Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1779 The Lonely One (Part 2)

Unexpectedly, Li Yan succeeded in his last attempt.

This immediately made Li Yan feel that the answer was not simple, but that the owner of this secret realm should be very lonely, or in other words, he should be a loner.

In addition to cultivation, he should be planting spiritual fields. At the same time, this person should also be good at mechanical puppets or refining equipment.

In his spare time, he would refine magic weapons, puppets or formations.

And on the mechanical puppets, the other party somehow refined some mechanical puppets into the appearance of scarecrows.

So when setting traps later, these scarecrows were added, and the real strength of these scarecrows should not be that strong.

But this principle is easy to understand, just like if he enters the "soil spot", Li Yan can magnify his strength many times.

Therefore, when he was outside the courtyard, he could not see those scarecrows. The layer of black shadows covering them should also be the protective layer of the magic weapon.

Those scarecrows should exist in the magic weapon. The reason why the attack is so powerful is that it uses the power of the magic weapon itself.

This shows the horror of this magic weapon. However, after Li Yan and the other two came out, no one said that they would try to collect the magic weapon, because they knew they couldn't do it.

Especially the magic weapon was related to the teleportation array they entered, and then it was related to the secret realm, like a connecting link.

They had no ability to change a secret realm at all, especially when they felt the danger outside the south wall of the magic weapon, which made them feel palpitating.

Even if the three of them could collect the magic weapon, would the function of this magic weapon be similar to the existence of the mountain gate?

Once it was lost, what would the secret realm become next? No one knew what the consequences would be?

Therefore, they could only explore here first, and they didn't dare to move the magic weapon at all. If the magic weapon had a problem, this place would become a place of death, and the three of them would regret it.

After listening to Li Yan's explanation, the two women of Mingqi were indeed almost the same as what they had guessed.

The two women felt that if there really was an immortal phoenix living here, even if this magic weapon was a trap, it also meant that the other party might be a single person, with a heart full of desolation and endless loneliness.

Because of the special existence of the Undead Phoenix, the owner of this person is unwilling to interact with others. Some of his actions seem to be evil and boring, which may be the true portrayal of his heart.

"The Undead Phoenix really shouldn't appear in the world. Must it be punished by heaven?"

Mingqi's heart also rose with a faint sadness. Although they have a good relationship with the Qinghuang clan, judging from the performance of other Phoenix races.

Those races are obviously still unwilling to get too close to their own race. In the records of the Undead Phoenix, this clan is too powerful and can easily suppress the other Phoenix clans with blood.

Everyone knows that the strongest skill of the Phoenix clan is to be reborn from the ashes, but no one in other Phoenix races dares to call themselves immortal.

Only the Undead Phoenix clan not only dares to call themselves immortal, but also uses the name of the underworld, and is not afraid of the soul of the netherworld.

"These spiritual fields have been abandoned!"

Looking at the spiritual fields below, there are no herbs except the overgrown weeds. Mingqi said softly, she suppressed the sadness in her heart.

The owner here is either gone or in seclusion, but no matter what the situation is, the other party took away all the original herbs here before leaving or in seclusion, which is why this situation occurred.

However, judging from the situation, the owner here may have fallen. It has been too long since he appeared here.

This is also a scene that Ming Qi wants to see but does not want to see.

Although the elders here have used their lifespans to deduce, they still cannot be sure whether the owner here is from the Undead Phoenix Clan.

Maybe the owner who appeared here is the enemy of the Undead Phoenix Clan. Because there is a cause and effect relationship, after deducing the secrets of heaven, it shows that there were traces of the Undead Phoenix here.

If this is not the place where the Undead Phoenix appeared, then if the owner here is still in seclusion, once he is awakened, then the fate of the three of them is no longer suspenseful.

And if this is the place where an Undead Phoenix is, Ming Qi certainly hopes that the other party is alive, so that the orthodox inheritance of his own clan will have more hope.

Li Yan was also looking around carefully. He felt that his previous judgment might be correct. The owner of this place had either left long ago or disappeared with the Heritage Ancient Temple.

There were no traces of cultivators' activities around, and if the other party was still alive, with the other party's means, the Heritage Ancient Temple would not be so peaceful.

Li Yan was interested in Mingqi's tribe, not the immortal Mingfeng strongman who might exist here. This kind of power was not something he could rely on.

He just hoped that the original owner of this place, whether it was an immortal Mingfeng strongman or not, would be dead or not here.

"Let's go to the mountain behind and take a look!"

Li Yan "accompanied" the two women to fly above the spiritual field. After a brief exploration, he pointed to the end of the spiritual field behind, where there was a mountain between heaven and earth.

There was naturally nothing worth exploring in the spiritual field, but Mingqi and Mingyu needed to confirm, so Li Yan would of course "accompany" them to symbolically search for a while.

Then, he looked at a mountain behind him. Li Yan's consciousness had already swept over that mountain. That mountain was like the end of this secret realm. His consciousness could no longer cross the mountain.

In this way, the scope of this secret realm is not too large. There are only the spiritual field and the mountain outside the courtyard. The radius is probably less than 300 miles.

"Then let's take a look behind the mountain!"

Ming Qi saw that he didn't find anything here. Although he was a little disappointed, he also focused on the mountain behind him.

Even if there is a heritage here, it is difficult to put the heritage in this spiritual field, so they can only explore the most likely place.

If there is nothing to find in the end, and the entire secret realm space is only this big, then go back inside and search carefully.

Ming Qi didn't know the identity of the gray-clothed old man. He might have been hiding somewhere in the ancient heritage hall, but he and his sister didn't have much time left.

It would be best if they could get out this time, which was also their most desired goal. Mingyu listened to her sister and had no objection to this.

The three of them immediately flew to the mountain behind them. This mountain was not too steep, but it covered a large area.

Just from its east-west extension, it blocked all the roads to the north, and it was about three hundred miles wide.

The mountain was about six hundred feet high, and the whole mountain was covered with trees and weeds of different heights and densely grown.

Here, Li Yan and his team still did not sense the breath of any living creatures. If it were not for the sunlight and spiritual energy in this secret realm, it would give people the feeling of a dead area.

Li Yan and his team could not guess where this secret realm was located in the ancient palace of inheritance, and this was another location that was teleported out in the secret realm.

Just a hundred breaths later, the figures of Li Yan and his team appeared on the top of the mountain, which was full of vegetation. The three of them stood on the crown of a giant tree.

Standing on the tall treetops, you can overlook all the spiritual fields below, as well as the courtyard hundreds of miles away that has become almost invisible.

"This should be the end of the secret realm. I feel danger again at the barriers in the back of several directions!"

Ming Qi said softly. After they flew here, they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

Then they flew out in the east and west directions along the top of the mountain, and were finally blocked.

Standing on the top of the mountain, they can only see half of the mountain and a panoramic view to the south.

"That's right. Don't try to break the ban in the east, west and north directions for the time being. Let's search carefully here first!"

Li Yan agreed with Ming Qi's words. They just tried the barriers on the three sides and felt something was wrong.

It was still the kind of thing that would be extremely dangerous once it was broken.

And Ming Qi and Ming Yu were no longer surrounded by magic weapons here. The barriers that appeared in the three directions might be space barrier barriers or formation barriers.

So they felt that they had some confidence and could use the space law to try to break through, but the two women did not choose to do so in the end.

They had the space law magical power, but it was also related to their own cultivation. They dared to use it to break some formations on weekdays.

But in this unknown secret realm, if it was not a formation barrier, but a space barrier barrier, they were not sure that they would be alive after going out.

"I think unless this is a complete trap, the owner here will not put himself in the trap.

Although there is definitely no danger here for him, normally no cultivator will practice in such a place.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here can only be considered good.

So maybe only that courtyard is the trap to enter, and other places should be the real residence of the owner here."

Mingyu looked at the tall and short trees and weeds under her feet, and she said.

She did not believe that this was a complete trap. It should be only that courtyard. In this case, they might not be wrong to find this place.

The reason why they did not find the inheritance was that they had not found the right place.

"Let's not talk about those spiritual fields for now. According to normal thinking, cultivators naturally build caves in the mountains, and there is only one mountain here.

So we go from west to east, three people line up and push forward to search, and there is no need to spread out the spiritual consciousness in an all-round way, and we can also advance step by step!"

Li Yan's eyes flickered, and he also felt that Ming Yu was right.

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