Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2035 Departure (1)

Wei Zhongran stretched out his hand and made a move. The lower row of soul lamp racks blurred for a while, and a soul lamp appeared. He hit it with a magic spell. The soul lamp made a low whimpering sound, and the flames on it slowly rose and ignited. It was just as big as a fly's head, shaking and whimpering as if calling. He then looked at Li Yan. Li Yan stepped forward without hesitation and forced a ray of soul that had been warmed for several months directly into it. The moment the wisp of soul entered the soul lamp, the flames on the soul lamp that were as big as a fly's head surged fiercely and seemed to surpass two of the seven soul lamps in the front row. Those two were Lin Daqiao's. With Wen Xinliang's soul lamp, and at the same time, the spirit that had been warmed by Li Yan for seventy-seven and forty-nine days also had a subtle connection with Li Yan. Li Yan could feel that this space was firmly bound. His soul lamp was covered in it, and his actions seemed to be watched by a pair of invisible eyes. This shocked Li Yan, but his face showed no strange expression.

Wei Zhongran on the side saw that the flame of the soul lantern that Li Yang had just lit surpassed two of the soul lanterns in an instant, and he couldn't help but show an extremely interested look on his face. After looking at the soul lantern for a while, he scanned Li Yan's body again. At this glance, Li Yan felt that the hairs on his body stood on end, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast. Li Yan felt that all his secrets were revealed at this glance, but this feeling was extremely For a short time, Li Yan thought there was something wrong with his sensing, but then he saw Wei Zhongran narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

Li Yan knew that Wei Zhongran was strong, but he didn't know how strong, but from that glance just now, he had a feeling that the other party might have seen some clues through this ray of spirit, but he didn't know how much the master had seen.

Wei Zhongran had already decided in his heart that this apprentice was not telling the truth, and he also judged that Li Yan might not be as simple as building a seventh-level foundation. He just used the "Qi Observation Technique" briefly and found that the restrained fluctuations in Li Yan's body were far beyond those who had just built a foundation. Ji's monk, but he is not in the habit of getting to the bottom of things.

Seeing that the flames of the soul lamp were actually stronger than those of the two senior brothers who had established the foundation several years earlier, he was very surprised. However, Wei Zhongran didn't know that this ray of soul was actually only part of Li Yan's breath. If the real soul was here , the flames will shock him beyond belief.

After that, the two of them teleported out from the soul lamp space. The old man in gray clothes who was dazed to speak waved his hands as if to ward off flies. The two of them quickly flew away from the Collection Pavilion. Wei Zhongran seemed to have no regard for the old man in gray clothes. He took it to heart, but gave the old man a clasped fist and a smile before leaving.

After the two briefly communicated on the road, Li Yan expressed his wish to go home in the near future. Wei Zhongran seemed to have already known about it, nodded in agreement with a smile, and gave Li Yan a piece of jade slip, which Li Yan took. After arriving at the jade slips, they were stunned at first. When their spiritual consciousness was immersed in it, they saw a map and detailed written records. Inscribed inside were the maps leading to the dynasty, the sects and families who cultivated immortals in the regions they passed, and the teleportation formations. His sect and family, Li Yanshao


After thinking about it, he knew that Wei Zhongran should have prepared this jade slip a long time ago, and was just waiting for the right time to hand it over to him. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and Wei Zhongran then verbally explained some of the things in the jade slip to him. , tell him those teleportation formations as long as he shows his identity token. Those cultivating families or sects with these teleportation formations do not dare to collect any spiritual stones, and they must treat Li Yan with caution.

After saying that, with a wave of his sleeves, his fat figure floated away without any sloppiness.

Looking at Wei Zhongran's retreating back, Li Yan remembered what happened in the Soul Lantern Space just now. There seemed to be something touching in his heart, as if he wanted to catch it, but he had no clue. In this way, Li Yan kept looking in the direction where Wei Zhongran disappeared. After a freshman year, I still feel like I can’t get rid of that feeling. Li Yan had no choice but to put down his thoughts and fly towards the Four Elephants Peak.

Soon, Li Yan arrived at the Four Elephant Peaks. He randomly found a disciple to inquire about Bai Rou's residence. When the disciple saw Li Yan's cultivation during the foundation building period, his attitude was very respectful and he personally took Li Yan to Bai Rou. Before the cave, Sixiang Peak was not like Xiaozhu Peak. The monks lived in caves built close to the mountains.

Bai Rou had been waiting in the cave a long time ago, but after seeing Li Yan, the expression on her face was even more astonished. She remembered that Li Yan was still at the eighth level of Qi Condensation a year and a half ago, so how could he have established the foundation now? This was also the result of Li Yan not deliberately and completely restraining his aura. Since Xiaozhufeng knew about his foundation building, I guess it wouldn't be a secret in the near future.

Bai Rou immediately thought about it and guessed that Li Yan might have hidden his cultivation at that time. He had probably already reached the tenth level of Qi Condensation. Otherwise, how could he have finally established a foothold among the few disciples at Xiaozhu Peak? Come, when she thinks about the recent evil reputations of the Xiaozhu Peak people and the contents of those tasks, when Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao came back with her so harmlessly, she sometimes turns pale when she thinks about it. It seems that this year Ban Li Yan went to attack the foundation. After thinking about this, she felt a little calmer.

Next, Bai Rou took out a storage bag and handed it to Li Yan without waiting for Li Yan to speak. Li Yan was not polite, and his consciousness sank directly in front of Bai Rou, while Bai Rou was very polite. She looked at Li Yan with interest. She also found it interesting that this junior brother would check the items directly in front of her face. She didn't meet many people, but among those young talents, none of them were polite and indifferent when they met her. Tu Ruya, if it were those people who handed the storage bag to him, they would definitely hang the storage bag on their waists with a carefree smile, unlike Li Yan who was so straightforward with him. It is rare to even exchange a few words with each other, and Junior Brother Li doesn't talk much either.

Just say what you think should be said.

After a moment, Li Yan raised his head with a smile on his face. He reached out and patted his waist, and took out a storage bag and handed it to Bai Rou. Bai Rou took it with a smile and the same consciousness. Sweeping the bag, tens of thousands of spiritual stones were lying neatly inside. She hung the storage bag on her waist. She was not polite this time. Li Yan felt relieved when he saw that the other party accepted the spirit stone. Immortal cultivators feared the word "favor" the most. If the other party didn't accept it, he would have to consider whether to discard the materials. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with the puppet issue in the future. , which is tantamount to owing a huge favor.

Next, the two of them had a heart-to-heart talk in Bairou Cave Mansion, mainly about their experience in foundation building practice. Bai Rou had just established the foundation not long ago. Although she occasionally went to her master, Elder Chi Gong, for advice, She can't go there often, and she is introverted and rarely gets along with people of the same sect. She is usually obsessed with the art of puppet mechanisms. After establishing the foundation, she has to figure out many things by herself.

After a conversation with Li Yan today, the two chatted for nearly an hour. Bai Rou was shocked by some of Li Yan's views and understanding of foundation building. She couldn't believe that the junior brother Li in front of her was just building a foundation. As a person with a strong foundation, as long as what Li Yan said was not related to the profound secrets of his own skills, he also took the opportunity to integrate Pingtu and Wei Zhongran's insights with his own understanding and turn them into his own understanding. There are many places. , Bai Rou had never heard of it, which made her feel like she could see the sun through the clouds from time to time. What she heard was a pair of beautiful eyes that were shining brightly, like dripping lilies, so beautiful that they couldn't be more beautiful.

Likewise, Li Yan benefited greatly from Bai Rou's insights on foundation building. Although Bai Rou was not strong in combat and had only been building foundations for more than a year, she had entered Taoism with the technique of puppet mechanism. Her foundation building skills The method is very unique, and its cultivation method and understanding are also something Li Yan has never heard of. Bai Rou's occasional words can make Li Yan's eyes suddenly open up and touch a lot of inspiration.

Neither of them asked each other what level of foundation building the other party had. This already involved the other party's extremely private affairs. Only those like master, apprentice, father, son, or close relatives could ask.

After the two chatted like this for an hour, Li Yan stood up to leave. Bai Rou still looked unhappy, but she had to get up and see her off. When Li Yan left, he also told Bai Rou that he might have to go out for a year or two. If something happens to Sun Guoshu during this period, I hope she can help. Then he took out 40,000 spirit stones and gave them to Bai Rou, which made Bai Rou's eyes even more surprised. You must know that even a veteran foundation builder, It is not necessarily possible to take out so many spirit stones at once. Li Yan has just established the foundation. It is obvious that he needs to prepare a large amount of elixirs when building the foundation. This will basically consume the entire wealth of a Qi Condensation disciple. Li Yan took out 40,000 spirit stones so easily, plus the more than 30,000 yuan of inspiration he had just given to him, he already has a lot of money, and judging from his expression, he still looked indifferent.


How could Bai Rou not be surprised by the way she cared about it? Even for someone like her who often made puppets and drew formations for others, it was not easy for her to come up with tens of thousands of spirit stones. She felt extremely attached to the junior brother in front of her. mystery.

Li Yan also said that if he found out the secret of the giant ape puppet, he would try his best to inform her as soon as possible, which made Bai Rou also feel grateful. Then Bai Rou hesitated and took out a jade. The jade slip was handed to Li Yan. After Li Yan took it without knowing why, Bai Rou told him that this jade slip contained some introductory techniques for puppet mechanisms of their Muliusmen. It might be helpful for him to understand the puppets. After hearing this, Li Yan He immersed his consciousness in it, and after a moment, he raised his head in surprise and looked at Bai Rou who was smiling.

The jade slips Bai Rou gave were not just simple puppet introduction skills as she said, but the basics of the "Muliumen" puppet mechanism. Don't underestimate this basics. This is a big deal for Muliumen. Many subsequent mechanism-making techniques are based on this secret that has not been passed down. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the source of all the magic of Mu Liumen.

Li Yan had actually been interested in the art of battles and mechanisms for a long time, but he was previously focused on building foundations and was not in a hurry to look for relevant classics. Now that he has this jade slip, he can study it. Although Li Yan knew that Bai Rou's move was still related to the secret in the puppet, not only was it not detrimental to him at all, but it actually allowed him to pry into the secrets of the other sect.

Li Yan was not polite. After accepting the jade slip, he stood up and left under Bai Rou's complicated eyes.

After Li Yan finished all these things, he went to Laojun Peak again. However, along the way, he felt that there were obviously many fewer disciples in the sect. Unlike in the past, Li Yan never came and went. Lao Junfeng bought a lot of elixirs and kept them with him. Li Yan's appearance surprised some of the monks on Laojun Peak who knew Li Yan. They did not expect that this junior uncle from Xiaozhu Peak had already built a foundation in just a few years, and everyone looked envious.

Li Yan did not see any acquaintances such as Mei Bucai. After asking around, he found out that people like Mei Bucai, Ding Yiwei, Cheng Jingnian, Wu Shixi and others had also joined the current vigorous cultivation trend and started their own ways. All the five peaks of the sect are practicing hard in seclusion, so there are naturally fewer disciples wandering around in the sect.

Li Yan looked up and saw that it was already past noon. He had just finished a few things in the sect, but he had spent so much time. Remembering the agreement with Gong Chenying, the time had already passed, and he hurried towards Xiaozhu Peak.

When Li Yan came back in a hurry, he landed at the door of his bamboo courtyard. At a glance, he saw a slender and plump figure leaning on two black bamboos, staring blankly at the sky. She seemed to be unaware of Li Yan's arrival. Something has been observed.

It was a headache to write this kind of transitional chapter, but I had to explain some things.

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