Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1776: The Trap of Addiction

As soon as Ming Qi said this, the expectations of Ming Yu and Li Yan were instantly shattered.

Of course, they would like to believe that it was just an illusion, which is the most hopeful thing for the three of them, and the thing they are most confident of doing at present.

"In this attack, the straws that were attacked can actually return to the body, which makes it impossible for us to take shortcuts.

In other words, whether the scarecrows are puppets or not, their attacks may be endless.

Only by constantly destroying the straws can they be unable to attack, but even if there is such a possibility, how can we do it?"

Ming Qi frowned and thought, muttering to herself.

She had thought before that the attacks of the scarecrows behind should be similar to the existence of puppets.

The source of their behavior is either the residual thoughts left by the master, stored in the puppet body, or driven by spirit stones.

Like that kind of overwhelming attack, as long as it is consumed a few more times, the scarecrow will not only consume spirit stones very quickly, but also soon only have a stick left on his body.

But now it seems that the person who designed this trap has already considered this.

If the attacking straw can be recovered, then the opponent left behind the driving spirit stone, which may not be possible if you want to consume it. The most likely possibility is that there is a spirit gathering formation in the scarecrow.

The result of doing so may make you despair.

"After the scarecrow appears, it will attack in three breaths!"

Li Yan looked back, as if he wanted to see the scarecrow that suddenly appeared through a row of houses. Without waiting for the two women to react, he continued.

"Can we not regard his words as a question to us? It is just a question. If we answer his question within three breaths, will there be no attack?"

Li Yan has been thinking about the conditions for triggering the ban. He found that there was a gap of three breaths after the opponent questioned.

In those three breaths, no attack appeared.

"Senior, do you mean that the reason why the opponent did not attack immediately is that he was waiting for us to answer the question?"

Mingyu heard it, and a light flashed in her beautiful eyes. Li Yan's words really made people feel that the other party was not questioning.

If this is true, the hope of several people cracking it again will be much greater.

"But how should we answer? Can we get away with just any answer, or must we return to the other party's satisfaction?"

Ming Qi's mind was racing.

"It's very simple, try again! And we just tried it once, and we still can't really confirm whether there will be a half-true and half-false attack. We also need to try a few more times!"

Li Yan, who turned into an old man in gray, looked deep.

Just a few breaths later, Ming Yu flew to the backyard again. This time, Li Yan still didn't make a move, and Ming Yu no longer walked, but flew directly over.

This time, she deliberately flew over the courtyard wall, but just when she reached the courtyard wall, a voice suddenly came.

"Why are you here?"

There was another blur in front of her, and a scarecrow blocked her in front of her, directly poking on the courtyard wall.

"I just accidentally stumbled into this place!"

Ming Yu answered seriously.

But just as her voice fell, there was no delay at all this time, and the unpleasant feeling of palpitations that seemed to be falling instantly descended on her sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, Mingyu had already fully unleashed her magic power and was ready to retreat at any time.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Mingyu had already flashed to the corner of the wall in front. She had not even seen the other scarecrows appear before she sensed the crisis.

"Boom, boom..."

Then there was another series of earth-shaking roars, and the whole courtyard shook violently again. The three people standing by the wall of the house on the west side were much calmer this time.

Not only did they not retreat to the front of the house, they also allowed this devastating attack to spread and sprinkle on them wantonly...

As Mingyu's figure disappeared, the roars in the back quickly weakened and then disappeared quickly.

"After answering, the attack was launched within a breath!"

Mingyu slightly opened her red lips and licked her dry red lips with the tip of her red tongue. This time the attack was too fast.

Her action was extremely tempting, but Li Yan's mind was not on it at the moment.

"And you don't have to go through the circular arch. You can't climb the courtyard wall. Do you want to try the courtyard walls in the other three directions?"

Ming Qi spoke.

After half a quarter of an hour, the three of them gathered again on the stone path on the west side of the house, and finally looked towards the backyard.

They tried the courtyard walls in the other three directions, but they couldn't stand on the courtyard walls at all, and were blocked by a powerful force.

However, after getting close to the courtyard wall, there would be no problem at all. It was just that the waves of terrifying sensations coming from the back of the courtyard walls in those three directions made the three people dare not try to break through.

"The design here is very clear. Only the backyard can go out. If you go out from the other three directions, you may not even have a way to survive!"

Li Yan shook his head.

"Then Ming Yu's answer before should be wrong, so the attack will appear immediately. This time I will go!"

Ming Qi said...

"Why are you here?"

"I was teleported here!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"It's the host who invited me here!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"Look at the scenery here!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"Of course I want to get out of the courtyard!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"To find treasure!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"I am a disciple of the sect!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?" Here?"

"To kill you!"

"Swish, swish, swish...""Boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"Then why are you here?"

"Swish, swish...""Boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"I am from the Undead Phoenix Clan!"

"Swish, swish...""Boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"Where is this place?"

"Swish, swish...""Boom..."

Time flies, and it is already night. There are no stars or moons in the sky, making the courtyard even darker.

But the layers of yellow light that burst out from time to time in the backyard, and the courtyard that is constantly shaking violently, make this courtyard like a small boat in the wind and rain.

It is on the vast sea, being attacked by violent storms again and again. Only the last bit of light on the boat indicates that it is still trying to survive!

Since the afternoon, the three of them have answered countless questions. Li Yan has also gone over again and again, answering all the answers they can think of.

Be it polite, indifferent, direct, vicious, rhetorical, or rhetorical questions...

But no matter which one, the result that follows is a storm of attacks...

The second day, the same...

The third day, the same...

The three of them stood at the corner of the west wall, watching the sun rise again in the east. Even though the three of them are powerful immortal cultivators, they are also having severe headaches at this moment.

They have been gone for more than an hour at this time.

Because since last night, the questions they answered in the past have long been irrelevant, and they have become exhausted.

"Why are you here?"

"Have you eaten?" "Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"Aren't you tired?" "Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

"Why are you here?"

"It's dark!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." "Boom, boom..."

This went on and on, but no matter how they answered, they were met with wave after wave of attacks.

"Isn't this the scene that the person who set the trap wants to see the most... This is what is called torture!"

There was no light in Mingqi's beautiful eyes. She felt exhausted physically and mentally, with hope and frustration again and again.

Not only do you have to constantly stir your brain and think hard, but you also have to consume your spiritual consciousness and magic power. For anyone, this will slowly make your heart fall...

Li Yan stood on the side of the stone path on the west side, still frowning. What Mingqi said was really right. It was only three days!

The owner of this trap is really insidious. He didn't completely block your hope, so you have infinite expectations every moment.

This makes anyone feel that they can get the answer right and get out in the next moment.

So it leads to the fact that answering questions later is like being addicted, constantly raising expectations in disappointment, and then entering a numb period.

Li Yan knew that the three of them seemed to be addicted to it. As long as they get through this numb period, they will answer questions endlessly again.

Under such circumstances, who can still practice with peace of mind? After all, as long as they answer normally, they can leave this damn place in the next moment.

It is always better than in this place without resources. You need to practice until you are strong before you have the hope of breaking through.

Li Yan's sea of ​​consciousness at this moment also sent bursts of tingling pain. This is because of the continuous consumption of the mind. This consumption is invisible and addictive.

"I think this may be a joke!"

Mingyu shook her dizzy head with some difficulty. She felt that the original owner of this place was too evil.

Even though she could guess that this place was related to the ancient immortal phoenix, she had already lost her respect for him.

"Force yourself to rest for a while. We may really need to find an exit from other places. Maybe the exit of the north courtyard is just an illusion!"

After Li Yan finished speaking, he turned around and left, not allowing himself to look at the round door again, as if there was an endless attraction there.

As long as he looked at it again, he would fall into it again...

Soon, Li Yan chose a room, set up the formation, and began to force himself to expel the question in his mind, trying to stop his mind from thinking about how to get out now?

Otherwise, it was really addictive. Almost as soon as his mind was empty, his consciousness would quickly turn to that question again.

Let yourself unconsciously think about how to answer that damn question again...

"Let's go and recover, and then look around for other exits!"

Sensing the words of the old man in gray that filled her mind, Ming Qi slowly woke up. The other person had a strong cultivation level, but she woke up early.

But even with Li Yan's reminder, Ming Qi still stood there for dozens of breaths before she remembered the meaning of Li Yan's words.

What the other party said makes sense. If this continues, their minds will not be able to hold on for too long, and they may collapse in a few days.

And just one day later, Li Yan had to come out, because even though his room was covered by the formation, the loud noise in the entire courtyard still woke him up from his practice.

Li Yan swept his consciousness and found helplessly that of the pair of sisters, one was carefully exploring other rooms, and the other still went to the backyard from time to time to answer the scarecrow's questions.

"Oh! It's another damn day!"

Although Li Yan complained, he could only sigh in his heart. The concentration of the two women was still much weaker, especially Mingyu.

It took him a long time yesterday to finally allow himself to enter cultivation.

They answered that question so many times that their minds were immersed in it for a long time, thinking about how to answer it all the time.

Even though he forcibly expelled the thoughts, it seemed that the echo of the scarecrow's voice still appeared in his mind...

After Li Yan left the room, he did not go to other rooms. He flew directly to the south courtyard wall as the entire courtyard continued to shake.

He decided not to go to the rear courtyard for the time being, but to look at other places, so that he might make new discoveries and at least give his sea of ​​consciousness a rest.

On the south wall, the bamboo branches that were originally everywhere growing up and down, covering the stone path, have now disappeared, revealing the stone path on the ground and part of the courtyard wall at the rear.

"They have already checked this place..."

Li Yan thought in his heart that his proposal made the two women have similar expectations, but they didn't get any clues.

But he still had to check it again in person, except here, all the rooms in the back, other places in the backyard except the courtyard walls and circular arches, as well as the east and west side courtyard walls, and places in the air.

Li Yan planned to check it carefully, maybe his idea was right.

"What exactly was overlooked?"

Li Yan looked at some of the thin cracks on the wall and the mottled traces of time on the wall, and Li Yan's consciousness slowly swept over it bit by bit.

At this time, the roar from behind the courtyard had disappeared again, and the entire courtyard was no longer turbulent and returned to peace.

Mingyu returned to the west courtyard wall again, and her consciousness also glanced towards Li Yan. She also sensed that Li Yan had walked out of the room, but she quickly lowered her head again and began to meditate hard.

Li Yan did not ask the other party, but continued to stay here, exploring the wall in front of him bit by bit, and at the same time, he used magic along the wall to completely destroy the row of green bamboos.

This allows him to observe carefully with his eyesight while slowly walking along the wall to one side...

Li Yan would occasionally stop and put his palms against the wall, slowly pouring in mana, or simply put his ears against the wall and listen carefully!

The feeling outside the south courtyard wall gave him, even on a sunny day, as if there was boundless darkness on the other side of the wall.

Those darkness seemed to be able to swallow everything, which reminded Li Yan of the endless black shadow rising behind each level in the wheel of life and death, which made people unable to resist...

Unlike the north side of the house, you can see the outside scenery through the round arch.

It's like as long as you can go out, you can really enter another world.

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