Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1762 The Light in the Eyes

The white beam of light appeared here, and it instantly made the dark abyss dazzling.

Fortunately, this place is remote, and many Huangqi Valley disciples have focused on the ancient inheritance hall, so for a while, no one has found this place.

Then, the white light quickly separated a black light from it.

The moment these two lights shone in the air above, the world suddenly had gold and wood spiritual energy, which quickly surged here.

"Please help me mobilize the power of the five elements. I can't activate this magic weapon for too long. With my ability, I can only gather two types of spiritual energy at most, but it must be the unity of the five elements.

You can directly inject the magic power into the bottom of the bowl, and I will attract the five elements to gather. It will take about thirty breaths. At that time, I can use this law power to strike the strongest blow!"

Yan Qingchen immediately spoke in a hurry. At the same time, his forehead was already full of blue veins, and it seemed that controlling this dark gold bowl magic weapon was quite strenuous.

The four had been observing the Dark Gold Bowl Magical Treasure for a long time. When it suddenly began to gather two types of spiritual energy, they had already sensed a strong vibration of the law.

This made the mana in their bodies begin to surge uncontrollably. Feeling the power of this magic weapon, they also believed Yan Qingchen's words more.

"What a powerful magic weapon, it is really possible to break the formation with one strike!"

Several people thought at the same time, but Yan Qingchen did not give them time to think. Under his effort, he urged them out loud.

So, the four immediately raised their hands and each shot a mana towards the Dark Gold Bowl in the void.

Except for Liu Siyu who almost used all his strength at the beginning, the other three were actually testing. The mana could be withdrawn at any time.

As soon as the mana of several people touched the Dark Gold Bowl, the bowl magic weapon suddenly made a buzzing sound, and the law of the sky above also fluctuated more strongly.

At this moment, the two light pillars seemed to be split into other light pillars again.

As the dark gold bowl continued to vibrate, the two light pillars, one white and one black, also became blurred due to the vibration, but they could not separate more light pillars.

"Fellow Daoists, please use all your strength as agreed, and do not hold back, otherwise how can you gather the power of the five elements of heaven and earth!"

Yan Qingchen had already shouted in a stern voice, and in his anxious voice, he did not care to call his senior brothers and junior sisters.

The two light pillars remained in a blurred state, and they were only a little short of separating the other three light pillars, but they could not do it.

Except for Liu Siyu, the other four people not only opened the surface defense light shield, but also scanned the dark gold bowl with their consciousness all the time.

Judging from the strength of the late stage of transformation, they only used about 60% of their mana at most.

When Yan Qingchen shouted, the blue veins on his forehead bulged even higher. Under the full control of the magic weapon, he had no time to take care of these.

Although the three heard Yan Qingchen's shouting, they quickly glanced at each other, and their eyes were still flickering.

If you lose the ability to protect yourself when working with others, it would be too dangerous, especially when exploring unknown places.

What kind of relationship between senior and junior brothers and sisters? They just belong to the same sect, and they have not reached the point where they can hand their lives to each other.

Otherwise, they would not think that if other fellow cultivators come, they will kill them to silence them.

"Senior brothers, are you really going to work in vain?"

At this moment, Liu Siyu, who was doing her best, raised her eyebrows and shouted loudly.

With her shout, the black and white light beams shot out from the bowl above actually felt clear again.

"If there are still people who retain their strength, then after three breaths, I will withdraw from helping, and then see who is not doing their best!"

The mana of the cultivator named Zheng suddenly began to flow rapidly, and his cold voice came out.

He originally thought that as long as he could gather the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, it would be fine, but now it seems that they have used 50% to 60% of their mana, but they still can't gather it.

Then he planned to use 90% of his strength, but he said it beautifully, asking everyone to use their full strength.

Anyway, between 90% and 100%, it is difficult to really distinguish unless it is someone who is particularly familiar with him.

However, since he is going to use so much mana, he naturally cannot let others go. As long as he finds that others do not do so in the next moment, he will also find that person to settle accounts.

When the monk surnamed Zheng broke the formation before, he was injured. Naturally, he wanted to break the formation and enter. He was just making the final observation just now.

Otherwise, seeing the fat meat is about to be eaten, he can only be anxious and can't eat it, and he was cut because of it. How can he be willing in his heart?

Just after the monk surnamed Zheng finished speaking, the other two people sensed the monk surnamed Zheng and really started to attack with all their strength. They no longer hesitated and the mana in their bodies also roared up.

In just an instant, the dark gold bowl in the void trembled violently under the infusion of mana, and the two light columns in the air, one white and one black, became blurred again.

And soon, a green column shadow appeared in the white light column.

When the few people saw it, they were also happy, and their magic power continued to surge out.

After a few more breaths, a red column shadow also emerged in the black light column, which showed that the four rules of heaven and earth were about to gather together.

But after more than ten breaths, the two black and white light columns above were still shaking.

Not to mention the fifth color light column appeared, even the blue and red colors were still hidden in the white and black light columns, and they had never separated.

"Junior Brother Yan, it's been twenty-five breaths, what's going on?"

The cultivator surnamed Zheng suddenly felt a palpitation and uneasiness.

He couldn't help but ask immediately. It stands to reason that after more than twenty breaths, even if the five elements can't come out, there will be three or four lines of the laws of heaven and earth gathering.

But several people have already used their magic power in this way, why are there still two lines of the laws of heaven and earth gathering, the gold and wood, and the other three lines are still not appearing.


Yan Qingchen's voice came over immediately. This time he answered quickly, but at this moment, there was suddenly no sense of anxiety in his voice.

However, the other four people were frantically operating their magic power at this moment, but they didn't immediately notice that Yan Qingchen's tone had become a little strange.

Just as Yan Qingchen finished speaking, the dark gold bowl in the sky suddenly turned over.

The "big mouth" that was originally facing the sky was instantly facing downwards at an angle, and the two light beams, one white and one black, shot out of the mouth, also covered the four people in the same turn.

The white light completely covered Liu Siyu and the cultivator surnamed Qian, while the black light completely covered the other two.

"What...what are you going to do?"

"Why? Junior Brother Yan..."

"My blood, ah!"

At the same time when the two light beams covered the four people below, a series of shocked and angry voices came out.

And the moment the two light beams turned and suddenly shone down, their coverage area suddenly expanded and dispersed.

Although the four people were always alert, at a certain time, they also keenly sensed that something was wrong with the dark light bowl. They were shocked and instinctively wanted to withdraw.

But at the moment when the bowl turned over, the magic power they hit at the bottom of it seemed to be firmly sucked and pulled.

This made them want to cut off their magic power in time, but they immediately froze for a moment, and there was no way they could dodge. They were immediately illuminated by two beams of light.

Just as the two beams of light, one white and one black, shone on the four people, the protective light shields on the four people were as if nothing, and the light easily penetrated into them and hit everyone.

The moment the beams of light hit them, the four people were immediately shocked to find that the blood in their bodies could no longer be controlled no matter how crazy they tried to restrain it.

The blood of each person's body turned into a strand of red line, and directly broke out of the body along the beam of light, and flew to the dark gold bowl above in a blink of an eye.

In a state of shock and fear, they couldn't help but shout and scold. At this time, even a pig would know what happened.

Except for Liu Siyu, they all made a thousand calculations, but because of Yan Qingchen's unhurried attitude and the layers of temptations he gave, they finally fell into a trap.

Hearing the screams of several people, Yan Qingchen's handsome face showed a gentle smile at this time, and the blue veins on his forehead that had just bulged disappeared instantly.

As long as the opponent's magic power came into contact with the dark gold bowl and was illuminated by the light column, with the strength of these people, there was no way they could escape.

Yan Qingchen continued to control the magic weapon in the air, but his voice became extremely gentle again.

"Fellow Daoists, Yan thanks you for your help, but I still lack some strength, so I can only wrong you!"

Yan Qingchen's words were like a breeze blowing slowly, and people could not feel the slightest murderous intent, as if he was still working together with the four people.

But just as he spoke, the four people in the light column had turned pale as paper.

The blue veins on their foreheads, like Yan Qingchen before, bulged high, and even felt like they were about to break through the skin.

Not only did their blood essence disappear, but even the mana in their dantian also burst like a flood, pouring into the dark gold bowl above.

No matter how they tried to control their mana and cast spells to get themselves out of danger, they couldn't do it.

Even their consciousness lost its former effectiveness under the light column and couldn't communicate with their storage space at all.

"Yan... Yan... Yan Junior Brother, don't joke, we... after we lose our power, how can we help you later!"

The cultivator who was assessed with Yan Qingchen to become a core elite disciple, his eyes began to bulge outwards, and his voice was anxious, but he seemed a little powerless to continue.

He tried to squeeze out some smiles on his face and begged for mercy with difficulty, but the smile on his face at this time was already extremely ferocious.

Yan Qingchen didn't respond to his words at all, and the spells in his hands were urging faster and faster. He also wanted to end the strange phenomenon here as soon as possible to avoid more trouble!

"You dare... dare to kill people in the sect. If we... have an accident, many people will see us coming out together... coming out together. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Junior Brother Yan... Junior Brother Yan, I don't want those things anymore. I will give you all the treasures on my body... The treasures are also given to you. How... what?

Look at us... We are in this state now. Even if you let us go... we... we don't have the ability to harm you, right?

You...if you are not assured, you can...plant a ban on me, and then you...what else will you be worried about!"

The cultivators surnamed Zheng and Qian also spoke. Although the cultivator surnamed Zheng had some threats, he was also asking the other party to release them in disguise.

"Hehehe...I invited you all here, but I spent a lot of money on you. I got so many benefits on weekdays.

After you got the advantage, in the words of mortals, you can't just take money and do nothing at the critical moment!

And what does your death have to do with me?

The ancient inheritance hall allows disciples to die, and you four came out together. It seems that no one noticed me at that time. How come it was counted on me! "

Yan Qingchen still spoke softly.

In the light column, the four people's originally black hair has begun to turn gray, and some people even have an aging look on their faces.

" plotted against your fellow disciples, you will not die well!"

"Yan Qingchen, are a beast in human skin! I... even if I am in the cycle of reincarnation, I will kill you..."

"You will definitely be punished... punished and enter the Asura Hell..."

Hearing Yan Qingchen's light words, the spells in their hands became faster, and the blood and magic power in their bodies disappeared at a faster rate.

Several people knew that no matter how they begged, the other party would not let them go. Their faces were ferocious and they began to curse loudly.

But their curses soon became extremely weak and then disappeared completely.

Everyone felt the unbearable pain brought by the draining of their bodies, but they didn't even have a trace of strength.

Yan Qingchen, whose face had been calm, suddenly raised his sword eyebrows, and then looked at the light column. One person, that is Liu Siyu.

She should have practiced some kind of beauty preservation technique. At this moment, her face was pale and she had been biting her lips tightly.

Although her black hair had turned white, her face had only aged to the appearance of more than 30 years old, which made her look even more sad and beautiful.

After Liu Siyu found herself falling into a trap, she did not say a word from beginning to end, just biting her lips tightly.

But her beautiful eyes were always staring at Yan Qingchen's face, as if she wanted to remember this person's appearance firmly in her heart.

Even though her mind had become extremely blurred due to the rapid disappearance of her essence and blood, and her whole body began to become extremely weak.

But she stared at the other person stubbornly, Yan Qingchen before But he deliberately didn't look at the other person. He was always hesitant in his heart and couldn't make a complete decision.

Although he had a plan long ago, and this woman was also a trap, but the other party was always helping him sincerely.

So, he didn't look at the other party. He was waiting for the other party to find out that she had finally fallen into the trap, and then she would curse hysterically and be full of endless resentment towards him.

And at this time, he would completely lose the last humanity in his heart.

But in his ears full of pleading and cursing, the woman never said a word, and even refused to say a word to beg for mercy.

Until he felt that it was almost the last moment, Yan Qingchen couldn't help but glance at the other party from the side.

Liu Siyu's beautiful eyes It was already dim, but she was still staring at one direction. The moment Yan Qingchen looked at her, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The spell in his hand suddenly changed, and in the white light, Liu Siyu's figure suddenly flew out and arrived in front of Yan Qingchen in an instant.

Yan Qingchen quickly raised one hand, and the soul storage space ring on his hand flashed, and Liu Siyu's figure turned into a green light and shot in.

And the moment Liu Siyu escaped from the white light column of the bowl, her mind suddenly became much clearer.

When she saw that she was the only one flying out, and there was abundant spiritual energy in front of her, she looked at Yan Qingchen, and suddenly there was a trace of relief and smile.

Then, the whole person was no longer able to support, and completely fainted...

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