Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 181 Counterattack

Elder Peng looked at the three demons solemnly, "The thing is like this, this time the wheel of life and death is opened, the three of you must know that it was the three sects of Shibuyuan who first proposed it. This trial that was closed tens of thousands of years ago, Why did they suddenly propose to open it again this time? It's because they have mastered the secret of the Wheel of Life and Death, and are confident that anyone who meets their three sects will be able to defeat their opponents..."

As Elder Peng narrated, the faces of the three senior demon cultivators became more and more ugly, but they were still a little doubtful. However, when Elder Peng took out two cyan gourds and asked them to check the five elements of spiritual energy in the cyan gourds, this made them realize The faces of Yin Congfeng and the other two people began to look embarrassed. These two green gourds looked like they were specially refined things. They did not have any offensive effect. They were used to store the spiritual energy of the five elements. This was already suspicious. No matter which sect they were. It may be that in order to increase the spiritual power storage for monks, it is refining something that contains the five elements of spiritual energy at the same time. This makes no sense and is inherently suspicious. Instead of doing this, it is better to directly give the disciple some intermediate spiritual stones. The spiritual energy of the intermediate spiritual stones is more single, pure, and more targeted. What's more, one look at this green gourd and it is known that it is from the hands of a senior weapon refining master. It is necessary to pay an extremely expensive price. I don't know how many intermediate spiritual stones it takes to refine one. All of these are not worth the gain.

And the green gourd appearing on the two sects at the same time is even more suspicious. Although this has not been confirmed, the three demons still have a little bit of belief. If the Demon Sect wants to concoct evidence of the other party, it will not be so obvious. Yes, making a fuss on the surface that cannot withstand verification.

Finally, Elder Peng glanced meaningfully in the direction of Taixuan Sect, "If you still don't believe it, doesn't Taixuan Sect still have Qi Condensation Stage disciples alive? You can ask for an inspection to see if all the disciples are miscellaneous spirits. Gen, see if what I said is true, and you, my disciples at the Qi Condensation stage, can also investigate." His suggestion is obvious. If all the Qi Condensation stage disciples over there are miscellaneous spiritual roots, this in itself. There is a big problem. No one will train so many Qi Condensation Stage disciples.

"If what they did is true, if they fail to successfully merge, it will look normal to outsiders; once they merge, they can kill all the opponents with just their manpower, so no one will ever know." Lin Mingyu glanced at Li Yuyin glanced at him, and with a smile on his face, he slapped the jade fan in his palm.

"It seems that Quan Jiuxing and Wang Lang must have gotten together. For some unknown reason, they ended up attacking each other. Wang Lang killed Quan Jiuxing, so the girl discovered the suspicion before, and then her behavior with Shibuyuan will be logical. The explanation is clear." Yin Congfeng quickly thought of Qiu Jiuzhen's abnormal behavior before, and thought of the results. They were all smart, and they made rough guesses when they connected the causes and consequences.

If Li Yan heard what he said, he would probably feel happy.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I asked them how they acted so relaxedly after the Wheel of Life and Death was turned on, but reacted so violently in the end. It turned out to be a miscalculation." Yan Motian stared fiercely outside the mask.

"I didn't expect that your Demon Sect had such a disciple, but he actually killed him." Yin Congfeng looked at Elder Peng thoughtfully.

"Haha, it's true


Unexpectedly, if they hadn't set up the formation at the end point by chance, they would have been completely wiped out when they entered, and all this would have been unknown. "Of course Elder Peng didn't tell everything just now, let alone that Li Yan could cross the passage. He just said that when Gong Chenying arrived at the end early, he knew that he was not strong enough and so he set up a formation in the ball. It was no coincidence. They uncovered the matter and so on, and then they deduced and guessed some of the other party's behaviors from the identities of the two other foundation builders. This behavior also led to changes in the last level that had never happened in the wheel of life and death tens of thousands of years ago. .

"Haha, maybe your methods can also be used on us." Yin Congfeng said sinisterly.

Elder Peng, on the other hand, was reticent and neither admitted nor denied it.

Yin Congfeng looked at Elder Peng with a smile but not a smile, but did not continue to ask, if Gong Chenying's team broke the opponent's game by coincidence, then the other two teams of the Sprite Sect also came out alive, so what did they do? explain.

"It seems that the Demon Sect still has something to say, but since they have produced the evidence of the three sects, it is obvious that they are not afraid of confrontation. They should at least not participate in the plot against the demon cultivator, otherwise they will be digging a hole for themselves. Buried, if the Demon Sect didn't hide some secrets, how could they get out of so many people alive? As long as they don't participate in the plot against the demon cultivator, they will be put aside for the time being." Yin Congfeng sneered in his heart.

"If you want to use us as spearmen, you will be fine if you tell the truth, otherwise... hum! I will let you know the consequences of lying soon!" Yin Congfeng considered the pros and cons in his mind.

"Brother Yin, if you die in the game, you will die. But Elder Peng and the others said that they can't let it go. This is a dirty trick behind the scenes." Yan Motian looked indifferent, but his eyes were not good. Looking outside the mask.

"Jin Chuixuan and Wu Wu'an did say that the last level was rolled up directly from another level. It is completely different from the previously recorded clearance method. This is also suspicious." Lin Mingyu slapped the folding fan with a "swish" sound. , shook his head gently, with his long hair swaying, his eyes changed from the laughter before, and became more sinister.

Outside the light shield, the three sects could not see inside. Although they could force their way in with the power of a Jindan Great Cultivator by releasing their spiritual consciousness, this would directly expose their reputation and might even offend the demon cultivators. That would be a different situation. For a while, they could only speculate.

"Does the Wuliang Sect want to recruit demon cultivators as helpers?" An old Jindan man from the Taixuan Sect said with some concern.

"Hmph, what price can they give to let the demon cultivators fight for them, unless they don't want the first and second place rewards." Hang Wu said in a deep voice, then he looked up at Taoist nun Hang Zhi and asked.

"Junior sister, you said that Jiuzhen and the others did not meet up with any other team along the way?"

"Yes, senior brother. So we can't be sure whether the surviving people of the Wuliang Sect and the demon cultivators have met other teams that have met up and won unexpectedly in the end." Hang Zhi said with some concern.

"Two teams combined cannot defeat one team. I cannot agree with this." Hang Wu spoke slowly. This has been planned for decades and simulated countless times. Moreover, the strength of each team of the four sects and one demon is basically the same.

In the Pure Land Sect, ten Buddhas in blood-red robes kept looking at Master Yisong. One of them, a fat monk with a fierce look like an evil-faced arhat, withdrew his gaze from the light shield of the Wuliang Sect and shouted in a rough voice.

"Brother Yisong, let's forget it this time. How can we report to the sect?"

"Amitabha, if Brother Yisong goes back like this, the uncles will definitely punish us. The sect has spent so much resources, but in the end it is just a moon in the water." A lean Buddha with a solemn face also spoke slowly.

Yisong's face had long returned to normal. His eyes swept over the ten people one by one like lightning, and finally fell on the fat Buddha and the lean Buddha, and his palms were clasped together. "Mi... Thank you, fellow brothers and sisters, Yihuo and Yizhen, please stay calm. I don't know what the Wuliang Sect is talking about with the demon cultivators. If the demon cultivators didn't get involved, I have just communicated with Xia Huajian Wang and Hang Wuxianchang, and we could have kept all the people from the Wuliang Sect. But now the result is like this, I don't know where the plan went wrong, so we can't rush." ​​"These disciples are really good-for-nothings. If they don't meet up, it's understandable. Anyway, the other party can't see anything wrong. If they meet up, it's really annoying that two against one can still have this situation." Yihuo slapped a huge rock next to him, and the rock exploded into powder. "From the fact that the Wuliang Sect called the demon cultivators over, it may be that the demon cultivators didn't know. We just don't admit it then." Yizhen Buddha sneered repeatedly. These people who have reached the Golden Core stage of cultivation are not stupid. They can guess almost everything from the actions of the Wuliang Sect and their own guilty conscience. ??

At this moment, the light shield on the side of the Wuliang Sect had dissipated, and a very rough voice sounded, "I am talking about that person, the girl from the Taixuan Sect. Please lend me your storage bag, and the eight Qi Condensation cultivators behind you can come out for a while." Yan Motian shook his mountain-like figure and stepped directly into the air, walking towards the Taixuan Sect step by step in the void. He was straightforward and didn't say a word of unnecessary nonsense. Yin Congfeng stood on the top of the Wuliang Sect mountain and walked slowly towards Mei Bucai and others.

Here, they are the masters. Even if Yan Motian went alone, no one dared to attack directly.

Lin Mingyu also laughed loudly and flew towards Shibuyuan. His clear voice was heard in the air, "Lord Huajian, I wonder if you can lend me the storage bag of the unconscious nephew. Don't worry, everything is under your eyes. I just want to confirm some things."

Just as the two of them said this, the faces of many Jindan masters in front of Shibuyuan and Taixuan Sect changed. Whether it was Lord Huajian, Master Yisong, or Immortal Hang Wu, they all thought of one thing at the same time, something they had overlooked, "the green gourd". Although they had thought of the green gourd before, no one knew this secret. Even if someone saw the green gourd, they would only use it to store spiritual energy, which was not unreasonable. Anyone who saw it would only think that it was the resources allocated by the sect to the disciples. Now, in addition to checking the storage bags of the two sect disciples, the two demons also wanted to check the eight Qi Condensation disciples. This meant that the other party had already known the purpose of the green gourd, and might even have guessed the secret in the Wheel of Life and Death. However, they never expected that the other party seemed to have seen through it.

"How did the Wuliang Sect know this secret?" The three sects' golden elixirs thought of a huge question at the same time.

But the demon cultivators in front of them were coming aggressively, and they had no time to hide the storage bag.

"I don't know what Brother Yan wants to do?"

"Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

Two voices came from the two peaks of Taixuan Sect and Shibuyuan, and at the same time, two figures had blocked Yan Motian and Lin Mingyu in front of them like lightning.

It was Hang Wu and Xia Hua, who were standing in two directions, and their faces seemed to be dripping with water.

Xia Huajian Wang said in a low voice, blocking Lin Mingyu. "I don't know what you mean, Brother Lin. Did you hear what the Wuliang Sect said? Please explain it clearly." Hang Wu also sang a promise on the other side. "Brother Yan, I don't know how my disciples have offended you. Are you looking for revenge?" He deliberately said this to divert attention.

"Huh, don't do this, I said Hang Wu, what happened? When you know that you are so protective, are you afraid that Yan will find out something? I said I won't hurt these juniors, I just won't hurt them, call them over I'll just check it out," Yan Motian said with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Yan, what are you talking about? Even in your secret realm, it's not without reason." Hang Wu's face changed, and then his eyes became sharp. More than a dozen of their Jindan Even though they were in a secret realm, he didn't believe that the other party dared to kill them.

On the other hand, Xia Hua looked at Lin Mingyu and said calmly, "Brother Lin, don't fall into other people's tricks." After saying that, he glanced behind Lin Mingyu in the direction of the Demon Sect.

Lin Mingyu smiled, "Whether he fell into someone else's scheme or not, it will be clear once you find out. Lin will definitely ask him for an explanation later. It's just that the Sword King had better not let anyone touch the storage bag on his nephew's body." , otherwise I can't tell clearly." Then he pointed at several golden elixirs with his jade fan, which showed signs of blocking the unconscious Wang Lang behind him.

"I still don't understand, what do you mean? My nephew took your treasure during the trial. As long as Brother Lin tells you what it is, it depends on how to deal with it? If it is obtained normally, this is We can't return it. If it were for other reasons, we would think that we would be greedy for it." Xia Hua did not turn around, but blocked Lin Mingyu directly.

On the other side, Yan Motian's aura was already surging, "Should we surrender or not?"

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