spiritual stones on my body, not to mention the gift from the master."

Li Wuyi looked at Li Yan with a smile, but did not take it or speak. After a while, Li Yan couldn't help scratching the back of his head, then hung the storage bag on his waist, and then said seriously Look at Li Wuyi.

"Senior Brother, I'm worried about you. Why won't Fourth Senior Sister's share be given to you when the time comes? How can you rebel?" After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the path in front of the mountain, leaving only Li Wuyi with a look of astonishment on his face. Standing there, he didn't expect Li Yan to say these words. After a few breaths, Li Wuyi gave a long laugh and walked over from behind.

"Junior brother, I will take you to the mountain gate."

The two of them walked all the way to the front mountain. Although Li Yan was a little surprised by Li Wuyi's sloppy behavior, he did not refuse his kindness. He just thought that if the second senior brother and the others were here, they had done the things assigned by the master. , will drift away.

While talking along the way, the two of them soon came to the ink bamboo passage in front of the handyman's office. Looking at the starry passage, and then looking at Li Wuyi beside him, from time to time there were little fluorescent lights coming from his hair. The light flashed across his face and body, adding a bit of enchantment to his handsome face. Li Yan seemed to have returned to the scene when Li Wuyi brought him here a few years ago, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Li Wuyi also thought of the same situation, smiled at Li Yan, and thought of the boy he once was, but now he was similar in height to himself. As their eyes met, the two of them couldn't help laughing at the same time. The laughter penetrated through the passage and spread throughout the mountain peaks.

The passage was faint and ended at the end. The moment Li Yan and Li Wuyi walked out, a sea of ​​bamboo appeared in their eyes. The green bamboo waves were swaying in the wind. Looking ahead, Li Yan, who was still smiling, suddenly froze. On the face, because beside the bamboo sea, there are two slender figures standing, one ink and one white, unparalleled in beauty, just like two elfin seagulls in the bamboo sea. Even in this seemingly endless bamboo forest, they are breathtaking. Attention.

And Li Wu on one side

Yiye also noticed Li Yan's expression, and he couldn't help but be stunned. Seeing Li Yan's eyes looking straight in a daze, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Junior brother, junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yan woke up from his shock when he heard the voice beside him, "Oh, it's nothing. I thought I saw it wrong. I didn't expect that Senior Sister Min's cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation building."

"Oh, that's true. You just came out of seclusion after successfully building the foundation. It was a few months ago that Min'er broke through to the late stage of foundation building. I guess you don't know. Last night, the master told me that Junior Sister Six would accompany Min'er out. , this happened suddenly. I came here to see Min'er off. By the way, little junior brother, Min'er, when Min'er goes out this time, you have to worry more about all the mundane things. Don't let her give birth. Otherwise, I won't let you go." When Li Wuyi saw the two women in the distance, he raised his hand and waved at them casually while talking to Li Yan.

Although Li Yan didn't know what happened, he roughly guessed some clues from Li Wu's mouth. He nodded calmly and promised again and again. Knowing that Gong Chenying would definitely talk to him about this later He knows.

Seeing Li Yan's agreement, Li Wuyi patted Li Yan's shoulder, looked back at the two women, showed a strange smile on Li Yan's face, and then strode forward.

Li Yan was so smart, not to mention that he already had something in his heart. How could he not understand the meaning in Li Wu's eyes? He couldn't help but touch his nose and follow him.

Gong Chenying and Zhao Min had been standing by the bamboo sea, whispering. When they saw Li Yan walking over, they stopped talking. Gong Chenying raised his head and looked at the two people who were approaching gradually, while Zhao Min A pair of white, tender and smooth hands picked off a bamboo leaf, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the bamboo leaf in their hands without raising their heads.

After the two of them approached, Li Wuyi walked a few steps quickly and came to Zhao Min. Then he turned back and smiled at Li Yan, "Junior brother, I will say a few words to Min'er without disturbing your schedule." After that, he walked to one side. , waved to Zhao Min, who glanced at Li Yan, and then moved over with a lot of steps.

Li Yan smiled slightly at Zhao Min, then turned around and saw Gong Chenying with a grateful expression. Li Yan knew that she had something to say, so he walked over.

After seeing Li Yan standing still in front of him and looking at the man who was already a head taller than him, Gong Chenying said with some embarrassment, "I...I...I still make some decisions on my own."

"Haha, this is why you went to tell the master in person yesterday." Li Yan chuckled. In fact, he had an indescribable feeling about Zhao Min's arrival. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness, but in the end he was more happy, even a surprise. , there was a sudden happiness in his heart, and he was worried that the two women were together. He didn't know that those words would cause displeasure to one person. He also vaguely guessed the meaning of Gong Chenying's move, but how to persuade Zhao Min to go But I don’t know.

Seeing that Li Yan didn't look unhappy, Gong Chenying felt relieved and sighed. If Min'er had no feelings for Li Yan, she wouldn't believe it if he beat her to death now. She just had a relationship with Zhao yesterday. Min Yi said, Zhao Min just thought for a moment and agreed.


, but she was not without jealousy in her heart. This was the result of her thinking twice. Gong Chenying still had feelings of loss and worry in her heart this year. With her and Zhao Min growing up together since childhood, how could she not notice it? Although Zhao Min remained silent about Zhao Min's changes, her daughter's family was very careful after all. She was even more worried that her intervention would break Zhao Min's extremely sensitive heart. Now it seems that her actions, Maybe there is a possibility of making amends, but after all, she still has a knot in her heart, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable. No woman is willing to share her husband with others.

But she was very clear about Zhao Min's life experience, and felt that this sister's experience was almost exactly the same as her own. Her decades of life were full of helplessness and bitterness. When they first came to the sect and slowly dated, they gave birth to a child at the same time. The feeling of sharing the same fate, maybe this is God's destiny, Gong Chenying thought.

Gong Chenying looked back at Li Wuyi and Zhao Min in the distance. They were talking in a low voice. Li Wuyi seemed to have a lot to explain. While talking, he kept making famous signs with his hands, with a very serious look on his face. , she knew Li Wuyi's feelings for Zhao Min, and that he was someone who could use his life to protect his family from all dangers. She also knew that Li Wuyi was worried about what Zhao Min would encounter when he went out for the first time, so he had a lot to explain. Even with her and Li Yan here, I believe that if Li Wuyi doesn't explain clearly what he wants to say, he will have trouble sleeping and eating. I guess this is what the master and mistress meant.

After Gong Chenying glanced over there, when he turned back, Li Yanzheng looked at her with a calm face. After sorting out his thoughts, Gong Chenying's red lips opened slightly.

Looking at Li Yan, Gong Chenying said with a grateful expression, "I thought about it yesterday. If the two of us went out alone, it would bring a suddenness to others. In this way... maybe the third senior brother's reaction would... be stronger. , although I don't care about his feelings, but the person he is looking for is you, so I want to find a way to have a buffer, so that after the third brother is aware of it, and because we are not on the mountain, the excitement will slowly change. Think rationally.

And I also know that you and Min'er are not simply able to talk. The reason is that I had a hand in it. "When Gong Chenying said this, bitterness appeared on his face, but his eyes were extremely serious.

Li Yan was still calm. He listened quietly. When he heard Gong Chenying talking about Zhao Min and him, he did not deny it. He, Li Yan, was not a gentleman, nor was he a person who loves excessively. Once he has feelings, he has them. , just like through this year and a half of interaction with Gong Chenying, he has already developed love. At this time, even if Yun Chun comes to snatch it away, he will not give in, unlike the initial love for Gong Chenying's beauty. It was just a surprise in my heart, and I didn’t think anything wrong about it.

"In the past year or so, I have spoken to Min'er several times. Although she didn't say anything, based on my understanding of her, I don't know what she is thinking. She and I have been together for more than ten years and have practiced together. We play together and we are like sisters. She must also know exactly what I think.

So, I thought about letting her go out with us, so that in the eyes of outsiders, we would have an extra buffer if we were not alone. "Gong Chenying said softly.

Li Yan had a strange look in his eyes at this moment.

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