Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2012 Little Monk

Su Hong and the middle-aged man in gray robe looked at Elder Liu in black robe who was still sorting out his thoughts.

"Oh? You actually discovered something. Well, let me tell you." Su Hong looked around and saw that it was already noon. Many monks had already gone to the wine shop. There was almost no one in front of the shop, so there was no need to worry. Go back and find a place alone.

Seeing the expressions of the young lady and the middle-aged man, Elder Liu whispered, "At first, the old slave didn't pay much attention to the young monk in the Qi Condensation Stage, but when he took out the items he wanted to sell, he scared the old slave. Wow, after a simple classification of the things this guy took out, there were more than 80 items, and most of them were items from Shibuyuan, Taixuan Sect, and Pure Land Sect, and 70% of them turned out to be first-level or intermediate-level magic weapons. , the 70% I am talking about are the fifty high-level magic weapons Shibuyuan’s flying sword and some other high-level magic weapons. There is even a low-level magic weapon and a second-level monster beast horn, which should be a high-level demon cultivator. Used treasures.”

The old man in black robe looked at Su Hong again when he said this. Although Su Hong had no expression on her face, she was surprised in her heart. She was not surprised by the value of these things. In her eyes, these things were just ordinary goods. Here The most valuable items were probably the low-level magic weapon and the second-level beast horn, but the information contained in them shocked her, and she couldn't help but think of the tip she received some time ago.

"It seems that Miss has also remembered that some time ago, there were some news from Shibuyuan, Taixuan Sect, and Pure Land Sect about the competition for the secret realms of the four major sects. However, many hidden secrets in the middle were immediately suppressed by the four major sects. , so that the information we got was only fragmentary. When the young monk took out these things today, the old slave was also surprised. Could it be that this young monk is a person who participated in the so-called wheel of life and death, but with his cultivation level. How can you obtain something from a foundation-building monk and a second-level demon cultivator? It’s impossible to fish in troubled waters.”

"Fish in troubled waters? It's not that simple. There is a Foundation Establishment monk who leads the team, but it is not the turn of a Qi Condensation Stage monk to collect the Foundation Establishment monk's things. Let's go back and you take what this little monk sold. "Su Hong narrowed her beautiful eyes, and then glanced in the direction where Li Yan and the others disappeared just now. Although there was no one there, Su Hong's eyes flickered for a few times, then turned and walked towards the store.

In a room of the "Go Back" shop, Su Hong, an old man in black robes, and a middle-aged man in gray shirts looked at a pile of things on the table. Although they knew about it in advance, they still couldn't help but look at each other. The room was silent for a while, and they looked at each other. Looking at Su Hong who was deep in thought, the middle-aged man in gray shirt spoke softly.

"The foundation-building monks here have a lot of things. These fifty flying swords alone are owned by the masters of the external swords of Shibuyuan. Among the external sword-building monks who entered the secret realm this time, there are Miao Zhengyi, Chang Feng, There were twenty-eight people including Zuo Huang. According to the information we got, eleven people may have survived in the end. Those who participated in the wheel of life and death may have been Miao Zhengyi, the outer sword, but in the end only Wang Lang came out alive, but there are only fifty flying swords here. , and the legendary Miao Zhengyi sword box


There are more than three hundred flying swords that are far from each other. Could it be that these flying swords are not Miao Zhengyi's, but are owned by other foundation-building monks? But this does not make sense. The Qi Condensation Stage monks cannot participate in the secret realm picking. Of course, the Qi Condensation Stage monks cannot obtain the items of the Foundation Establishment monks, but in the wheel of life and death, he is a small Qi Condensation Stage monk. How to kill a foundation-building monk? "

Su Hong sat at the table, looking at the table with beautiful eyes from the spiritual weapons and storage bags of the Qi Condensation Stage monks, to the Magical Weapons and Magical Treasures of the Foundation Establishment Stage monks, and even the Magical Treasures of the Demon Cultivators. When she heard the words in the gray shirt After the young man's words, she said slowly.

"Either he came to sell on behalf of other foundation-building monks, or he is very powerful and has something to hide, and he can kill people beyond his rank. But this speculation is too ridiculous. Killing foundation-building monks by condensing energy has not happened since ancient times. But none of those people have been outstanding since childhood, but this little monk has never appeared in the intelligence. If he has such ability, he will definitely not be able to hide it from us. Why do he only have fifty flying swords? It was damaged in the battle, or maybe he didn't take it out completely. Considering all things considered, I think the first possibility is that he was asked to sell it by another foundation-building monk."

The old man in black robe and the middle-aged man in gray robe standing behind her thought for a moment and nodded. They did not think that these things were obtained by Li Yan.

"From these items alone, we can deduce that 70% to 80% of Shibuyuan Miao Zhengyi died at the hands of the Demon Sect. Among them, at least one secret realm level two demon cultivator should also have died in their hands. As for 78%, It would be great if the storage bags of the Qi Condensation Stage disciples could be compared in detail with the nine participating teams from the three sects of Shibuyuan, so that we could know which team these storage bags came from, so that we can determine which teams the Demon Sect met. It will be clearer, but the Qi Condensation Stage disciples of the three sects of Shibuyuan are all secretly cultivated and unknown, so it is difficult to check. Also, if we say that the young monk named Li Yan is a representative. If someone is selling these items, who is he selling them for? And if he has no ability, how can he become one of the only disciples of Xiaozhu Peak? ..." Su Hong looked at the things on the table, Yu Zhan? He raised his beautiful chin and fell into deep thought.

When she said these words, the old man in black robe and the middle-aged man in gray shirt heard them, and then they were stunned, and then fell silent. For a while, the small house fell into silence...

None of them proposed to follow the three of them.

At this time, Li Yan was still in Peiyangfang City. If he knew that even though he was careful enough, a lot of clues were found so quickly based on the things the three of them sold, he would be surprised.

I was surprised. Although it is not a very clever method to deduce the source of dirt, but so many things were discovered in such a short period of time, what about the ability of this store called "Gui Qu Lai Xi"? Li Yan was definitely surprised by his intentions.

When he was selling today, he had already thought of selling it in batches. He also wanted to put everything in one house and sell it all at once. This would be too revealing for both the price reduction and the details of his net worth. , so he only wanted to sell half of the things he brought, and planned to find another opportunity to find other stores to sell the rest. However, when entering the second floor compartment, he heard Wen Xinliang's words that seemed to be an answer to Su Hong. "Of course we have to separate ourselves. Well, it's better to separate." With the meaningful look after his words, and Lin Daqiao's inexplicable wink at him before leaving, he understood that he was asking him to consider separating the things on his body. It would be better to sell. So he simply reduced the quantity sold in the "Gui Qu Lai Xi" store and only took out 30% of the total.

After the three of them came out of the shop and walked for a while, Wen Xinliang said that he still had some personal things to do, and Lin Daqiao also said that although he had taken a fancy to a few needed items in the "Gui Qu Lai Xi" shop just now, But the price is not cheap, and he plans to look around again. Li Yan immediately understood in his heart that this was an opportunity to separate. He had no objection at all to this. Everyone had their own privacy, even if they had the best relationship between brothers and sisters.

"It seems that they don't just have what they gained from this experience, they should also have something else." Li Yan nodded immediately and said that he was about to go around by himself. Everyone understood it tacitly, and after an hour and a half, they met When Ximen came and saw each other, they parted ways.

Li Yan walked around a few streets in a leisurely manner. After coming out, he didn't ask the two senior brothers again why he didn't explain that they were sold separately before entering the store. Instead, he had to play riddles after entering. Li Yan guessed that it might be the two brothers. The senior brother didn't think that he had many things worth selling. This kind of thinking was just inertial thinking. He thought that this time he came mainly to buy, so he didn't take it completely to heart. He only paid attention to it before entering the compartment. It was a little reminder, but this was exactly what Li Yan wanted.

After confirming that there was no suspicious person following him, Li Yan returned his attention to the shops on the street, and soon Li Yan entered a shop.

After half a stick of incense, Li Yan walked out of the shop with no expression on his face. Then he turned to another street and entered a shop again soon after.

More than half an hour later, when Li Yan appeared on a street again, although his expression was still calm, there was still a hint of excitement in his eyes. After entering four stores for more than half an hour, he finally... Dozens on the body


All the storage bags and their contents have been sold out. Now, apart from keeping Miao Zhengyi's storage bag hanging around his waist for decoration, there are only ten flying swords left in reserve.

Thinking about the extra 220,000 spiritual stones in "Tuban", Li Yan still couldn't restrain his excitement. In addition to the 2,000 spiritual stones issued by the sect, excluding the pills purchased for cultivation some time ago, Li Yan could not control his excitement. And after spending more than 400 spiritual stones, he now has a total of 230,000 spiritual stones, which makes him feel like he is in a dream, and there is always an unreal feeling in his mind.

Miao Zhengyi's 360 flying swords alone, excluding the one inserted into Wang Lang's body and taken away and the ten flying swords he had buckled, the 349 flying swords were sold for nearly 180,000 yuan. Although the prices in the next four stores are indeed lower than those in "Gui Gu Lai Xi", Li Yan already knew the price in his mind after selling the first batch of flying swords. When talking about the price, of course it is Know it well. It's just that the difference between the final number of spiritual stones and the two to three thousand spiritual stones that Li Yan had estimated when he was in the sect was just a cloud of mud. This made him realize for the first time how valuable the magical artifact was.

"A low-level spiritual weapon costs dozens of spiritual stones, an intermediate spiritual weapon requires nearly a hundred spiritual stones, and a high-level spiritual weapon is sold for about 100 to 150 low-level spiritual stones. And on top of the spiritual weapon, there are There are spiritual treasures, and spiritual treasures are also divided into low, medium and high. Above the high-level spiritual treasures are low-level magic weapons. Miao Zhengyi’s 360 flying swords are all magic weapon levels, but because there are too many, and their cultivation Because it is just a foundation building, it cannot reach the intermediate magic weapon level after the sacrifice, so the price of a flying sword can only be about 400, but it cannot withstand such a large quantity, 180,000 spiritual stones, 180,000 With such a number of spiritual stones, I think only the core disciples of the four major sects would have such wealth."

When Li Yan thought of this, he couldn't help but mutter to himself. He had never thought that he could have so many spiritual stones. Just half a year ago, he was still fighting for one or two spiritual stones, doing tasks day and night. Now suddenly he was completely different.

After a long time, Li Yan slowly began to calm down and shook his head.

"What I didn't expect was that the storage bags and contents of those Qi Condensation Stage monks were exchanged for more than 40,000 spirit stones." Li Yan only valued Miao Zhengyi, a foundation-building monk's item, before, but tens of thousands of Unexpectedly, the items of dozens of Qi Condensation monks were sold for so many spirit stones, especially the storage bag. Even a low-level storage bag is a magic weapon, the lowest-level space magic weapon, at least. It also required 700 low-level spiritual stones. Li Yan searched for fifty-one low-level storage bags in the secret realm. In addition, most of the items in the bags were not what Li Yan wanted, which made Li Yan earn more than 30,000 yuan. A spiritual stone.

After Li Yan stood at the street corner for a long time, he looked at the streets extending in all directions, then looked at the sun, thought for a while, and then walked in one direction.

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