Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2027: Foundation Building (1)

Li Yan breathed steadily and slowly breathed out the abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the secret room. He had already fallen into a deep trance, but instinctively he felt an opportunity to attack the foundation. This is what every monk needs to do under the impact. The first state is something that is sensed in the dark at a certain moment. This feeling is ethereal and ethereal, and cannot be grasped or touched at all. But at that moment, there will be a sense of blessing that reaches the soul.

When Li Yan fell into concentration, he seemed to have come to an endless void. He felt that he had been walking here for a long, long time, but there was still no end or goal, as if he had walked unintentionally until the end of time.

Day by day, day by day, he walked aimlessly, and on this day, while Li Yan was walking, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the black sky and slowly appeared. At first, it was just a faint yellow line, but it slowly became more and more... It gets brighter and brighter, seeming to illuminate this empty sky into daylight.

When this light appeared, Li Yan stopped walking, but was firmly attracted by it. As the light became brighter, the light in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the garden became wider and wider, as if it would spread to the entire sky. , as this light approached, an inexplicable attraction began to emit from the light, pulling Li Yan's mind tightly.

Li Yan squinted at the thick light in the sky. Although it was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly, he could still vaguely see that there seemed to be steps in the light. Those steps were as crystal clear as jade in the white light, and they were slowly extending downward from the light, making Li Yan have a desire to step on them, but every time the light shined, one more light appeared. A huge force of repulsion continuously pushed Li Yan's body outwards, until it was farther and farther away.

At the same time, a pale yellow light spot suddenly appeared in the middle of Li Yan's forehead, who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room outside. He was enveloped by his own thick black energy and seemed almost invisible. However, when the light spot just appeared, When it appeared, Li Yan's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the rich black energy around his body began to shrink into his body, and it was all absorbed into his dantian in just two breaths.

Pingtu, who had been staring at Li Yan, opened his eyes suddenly and thought, "Here we come." He carefully reached out his consciousness into the thick fog outside Li Yan, and directly saw the light yellow luster on Li Yan's forehead.

"After all, I sensed that opportunity. I thought it would take a year or even several years. It's just the ninth level of foundation building. Which level can he reach? Back then, the kid who didn't rush reached the eighth level. Although it is a pity, he is a rare person in the fairy world." Ping Tu's eyes were full of expectation.

There are hierarchical divisions between foundation building and foundation building. Foundation building is also called "nine-level foundation building, and each step is cut." As long as the person who builds the foundation steps on the first step in the induction, he is building a foundation. However, since ancient times, many people have been unable to find the ray of light in the sky during the Qi Condensation Stage.


They will all be lost in the endless void, getting further and further away from opportunities until they die.

And those who can sense this ray of light do not mean that they can enter the light or successfully step on the steps. Nine times out of ten, they will sigh in despair and regret for life. They missed the opportunity to step into the light and want to do it next time. Finding this ray of light in the void is more difficult than the first time, and we may never see it again in our lifetime.

The foundation building platform is divided into nine levels. The first step is the worst "foundation building along the road" among the foundation building. There are eight levels of foundation building after that, which are based on the nine words of Taoism and are related to the Buddha. The nine phases of Zen masters in the family correspond to each other one by one. Just because most of the monks in ancient times were disciples of Hongjun ancestors and had the widest branches and leaves, most immortal cultivators refer to this stage of cultivation as building the foundation, instead of using Zen masters and Buddhas to define their own realm. That is A unique title for Buddhism.

The ninth level of foundation building is "all those who are fighting are in front." Specifically, it is "building the foundation facing the road", "building the foundation of the military road", "building the foundation of fighting", "building the foundation of the Taoist", and "no foundation building" ”, “Build the foundation in formation”, “Build the foundation in rows of cauldrons”, “Build the foundation in front of the cauldron”, “Build the foundation in front of the seat”.

Each level of foundation building is different from the previous one, and if you want to step onto the next level, it will be like climbing to the sky. Each step is a calamity, and each calamity will cut off the monk's fantasy. It kills the monks on their way to heaven, so there is a saying of "building the foundation in nine steps, and each step is cut off".

Among the nine levels of foundation building, the "foundation in front of the seat" is the most terrifying, also known as "the invincible opponent in front of the golden elixir seat." As long as someone reaches this foundation building, it is inevitable to condense the golden elixir. However, since ancient times, there have been very few people who can achieve the "formation-killing foundation building". Therefore, the last three kinds of foundation building are called "the cauldron of foundation building", which indicates that as long as you can step into the seventh level of foundation building, you are already a foundation builder. The combat power of a person with a basic pole and cauldron is not generally strong, but he can fight against an ordinary golden elixir person in the late stage of foundation building. That is definitely a heaven-defying existence in a sect.

Li Yan saw that his body was getting further and further away from the light, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. At this moment, he was actually just communicating with the heavens with his spiritual consciousness in concentration, and had no idea what he was doing. Subconsciously, he felt that he was about to lose something very important. Important matter.

He couldn't help but roar, and rushed forward. He rushed forward more than ten feet. But after Li Yan rushed forward more than ten feet, the light in the air became a little brighter, and the light became more dazzling. In an instant, The last ninth step of the white jade stairs had completely stretched to the ground, and a strong force was repulsed in all directions. Li Yan, who was walking forward, couldn't help but step back a few steps. Li Yanqing In a hurry, spiritual power surged out again, and then he was able to regain his figure.

As for Li Yan outside, light flashed sharply on his forehead at this moment, and Pingtu narrowed his eyes: "The first step to the sky, this is about to begin. Ninety percent of monks fail here. I wonder if he can survive it or not." He said that he needs to swallow the 'Foundation Building Pill' before he can take this step." As Pingtu thought, the rich golden aura surged, and a big hand appeared on the side of his giant face, and in that big hand was a grain of white jade. The quality elixir is emitting a powerful white light at the moment. It is the "Foundation Building Pill" that the Qi Condensation monks most desire.

The foundation-building pill is originally a pill that a monk would wrap with spiritual power and put it into his mouth before attacking the foundation-building pill. The pill will not melt, but when the monk senses the opportunity to build a foundation, the pill will melt. At the same time, if you can sense that breath, you will break through the spiritual power package on your own, melt it directly into your belly, and help the monks break through and attack the foundation building barrier. However, after seeking Pingtu's opinion, Li Yan still adopted the oldest method in the fairy world. When a disciple attacked the foundation building, an elder would be there to protect him, and he could use the "Foundation Building Pill" according to the actual situation. time.

This kind of benefit is far greater than the first one. Li Yan also heard that Lin Daqiao used this method when he asked Li Wuyi to protect him when he was building the foundation. Moreover, when Li Yan got the Foundation Establishment Pill, Wei Zhongran also raised this issue. At that time, Li Yan shied away and said that he didn't know when he could attack the Foundation Establishment. When he was about to attack the Foundation Establishment, he wanted to ask his master to take action. Wei Zhongran also nodded in agreement. , he now attaches great importance to Li Yan, a disciple. Not to mention his unexpected cultivation speed, but because of his unclear relationship with Zhao Min, he still chose to help him vigorously, but Li Yan didn't know there was another reason for this. .

Pingtu stared at Li Yan's forehead intently. As soon as the light dimmed, he would pop out the elixir as soon as possible. However, the result was not what Pingtu wanted. As a result, Li Yan's foundation building would be less. Without the power of follow-up, it would be slim to step on more steps.

With Pingtu's ability and the spiritual grass and spiritual wood resources in the secret realm, it's not that he can't refine a foundation-building pill for Li Yan to use. It's just that every time he attacks the foundation-building pill, he can only use one foundation-building pill. If there are more, he will use it in the future. More magnificent spiritual power is generated in the body. These spiritual powers are not obtained by one's own cultivation. Too much will affect the process of spiritual power transformation and may cause the failure of foundation building.

In the empty space, after Li Yan stabilized his body, he felt the repulsive force in front of him like a wave. The waves were higher than the other and kept hitting him, as if they wanted to blow him away far away.

At this moment, all the spiritual power of Li Yan in the outside world has returned to his body. In the void, the five elements of spiritual power in his Dantian are circulating. The Guishui Sutra is endless, and a powerful force flows to Li Yan's limbs and bones. Yan Dun felt the pressure in front of him lighten, and subconsciously he walked towards the white jade stairs, although he didn't


Know why you have to do this.

Thirty feet, twenty-nine feet, twenty-eight feet,...twenty-five feet... As his body continued to advance, although Li Yan's inner breath was surging, he felt much more relaxed than before, but the pressure became more and more intense. Big, when he was only ten feet away from the white jade steps, the powerful force was overwhelming. At this time, Li Yan felt that every step he took required to expend ten times the spiritual power of the previous step. Afterwards, it was difficult to say that he was struggling. Too much.

Looking at the shining white jade steps a few feet away, so close yet yet so far away, Li Yan anxiously discovered that those shining lights were slowly dissipating at this moment, and at an extremely fast speed. As long as he passed by There is a possibility that the white jade steps will disappear in ten breaths.

In the secret room, Pingtu had a solemn look on his face. He silently counted the time in his heart, "Twenty breaths have passed. If I don't succeed for another ten breaths, I will fail." The golden light in his hand began to light up. As long as there are five more breaths, he will fail. , he will pop the Foundation Establishment Pill into Li Yan's mouth.

Foundation building is not as earth-shattering as forming a pill or forming a baby. The whole process is very short and very long. To say it is short means that the road to building a foundation usually only has thirty breaths of time to step on the sky and the ladder. Otherwise, there is only a slight chance. Even if it is lost, this is also the reason why millions of monks regret their lives and cannot rest in peace until they die. They have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to find the light in the sky, but in the end they fell into the sand and sank on the road to heaven in thirty breaths. How can I be willing to do so?

To say it takes a long time means that once you step on the first step, the road to the sky will not disappear again, but will disappear until you finally fail on the way up the ladder. This process is long and often This is why it takes several days to several months for a monk to build a foundation.

Li Yan looked at the dissipating white light spots in front of him, and felt anxious, as if he was losing the most precious thing in his life. He roared again, and the spiritual power of his whole body burst out. In the flash of light, his body suddenly stepped forward continuously. After taking twelve steps, there was still a foot in front of me before I stepped onto the white jade steps. However, the white jade steps began to shrink into the air, and the distance was lengthened by another half a foot. Moreover, the entire white jade steps were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. There was already an illusory image.

Seeing this, Li Yan's spiritual energy in his body instantly united into five elements and turned into black water spiritual energy. The spiritual energy all over his body suddenly became pure. The spiritual energy poured directly into his feet. He stepped on the ground suddenly, and a wave of The powerful shock wave formed ripples under his feet, as if the entire void space was trembling. His figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and shot directly towards the illusory stairs that were shrinking into the air.

The next moment, Li Yan faced the roaring repulsive force, and like an arrow with full strength, it turned into a streak of light in the air and shot into the light.

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