Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 176 Meeting (4)

Qiu Jiuzhen hurriedly looked back, only to see a figure quickly passing her and standing in front of her. It was the exquisite Hangzhi Immortal.

The Taixuan Sect had no intention of coming. They were all quietly waiting for the people from the spherical mountain peak to be teleported out. Although Qiu Jiuzhen came out, she was not seen coming out together with the other two sects, so the number of people she brought out was not expected. They could accept it. After all, they had expected the possibility of not being able to reunite. Even when they saw someone in the Shibuyuan was unconscious, and only a bare-bones captain came out, they even gloated a little. Although they had formed an alliance in private, as long as it was not themselves Of course, the more losses a sect member has, the better.

It was just that Qiu Jiuzhen's sudden move towards the monks of Shibuyuan made everyone in Taixuanjiao stunned. What happened next made Taixuanjiao choose in anger. Xiachi from Shibuyuan immediately flew over and turned to A junior took action, and although he just shouted back, how could the Taixuan Sect just sit back and do nothing. Hang Zhi was inherently fierce, not to mention that Qiu Jiu was truly her disciple and the one she valued most. She didn't wait for Hang Zhi to say anything, but she already took one step from the top of the mountain and crossed over.

"Immortal Hangzhi, you see my nephew is like this, can I still delay?" The spiritual power in the hands of Xia Chi Sword King continued to pour into Wang Lang's body, his face was gloomy.

"Ha, this is the reason why you attack a junior directly. Besides, with your eyesight, can't you see that Wang Lang was mainly caused by swallowing the 'Borrowing Pill'." Hangzhi stood up with a pretty face. It was covered with a layer of frost.

"Then how are you doing?" Xia Chi frowned and suppressed the anger in his heart. Of course he knew the extent of Wang Lang's injuries. He had basically understood it after personally exploring his body just now. However, Wang Lang's injuries were not as "borrowed" as they seemed on the surface. It was as simple as sucking away the vitality after "Borrowing the Base Pill", but he was using the "Borrowing Base Pill" to suppress a different kind of poison, which he had never seen before.

"Jiuzhen, what are you going to do?" Hangzhi did not directly answer Chi Jianwang's words, but turned to look at Qiu Jiuzhen behind him and asked sternly.

The atmosphere here was very strange for a while. No one from the two sides came over. Doing so would only make the situation worse, and it would be serious if it eventually turned into a confrontation between the two sects. The demon cultivators on the side were watching the excitement with great interest, with smiles on their faces. Although their team of demon cultivators had not yet appeared, for the demons who are warlike in nature, death does not count. What.

At this moment, everyone from the Pure Land Sect and the Demon Sect were standing on the top of the mountain, looking at this side, and stopped talking. Even a few people stopped trying to come over after seeing Li Yan and Gong Chenying appear. They reached the top of the mountain and stopped to watch this sudden scene. At this moment, they all ignored that since the three bubbles appeared, no more bubbles came out.

Qiu Jiuzhen's eyes turned red when she heard her master speak. She hurriedly said, "Master, the scars on Wang Lang's chest and abdomen seem to be caused by Jiu Xing's 'Red Gold Wheel', and I have never found Jiu Xing during my clearance." "

"Oh, Jiuxing is missing?"


"What, you made Wang Lang so seriously injured?"

Just as Qiu Jiuzhen finished speaking, two voices started drinking, one from Hangzhi and the other from Xiachi. It's just that their focus is different.

Of course, both parties understood the meaning of Qiu Jiuzhen's words. Quan Jiuxing had a magic weapon called "Red Golden Wheel". It was a low-level magic weapon. It was the raw material that Quan Jiuxing had prepared for more than ten years at great cost. He just found the sect. It is made by the master of Menyi Jindan. Its shape is only the size of a baby's fist, round, and its outer edge is densely serrated. It is extremely sharp. It is usually warmed by the Dantian and Zifu, and it is the life-saving weapon of the Nine Stars. As a last resort, when he entered the Sheng Lie Lun Sect, he was originally given a heavy treasure for protection. However, he felt that with his own strength and the power of the "Red Golden Wheel", there was no danger at all, so he gave the heavy treasure given by the sect to Qiu Jiuzhen. Only rely on your own strength to get through.

When Li Yan talked about Wang Lang's injury, Qiu Jiuzhen noticed the specific situation between Wang Lang's chest and abdomen, but her heart was confused at this glance. The shape of the injury's opening was very much like that caused by the "Red Gold Wheel" , was cut from the bottom up. The "Red Gold Wheel" attack route is tricky, and this angle is completely suitable. Qiu Jiuzhen can almost confirm that it is the "Red Gold Wheel" by seeing the edge of the opening of Wang Lang's robe cut open at the wound. As you can see, the edge of the robe is not smooth after it is broken, as if it was rotated and cut by something, and the cut edges were brought out by strands of robe silk spreading out in all directions, and the opening is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top, which is exactly what " The red gold wheel" focuses on the intensity of rotation.

If Wang Lang's injury was really caused by the "Red Golden Wheel" and there was no one in the whole nine stars, what does this mean? Taixuan Jiao certainly knows. This means that the Shibuyuan did not proceed as originally agreed, but after the two parties met, the killer was killed. , and finally Wang Lang survived.

The Shibuyuan side was depressed because only Wang Lang came out. Although they didn't know how many disciples of the sect would come out later, they accidentally knew the culprit that caused Wang Lang to end up like this, and their eyes on the Taixuan Sect suddenly changed.

Behind the two people, the Taixuan Sect and the people on the mountain peak of Shibuyuan were breathing heavily. A kind of hostile gaze began to slowly grow, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Under the gaze of so many golden elixirs, Qiu Jiuzhen couldn't help but feel a sudden increase in pressure and was dripping with sweat. She gritted her teeth and said reluctantly, "The fatal injury on Senior Brother Wang Lang's body should not be caused by this wound. When I first met Senior Brother Wang Lang before, he was already injured, but he still led the three of them to chase others. , Senior Brother Wang Lang can ask about this as soon as he wakes up."

Then just as Qiu Jiuzhen finished speaking, a sarcastic voice suddenly sounded in the world, "Oh, isn't it the right thing to kill the other party in the wheel of life and death? Are you looking for someone behind the scenes after you come out, or are you? Talk about you

What's the secret between them that the two sides can't take action? "Everyone looked for the voice, but Elder Peng of the Demon Sect looked like an old god, and then his eyes flickered over the peaks one by one.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the monks from Taixuan Sect and Shibu Academy were suddenly startled, and then they thought about where this place was.

"In the wheel of death and life, each one follows their destiny. What's the point of the two sects doing this?" A cold voice came from the demon cultivator. It was Yin Congfeng, the gale-wind eagle who had transformed into a human form. He was dressed in a black robe that swayed with the wind. His expression was sinister, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with the human monks' interference in the normal competition.

"No one from our demon cultivator side has come out yet." Yan Motian, the purple-robed man, said disdainfully.

Lin Mingyu just laughed a few times, tapped the folding fan on the back of his neck, glanced around, and finally focused on Hangzhi in the field, with unclear intentions.

"Almsgiver, don't be angry, Amitabha!" Buddha Yisong of the Pure Land Sect sat cross-legged on an independent rock on the top of the mountain. His eyes were slightly closed, but he didn't know who he was talking to. He was admonishing the Taixuan Sect and Shibuyuan. , or for the demon cultivator. Just when he chanted the Buddha's name, a gentle force rippled through the space. The Pure Land monks behind him clasped their palms together, and the tense atmosphere here actually eased a lot.

It was quiet for a while, and then a voice slowly said, "Why did Elder Peng say this? Anyone who knows who his disciples have been hurt will inevitably lose his calm, and will inevitably lose his temper and lose control. Xia Chi "Please show Wang Lang's wounds to Immortal Hang Zhi and then bring him back. Wang Lang's injuries are probably caused by 'Borrowing the Kidney Pill' and he lost his vitality."

Xiahua Sword King took a breath and said slowly, but there were also doubts in his heart. He didn't know whether Wang Lang had dealt with Quan Jiuxing, but seeing this situation, it was possible. The reason was really strange. He understood Wang Lang, and how could Wang Lang do such a short-sighted thing with his character. Seeing that the Demon Sect and the Demon Cultivator already had doubts and dissatisfaction, they could not let the matter continue to be entangled in any case. However, his eyes seemed to glance at Li Yan who was standing in the field intentionally or unintentionally. This glance made Li Yan The hair on the sweat stood on end.

He, the instigator, was standing aside watching the excitement. Of course he knew that Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing had completed the rendezvous and had created a second level together. It was his black hand from behind that destroyed the balance in the passage. Although he did not know the extent of Wang Lang's injury before. Who was injured? But before he destroyed the balance in the passage, these two people were not injured. After the balance of the five elements was broken, the two of them had to be forced by the rules to take action. Then only one of the remaining ones would come out. , he figured it out after thinking about it for a while.

As long as he had no injuries on his back, he could use it as a guide. Anyway, he had lost a lot of flesh. Before entering the wheel of life and death, Li Wuyi introduced the main attack methods of several important people. He remembered that It looks like all nine stars


There was a magic weapon that was made of wheels or teeth, so he deliberately asked Gong Chenying to lead the conversation. Gong Chenying was smart, but he didn't expect that Li Yan was so scheming that after leaving the trial, he was still thinking about how to provoke the other party. Zong.

He looked confused on the front, as if he was a little confused by this sudden turn of events. In fact, he was already happy in his heart. His purpose was to plant a deep pain in Qiu Jiuzhen's heart. With Qiu Jiuzhen in Taixuanzong, His status will definitely affect many people, and there may be some small waves, but that's not necessarily true.

Just as he was happily watching the excitement, he suddenly felt a horrifying crisis coming over him, as if he could easily kill him in the next moment, and he was suddenly covered in sweat. But this kind of crisis came and went quickly. , so that he had no way of knowing where the danger came from, but it already frightened him.

"Could someone have found out?" Li Yan looked around quickly. His move made Gong Chenying next to him look at him in confusion. Li Yan just grinned reluctantly, but Gong Chenying still didn't know why.

Sword King Xiahua just glanced at Li Yan, and then fell on Sword King Xiachi. He had some guesses about Li Yan, but when he saw Li Yan felt a trace of his sword intention, he showed no concealment. After being surprised and confused, he couldn't be sure again. Looking at the expression of the boy in the Qi Condensation stage, there was no look of gloating at all. He only reacted subconsciously after being pressured by the sword's will: "It's hard for me to be too worried. This boy just said it casually." ?”

After hearing this, King Chi Sword saw that the surrounding peaks were staring at him with various meanings. He felt depressed but could not break out. At that moment, he had to turn one hand over and wrap his spiritual power around Wang Lang, making him look up, and then looked at him with gloomy eyes. Xiang Hangzhi.

Hangzhi was so skilled that she could see the wound clearly with just one glance. Her expression changed several times. At the same time, a soft cry came from beside her. It was Qiu Jiuzhen. At this time, Qiu Jiuzhen Her pretty face was white and bloodless, and her beautiful eyes were staring at the wound on Wang Lang's chest and abdomen. Although the wound had been treated, she could still confirm its shape.

"Okay, I've already seen it. I'm sorry for not accompanying you." After seeing the other party, King Chi Jian held Wang Lang in his hand again, nodded to the two of them, and turned around expressionlessly. The body has turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Until Chi Sword King disappeared, Qiu Jiuzhen was still staring at the place where he disappeared, biting his red lips that had lost their color with silver teeth, not saying a word, and even if there was blood seeping out, he didn't seem to notice it.

"Zhen'er, let's go back. Wang Lang is unconscious and cannot be questioned. The trial is not over yet. We still need to see the results later." Hangzhi sighed softly, rolled her sleeves towards Qiu Jiuzhen, and then she turned around and scanned the The eight Qi Condensation stage disciples glanced at each other, and those disciples quickly bowed and bowed. Her other sleeve also rolled up the eight people, and she walked away in the air. But when leaving, Qiu Jiuzhen was looking in the direction of Shibuyuan, his eyes filled with deep sorrow and indignation.

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