Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 202: Looking back on the lake, the green mountains are covered with white clouds

Today, Li Yan did not immediately devote himself to cultivation. Instead, he came to the courtyard and released puppets to take care of the courtyard. At this time of year, he would clean the courtyard, just like before the middle-year festival in Daqingshan Village, every household would remove dust. Dirty, although there will be no steaming dumplings next, Li Yan will clean the courtyard at this time every year to welcome the New Year.

Looking at the puppet in front of him, Li Yan looked at the clean and tidy courtyard, then turned and walked towards the stone table in the courtyard. When he just sat on the stone bench, the ancient ape puppet had already been controlled by a ray of his consciousness. A cup of fragrant tea was brought.

Li Yan blew open a layer of vertical, diagonal, or horizontal young green tea leaves floating on it, took a sip, and then looked at the steaming tea cup in his hand, and couldn't help but froze.

Gong Chenying was released from confinement last month. He came to look for Li Yan as soon as possible after leaving confinement, but failed to find him after searching twice. It was not until the message he left behind that was seen by Li Yan who came back from the secret room that he found her. I finally saw Li Yan with a haggard look on his face.

Gong Chenying has not been seen for several months, and she is also a little thin after being in seclusion. However, the sect's generous clothes are still tight on her body, especially below the waist, the amazing plumpness stretches the robe. The originally silky robe was so tight that it had wrinkles all over it, making Li Yan look at him and keep touching the tip of his nose. When Gong Chenying saw clearly what Li Yan's eyes were describing, his face, which had always been cold and frosty outside, was revealed again. He could not see the shameful and annoyed look that Li Yan had seen a few months ago.

After coughing a few times, Li Yan hurriedly looked away and chatted directly with Gong Chenying in the courtyard. Only then did Gong Chenying's shame and annoyance slowly fade away.

Li Yan learned that after more than half a year of seclusion, Gong Chenying's current cultivation had reached an incredible level of fake elixir. Even Gong Chenying herself had never thought of this. The remnants of the elixir were refined after she repeatedly After refining it, it was still not consumed to the end. It was not until five months later that it was completely refined, allowing her to reach the fake elixir level in one fell swoop. Then she went into seclusion for several months to stabilize her cultivation level.

When Gong Chenying came out of seclusion, the first message she saw from Li Yan was to tell her that he had mastered the first three lines of Qiongqi Purgatory. This made Gong Chenying couldn't believe her eyes for a moment. At that time, Li Yan Yan Yan only lasted three breaths under this formula before quitting. She had given up any hope that Li Yan could practice Qiongqi Purgatory. Unexpectedly, Li Yan finally told her that he had started practicing. So she wanted to see Li Yan with her own eyes and confirm the authenticity. She was a little worried that Li Yan was practicing indiscriminately and went astray when he couldn't do it.

The first two times she came to look for Li Yan, Li Yan's courtyard door was closed, and no matter how she tried to summon her, it was to no avail. She was even more worried and began to think about whether she had broken in directly. Until today, after seeing Li Yan with her own eyes, she saw that Seeing that Li Yan's skin had a unique sheen after Qiongqi's purgatory training, Gong Chenying felt a little relieved, but when she saw Li Yan with a haggard face, she couldn't help but worry, thinking that Li Yan


Being greedy for merit and rushing forward will damage your vitality.

How did she know that Li Yan had just returned after practicing day and night in the secret room for more than ten days?

Gong Chenying's worried consciousness scanned Li Yan carefully, and she was relieved when she saw that there was nothing abnormal about his body. Li Yan felt the other party's consciousness and understood what the other party was worried about. He just looked at Gong Chenying with a smile.

Next, the two chatted about some situations in the past six months. After knowing each other's current situation, they were both very happy.

But when Li Yan learned that Gong Chenying had reached the realm of fake elixirs, his mouth opened wide. He never thought that the true essence elixir would be so defiant and its potency was so long-lasting. Then Li Yan smiled bitterly and felt that The cultivation speed is already very fast, but I didn't expect that the gap is still so huge.

When Gong Chenying learned that Li Yan had reached the peak of the first level of Qiongqi Purgatory within a few months, her shock was no less than that of Li Yan. You must know that even if she practiced this technique, she had to practice enough from the early stage to the peak of the first level. It took Zhao Min nearly three years, and it took Li Yan more than half a year to reach this point. This made Gong Chenying start to wonder if Li Yan was faking the three-breath time in the first three sentences of the formula. .

At that moment, Gong Chenying was doubtful, so he proposed to try a move with Li Yan, and Li Yan readily agreed. He also wanted to know what level he had reached in the eyes of Gong Chenying, a master of body training.

At that moment, the two of them stood opposite each other in the courtyard. Gong Chenying suppressed his cultivation, and with the strength of around the peak of the first level of Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, he punched Li Yan directly. Li Yan also punched mediocrely. , the two people's boxing skills suddenly blew up a strong wind in the courtyard, and the aftermath caused the stone tables and benches in the courtyard to tremble wildly. When the two fists were still only one foot apart, a series of "bang bang" sounds started to appear in the air. There were a series of explosions, and finally with a muffled bang, Li Yan swayed, but Gong Chenying took a step back. It was obvious that Li Yan had the advantage.

This result not only surprised Li Yan, he just stood there with his arms outstretched, with a strange look on his face. Gong Chenying on the other side also looked in disbelief. You must know that although she had suppressed her with just one punch, She has gained cultivation level, but she actually remains at the peak of the early stage of Qiongqi Purgatory without any reservations. Moreover, she is still thinking that if she finds something wrong, she can directly shrink her control power with her current cultivation level in the middle of the third level of Qiongqi Purgatory. This is easy for her. But what Gong Chenying didn't expect was that Li Yan's Qiongqi purgatory realm had indeed reached the top of the first level, but his strength had exceeded that realm. How could she believe it.

Finally Gong Chenying took action again.

She reached a tie with Li Yan when she reached the middle stage of the first level of Qiongqi Purgatory Technique. This made Gong Chenying confused for a moment. She had never heard of such a situation in her clan. She couldn't help but Fangxin was a little confused, worried that there was something wrong with Li Yan's cultivation, and then asked Li Yan in detail about the entire cultivation process and symptoms.

Li Yan looked at Gong Chenying's worried look, which was still a bit cold, and felt warm in his heart. So he recounted his cultivation process, except for the secret room, and took this opportunity to ask a few questions. After listening to Li Yan's narration, Gong Chenying thought about it for a while, but found nothing wrong. She gradually felt relieved. She could only blame Zhilidu for this strange thing, and then she completely It became Li Yan's question time. The occasional word "Ah Ying" in Li Yan's sentence would make Gong Chenying's heart tremble. He didn't feel that Li Yan had many questions, but half a day passed without him realizing it.

In the following days, Gong Chenying came two more times. She notified Li Yan in advance and then came to Li Yan according to the time. Each time she came, she just sat in the yard and never entered the house. Li Yan never stepped into Li Yan's living room, and she never let Li Yan go to her yard. This made Li Yan a little depressed, but every time Gong Chenying came, her little daughter's demeanor gradually worsened, which made Li Yan a little depressed. Yan felt the emotional joy of youth.

Similarly, in the past few months, when Li Yan went to the back mountain platform to practice immortality and detachment, he met Zhao Min twice. Once in the evening, Zhao Min was still sitting on the edge of the platform dressed in white like snow, still slender. Her legs were swinging on the cliff outside the platform, and she looked at the huge moon in the sky with blurred eyes. That night, the two of them chatted together, until the full moon set in the west, dewdrops filled the platform, and Zhao Min left happily. go.

Another time, in the afternoon, he met Gong Chenying to discuss Qiongqi Purgatory. Li Yan left the courtyard and went to the back mountain platform to practice his afternoon experience. However, he saw Zhao Min dressed in white there again. This time, Zhao Min was standing. Standing on the edge of the platform facing the wind, looking at the last trace of light in the sky in the dusk, when Li Yan saw her and slowly walked not far away from her, Zhao Min seemed to sniff, and then carved like a goddess The white jade face turned sideways and glanced at Li Yan from top to bottom, without saying a word, he flew away directly in the air, leaving only Li Yan looking at the figure with fluttering clothes in the sky, getting farther and farther away, while Li Yan stood on the platform After a while, I lifted up my sleeves, and there seemed to be a faint body fragrance left on them from my fight with Gong Chenying in the afternoon...

Li Yan looked at the green tea in the teacup in his hand, and the Guishui Scripture began to move involuntarily. Li Yan's Guishui Scripture has already reached the point where he can move at will, especially water, which is his main attribute. He usually only needs to be close to water sources and other places. , the Guishui Scripture will speed up involuntarily, and Li Yan has long been used to all this.


r\u003e  Li Yan looked away from the tea, slowly raised his head, and saw the huge ancient ape standing beside the stone table. Li Yan, who was about to calm down and start practicing, didn't know if it was an illusion. The moment he raised his head, he seemed to see the ancient ape puppet's eyes move. At that moment, it seemed to have spirituality. When Li Yan looked carefully again, the ancient ape puppet seemed to have not moved at all and was still standing there. There, this shocked Li Yan, and he couldn't help scanning the ancient ape puppet with his powerful consciousness. After a moment, Li Yan's eyes were still full of doubts.

"Could it be that I had too many thoughts today, and I really had hallucinations?" Just now, his consciousness scanned several times, including the body of the ancient ape puppet, but he found nothing abnormal. Li Yan has always been very thoughtful. Even with such thoughts, he still scanned it several times with his spiritual consciousness uneasily. Only when he confirmed that he had an illusion did he feel relieved.

He now attaches great importance to this ancient ape puppet, and he also sent a message to Bai Rou at some time ago to ask Bai Rou about the level of the spiritual stone embedded in this puppet. Bai Rou's answer was that the puppet's eighty spiritual stone slots corresponded to Made of low-level spiritual stones, if you fill in the intermediate spiritual stones, you only need to put in one-third, but it can only be used daily. If you fill 80 slots with intermediate spiritual stones, let the ancient ape puppet go all out. If it hits, then it only has the power of one hit, and it should be a hit that can reach the middle stage of foundation building. However, after this hit, the ancient ape puppet will be scrapped, and the formation inside will collapse directly, and it will be difficult to repair it no matter how hard it is to repair. It's impossible, so I hope Li Yan will think carefully before using it.

There was a plea in Bai Rou's words. Her meaning was very clear. She didn't want Li Yan to let the ancient ape puppet perform the mid-stage foundation-building attack. As for the high-level spirit stones, Bai Rou had never seen them before, but according to her guess, as long as one high-level spirit stone should be able to instantly destroy all the formations inside the puppet, it would be impossible to launch any attacks.

After hearing Bai Rou's message, Li Yan did not reply to any message. If this puppet was in normal times, he would have used a low-level spirit stone. But in the future, if Li Yan really had an intermediate spirit stone, and it was at a critical moment of life and death, He didn't think about anything else at all and just used this method. Even if the ancient ape puppet collapsed on the spot, it would be better than losing his life. Of course Li Yan knew which was more serious. After Li Yan didn't reply, Bairou never sent any other messages to bother him, as if this thing really belonged to Li Yan and she was just reminding him.

Li Yan looked at the puppet in front of him, rolled up his sleeves, and the puppet shrank at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a mini ape wood sculpture and sank into Li Yan's left wrist.

Li Yan calmed down and was about to take out the round diamond crystal and send it to the secret room. At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the sky above his bamboo courtyard.

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