Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1742 Heavy rain comes again on the mountain

And the worst thing now is that my reaction is already too late. According to the other party's memory, we had already stepped into the other party's trap half a quarter of an hour ago.

It's just that where I am now is not the core area of ​​the formation, and the place where Yang Zun and the others went is the most powerful Jedi in this formation! "

Although Li Yan's face was calm, his heart kept sinking.

Among the other news he got, the other party came this time, but it was led by a strong person in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm, and four strong people in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm were the team members.

This is a new arrangement made by the other party after constantly improving the information about himself and others.

A strong person in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm led the team to attack. This was already too much emphasis on the six of them, and they just wanted to kill them with one blow.

Previously, the Void Refining Realm expert saw that he and Ming Qi were unwilling to enter the core of the formation, so he sent two people out to attack and kill him.

The late-stage Void Refining Realm expert and the other two stayed at the core of the formation, waiting to kill the four Yang Zuns.

"It's really ruthless. The Void Refinement expert alone was able to crush all of our monks. In the end, not only did he bring his men over, he even used formations..."

From this, Li Yan could tell that these people from the "Nighthawk" assassination organization were very cautious in their actions. They used their knives to kill chickens and set up such a trap that even six people could not discover.

But the other party is an assassination organization, and what they strive for is a stable deal. The other party is afraid that in the hands of Li Yan and the others, they have treasures that can compete with the Void Realm.

If they escape, although this place is remote, it does not mean that no one will always show up, and their actions will be exposed.

With this thought, once Li Yan and the others entered the trap, they would never be able to escape from the cage, and then they could kill them one by one with peace of mind.

It's just that this formation is controlled by the strong man in the Void Refining Realm, so I hope someone can force them, the prey, into the most suitable position.

And that location is the most powerful core of the formation!

"I want to find the barrier of the formation as soon as possible and see if I can break through!"

This formation was actually set up by the Void Refining monk, so even the black-clothed monk in front of him was unable to get out before the other party released the formation restrictions.

Li Yan's heart tightened, and he felt that he had a "Heaven-Stealing Pagoda" in his hand. This might be an opportunity for him to escape.

But he first had to find the barrier of the formation, otherwise he wouldn't have a chance to use it.

Li Yan planned to go around the side of the "human" shaped mountain peak, or go around it, or see if he could find a large formation barrier on both sides.

From the soul search, I learned that passing through the middle of the "human" shaped peak is the core of the formation, and the distance between the two peaks is only a few hundred miles.

If it doesn't work in the end, he will consider retreating and taking the way he came from to see if he can find the location of the formation barrier?

Now that he has not been attacked continuously, it means that the other party has not freed up his hands yet, and he still has some time.

If he couldn't leave here before the other party dealt with Yang Zun and the others, he would be in great danger.

Li Yan didn't know how to deal with the late stage Void Refining practitioner alone, but he was trapped here and couldn't escape in time.

What's more, he might have to fight against multiple monks. Of course, Li Yan didn't have much confidence in this.

As soon as Li Yan thought of this, his consciousness swept around again. Just a moment later, the magic power on Li Yan's body surged slightly. He bent his fingers into claws and grabbed the void above.

He found no trace of Ming Qi, which made Li Yan hesitate a little, wondering if the other party had fallen into some trap during the fight with the enemy just now.

As a result, he could no longer sense her breath at this time, but of course at this time, Li Yan would no longer care about the life and death of others.

The first thing he tried was to tear apart the void directly to see if he could enter the turbulent space.


Wherever Li Yan's five fingers passed, there was only a tremor in the void, leaving five gray claw marks at the same time, and then quickly disappeared.

"Sure enough, the turbulent space here has been isolated!"

This did not surprise Li Yan. He just wanted to give it a try. It seemed that this was consistent with the information he got from soul searching.

The six people have already entered the opponent's trap. Whether they are escaping to the sky or entering the ground, they have been isolated and shrouded by the opponent's formation.

At the next moment, if there was any delay, Li Yan immediately continued flying to one side along the previous route.

This time, Li Yan quickly flew to the side of the "human" shaped mountain, and he did not suffer any other attacks on his way here.

However, Li Yan became more and more cautious. The possibility of the enemy suddenly appearing was impossible to predict and measure. He would be attacked and killed at any time.

Li Yan's heartbeat continued to accelerate when he thought that it might be a sneak attack from a strong person in the late stage of Void Refining. In that case, would he really have a chance?

But when Li Yan flew to the side of the mountain and glanced at it, he suddenly froze.

Just when he rounded the side of the mountain, his consciousness had already scanned a large void. There was a blank space where he could continue to fly forward after turning again.

But just when Li Yan turned around the side of the mountain, the void in front of him suddenly blurred.

Then, Li Yan saw a scene that shocked him!

Because when he turned the corner of the mountain, he saw a scene that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar.

In the dark night ahead, two peaks appeared, which were two peaks sandwiched into a "human" shape. A dark passage in the heavy rain led to the front!

This is basically the same passage that the six of them wanted to pass through before.

The reason why they are basically the same is because at this moment, in front of Li Yan, above the "human"-shaped passageway, a person is hanging down in the wind and rain of the dark night.

The man's limbs were drooping, but there was a noose around his neck. His face was deathly gray, and his pair of gray eyes were staring at Li Yan who was coming over.

Although the two sides were blocked by heavy rain, in Li Yan's consciousness, those eyes were staring at him like this.

Those gray eyes in the dark night were empty and filled with fear, as if telling Li Yan that he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

That person was Xu Yihua, who had a childish look on his face, but at this moment, he no longer had any youthful vigor.

In the cold world, he was hanging only by a rope around his neck. He felt so helpless, his body swinging back and forth in the wind and rain...

In the gloomy heavy rain, Xu Yihua was floating there like a wandering soul. The rainwater on his body continued to scatter large water stains around him as he wandered with his body.

The occasional wind would drive his body to rotate slowly in a certain direction, like a gust of wind blowing by, or like his shaking body, sneering at Li Yan, laughing at him. The current hesitation and uneasiness...

Only at this time did he move his eyes away from Li Yan and glance in other directions again, as if he didn't want to look at Li Yan anymore, or he wanted people in other directions to see his fear... …

After Li Yan looked at it, the expression on his face did not change. He looked at the edges of the peaks on both sides of the "herringbone" shape. The scenery there was exactly the same as what he saw when he first stood in front of the peak.

This time he did not hesitate and immediately continued flying towards the mountain on the right. This time the flight time was very short and very fast, and no one attacked him.

And during this process, Ming Qi was never seen again, as if the other party had not appeared beside him at all just a short time ago.

Li Yan didn't know whether he and Ming Qi were isolated by the formation, or whether Ming Qi had already fallen into another sub-formation and was fighting hard.

"No one came to attack me. In addition to the fact that Yang Zun and others at the core of the formation have not all died, the monk who tracked Ming Qi should not have succeeded, otherwise he should have freed up his hands to deal with me..."

Li Yan thought quickly in his mind. After a quick search with his consciousness, he couldn't find any trace of others at all. It was as if he was the only one left with the darkness in the heavy rain at night...

He was not worried about others, nor was he thinking about finding Ming Qi and rescuing them. In this case, the life and death of others had nothing to do with him.

He just hoped to get some clues, but all the traces here seemed to have been washed away by the heavy rain without a trace!

Soon, when Li Yanfei had just flown over one side of the mountain peak, the void passage at the corner in his consciousness was blurry again just before his sight touched it.

Then, the scene that appeared in front of him once again turned into a "human" shaped mountain peak and a dark void passage!

The scenery here is still so familiar and strange.

Because there, except for the unchanged "human" shaped passage, Li Yan saw two hanging corpses.

In addition to Xu Yihua from before, another person's head showed a strange twist.

The man's face was facing his back. After losing the spiritual shield, the clothes on his body were completely soaked and clinging to his body. There was a long stream of rainwater gathering under his feet.

There is still a rope hanging around his neck, and the tongue in his mouth has been stretched out very, very long.

The tongue that should have been scarlet turned into a grayish-white color due to the erosion of the rain, as if it had been dead for a long time, leaving only the lingering air of death.

He also had his limbs drooping, but there was no fear in his eyes, but there was a strange sense of hope. Maybe at the moment of his death, he seemed to see the possibility of escape.

But in the end, he died in an instant, which made his consciousness unable to react even until he died. Li Yan also knew that person, it was Jiang Tingye who didn't talk much!

Don't talk about looking for a formation barrier? He is back to the starting point again...

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