Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1747: Count it to death

The middle-aged monk is now taking advantage of the tearing pain in his soul that is slowly receding. He wants to communicate with the formation here. Even if he cannot kill the opponent, he can at least buy himself time to escape.

But Shi Ying moved faster, and without saying anything to him, he directly shot at him again.

The middle-aged monk was unable to concentrate on thinking due to the severe pain in his soul, and thought that his subordinates were betraying him. However, after his soul improved slightly, his thoughts immediately became much clearer.

He already knew that the person in front of him was probably not Shi Ying himself, because he had never seen Shi Ying use the magic weapon in the opponent's hand.

Moreover, when Shi Ying used his magic power, it was impossible to have such abundant water magic power, but it was too late.

The Nascent Soul villain on the ground also moved at this time, and the space around him was immediately blurred and distorted. At the same time, a vortex suddenly appeared in the large formation above their heads.

In the whirlpool, a rope appeared vaguely. I quickly found one end of the rope. It was a noose, just like the noose that hung Yang Zun and the others before...


But at this moment, there were two soft chissing sounds, and with the last scream, the body of the Yuanying villain that was blurring suddenly froze, and then solidified again.

The whirlpool in the sky above the two people's heads, and the noose had been stretched out for a few feet, and when it was about to wrap around Shi Ying's head, it turned into nothingness in an instant.

The large formation above became transparent again, and the dark clouds and drizzle in the sky were once again clearly visible.

At this moment, there are two more blood holes in the middle of the forehead of the Nascent Soul villain on the ground, as well as in the choked throat, where a large amount of spiritual power is constantly escaping.

In just a few breaths, the little Nascent Soul's whole body turned completely black, and all his vitality disappeared...

After Shiying looked around, his tense expression finally relaxed at this moment.

He immediately raised his hand, and suddenly rays of light flew towards him from several directions. They were the stored magic weapons on the three of them.

Then, he quickly checked all the stored magic weapons. These people were all dead, even if they were the spiritual mark left by the strong man in the late stage of Void Refining.

After cutting off the source of the river, it could not withstand the attack of Li Yan's consciousness...

Soon, Li Yan quickly checked all the stored magic weapons. Except for four storage rings that he was already familiar with and could not break, he opened the rest smoothly.

Then, with an expressionless expression, he put away all the stored magic weapons.

His consciousness was on a few people again, and after scanning them several times, he confirmed that there was nothing he needed on them.

When Shi Ying raised his hand again, four balls of flame suddenly shot out. In just a few breaths, the three corpses and a Nascent Soul on the ground disappeared completely from this world!

Then, after Shi Ying stood there and pondered for a moment, a gray pill appeared in his hand...

A moment later, a blurry double image appeared on the body of the strong man Shi Ying. When the figure re-solidified, Li Yan, dressed in black, appeared in the formation.

From the beginning to the end, he never came into close contact with the middle-aged monk. Even if the opponent's Nascent Soul was seriously injured, Li Yan did not think about searching for the soul.

After seeing that he was the only one left in the formation, Li Yan walked towards where the middle-aged monk was sitting cross-legged.

In all likelihood, that was where the formation eye was, and soon he was sitting cross-legged there...

Trapped in the maze formation last night, Li Yan knew that this time there was a lot of danger. The formation and the many enemies that left him helpless made his scalp numb just thinking about it.

No matter how Li Yan can fight beyond the level, it is not in this situation. He is usually more likely to be defeated and is confident of escaping.

It was a dark night and rainy outside, and Li Yan's clothes were already soaked with sweat. He was thinking hard about how to escape.

Until the strong man Shi Ying appeared to attack and kill him, Li Yan only thought of a way to escape in a very short period of time.

If you are unable to defeat someone, you can try the method of "escape from the golden cicada".

When it comes to dealing with a monk who is in the late stage of becoming a god, Li Yan believes that with his use of soul skills, the opponent should not be a single enemy.

But he still needed some time to use the Chaotic Pill to transform into the opponent. Li Yan did not dare to directly use magic to transform his appearance. He was a strong man in the late stage of virtual refining.

So he wanted to have an absolute space, so he used the thirty-third new poison - Qi Ye. Since this poison appeared, Li Yan has never used it against anyone.

After he spread out the poison to cover an area, the middle-aged monks and others were already surrounded by the poisonous gas when their spiritual consciousness penetrated.

Their consciousness was inside and could not penetrate at all, and Li Yan used all his strength the moment the dark night formed.

Poor Shi Ying not only suffered a trauma to his soul, but even the spells he performed were rendered ineffective due to the disorder of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He immediately passed out and was ingested by Li Yan into the soil spots...

When the three middle-aged monks flew down, Li Yan left only a small amount of Qiye poison, and at the same time put the things on Shi Ying on himself.

The middle-aged monk found no traces of transformation from Li Yan. At the same time, Li Yan had already expected the questions he asked.

A wisp of Li Yan's consciousness transformed into a body in the dirt. Of course, he searched for Shi Ying's soul as quickly as possible, and he went straight to Shi Ying's last memory.

At the same time, he was also shocked to get the news that Ming Qi actually escaped and broke out of the opponent's formation.

This surprised Li Yan. That Ming Qi was hiding deeper than himself. How could the woman break out of the formation that he couldn't even break out of while being chased and escaped?

Regarding this, Shi Ying's memory was full of horror and confusion. Ming Qi's escape speed was so fast that even the master of the formation could not react, so he could not contain him in time.

Only then did Li Yan realize that the real reason why he had not met Ming Qi was that she was no longer in the formation.

When the middle-aged monk removed the formation, Li Yan had not yet figured out how to get rid of these three people. This was his original intention, and he had no intention of killing the middle-aged monk.

By doing this, he was putting himself in danger again. Li Yan just wanted to escape like Ming Qi.

In order to complete this mission, the middle-aged monk finally made the decision to come to Xianhe Village to surround Mingqi. This made Li Yan know that he must be under strict control of the other party in a short period of time, and he changed his plan accordingly. !

If the other party wants to go back and recover immediately, he may be in even greater trouble. Then he needs to find a way to escape from the other party halfway.

But under such circumstances, the middle-aged monk could almost quickly conclude that there was something wrong with him, and would still pursue him all the way.

However, as long as he was not trapped in the formation, Li Yan still felt that the chances of a smooth escape were much greater.

On the way to Xianhe Village, Li Yan began to become interested in Mingqi and the sisters. He kept thinking about the brief interactions between them.

And after Li Yan sorted it out a little bit, he really discovered a problem that had surprised him but ignored it. This discovery made Li Yan feel that his guess was wrong...

At the same time, along the way, Li Yan was also looking for an opportunity to attack the three people in front of him.

Li Yan was very close to them, so he had been waiting for an opportunity to use the fragmentation poison to attack.

In that kind of environment, fragmentation and poison are undoubtedly the best way to kill people, but after repeated consideration, Li Yan still wanted to see if there was a more suitable time.

They were on their way at that time, whether they were a middle-aged monk or another man and a woman, but this was the time when they were on full alert and always vigilant about their surroundings.

Since Li Yan decided to take action, he had to consider the consequences of the outbreak of a strong man in the Void Refining Realm, until finally the middle-aged monks and the others began to hide, waiting for Ming Qi's arrival.

At that time, the three monks who transformed into gods were asked to wait for orders, but they completely restrained their consciousness, and the middle-aged monks focused their attention outside.

This kind of opportunity is simply a "good match" given by God. Li Yan is extremely proficient in the study of fragmentation and poisonous bodies.

Over the years in Huangqi Valley, Li Yan has reached another level, and this time he used poisoning methods to his extreme.

He did not dare to be careless at all and had to kill the middle-aged monk with one blow, but the result was still beyond his expectation.

The two god-transformation monks presented no difficulty to him at all. No one was wary of him, and the three of them almost sat next to each other.

Li Yan easily poisoned the other party, but the two people didn't feel anything at all, except for the female cultivator. Li Yan still breathed a sigh of relief, but he was already confused.

At that time, Li Yan had already started his first wave of tests. He wanted to confirm whether the middle-aged monk had been poisoned.

He just communicated with his thoughts for a moment, and a "mind-shifting voodoo" the size of a flea appeared in the grass on the ground. The biggest function of this voodoo is to control people's minds.

After the voodoo appeared in the grass, it slowly crawled towards the female cultivator until it followed the grass and climbed onto her legs. The middle-aged cultivator did not move at all...

At that time, Li Yan had actually determined that the middle-aged monk might have been poisoned, but the final result made Li Yan almost miscalculate.

He used the most poison on the middle-aged monk. It was a mixture of poisons that Li Yan believed was most certain to kill him.

But the opponent was still not dead. At the moment when the female cultivator killed him, the opponent suddenly took action unexpectedly!

Fortunately, Li Yan's fragmented poison is still a strange poison in the world. Even if it fails to poison the opponent immediately, it still greatly damages the strength of the middle-aged monk...

Li Yan's next moves were also done with all his strength. Once a monk of this level has a trump card, he can make himself extremely happy and miserable in an instant.

So after everything was over, Li Yanke was trapped in this formation!

However, Li Yan was not worried at this time, because this formation should be the big formation yesterday, which Li Yan was just guessing at first.

But when the familiar noose appeared, Li Yan was basically sure of it. When the middle-aged monk laid it out this time, in order to maximize the concealment, he only released four formation flags.

Li Yanneng knew where the barrier of this formation was, and when he took back the formation flags yesterday, the middle-aged monk took back dozens of formation flags.

This shows that the formation's concealment is better, but its intensity is also greatly weakened.

Li Yan is now very interested in this formation. This formation is really powerful. Once the complete layout is completed, he will not be able to find the connection realm.

Of course, if you meet a monk like Ming Qi who may also possess a rare treasure, that's a different matter.

Li Yan did not immediately use the Heaven-stealing Pa, but wanted to try to break the formation himself. This opportunity was rare.

Li Yan had hurriedly scanned all the belongings of the middle-aged monk before, and was still unsure whether there was a jade slip that controlled this array.

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible. The power of this formation is extremely powerful. Even in the hands of a monk in the Void Refining Realm, it is quite precious.

If it were held by Li Yan himself, he would not burn the control method and carry it with him at any time. He would only store it in his memory.

But after Li Yan knew about this formation and the current location of the formation's eye, especially since no one was controlling this formation, he could only let Li Yan here and continue to attack the formation's eye.

This made it relatively easy for Li Yan to solve the problem. At the same time, he could also get more information through the changes in the formation.

In addition, Li Yan also liked another magic weapon of the middle-aged monk after seeing it with his own eyes.

It was that dark red blade, that magic weapon that could fly in concealment at a speed that even Li Yan was amazed by.

Even in the hidden state, it is faster than Li Yan flying at full speed, which is currently a flaw of Li Yan.

This made Li Yan already thinking about it when he was planning to take action. At the same time, Li Yan also saw that this magic weapon should be an offensive magic weapon.

This kind of dual-nature magic weapon that is very similar to a flying sword is exactly what Li Yan needs!

Just over an hour later, a person was heading towards Li Yan, approaching quietly...

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