Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2018 Puppet

After Li Yan fell, he looked at Bai Rou in the wind on the top of the mountain and asked, "Sister Bai, please tell me. It's just that my cultivation is too shallow, junior brother. If you want me to help or something, I think it's better not to mention it. I Not very capable."

After Bai Rou heard this, she was not angry because of Li Yan's rudeness. She slowly looked away from the distance and looked at Li Yan, but there was still a dodge in her eyes. She turned her jade hand and something appeared on her fair skin. in the palm of your hand. It was an object about an inch taller than an ancient ape. The whole body was black, like a wood carving, and the shape was lifelike. The long arms of the ancient ape were slightly bent and hanging, almost the same as the entire height. A pair of fierce eyes were exposed between the wrinkles on the face. The lips are turned up a little, the sharp teeth are crisscrossed up and down, and the body is mottled and peeling, as if it has been aged for a long time.

After taking out the object, Bai Rou took one more look at it, a little reluctantly, and then flashed a decisive look. With a wave of her hand, the ancient ape-like wooden sculpture turned into a black light and flew towards Li Yan.

Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't know what it was doing, but when he saw that the object was flying very fast, its spiritual power was gentle and it didn't mean to attack. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and he had a vague guess.

Li Yan raised his hand and grabbed the object in his hand. The object was cold and still had the warmth of the girl's palm. At the same time, there was a faint fragrance coming out. Bai Rou smelled extremely good. This smell was somewhat familiar to Li Yan. It was exactly the same as what Bai Rou had exuded before.

Spreading his palms, Li Yan looked at the wooden sculpture in his hands, which felt very heavy. He raised his head again and looked at Bai Rou without opening his mouth. He knew that the girl would have an explanation.

As expected, when Li Yan raised his eyes to look at her, Bai Rou seemed to have thought of something. She blushed and said softly, "This thing is an ancient puppet. It was not made by me. It was something I brought from the sect. Today I gave it to my junior brother and gave it a ray of spiritual consciousness every day. It can do chores like cleaning and serving tea in the courtyard. If it is used for fighting, it is not weak. It has the combat power of the early stage of foundation building, but it is better than me. The refined puppet is much stronger."

Li Yan couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. A puppet with the combat power of the early stage of foundation building was rare even in the hands of Golden Core monks. Bai Rou gave it to him like this. This was a very important gift.

"Senior Sister Bai, what do you mean? Is there something that needs my help? But Junior Brother, my cultivation is still shallow, I'm afraid..." Li Yan played with the puppet in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said, he didn't believe that such a good thing could happen. If it fell on him, even if he helped this woman in Fangshi, he couldn't afford to give such a big gift. The foundation-building stage puppet was said to be worth less than 10,000 spiritual stones. What's more, Li Yan could tell at a glance that this thing was exactly what Bai Rou had grasped in her hands when it was on the market in Ziyoufang. With her character, if the value of this thing was not high, she probably wouldn't compete with Sun Guoshu. , it will be sold directly.

Bai Rou listened to Li Yan


After speaking, he focused his eyes and looked at Li Yan seriously, but this time he was not shy at all. "Junior brother Li, this puppet was passed down to me by my master when I was at Muliusmen. She said that this puppet It is not used for fighting, but is a thing passed down from the original sect's Golden Core Elder. He also stated that this thing may contain a secret related to our Muliusmen's skills. It's just that the master has been working with the sect throughout her life. Several elders from the sect took turns to explore, but failed to find any results.

It was not until the master's life was approaching that she could not figure out the secret here. It happened that I was noticed by the current sect at that time. After discussing with the two remaining elders in the sect, she passed this thing on to me. , let me take it with me, and said, "Rou'er, this thing was held by the great elder of the previous generation. There are secrets in it. It's a pity that even the great elder couldn't see through it, let alone the current door." There are only two masters and uncles like you left, and they are just building foundations. So you keep this thing with you. With your future destiny in the Demon Sect, both in terms of cultivation and opportunities, you will definitely be far better than your master. There is no way that it will be solved one day. If you are willing to do so, you can do it again. Go back to the sect and pass this skill back to the sect so that the sect can flourish again. If nothing can be done, forget it. Quan will just give you an amulet. At least it will be of some use until you build the foundation. ’”

Speaking of Bai Rou's sad face, she seemed to think of the distant sect and the loving master.

Li Yan just listened quietly and still did not speak. After Bai Rou slowed down, a firm look slowly appeared in her eyes, "So far, I have always carried this puppet with me. In addition to practicing and refining weapons, I always carry it with me." I have been researching this thing, but after fifteen years, I still found nothing. Even in the current foundation building period, I still can't find anything. During this period, I also looked for my current master, Elder Chi Gong, and he looked at it. Finally, I can’t see what’s special about this puppet except that it’s a higher level.”

Speaking of this, Bai Rou looked at Li Yan with a strange look, "Until today, when your spiritual consciousness appeared, junior brother, I was holding this puppet in my hands, and I actually felt fluctuations in its formation. Although it was It's very thin, but I can feel it. According to my research on puppets, this is impossible to happen before any control method is used on it. This is why I asked my junior brother to come.

But just now, when you used your spiritual consciousness to release the flying sword again, there was no abnormality in this puppet. Now, can you please use your spiritual consciousness on this puppet again so that Bai Rou can take a look. "

After listening to this, Li Yan roughly understood the cause and effect. However, there were still some unclear points in Bai Rou's words. For example, even if he could cause the reaction of this object, why would he give it to him?

, the most expensive thing is to wait, but now Bai Rou's request is not too much, it is just to release his spiritual consciousness to visit, so he will help her first, not to mention he also wants to see how his spiritual consciousness can cause this... Something happened to the puppet.

Thinking of this, Li Yan nodded to Bai Rou, and then his powerful spiritual consciousness came out and shot directly at the ancient ape puppet in his hand.

After a moment, Li Yan withdrew his consciousness and looked at Bai Rou, who looked disappointed. "Senior Sister Bai, I think you may have made a mistake. Maybe it was an illusion in the free market at that time." Li Yan found this incredible thing. It would not have happened to me by such a coincidence. This was something that even the Golden Core Elder of Muliusmen and the Golden Core Elder of Sixiangfeng Fengchugong could not find out. How could he have the result as soon as his spiritual consciousness came out.

Looking at the ancient ape puppet that didn't move at all in his hand, Li Yan shrugged, "Senior Sister Bai, I'm sorry that I can't help you." After saying that, he wanted to send the puppet back.

Although Bai Rou's face was full of disappointment, she saw that Li Yan wanted to send the ancient ape puppet back, so she quickly said, "Junior brother Li, I still give this puppet to you."

Li Yan stopped his movements and was a little confused. He had searched it with his spiritual consciousness and could not help her. Although he had said it was a gift to him before, it was expensive and he did not want to accept it like this.

"Junior brother Li, you and I are both cultivators. We still believe in things like some inexplicable inductions. Maybe I am an illusion in the free market, but I still firmly believe that it is not an illusion, but some things may require some It just needs an opportunity to appear, just like a machine formation, it needs to trigger certain conditions to make it work. I estimate that in another fifteen years, the result may still be the same, so I still want to do this. I give it to you, I just hope that if you can get a glimpse of the secret of this puppet in the future, firstly, you can tell me about it; secondly, you can also use this skill, I just hope you don't spread it to others. Of course, if you feel like it, secondly. The two conditions are somewhat inappropriate, you can remove them, just tell me the secret of this puppet."

After saying that, Bai Rou's eyes showed pleading.

After hearing this, Li Yan was silent for a moment. He got a puppet that was comparable to a foundation-building monk for nothing, but it was something that many monks only dreamed of getting. However, Li Yan hesitated. Li Yan was the kind of person who treats him well. He He will repay you many times. Whoever trusts him, he will treat him more sincerely. Whoever treats him wrongly, he will definitely retaliate, and he will try his best to get revenge as quickly as possible.

Although Bai Rou had the intention of taking advantage of him, she also had her trust in him, not to mention that the final condition was almost free of charge. Li Yan hesitated a little after considering what he had already planned. Once he builds the foundation and goes back to visit his parents and relatives, he will go looking for the "Wandering Infinite" tree. When will he be able to find it again?


He doesn't know if it belongs to him, and even if he returns to the sect, if someone from the Tianli tribe comes to test him and fails, then he will flee to the secret realm. He will not dare to come out without the golden elixir and Yuanying. Maybe it will take a hundred years or several years. A hundred years later, Bai Roumo will think that he ran away after taking something.

"Senior Sister Bai, once I build the foundation, I won't be able to stay in the sect for a long time. If I really find out the secrets of this puppet, I may not be able to tell you in time." Li Yan thought for a moment. .

"Haha, what do I have to do? It doesn't matter. As long as Junior Brother, you can see through the secret of this ancient ape puppet and tell it when it's convenient. Are we immortal cultivators still afraid of time? And if Junior Brother encounters danger, even if It was because this puppet was damaged in the battle, and it was also my order from Muliusmen." Bai Rou smiled softly, like a lily in the wind.

When Li Yan saw this, he no longer refused. Of course, the more of these life-saving things, the better. Just as Bai Rou said, if he encountered something dangerous, he would not hesitate to throw this puppet out and not care. Is there any secret hidden in it, but in that case, even though Bai Rou said this, she was probably extremely reluctant in her heart, but this has nothing to do with Li Yan, he only needs to express his concerns, since the other party Agreeing, Li Yan also nodded to Bai Rou.

"Oh, this is the control technique of this puppet. Please keep it, Junior Brother Li." Seeing Li Yan's agreement, Bai Rou felt happy and flipped her jade wrist to shoot a jade slip towards Li Yan.

Li Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade slip in his hand. He swept his consciousness inward and saw that it was indeed a puppet control technique. He smiled slightly and put the jade slip and the ancient ape puppet into his storage bag.

The technique of puppet control is different for different puppets. It is still necessary to perform a simple sacrifice after bleeding. There is no aura on this ancient ape puppet. Li Yan guessed that Bai Rou had already planned it, so he was taking it. When he came out, his own breath was wiped off it.

"In that case, I will take my leave now, junior brother." Li Yan looked at the darkened sky, cupped his hands towards Bai Rou, and with the light of the flying sword under his feet flickering, he had already shot back, without any trace of it. The intention is to stay again.

Bai Rou turned sideways and looked at the disappearing light. A look of confusion slowly appeared in her eyes. She murmured to herself, "Master, is this right or wrong for this disciple? A person who has been entrusted to a wrong person will turn Mu Liu This skill was ruined, but my disciple really tried his best. No matter how I searched for fifteen years, it was to no avail. But this time, my disciple took a gamble... In the free market, I really can't. Is it an illusion..." She kept speaking lower and lower, and finally she couldn't hear it.

After a long time, after a deep sigh, a white light streaked towards the sky from the top of the hill, leaving only bursts of the girl's body fragrance, just like the fragrance on the puppet, drifting into the distance with the endless night wind, and finally scattered all over the sky. Under the stars...

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