Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1753: There is not much road to the ancient palace

Yesterday, when Yan Qingchen was preparing the deposit for everyone, Liu Siyu's behavior at that time, they were not blind.

In addition, Liu Siyu's attitude of listening to Yan Qingchen's words on weekdays, who can't see what this woman is thinking?

But what does this have to do with them? There is no such thing as too much favor in the world of cultivating immortals. Since it was stated from the beginning that it was a transaction, it was naturally a matter of mutual consent.

Could it be that if Yan Qingchen just showed what he wanted without paying the deposit, would he and others fight for him?

At the end of the matter, if Yan Qingchen didn't give it, wouldn't it cost him a lot of trouble? Of course, he had to let people get some benefits first...

After listening to Liu Siyu's words, Yan Qingchen looked much better. This woman didn't accept the advance payment yesterday, but said that it wouldn't be too late to take it after the matter was over.

As for Liu Siyu, Yan Qingchen just pretended to be polite for a few words, and then he didn't give her anything. Anyway, it wasn't that he didn't give it, but that the other party didn't want it.

It took a lot of effort to find out the news here. I must complete the purpose of this trip...

And just when everyone here was in different shapes and minds, someone suddenly shouted.

"Here it comes!"

As the voice fell, everyone looked at the lake. On the lake where only the breeze blew, a boat suddenly came out from the island in the center of the lake.

The boat was quite large, but it gave people a very delicate feeling. Among the carved railings and painted boats, it looked more like a cruise ship.

But this boat was not as slow as a cruise ship. After it appeared from the island, it reached the shore in a few breaths of more than 100 miles.

At this moment, on the bow of the boat, there was a young woman standing. She looked like she was in her early twenties and was dressed in a white sect costume.

As soon as the boat docked, there was no expression on her extremely beautiful face. She just turned her face slightly, as if she was glancing at the monks on the shore.

In her voice, she spoke with a coldness that kept people away from her.

"Come on up!"

Her appearance matched her voice very well, like a fairy from the snowy region coming down from the snowy peaks.

As her voice fell, more than a hundred people standing on the shore no longer hesitated, and they all flew into the air and shot towards the boat in the lake.

Li Yan waited for a while, and saw that the rays of light had fallen on the boat, and then he also flashed and reached the sky above the boat.

Then he took a quick look and found that there was an open space behind the boat, so he fell directly there.

Although the entire boat looked like a cruise ship from the outside, it was actually just a circle of exquisitely carved fences around the side of the ship, and it only looked like one.

However, there were no rooms inside the hull. From the bow to the stern, it was a flat deck, and there was not even a long bench.

Except for the woman in white on the bow, the entire boat was completely empty before everyone came up.

Now, except for the woman in white, no one dared to land there. The area five feet away from the bow was full of monks.

That was where the most monks gathered. The farther back the boat was, the fewer monks there were.

The moment Li Yan landed, he felt a circle of ripples on the deck under his feet.

Then when he registered, the token that was hung on his waist as required by the order suddenly floated up slightly in an instant.

But just when Li Yan looked down, the identity token on his waist had quickly dropped again.

"This is to check the identity!"

Li Yan immediately understood the reason. No wonder after he paid the sect contribution points that day, the deacon asked him to take out the token when he came today.

Otherwise, if other situations occur, he will bear the corresponding consequences.

It turns out that this boat has a distinguishing formation. If the cultivators who come up do not have a token or do not meet the conditions, they may be attacked by the formation in an instant.

Or they may be driven away directly by the white-clothed female cultivator in front!

Li Yan could not sense the cultivation level of the female cultivator, but it must have exceeded the Refining Void Realm.

The reason why such people come here is that some old disciples here have already reached the Refining Void Realm.

When they reach the Xuan-level Grandmaster of the Alchemy Dao, they will leave the status of elite disciples and become the sect's B-level or above deacons, or ordinary elders.

After the core elite disciples reach the Refining Void Realm, but have not reached the Huang-level Grandmaster of the Alchemy Dao in a hundred years, they will also forcibly leave the status of core elite disciples and become an ordinary deacon of C-level or below.

Therefore, among the core elite disciples, many people will continue to suppress their cultivation because of insufficient alchemy Dao level even if their cultivation can break through to the Refining Void Realm.

Letting this white-clothed woman come here must be to suppress those Refining Void Realm disciples...

Soon, all the people on the shore flew into the boat. The woman in white in front still didn't look back. With her spiritual sense, she found that everyone was already there.

There have been disciples who took the opportunity to sneak into the ancient inheritance hall before, but that was a long time ago.

After being severely punished several times, no one dared to have a fluke mentality and come to try to sneak in.

The fate of the disciples in the past was that in addition to being punished to death, the sect would also publish his name without hesitation.

Although it was just a warning and his status as a core elite disciple was not immediately cancelled, his name would be spread far and wide throughout the sect at the first time.

And the sect's more vicious practice is that when publishing the person's name, it will also be accompanied by a clear portrait of that person.

From then on, no matter where you go in the sect, with the perverted memory of the cultivators, they don't even need to know your name to recognize who you are at a glance, and what have you done?

These insidious ideas all came from the Law Enforcement Hall, which made people hate and fear the Law Enforcement Hall.

The woman in white did not speak again. She just tapped the deck with her jade feet, and the formation of the boat was activated. The bow of the boat quickly rotated and drove towards the center of the lake.

After entering the boat, no one in the boat made any sound, only the sound of water under the boat...

The island in the center of the lake was more than a hundred miles away, and even with the abnormal vision of the monks, it seemed to be far away from the shore.

But after just a few breaths, the speed of the boat continued to increase with the hissing sound of the water under the boat, but the monks on it did not feel any bumps, and they arrived in front of the island surrounded by dense trees.

However, when the boat arrived here, it still did not slow down at all, and rushed directly towards the dense giant trees.

Of course, the monks on the boat would not be panicked or surprised by this scene. For the monks, this kind of thing was nothing to be surprised about.

Sure enough, immediately after the bow hit the island in front, the dense forests that blocked the way immediately separated to both sides.

Then the boat shot straight into the island like an arrow...

At the moment when the entire boat entered the island, the dense trees on both sides closed again. At this time, when looking from the shore, it seemed as if the entire boat was swallowed by the island in an instant.

"Is it time to reach the Ancient Heritage Hall?"

This thought flashed through Li Yan's mind for a moment. He was finally going to enter the Ancient Heritage Hall. He had been waiting for this for many years.

But the next moment, Li Yan found out that he was wrong, and at the same time he saw many monks on the boat. Their expressions were the same as his, and they were all stagnant.

But some monks looked normal. Obviously, some people here had been here before, but more people, like him, should be here for the first time.

In Li Yan's imagination, after the boat entered the island, it should quickly pass through the dense forest, or the scenery in front of him would change.

Either the entire island would appear, or a huge palace with an ancient atmosphere would appear, or an entrance of some shape...

But the fact was not like this at all. At this time, in front of them, there was no scene that Li Yan had guessed, and there were still layers of dense trees...

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