Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1759 What is the purpose?

When Li Yan quietly descended and reached the position where his spiritual sense had sensed just now, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Because from this position, even if the spiritual sense continued to extend for another hundred miles, there was still a void, or an endless abyss.

"They suddenly changed direction before reaching the bottom of the abyss. Did they find me?"

Li Yan was suspended in the darkness, his expression became a little suspicious. Yan Qingchen's concealment technique alone made Li Yan a little frightened.

Now the scene around here is almost exactly the same. Even with Li Yan's careful observation, he didn't find anything special.

If it were me, without finding someone following me from above, what would I rely on to judge and then choose a direction here again?

The other party suddenly turned a direction in the abyss before reaching the bottom, and flew horizontally to a place.

Li Yan didn't follow him for a while, but stayed in place and began to carefully look at the surrounding environment...

Yan Qingchen was flying side by side with Liu Siyu at this time. After he slowed down a little, the people behind him had caught up.

"Brother, are we almost there?"

Liu Siyu asked softly.

She was actually wondering in her heart. In the darkness around her, there was only the nearby cliff and the cold air coming out from below.

As they fell, everyone was exploring the surroundings one by one even for their own safety, but they didn't find any obvious signs.

Why did Senior Brother Yan suddenly turn in another direction when he fell.

"Well, it should be not far away!"

Yan Qingchen's speed had slowed down at this time, as if he was constantly confirming his position, and in one of his hands, he was holding something the size of a copper coin.

In the square hole in the middle of this object, there are black and red air currents, rotating silently, and as he keeps moving forward, the black air current in it becomes more and more deep...

After the three people behind caught up, they sensed Yan Qingchen's spiritual sense and did not disturb him. They were also alert to the surrounding situation.

Although there was no news of new dangerous places outside the ancient heritage hall, they had never been to this place.

Each of them was able to survive until now, of course they were all cunning people. In any unfamiliar place, they would be very alert and would not listen to the rumors outside.

Similarly, they did not completely believe Yan Qingchen. At most, they believed 30% to 40% of the reasons given by the other party.

The reason why they could still come. First, the conditions they had agreed with the other party did make everyone feel satisfied. The second is of course that wealth and honor are sought in danger, and what cultivators want is opportunity.

Yan Qingchen's behavior, several people speculated that he could not handle this matter alone, but there must be something here, what treasure Yan Qingchen coveted?

After they had guessed, of course they wanted to get a piece of the pie.

Especially when they were allowed to enter the Heritage Ancient Hall, it was not a place designated by Yan Qingchen that they didn't know at all.

The Heritage Ancient Hall was in Huangqi Valley, and Yan Qingchen had no ability to do anything in it.

And when they came to the Heritage Ancient Hall, no one brought all their wealth with them, and killing and robbing might not bring much here.

More importantly, from the perspective of Yan Qingchen, the three of them were much richer than themselves, so what could they have that the other party coveted?

In Huangqi Valley, the most coveted thing was to carry the Heaven and Earth Strange Fire, or some ancient pill recipe, but they didn't have any of these.

The five people moved forward quickly in the dark, and Yan Qingchen turned a few directions during the period, but all without any warning, leaving the four people confused.

About half a cup of tea later, the five of them finally stopped in front of a steep cliff.

It was still pitch black here. If a mortal were here, he would be blind and would not do anything except be filled with fear.

The three people behind were also suspended in the air. When they got here, they could already feel that the bottom of the abyss below was about 400 miles away from their current height.

At this time, the place where they were was surrounded by an empty and boundless darkness on three sides, with only the cliff in front of them a few feet away.

Most of the cliffs here were exposed black rocks, and occasionally there were some low vegetation on them, which looked very sparse.

And all the vegetation that appeared here was also very small. Just in front of the few people, there was a small tree that stretched out obliquely from the cliff.

In fact, it was not accurate to call it a small tree. It was more like a thin branch, but it had three or four branches on it, and a few sharp leaves hanging on it.

The roots of the whole small tree were exposed outside the rock. Those roots were hanging listlessly on the stone wall, as if they could be taken away by a gust of wind.

Yan Qingchen was staring at the tree, and his expression made the others involuntarily focus their consciousness on the tree.


This was a long river only a mile wide, winding from above, and then slowly winding towards the downstream.

The sky here was dark yellow, which made the river water below appear dim.

On both sides of the river, there are pebbles of different sizes, but the colors of these stones are shining in a crystal clear and colorful light.

Suddenly, it seems that two bright banks have formed on both sides of the river, which reflects this long river that was originally like the Yellow Spring into a strange and magnificent color, even with a little dream color.

The river water is constantly flowing downwards with a gentle sound...

In addition to this long river and the pebbles with different lights on the shore, looking further away from both sides of the river, there is another endless darkness.

It is as if there is a bright galaxy hanging here in the dark night, showing the only crystal color.

"Sister, we have walked from the source for six days, and it has always been like this. It has never changed.

Although this strange long river alone is extraordinary, we have not found more clues.

I don't know how far it is from the end of the downstream. These lights suppress the consciousness within ten thousand miles, but we can't see further!"

Amid the sound of the river, two figures were walking along the river from the upstream direction at a speed that was not slow but not too fast.

A very clear voice, accompanied by the sound of rushing water, sounded in this space, breaking the unchanging water flow tone here all year round.

Those were two graceful figures. Under the reflection of the colorful pebbles under their feet, they looked more graceful and had a strange brilliance.

They were two women wearing the same yellow dresses. From their faces, the two women were exactly the same in appearance, hairstyle, clothing, and even height.

The two were the Ming sisters that Li Yan knew. They were flying in the air, coming slowly from upstream, with their feet suspended about a foot above the ground, not stepping firmly on the ground.

The two kept moving forward on one side of the shore, their spiritual senses were constantly scanning the surroundings carefully, which made their flying speed not fast.

"According to the words that were told to us, as of now, the place we found should be correct.

It's just that they don't know the situation in the space completely, and they only speculated that there should be a long river of light based on the information.

In addition, the other things speculated in the known information are a bit too trivial, and they can no longer be verified with what we have seen here.

We still have more than two months, sister, don't worry too much, at this speed, we should be able to explore this long river!"

Mingqi said calmly, in fact, she was constantly thinking back and confirming in her heart, in order to get more accurate speculations.

It's just that her personality is more stable, and she is not like Mingyu, who has begun to be a little anxious.

"Sister, it's been too long. What can be left here?"

"It's because we don't know what will be left that we will try our best to come and see. If we can get what's here and take it back, maybe we can change the status quo.

In order to find out about this place, we have analyzed too much information. It's not easy to get this relatively clear clue. This time we must do our best to explore!"

Mingqi also said lightly, but she has been thinking in her heart. If the remaining two months are not enough, should they take the risk of staying here?

But it is said that once the ancient temple of inheritance is closed, the danger inside will increase several times, and many inexplicable ghosts will appear in the area outside the ancient temple of inheritance.

It seems that the souls of the monks of the original ancient temple sect can only be in a certain period of time in the ancient temple of inheritance, when it is connected with the outside world.

Those ghosts will be suppressed back to the ground by the laws of heaven and earth that penetrate from the outside world. Once the passage to the outside world is closed, even the ancient temple of inheritance is no longer a safe place.

Those yellow lights will become extremely violent, and even cultivators in the fusion realm may not be able to withstand it. This is exactly what the white-clothed woman said.

But the place they found was a secret message that was finally deciphered from a broken jade slip.

And they relied on the information they analyzed to find this strange river and successfully entered here.

They have been here for several days without encountering any danger, and they can be sure that this is a secret realm in a secret realm.

Does that mean that even after the ancient palace of inheritance is closed, this place may be a place to avoid danger.

So Mingqi kept thinking, if the exploration is not completed, should she stay here and continue to explore despite the danger of falling.

Otherwise, do we have to wait until the next time the ancient palace of inheritance is opened? Hundreds of years is still too long. Mingqi did not consider her sister leaving because she would never agree.

As for if the two of them stayed, if they were still alive when it was opened next time, it would be very simple to go out and find a reason to explain.

He said he was trapped in a place that no one had ever discovered before. Later, after the Heritage Ancient Palace was reopened, he was inexplicably teleported out.

He had the final say on all the explanations. Anyway, Huang Qigu could guess that there must be some secret places in the Heritage Ancient Palace.

But by then, they were not worried that this place would be exposed. If they could still survive after hundreds of years, they would have taken what they should take here.

Instead, what they needed to worry about most was how to take the things away? Anyone would know what treasures they might have taken.

"Thinking about these things at this time is already too much. Let's do the things in front of us first!"

Mingqi retracted her thoughts again. She had thought too much. Maybe the two of them would fall here. Thinking about the things behind was meaningless.

Although they did not encounter any danger in the place they entered, it was always strange here. Both sides of the river seemed to be endless darkness.

But in fact, apart from this magnificent river, if you walk into the darkness on both sides, you can only walk one mile at most.

At the edge of these brilliant lights, when they were about to touch the completely submerged darkness, it was like being blocked by an invisible barrier and could not move forward at all.

They did not try to break through by force. It was better to explore this place first, so as not to lead to unpredictable dangers if they broke in by force.

The two women whispered as they slowly walked downstream along the magnificent riverbank, once again probing the surroundings and the river to see if there were any new discoveries. The sound gradually faded away...

In front of the dark cliff, Yan Qingchen had already cast nearly a hundred spells. These spells were very complicated, and it took at least five breaths of time for each spell to condense.

After the spells appeared, they fell on the small tree that stretched out obliquely, but the small tree had never shown any abnormality from beginning to end.

This made the people behind him, although they did not ask aloud, gradually feel that Yan Qingchen might have found the wrong place.

"This small tree has no spiritual fluctuations. There are still many small trees like this during our descent..."

A middle-aged cultivator secretly transmitted a message to the other three people. They had walked all the way in the abyss and really saw many such thin small trees.

So he was already wondering if Yan Qingchen had found the wrong place.

"What Senior Brother Qian said does make sense, but Junior Brother Yan paused for a while while leading the way.

But the last section of the journey almost went straight here. I think he should have some means to sense it. Why not wait and see!"

This is the late-stage Huashen cultivator who entered the inner selection with Yan Qingchen. Compared with the other two, he and Liu Siyu have spent more time with Yan Qingchen.

They are also more aware of Yan Qingchen's methods, especially the other party's quick mind and a strict plan for everything they do.

Yan Qingchen would not have sacrificed so many spells and continued to pinch the spells with a calm face when there was no response from the front.

Yan Qingchen is not blind, how could he not react to this? It can only mean that the other party has a plan in mind. Either the time has not come, or his spells need to be stimulated at the end to be useful.

But Yan Qingchen's actions, in the eyes of the other two late-stage Huashen cultivators, seem like the other party is not giving up, or is constantly trying when he is uncertain.

Since arriving here, Liu Siyu has not spoken again. She just quietly floated aside, although she listened to the voice transmission of the other three people.

But her pair of infatuated eyes never left the figure that made her heart obsessed.

On Yan Qingchen's handsome face, his lips were also tightly closed at this moment, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the small tree in front.

If someone has been paying attention to memory, they will find that every time he pinches the magic formula, he will control each magic seal to fall on the small tree or different positions around it.

And none of these positions overlap. If these magic seals are connected with spiritual consciousness, it will form a larger magic seal.

At this moment, there are thirteen blank places in this magic seal. Liu Siyu noticed these, so her beautiful eyes were also flickering slightly.

The other three people focused on the small tree and waited for Yan Qingchen to speak and let them take action. Watching others pinch the magic formula, it is useless to remember it.

Because you don’t know the formula and spell, it just adds to your own waste of energy.

Yan Qingchen didn't care what the other four people were thinking. He waved his hands like the wind, and light kept flickering on his slender fingertips, like distant stars in the dark night, constantly filling up those blank spaces one by one...

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