Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 198 Success

When Li Yan was awake, a suffocating pain that was stronger than before penetrated his brain again, causing his mind to suddenly become confused and shaken. At the same time, a voice buzzed in his mind.

"If you haven't run the formula yet, wait until later. You can't last long in this state. Come quickly!" The voice was like thunder, and warmth filled Li Yan's mind, making him startled. He immediately woke up a lot, and at this moment, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He looked at a vast expanse of blood and couldn't see anything at all. That glimmer of wakefulness was reflected in the loud shouting, and Li Yan was about to lose his consciousness. , making him feel that the posture he should practice should be completed. Enduring the severe pain that made him faint, he began to press the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique formula, and it quickly started to operate under the stimulation of spiritual power.

Pingtu saw that Li Yan had already started to run the formula, and he breathed a sigh of relief. However, the spiritual power that imprisoned Li Yan did not relax at all. He looked at the white bone stubble under Li Yan's ribs, which looked like broken branches. With jagged thorn-like fractures exposed, Pingtu sighed. If he hadn't seen Li Yan realize the end just now, he wouldn't have been willing to do it so forcefully.

At that moment, Pingtu wiped away the broken bones with his transformed hand. With that big hand, the broken bones began to slowly be inserted into the wound. He was very careful in this process and did not affect Li Yan's cultivation. , this is the magic of immortals, which is called a miracle by mortals. However, although the broken bone was retracted, it was not connected immediately, because Li Yan still maintained that weird posture at this time, but it was not the best time to repair the bone.

While Pingtu was thinking about it, Li Yan on the other side had already managed to move his spiritual power and started the cycle according to a certain route. At first, every inch of spiritual power was difficult to advance. Coupled with the physical pain, Li Yan said Blood kept pouring out. He had used Pingtu's magic power to protect his internal organs. Otherwise, the broken bones that had been left in his internal organs would have been squirmed under the stimulation of spiritual power and would have been stabbed. The punctured organ killed him.

Li Yan clung to the clarity of the mourning platform and forced himself to calm down, just like grinding a stone through a mountain. Bit by bit, inch by inch, his spiritual power continued to run according to the formula's route. As his spiritual power advanced inch by inch, this Once, Li Yan clearly felt that it was different from what he had practiced before. Wherever the spiritual power had passed through, the heart-wrenching pain and the pain that seemed to peel off the skin and flesh made him aware that the speed of perception was decreasing. This made Li Yan was refreshed. As long as he continued to run the formula for a week, all the inhuman pain in his body would disappear.

It’s just that Li Yan didn’t expect that although it was just a simple three-sentence formula, it was an ordinary method. It takes half an hour for the spiritual power of ordinary exercises to run for a Zhoutian Qi Condensation period. Even the Guishui Sutra, its operation route involves When the five elements of spiritual energy intersect and open up the meridians, it is already extremely complicated. Li Yan's movement for one week is about an hour and a half, but this Qiongqi purgatory does not follow the eight meridians of the week. Extremely fine meridians, such as fingers, when the spiritual power reaches a little finger, it is divided into more than a dozen strands and travels through the extremely fine meridians one by one.


One meridian among these dozen strands is opened, and the rest of the spiritual energy will return to converge after several collisions with no results, and finally continue to move forward along this opened meridian.

This change made Li Yan, who was immersed in it, feel strange, but he didn't know whether it was a success or a failure. In fact, he didn't know that although this introductory chapter only followed the most extreme meridians in the body, as long as he penetrated that point The main route only needs to allow the spiritual power to form a complete big route. The real difficulty lies in the subsequent practice. Those small meridians that have not been opened need to be opened up one by one through repeated training and impact. As the meridians are opened, More and more, more and more densely, the spiritual power can be evenly and seamlessly distributed throughout the body, forming an increasingly dense fine steel net under the skin of the body, and the loopholes in this net will It gets smaller and smaller until it finally forms like a set of completely airtight stainless steel armor. Therefore, the strength of the body is a process of slowly polishing. Failure to open up the gaps between the meridians is the weakness of the attack.

As time passed, Li Yan felt smoother and smoother. At this moment, the pain in his body had been reduced by less than half, especially when the spiritual power passed through the area where the fragmented poison body was running, where some small meridians had already existed in Li Yan's body. Yan had already broken through when he reconnected with the poisonous body, and the spiritual power passed through it very easily. But Li Yan clearly felt that when he didn't practice the first weird posture correctly before, even if his spiritual power traveled to the area where the poisonous body was running, he couldn't pass through it. This made him determine the purpose of Qiongqi's purgatory technique. Overall training ideas.

The weird postures in each picture are to make the body form a structure similar to Qiongqi. Although it cannot be a real Qiongqi body, at least the body should be oriented on the surface so that the spiritual power can run smoothly. Otherwise, the spiritual power will The spiritual power cannot function normally at all, and cannot even reach a certain place in the body. As a result, the spiritual power is accumulated in a large area in the body, causing the practitioner to become depressed and faint, let alone practice.

Just as Li Yan began to slowly immerse himself in cultivation, Pingtu's expression outside began to become serious. As time passed, the huge transformed face actually showed a look of shock.

In Pingtu's eyes, Li Yan's body was extremely distorted, and as he slowly vomited, the red spots under his skin that were originally like lupus were disappearing little by little with the movement of Li Yan's spiritual power, and what followed was The skin began to undulate faintly, as if there were thin lines swimming around. Wherever these thin lines passed, not only did the red spots disappear, but soon a large amount of gray substance would ooze out, and it became more and more thick. , mixed with a very strong fishy smell, and the blood drops that spilled from his body earlier, almost wrapped Li Yan in a dark red limestone.

Pingtu knows what these gray substances are. They are a large number of impurities in the human body. In the process of cultivation, whenever a monk

When advancing to a larger realm, the leap in realm will bring about fundamental changes in the body, such as from a mortal to a beginner of Qi Condensation, then from Qi Condensation to Foundation Establishment, and then from Foundation Establishment to Golden Elixir, etc. This is the case. .

Just like when Li Yan first entered the initial stage of Qi Condensation, an oily black sticky substance overflowed from the surface of his body, as if his body was covered with a layer of extremely smelly black oil. These are impurities in the body, and they also cause people to The reason for slowly aging and finally reaching the end of life. But it doesn't mean that Li Yan has eliminated all the impurities in his body that time. He only eliminated a very small part. In the future, as his cultivation level continues to increase, he will also eliminate impurities, but they will become less and less, and finally let His body became extremely pure.

It stands to reason that Li Yan will have to wait until at least until he is building a foundation to change his physique again, but now that he has had such a great effect just by practicing the introductory chapter of the body refining technique, how can Ping Tu not be shocked? In his eyes This body refining technique has invisibly advanced to another level.

The next scene that shocked Pingtu even more happened. When Li Yan's spiritual power reached both ribs, the two ends of the ribs that were originally disconnected and the front ends were broken actually showed a faint tendency to connect. Although in the end, Li Yan's spiritual power barely passed. Behind the meridians here, the broken bones have not yet been connected, but Pingtu's consciousness can see it very clearly. In fact, a few parts of the front ends of the broken bones have begun to be connected into thin threads. This makes Pingtu was shocked again, and his emotions were ups and downs. This was only the first time he had used this technique. It was so incredible that it could have such an effect. At this speed, even if Pingtu doesn't take action later, Li Yan only needs to practice this technique for four or five days, and these broken bones may heal on their own. You must know that broken limbs can be reborn and broken bones can be regenerated without pills. Under such circumstances, only monks above the Golden Core can do it. Pingtu has never heard of any technique below the Golden Core that can break bones and regenerate them in a short time without relying on elixirs.

"This technique is so unbelievable, how come I have never heard of it? Judging from the fact that I traveled to the mortal world with my master Qianzhong Zhenjun, I should at least know some news. It is really strange." Pingtu looked at the line. Li Yan, who was in the middle of his career, began to recall with some suspicion.

But what he didn't know was that no matter how hard he tried, he would never have thought that this Qiongqi Purgatory Technique was only born less than two million years ago. The previous Tianli people had at least hundreds of millions of years, and they relied purely on it. Powerful witchcraft thrives, and Qiongqi Purgatory was accidentally discovered when the Tianli tribe opened their ancestral land more than a million years ago. This ushered in a powerful era.

Another hour later, a thin dark gray greasy rock layer had formed outside Li Yan, shrouding it like a gray greasy shell. Only an outline with a strange posture could be seen. Fortunately, Pingtu was like this. The wisp of divine consciousness had long since sealed off the six senses, leaving only the simple communication power of divine consciousness. Otherwise, he would have been fainted by the greasy and shiny gray shell formed by Li Yan's seepage.

In the silence of the secret room, a thunderclap suddenly came from the gray shell.


There were a series of sounds, like frying soybeans, and then a burst of laughter came from the mouth of the gray shell head.

"Haha, it's done, I'm done! Hahaha..." Li Yan laughed loudly, and his body began to return to normal. Although he couldn't see the expression on his greasy face clearly, he could clearly feel his emotion in his voice. joy.

"Oh, you're done?" Just when Li Yan stood up happily and was about to take stock of his current physical condition, a cold voice came over.

Li Yan hurriedly looked along the sound, and what he saw was a huge face with a frown, looking at him with some evil eyes. This made Li Yan suddenly stunned, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Senior, what are you doing?..." Before he could finish speaking, he felt a strong force coming from his body. A colorful world that was constantly changing appeared in front of his eyes. He immediately felt dizzy and swollen, and at the same time he heard the sound of flat earth in his ears. Some angry voices.

"Then get out of here, and come back when you're clean. It stinks to me. This secret room is the place where this spiritual consciousness is usually nourished. How can I survive the stench you made...get out of here! "

The roar of Pingtu was still echoing in his mind. Li Yan was dizzy for a while, and then he sat down on the ground. Then a heartbreaking pain hit him. He couldn't help but gasp, and hissing sounds continued to come out of his mouth. Voice.

"How do you say you fall out when you fall out, hiss..." Li Yan gasped, shaking his dizzy head, and looked around. He saw familiar furnishings. This was still his training room, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. But the severe pain under his ribs caused layers of cold sweat to flow from his forehead.

"The attack was too harsh. He directly crushed the ribs. He even said that he would fall out when he fell out. Hey, what did he say about the stench..." Li Yan said as he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his right hand. However, after wiping, the back of his right hand fell. But it was rubbed on his forehead, as if it had been rubbed into the oil on his slippery hands. He couldn't help but be stunned. He raised the back of his right hand and put it in front of his eyes to take a closer look. He saw a greasy layer of gray stuff on the back of his right hand. He couldn't help but He put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. The smell didn't matter. Suddenly, a stench hit his face, which made him feel sick. He quickly looked down and saw that both his naked body and his shorts were stained. A layer of greasy gray was exuding a stench. I thought I was used to smelling it before, so I didn't notice any difference.

Li Yan scratched his scalp in embarrassment, but grabbed a greasy hand. He was no longer a novice in cultivating immortals. Of course he knew these basic knowledge. No wonder Pingtu was angry. It was originally a closed space. If he did it like this, he would come to him. After being blasted out, he must use magical powers to clean up.

But then he thought of the result of this trip, and Li Yan couldn't help but laugh heartily. In the midst of laughter, he pushed open the door of the training room and strode out to clean up the mess. However, there was no air-conditioned "hiss" in this laughter. "The sound came out, it was painful and happy!

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